IVF/ICSI Support Group

hey baby, Chris, libby and Itjabi,

I lie down most of the time but I do get up every hour to sit or walk to the toilet, if not our blood circulation would be stagnant. my sides and back is really sore.. the agony of lying down is no joke till you are experiencing it.. Hope there is no bleeding when I stop my last injection on Monday... so got to be extra careful next wednesday onwards. Will walk less and move less then.. ok time to rest.
You all take care and jia you ok

Hi libby, you all are very encouraging and I really appreciate all your kind words to build up my hope again. But I know this kind of severe pain that I am encountering is not a good sign. Even my hubby feel so. Thinking back of the pain really fear me. The pain lasted for 1/2 hours and I can't get out of bed and was sweating in bed. Can't stand up at all. It was a very sharp continuous pain that goes from uterus to cervix. "Hao Kong Bu".

I do not have this irritable bowel syndrome that you mentioned. I do have gastric problem but it do not lead to diarrhea for my normal days.

I do not feel stress during this 2ww. As for diet, I just eat whatever I crave for. I can't really drink milk these few years as it will generate gas in my stomach. But I love milk. I drink less milk these years but I must say I have been faithfully drinking ensuring milk everyday since my lucrin injection. But I did not have any discomfort or diarrhea during lucrin and puregon stage. Diarrhea and gastric started after ET. But on and off.

When are you starting your IVF. A lot of ladies are starting in Apr.

Yes, it is good to have cycle buddies to exchange information
We keep fingers cross, and pray hard hard that you will BFP, okie.. at least no more pain now, at least that's more positive..

Me already started Lucrin 19Mar, going for scan on April Fool's day, still waiting for AF to report.. I will continue to share my experience here too
Hi Humbug, Chris, Baby, Itjabi,

hope you gals are doing fine..you gals seems to have high chance of BFP. jiayou!

Hi Lina,

yaloh..we also duno why the sperm count drop so much.. we did everything we could, but results deterioriate..we felt so demoralised.
hi noi
i got the kind of sh*t feeling tat maybe the CHR nurse missed out my pregnyl jab during my 2ww..
so u mean after u confirm pregnant then u start duphaston and folic acid rite?
hi baby
perhaps u missed out my previous thread where i did mention red alarm had alerted me on 17/3 just before my scheduled BT on 20/3.I did urgent hcg on 17/3 is 9.8, but red alarm didnt stop..then hcg on 20/3 is 10.2..then dr want me to check another BT on 31/3
Yes, I remembered! I'll look out for you (with hubby), I'll be going alone. So, you see the lonely one, is me lah. Hee..
libby, my hubby say my severe pain last for about 10mins or so. Not 30 mins so long. Think I feel so pain that I think it last forever! In cold sweat. Yes now no severe pain liao. Only encountered once since my 2ww. Today a bit needle poking feeling and crampy pain. But bearable.

I read back the posts to find bee's post about her severe pain. Same as hers, I am feeling cold and in cold sweat during the pain. But hers is menses cramp but mine don't seem like mense cramp as I never encountered this kind of sharp pain before. No matter what, I am still hoping for BFP, no matter how slim the chance is

I believe there are ladies starting in Mar too.
Anyway no worries, we'll still share our symptoms and experiences with you all anytime you all have doubts.

Sunflower, my BT is 04 Apr. My embryos are grade 4. Finally done with all the injections. Happy.. heehee..

tnt, sorry think I confused liao. So your coming BT is to check what?
hi baby
no worries..my Bt is to check how is my hcg level lor..whether is raise or drop...
hope u have lesser pain..smile more ;)
hi chris
understand u r now on insert? may i know wat is ur dosage per insert? and how frequent u do insert/day? thanks

hi libby
understand u were on Crinone gel before? wat is ur dosage per gel? which ivf centre tat time u were in? and how frequent u do gel insert/day? thanks
Hi tnt,

It's utrogestan 100mg per pill. Insert 2x100mg pill 3 times per day. It can be orally taken as well however there may be some side effects such as drowsiness as mentioned in the box. Nurse Sara advised me to insert rather than taken orally for better absorption.

Hi baby,

Actually, i've being trying to stay positive but already mentally prepared cos I dun have any symptoms so far leh..so told my hb that i'm prepared to go for next round of FET.
Hi baby,

Yup I'm still drinking ensure milk every nite for supper. heeheee gotten used to it altho my hb also worried that it may caused me gastric.

I asked nurse sara about my embies grade leh, but she didn't tell me just pass me the photos with a form tats all. Didn't ask her after that liao cos the nurse there like quite busy leh..

Ohh i would really love to know the grade of my embies leh..even hb also curious about it.
Hi all, the gathering later is still on right? Lunch, 1pm SAFRA Tampines correct?

Any changes pls sms me 96774244 k? I am out of the house now..

hi mel,
hope your twins will wait longer before coming out. Meanwhile you bear with the super kicks and take it easy at work. Will you be having c-sec?

hi baby,
Thanks. sorry to hear about the bad pain you had. Do rest well and like what nurse angeline mentioned, don't think about it. Just stay relax and cheerful! As for the progesterone level, i recall my check was 300 plus. It is ok about the level, some higher, some people lower. Don't think that figure matters as long as passing level will do. My lining thickness was 10mm.

hi lyn,
thanks, i put in 2 eggs to get the govt grant. Dr Zou only said to take HPT on the 14th day after ET. Went to collect "an tai" herbs from her and she was so excited, showing her table calendar, full of names who succeeded. Now i know how she remembers who to call up after ET, as she marks down on her calendar. I asked her about the western doctors objection of taking herbs during stage 1 onwards. She said many patients told her that and she will not force them to eat. Western doctors don't fully understand the herbs content and discourages it. In China, everyone must eat herbs.

hi zaza,
Dr Zou selling Brands chicken essence at $16.80, cheaper than outside. Next time i try asking her if able to give us bulk discount since so many of us might buy from her. There are other brands that she sells but not the common brand found in supermarket so i didn't check the price.

hi ltjabi,
Thanks, spreading baby dust to you. That's what i do too, watch tv with legs up. I already completed a few drama serial channels on tv. Other times will be reading magazine or playing psp lying on the bed. Try to avoid pc for a few days. Like what Mel taught, visualize the eggs sticking, it really helps. This 2WW can be super bored and stressful, but no choice. I read a book that says we have come so far in the baby making process, including years of waiting, another 2 weeks of torture is worth it.
Hi Lina,

I daren't take the HPT leh..cos till now me no symptoms..quite scary leh.. Dr Zou ever told me that if the bloatedness is able to last abt 2wks then possiblity of striking is very high..Me only last abt 1 week tho.

tnt, lina, I am back to normal cheerful days liao. No pain anymore, so mood is good

Chris, stay positive as this is very important during 2ww. In fact, I stay very positive before I encountered the bad pain. No symptom = good symptom also

You have so many fertilized embryos, so I believe yours is grade 5 (the best grade)
Lina: Thanks for advise.. Juz praying blood test goes fine... Did u have normal whitish discharge during ur 2wws? Yes i have to sign a form stating that i want jab on butt.. Butt is more endurable then thigh but still pain la.. R u preggy with twins??? So exciting.. Hopefully can join u soon.

Chris: My embroys were grade 4.. They didnt tell me actually. When dr Loh came in to do the ET i asked him.. So was glad when he told me the grade.. Now juz praying everything works out well. Hang in there k?

Baby: That's the spirit.
Must be good mood.. Anyway i hear if u have gastric, milk will help relieve it.. Coz i use to have gastric too.. Dun take anything acidic..
Itjabi, why need to sign form for injection at butt?

Actually it is not advisable to drink milk if you have gastric leh. My family doc told me so. That's why I seldom drink milk on normal days.
Yes, gotta avoid acidic food. During 2ww, we also need to avoid acidic food.
The Crinone is (8% gel) of progesterone (inserted twice a day, must lie down 30mins each time in order not to drip out). I was with CARE@Paragon. You may check out this website for more information : http://www.medsafe.govt.nz/Consumers/cmi/c/crinone.htm

Last time I took utrogeston but was orally, not insert. If insert, how can it dissolve easily? Utrogeston cause bad gastric for me too, that's why I was prescribe Lacteol fort to eat.

Dr Zou wanted us to take HPT on day 12-14 is because, according to her (few cases already), if you are tested pregnant, she will advise you go KKH for BT. If your BT is very low, she will quickly prescribed "an tai" herbs to help you save the baby, she says it's still not too late. Many successful cases before.

Lucky you saw Kimberly posting today, else she would have turned up and find no one is there.

Sorry, can I know how old are you? For your age, was 3 embies actually recommended or 2?

Good to hear you are back to your happy self

Is injection at the butt less painful than thigh area?

Dr Zou told me recently one of her patients with Dr Loh, he actually suggested for blastocyst for her. Dr Zou mention this is the first time she heard Dr Loh's doing blastocyst, maybe because this patient has many eggs fertilised. But there's hope too for us
Hi Libby,

Oic, cos dr zou didn't tell me to test HPT on 12-14 day leh??? Oh i laid down for at least 1hr b4 i get out of bed.

Hi baby,
I too had very bad gastric problem and also have IBS ie irritable bowel syndrome all the while. So this morning have abit of diarrhea again...
Hi baby, libby
I joked with my hb yesterday that if this round not successful then maybe next round i'll put in 3 frozen embies..hahaa the more the higher the strike rate mah.. muahahahahaa.. My hb fainted.....

Hi libby,

huh u mean once tested HPT positive, i go down to kk b4 my actual BT appt???? Oh u meant some of her patients do that???? Cos I scared i kena those senior nurse say i kiasu haven't BT appt date rushed down liao leh..
hi baby...

although we have been resting for more than 3 mths..but still no sound yet..so have to be calm...if not later will make the same mistake again.
hi yong wei.

we just saw Dr Zou yesterday....also done pour first accupture with her...We also make known to her, we have done 2 ivf..but failed..so not we intend to taio li our body before we are prepare to go for our 3 ivf...if can natural that is better..
Hi Noi..

I understand that..sometime its the luck & fate that bring you together..but if you tell me the 1st ivf..i agreed..but after the first experience...you shld knw wht can be done what cannot do..for your 2nd ivf..so that why we pay so much attention to the 2nd ivf..but neverless the results worse than the 1st ivf..
My IBS also quite bad, esp when I travel, more stressed as worried diarrhea can't find toilet. Hee..

Yes, usually KKH nurse will tell you not time for BT yet, but you can insist to test, as long as got chance to boost the pregnancy esp if you are pregnant, you shd do all your best if can "an tai" and help save it, else all efforts will be wasted and you may live with regrets knowing you actually had a chance to turn things around..

Hope Dr Zou is the "shen yi" for you, and able to conceive soon. Did she mention the health of both yourself and wife?
hi chris..

ya laporscope is nothing to us...its the pain that my wife is going thru for the 2 ivf....that why ppl say ivf is not a easiy process...my find a gd Doc..if not you will waset the time spent & ofcourse the money..its the process of close monitoring ..
Hi boon..

this is the min support i can give her...body torture frm the jab ..this is something others ppl cannot feel it...imagine...after few jabs & its swollen...becasue its does not dissolve so easily..,then you will feel the pain
Hi libby, Dr Zou is very caring to all her patients hor.. I am very tempted to see her but too late to see her at this stage liao.

Chris, how come Dr Zou didn't ask you to test? Did she ask you when is your ET and call you like what she did for lina? I am tempted to test HPT since I have the test strips at home but my hubby and nurse angeline don't encourage me to test. So I have to drop the idea.

During my bad pain, I have bad gastric too. But now ok already. My gastric problem on and off one. No diarrhea for me already. Sometimes I have constipation during 2ww and I eat fruits will be ok liao. Is your diarrhea still very bad now? Once a day? Some say diarrhea is a good sign. Wink wink

In future if you all have diarrhea, drink barley drink. Canned barley with lemon also can. It will stop the diarrhea. My family doc told me one and I tried before. It works for me and my hubby
But don't drink during 2ww hor. I scare too "liang" for the womb.
Chris, if this cycle not successful for me, I would also wanna put in more embryos but too bad, I only have 2 frozen embryos. Put in 3 chance will be higher.. so can consider BUT best is to strike this cycle. So please keep your hope high!!!
Hi develyn,

thanks..is not that we are putting all the blame on him..but you shld knw ..he is the type of clinic not cheap lah....a lot of overseas patients..so we must expect something in return.sometime we have waited for him for 2-3 hrs just to see him for less than 5 mins...
We are both not doc..so are are paying for the services what we do not kwn..so in this way we can learn more,..but no doubt,,we have done a lot of test @ his clinc & gleaneagles too..

Nope..the 2 forzen embroys is not @ Dr Chen clinic.Those are under grade 2..as what he say..if we going to take out again...the grade may remain to fall..so we do not intend to do that.

Ya jia you..wish u gd luck..
HI Fresh...

That is what we intend to do now.First Tiao li our body back...then we may go back to KK..
Why...cause this is our third time..we do not want to waste this chances..
I find a lot of ppl say Dr Loh is vg gd..have also dicsuss with my wife laio..
As we just start with this Dr Zou TCM for Tiao lor..she say we need at least 3 mths to taio li our boday before can try our ivf...so have to be wait lor..
hi libby..

Nope..in fact the first appointment yesterday..she didnt say much about us..That make me a bit worry lor.we do bring our medical test reports to let her see..but short of ET report..so will bring next time...

Is this normal about her..or she want to see all our reports than tell us about it..
hi baby
wat is ur dosage for ur pregnyl that jab every 3 days? wish u BFP

hi chris
thanks for the info , BFP to u;)

hi libby
thanks for the info, wish best of luck

hi richard
good to see both of u are gain back to postive side..yes..do try few cycle with dr zou, and maybe natural conceive strike both of u liao..;)
hi richard
me oso will visit dr zou next thurs for my 1st time..like many ladies said here..must "tiao" our body 1st, cos went thru ivf is reali "traumatise" for our body especially women..and lets pray "natural did happen" to most of us..jia you together
Hi yong wei..

Ya...hope that we are bliss...

Btw is ur HB going to see her..

Mind to tell me what is what she tell you after seeing her...cos I'm wondering what new patients is going thur with her.
Richard, since you started seeing Dr Zou, then let her give u the green light before you and your wife start your 3rd IVF. Be patience and your effort will be paid off. Good luck

Try to get your wife to join this thread.
It can help to clear her doubts and past time during her 3rd IVF. Like that won't be so stress.

tnt, I think I have made a mistake. Think I have injection every 4 days (same as humbug). As for dosage, I know it is very low but I can't rem exactly how much as I didn't take note. Not much pain during injection. In fact, no pain for my 1st pregnyl injection after ET.

Humbug, what is your pregnyl dosage? Maybe mine same dosage as yours.

Lina, your progestrone level at 300 is also very high. So actually it is normal to go up to few hundreds..
Hi ladies, I was reading the old posts and I found this post by sue (sunny33) which is good as reference


I hope this will help.. I was trying to track back for the prior sisters who were here but,... these are the info.. I kept....and will post it here
Regarding egg-white eating method, the method that Dr Yap
taught me is to place the raw egg white in a cup, put a few
scoops of milo/horlick/cocoa/ensure on top and pour boiling
water on the mixture and stir then quickly drink. Cooking
the eggs even for a short while over the stove destroys
the albumin protein which we need. U must eat betw 4-8 egg whites
after your ER op as the onset of OHSS is most severe after ER op.

Things you should DO before ER (endometrial Biopsy):
- Eat an egg or two each day or other protein rich foods
- Acupuncture (if possible)
- Massage
- Drink lots of water
- Exercise (only light exercise when stimming and after ER/ET like walking,.
This increases blood flow to the uterus) Don’t get heart-rate over 140
- Eat lots of protein and high-quality fats. Nuts, seeds, eggs, meats, beans . . . etc.
- Eat lots of fiber as well. This helps PCOS women with IR to regulate insulin better
- Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Take frequent naps

Things you should AVOID before ER:
- DH should not expose himself to sauna/hottub
- Avoid cold/iced food
- Avoid excess amounts of red meats
- Don’t eat sugar or sugar substitutes! Sugar negatively effects egg quality.
- No alcohol for either partner for at least 1 month before ER
- Reduce or eliminate caffeine intake
- Avoid eating fish due to mercury content

Things you should DO after ER:
- Relax
- Drink plenty of Gatorade
- Drink Pedialyte(isotonic rehydration drink) and water to avoid OHSS. 3-5 liters a day!

Things you should AVOID after ER:
- Exposure to sun

After ET care:
- No heavy lifting! Anything over 5 lbs is too much
- Rest, rest, rest!!!!!

3 day transfer-
1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
2dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
7dpt.. Morula is completely implanted in the lining and has placenta cells &
fetal cells
8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
11dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on

5 day transfer-
-1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
0dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
1dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
3dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
5dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells &
fetal cells
6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
7dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
8dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
9dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT
Hi Richard & Yong Wei,

I've also intended to consult Dr Zou and switch to KKH, Dr Loh for the 2nd attempt on IVF. However, I more kiasu...hope to tiao for 6 mths before going for 2nd IVF....i'm scared of f...lure again...

2 days didnt sign in can't catch up with you all le.

Hi Noi, Libby
Thanks for the information on extra embyro. So it is quite costly to have additional embyro transfer. Guess I have to think carefully...

Hi Catherine, Fresh
Thanks. I will check with nurse on my D2 BT on Rubella/HIV jab. If possible, I prefer to do at the same time. No need to go down twice.

Hi Develyn
36 is considered old to have bb le..anyway, I will keep my hope high. But my hubby always asks me not to put too high hope, everything leaves to fate.

Hi humbug, TnT
Good luck and rest well. BFP to you...

Hi Littlemik
Welcome to the thread. Think you should try for IVF.. the sisters here will give you a very good advice. I learnt mine from there too and hoping to join them for my 1st IVF at KKH.

Hi Richard
Sad to hear that you & your wife had to gone through so much at Dr C Chen. My friend also recommended me but we decided to go KK. You are a great and caring husband and I do hope my hubby is as good as you.

Hi Lina
Congras.... spread the bb dust to us...
