IVF/ICSI Support Group

lina - oh my.. i am so so happy for you...
i am praying for a really high beta for you on monday.. beaming you high beta thoughts... remember to do visualisation.. visualise the little one(s) growing... i believe it works!!

happyever - hey.. so happy for you.. throwing lots of babydust your way..
think positive!! rememeber visualisation too!! me?? feeling very heavy now.. the boys are restless.. i think they are running out of space so much that they are literally squeezing the breath out of me... can you imagine that i stand or sit up, i still run out of breath?? you will be going back to Dr Chua for consulation? hmm.. will i see you at TLC??

nesnes - be positive... my cousin has endo.. she also went for op.. she had to do IVF, retrieved 10 eggs or something like that, but her FSH was high.. this meant aging/old eggs.. so, out of the 10 eggs, she only got 1 fertilised.. and she got preggy with just that egg.. the sad part of the story is that she carried till 12 weeks or so, and she had a miscarriage.. she took some time to rest, and miraculously got preggy naturally..
now her little boy is walking liao... so, i do believe you will get your baby soon too..

Hi Mel,

Thank you so much for the encouragement. I really hope miracle will happen.
Congratulations...you've got 2 boys! Envy and happy for you. Take care.
hi humbug
hehe...at least is a good news ma..so good good news will follow lor...BFP BFP

hi cat
i was just back from jb yesterday, and tried ur secret recepe liao..ask my mum to cook hehe...very yummy, i put black chicken..
Hi Nesnes,

there are many good TCM around. I remembered one lady in this forum posted a list. I will try to find that post again, else some gals here can help to repost?

I've been to Dr Tan at Clementi.. He specialises in fertility. All his patients are there for fertility. Every mth, there will be a few patients strike under him. He is a nice and patient doctor. He tries his best to help. The problem is that its very hard to get an appt. Usually you need to book at least a few weeks in advance for weekends or weeknights. Otherwise you need to apply leave for weekdays.

Alot gals here are with Dr Zou.. Apparently she specialises in treatment with IVF. I believed she can also help you to tiao your body to prepare for IVF. Dont give up, you soon have a baby.
i found it, by Tany..

TCM List:

(1) Ban Choon Chan
Blk 81, #01-636, Marine Parade Central Singapore 440081
Tel: 6334 6718
Business Hours:
Mon-Wed-Thur-Fri: 8.30am-4pm
Sat: 8.30am-3pm
Sun: 8.30am-12pm
Closed on Tue and Public Holidays

(2) Chee Seng Tong Medical Hall
200 Upper Thomson Road #01-02 Thomson Imperial Court, Singapore 574424
Tel: 6251 3268
Consultation Hours:
Mon to Sat:
9am - 12pm,
2.30pm - 5pm
6.30pm - 8pm
Tue, Thu, Sat: (Evening Closed)
Sun: 8.30am - 12pm
Public Holidays: 9am - 1pm

(3) Tai Choon Foh & Co.,
Low Wei Meow, Chinese Physician
Blk 465 North Bridge Road #01-5045, Crawford Court Singapore 191465 (Near Lavender MRT)
Tel: 6294 3008, 6294 5068
Mon-Fri: 10.30 am - 7.30 pm
Sat: 10.30 - 6.30 pm
Sun & PH: Closed

(4) Tan Kian Sing
TCM Healthcare Medical Center
Blk 433, Clementi Ave 3, #01-266, Singapore 120433
Tel : 68723237

(5) Zou Yumin TAM Phsician & Acupuncturist
Blk 505 #01-2670 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 S560505
Opp Nanyang Polytechnic
Tel: 64560833
Closed on WEDS

(6) Blk 603 Clementi West St.1
#01-35 S(120603)
Mon-Thurs up till 9pm fri ,Sat till 5pm

(7) Dr Tan Siew Buoy
Thong Chai Medical
Chin Swee Rd
time: 12.30pm to 2.30 pm, no appt require
How come Dr Loh so rough to you today? My mock tsf is ok, got discomfort but that is due to full bladder and clipper to straighten my cervix, but not due to his roughness. No bleeding too. You feeling better now? How about your past gynae, any discomfort?

Sounds good result for you. Today I went to Dr Zou, she's very happy, told me March itself already has 7 cases of pregnant (prob include Lina's too). She told me BT if more than 20 is considered pregnant. Happy for you, rest well.

Did you put the progesterone tablets daily or 3 days injection?

Usually FSH will determine the dosage for injection (Gonal F / Puregon). 6 mth ago, mine was 8.7, and require higher and longer dosage. I still have 12 follicles and 7 fertilised with good grade. Last month I tested, it has drop to 6.9. Maybe it's due to exercise, you want to try? Btw, I have quit my job to concentrate fully on IVF too, lesser stress does help too.

I went Raffles TCM, Dr Jin previously, but switched to Dr Zou now, as it's cheaper and many sisters here highly recommend Dr Zou.
Humbug - tt's good news. all the best to u!
Lina - congrats
New comers - a warm welcome !
Those at 2ww, ER, ET - good luck!

paisay, have been very busy at work and hv no time to chat on msn and log on during ofc hr... nowadays, i am like a dead fish after I come back from dinner at inlaws place and so didnt log on as well

a brief update : i have been "discharged" from TFC since Wed... meaning i will go back to my own gynae for regular checks henceforth. baby is at 8w5d now, 2cm long and growing well tho my tummy looks like 3-4 months big already. some colleagues have asked what is the little bump!? haha... for those who know abt my IVF thingy, i told them everything is well, those who not, i just smile. yes, 3w2d more to cross the safety mark! trying to stay as stressless and happy as i can

with regards to the gathering, Tampines Safra is kinda far for me to get there leh... unless i can convince hubby to go there for a swim or wall climb. There got? so, my attendance is tbc at the moment! okay time to shower and sleep....
Hi humbug,

Thanks. I spoke to nurse sara yesterday and she also explained that the crampy feeling is very common and told me to bear with it. She mentioned that our ovaries are also swollen due to the ER, esp for me cos I've got around 20 eggs retrieved the last round. She did mentioned if the pain is unbearable then to give them a call.
Hi NesNes,

A Great welcome to you!!!

I understand how you felt cos I've also got endo and have gone through 2 ops to remove them in 2yrs time. You can actually fix an appt with KKIVF to see Dr Loh for his opinion 1st and decide when u want to start ivf. Norm it takes around 3 mths to "tiao" your body at tcm b4 embarking on ivf. Who knows, you may be as lucky as my friend who strike lottery during the "tiao" period and no need to go for ivf
Hi Libby,

You mean FSH the lower the better? The drug dosage will be lesser and shorter?

Hi Chris,

That's a great encouragement! Hopefully, I'll be like your friend
Thank you.
hey tmt,

thanks.. hehe


Really ah your TCM told you that? pray hard now I am really pregnant hehe.. but the nurses say otherwise.. so just pray for the best...i still have one more shot of the pregnyl 0.2ml. I inject every 3 days. But now tummy still kind of bloated.


so happy for you
Glad bb is doing well.. few more months will know if he is gal or boy hehe


Yeah my womb still on and off cramp feeling.. losing sleep but I guess will recover.. cause during ER the doc can only try to get as many eggs from the follicle as possible so there are possibilites that there are damages inside which we cannot see... just drink and eat more nutrious food to tune back. BTW what was your progestrone level during your last check?
So good u are still around to encourage us. Having a twin is having double the weight. And boys are usually more active. Are u still working?

Ok, i'll try to visualise and think positive. Try watching DVD to keep my mind off this time. Dr Paul did my FET for me this time. Hopefully, i'm as lucky as you. And i'll see continue to see Dr
Chua if i strike. Maybe i'll see u at TLC. Think positive yeh!
Hi NesNes,

Yup my friend also went thro a major ops 1yr ++ ago to remove a fibriod (>10cm) and 2 small endo (2cm) and one of her tube is damaged. Her FSH is around 6.9. Hence both Dr Zou and I was so happy for her after she gotten pregnant naturally after 3 cycles with Dr Zou.

FSH is just an indicator, the lower the better, the higher the FSH, the more puregon is required.
hi Jane,
before seeing Dr Loh, my hubby didn't try anything to improve sperm count. His low sperm count was due to radiation at work (in the armed forces). Dr Loh said that half of the men in the radar department of the armed forces are his patients. In fact after the 3 months of tribestan finished and still no improvement of sperm count, no other medication was given to him. I tried 2 rounds of failed ivf, then decide to let him try tcm for 3 months. So for his case, should be the aid of tcm. Sperms test is affected by illness, your hubby next analysis should be better, don't worry.

hi develyn,
hehehe....enjoy your cruise. Thanks for praying for us at international waters.

hi sunflower,
that's good, i read that in ivf motility increase is better than sperm count increase. But how come your hubby's sperm count could drop so sudden? And totally agree with you, medicine is not a definite help.

hi nesnes,
thanks. Your baby dream will come true one day, don't give up.

hi mel,
thanks alot. Yes, i kept visualizing during the implantation period and it works. Oh, don't beam me with too high beta, i need a singleton.
Boys are super active right, think you will be real busy after they arrived. Do take things slowly now as you will tend to feel out of breath easily.

hi bee,
thanks, glad your baby is growing well. It is normal to be very sleepy during 1st trimester, no matter how much you sleep is not enough.
Hi Mel, Lina, bliss & happyever,

Still remember me?

MIA for the past 5 months.

Will do 2nd FET in coming May.

Wishing you BFP! BFP! BFP!

Mel, Lina & bliss,
Pls sprinkle some baby dust to me
Need it badly...haha
hi Faith,
yes, i remember you. How are you? been busy? Good luck for your FET, baby dust to you! Did you do any preparation for the next round. Do come in here for a chat more often.
Hi Fresh
May i know what is endometrical lining? I had done a lap a few yrs back & hysterscopy (few mths back), everything is ok...

Hi Yong Wei
Yah, I'm with Prof Wong since yr 06, he's a wise and knowledgeable man, but, he'll not say much unless we ask him...The nurses at CHR are all very nice and encouraging..think I'll get a 2nd view of my case at SGH Dr Yong (went for a talk conducted by DR Yong, and find her good), but hor, I still have 2 frozen embies at NUH..think the sucess rate for frozen embies is abt 20-25% only, sigh...I was also with Dr Zou since Yr 2007 after my miscarriage...she is a very nice and encouraging sinseh...During my 2ww, I was only on pregynl jab 2 times and crinone gel, no any other check/blood test done..Hope your BT on 31March will show rise in your HCG..Stay Positive!

Hi Develyn,
Enjoy your trip!
Faith - of course remember you..
sending you lots of baby dust... Lots of good luck for your fet in may... Very excited for you...

Happyever - yeah.. Still hanging around.. Am praying really hard for you... Yup, still working... I dun need to walk around too much mah.. Only problem when i have now is, whenever i quarrel or have arguments with my boss, i have to pause to catch my breath... This lessen the drama or impact... Hai.. Anyway, i hope that I can carry till at least 39 weeks.. Hee... Very greedy hor...

Lina - hokie, hokie, beam you with beta for 1... Machiam I can control like that.. Heh... Very excited over your pregnancy... Much post your beta levels on Monday hokie?? Yeah... Boys are very active.. I think one of them discovered my ribs... Now, everytime "kiao kar" on my ribs... Quite uncomfortable... The other will use the underside of my breasts as a kicking bag...
hi noi
tats why i was wondering cos i dun even have any pregnyl jab during 2ww, solely on crinone gel once/day only and no need to check progesterone level (whereas kkh is more focus on this)....
btw, u dun wan to try prof wong another chance ah? but is good oso to seek another view, wish success. in fact me oso asking my hubby wan to try kkh dr loh or not, but oso thinking kkh using different hormones, and wait my body need to readjust again..so meanwhile tiao my body for few months, then try prof wong lor..
hi how are u? Nvm la, i also MIA for sometime. Thanks for cheering for me. So how have u been these few months? Work n work or also TCM?

Thanks for praying for me and making me laught. You really got good sense of humor when u describe ur boys. They very clever hor, able to find the hao liao to make themselves comfortable. Can kiao kar on ur ribs. Hahaha.

39weeks good good, till full term more heathly. I hear in TMC, very expensive if baby stay in special unit too long. So did u buy the insurance? Maybe it will cover.

Tell ur boss not to argue with preggy lady la. Why like tat?
hi how are u? Nvm la, i also MIA for sometime. Thanks for cheering for me. So how have u been these few months? Work n work or also TCM?

Thanks for praying for me and making me laught. You really got good sense of humor when u describe ur boys. They very clever hor, able to find the hao liao to make themselves comfortable. Can kiao kar on ur ribs. Hahaha.

39weeks good good, till full term more heathly. I hear in TMC, very expensive if baby stay in special unit too long. So did u buy the insurance? Maybe it will cover.

Tell ur boss not to argue with preggy lady la. Why like tat?
Hi Yong Wei
U dun have any pregynl jab during your 2ww?? have u check with the nurses at CHR?? I was on hormone jab twice a week once I confirmed pregnant and also 2 pills of duphaston and folic acid per day..how come yours is diff from me...
Think i'll not try kkh which i had a bad experience with them (not in kkivf ctr) few yrs back..the only choice is sgh or go back to prof wong if i wnat to claim the govt subsidy of 3k...
Hi ladies, didn't log in yesterday as I encountered extremely unbearable pain from uterus to cervix yesterday morning. I was in so great pain that I have cold sweat. My hubby sent me to the 24 hours clinic as advised by the nurse. I have a bad cry yesterday due to the pain. Can't walk and was on wheelchair. Went through urine test and blood test to check for infection and OHSS but everything seem ok. Luckily didn't admitted to the hopsital as advised by the doc as I don't see the need since the pain is no longer that great when I reached KKH. No medication was given too. Very lost of what's went wrong. Very upset and feel weak yesterday but my appetite is so very good. I still eat a lot. Didn't pin much hope for this round of IVF liao due to the pain encountered. My hubby is so worried for me and feel sad that I have to suffer so much for the IVF.

Today went for the final pregnyl injection and spoke to angeline. Cried when chatting with her. She helped me to check my records and told me everything is fine. Sometimes there are indeed cases of patients in great pain. She want me to drink more warm water and don't think too much. I have done my best and so just leave it to fate. Feel more comfortable after talking to her. She told my hubby I tend to be more emotional due to all the injections and ask him to endure..
She told us I am one of the always so cheerful patients. Hee..

Feel much better now as recovered from the pain.
Will leave everything to fate now.. if I am fated to be promoted to a mommy, my embryo(s) will stick tight tight to me.. if not, then I will then plan my next step

Chris, Humbug, Itjabi, I sincerely hope you all will strive and spread some happy baby dusts around
Lina, congrats!

Roughly read through the posts as there are too many liao.. get to know that you got BFP and so happy for you. Rest well and eat well. My mood is so much happy to hear good news in this thread
Humbug, my progestrone level is super high leh. More than 400. Don't know how come so high. My hubby thought I heard wrongly when I called KKH to check yesterday. So I called twice to double confirmed. The nurses assured me that my level is very good. Today Angeline check for me also. We ask her how come mine so high? But of cos high level now doesn't indicate pregnancy as the injection will inctrease the level. My hubby ask her what is the min. progestrone level required and she say 30.

Anyway not everything high is good. Think most are high for me.. FSH high, resulted in high dosage of puregon. Anyone know your lining thickness? Mine is high too.. min required for ET is 8mm..

Today I confirmed my doubts with angeline. Our AF are suppressed due to the injection and insertion. So if didn't strike, AF will come few days after the last injection/insertion. This is how it works.. think that is the reason why one of the lady (sorry can't rem who) here have AF reported 2 days after she stopped her insertion.
Humbug, actually I don't have much crampy feeling since ET. Only feel bloated after the injection and bloatness will be gone after 1 day or 2. Everything is very normal. Maybe the cramp come at one shot, that's why the I encountered great pain yesterday..
tnt, why you book next IVF so fast?
What make u think that this cycle will fail? As long as your AF don't report, then it is a good sign and there is hope.

Different hospitals have different ways of doing things. Have faith in yours. Maybe the doc feel that you don't need to go through the injection. Insertion is good enough.

I hope you will strike and only 3 more days to your BT. Keep your hope high and stay positive yah
Hi baby, i feel there is still hope for u. Coz i m rememcer one lady here Kriz had cramp and spooting during the progesterone jab stage and she is also depressed coz thot no hope already but in the end she had a BFP.

Lina, congrats to u. Finally! Btw can i know if its dr zou advice to take hpt every 2 days during the 2ww? How many embroy did u transfer?
Lina: Congrats on ur pregnancy.. Do spread the baby dust ard.. My Hubby was typing out the msg yesterday for me while i was lying in bed :0)Thanks for concern though.. have been sit n lying ard whole day yest.. so had to get up now as back starting to sore.. it's okie if i walk ard the house and sit and watch tv with legs up rite???

Baby: Dont worry, must be very scary to have great pain and dun know if everything is alrite or not.. Juz relax ya.. Know it's easier said then done but guess we have to keep telling ourselves to hang on..

Wanted to check with u did u have whitish discharge (like when we r ovulating) during ur 2ww wait? I have been feeling soooo hot the whole day and have abit of whitish sometimes no colour discharge..Abit worried..
Also, dun realli feel anything except for the pain at the injection area soo feeling abit restless..

And also any idea when the embroyes will stick to lining.. Dr Loh was mentioning within 3 days but he was in a hurry soo didnt really ask him any more qns. Ask Nurse Ifan today when i went to get my jab she said anytime.. Depends on the embroyes.. SOooooo Stress!!!!
Hi LYn, thanks for the couraging words. The pain is definitely adnormal and I have no spotting. Spotting is most probably implanation spotting, so it is a good sign actually. But no good sign for me leh.. Don't worry, I am okay.. not worrying alot as I am the type who will take it easy after I adjusted my mood.. now ok already

Itjabi, I don't really have much discharge leh. But I do feel warm everyday, esp at night. It is normal as the injection keep our body tem higher than normal. Don't worry too much and try to relax.

I did read up during my 2ww. Some websites say implanation for ivf will take place 9-12 days after et. But some say 3-5 days after et. So i think it depends on individuals. Don't feel too stress ok? In fact I have no stress during this 2ww.. just feel bored only. I have done my part, so leave it to fate. If mine is -ve, AF should come after 1st Apr since today is my last injection. But if my AF didn't come on 1st or 2nd Apr, then I will start to get anxious for my BT
Hi Baby,

How are you feeling better?? No wonder didn't see you log in yesterday??? My bloatedness have since subsided since Monday and appetite has become normal again..thank gdness finally able to eat liao...My progesterone level tested on the 5th day was only 123 but nurse say quite good liao as above 80...

Dun worry too much and yup i agree that we have already done our part and we all are very brave to go thro ivf, bloatedness, cramps, diarrhea, mild ohss(for me) etc.. So we leave it to our embies to find their way home and sticky sticky still to the walls like hell man!!!

Dun worry will not be negetive
.. Maybe im having slight discharge due to injection.. dun know la... Sigh!Ask nurse she said normal... What have u been doing at home?? I can understand this is only my 2day of staying at home n im alreadi bored..
BTW have u gone for ur 1st blood test? how were the results? I also read somewhere they said if embroy is good quality, chances r higher..

Chris: dun worry as long as nurse said okie sud be fine..
Hi Chris, I am feeling better today but legs still very weak since the bad pain yesterday. Didn't walk much yesterday. Cried due to the bad pain until eyes very pain so I sleep the whole afternoon yesterday. Haha.. I think my embryos will get the shock over the pain too.. Hope they are still okay leh.. Can't do anything but to hope for the best.. but I really don't pin much hope liao.. life is short.. so gotta take things easy

My appeitie has always been very good since ET. Never feel full. But I control talking too much as scare of gastric pain. Diarrhea and gastric comes back on and off. Think too much gas in my stomach???

How come you take blood test at day 5? How many blood test did you take? My progesterone level is abnormally high.. really don't know why so high? Anyone has such high level too?

Seriously I don't know if I have the courage to go through another round of IVF in future. The journey is too tough for me during the puregon stage. Hope my frozen embryos will survive well.
Itjabi, having discharge is normal actually and I think it is a good sign to have discharge

Yes.. I also got bored on day 2.. it is normal lah.. hee.. Surf net, watch tv, eat everyday.. sometimes I cook and walk about as rest too much, legs feel numb.. do little little houework when hubby not around ;p

It would be good to seek lina's advise on her daily activities during her 2ww as she has striked

Thought only 1 blood test done after ET? Result is good. Progesterone level is good as assured by the nurses.
Ijtabi, good luck for your BT

Typo error for my above post - My appeitie has always been very good since ET. Never feel full. But I control talking too much as scare of gastric pain. Diarrhea and gastric comes back on and off. Think too much gas in my stomach???

I mean I control EATING to much as scare of gastric pain.. haha..
you still remember my hamster, xiao ke ai? Heeheehee...
My hamster is doing well, hopping and jumping in his 'condo' daily still, but sleeps most of the time.

Yes, hope the little hamster brings 'baby wishes' come true to all of us here!

of course remember you. But what happened to you past 5 months?
Wish you all the best in coming FET.
Hope you are feeling better today.. never knew the progestrone level can go so high? Last I heard the cap is 150... anyway hope for the best. I normally lie down most of the time.. so far no spotting and clean...U mean spotting is implantation? Anyway pray for all that the bb will stick
U take care ok.

Can you share with us your experience if u spot during your implantation? I only go toilet more often nowadays..and feel damn hot.
Itjabi, I also keep going to the toilet and can't control my bladder 1st few days after ET.
Now can control bladder but still go toilet very often. It's normal as we drink a lot of water.
Eat some fruits and see if you can poo poo but do skip oranges

Humbug, yup better. Thanks

I also never know pregestrone level can go so high.. my hubby and I still wondering how come so high for mine. No explanation. Some people have brown/light pink spotting and this could be implanation spotting. But not everyone will experience this. No spotting can also be preggie.. good to lie down most of the time but I just cannot lie still. Hee..

U try to relax and divert your attention to games/dramas ok? Don't think too much and worry too much. Listen to some soothing music to let u feel more relax. I'm sure your bb will stick tight tight to you
Hi baby,

Me too, told my hb that i finally understand all the ordeal after i've gone thro the whole thing. Dun worry, just drink more warm water and rest in bed the pain will go off.. Like last week, I also suffered abdominal pain and bloatedness..so i rested in bed lor, i felt better lying down instead of walking around. I've also refrained from fried food as hb scared my gastric will relaspe again like last week. He scared of me liao cos i vomitted whole nite...
So whenever i wanted to eat yummy fried chicken, he'll stop me..heehee

Oh yah, u better eat something light that is easier to digest and avoid oily food for the time being.
Hi itjabi, baby and humbug,

You all know the grade of your embies??? ahhh..poor me till now still dun know..asked nurse about it and she only gave me the photo of my embies and a note signed by the embryologist that's all.
Hi itjabi,

Do drink more water to flush the hormones out, eat more fruits, vegetables and drink abit of prune juice and it will help you to pass your bowel. Yup its the hormones that is in our body tat is giving us all these uncomfort, like constipation, bloatedness, wind, diarrhea and abdominal pains. Just try to bear with it and it will go off.
Chris, actually I feel even more painful when I lie flat in bed yesterday. So I force myself to sit up and endure the pain till I can get up and walk. Then head straight to 24 hour clinic. But seriously I think it is a waste trip but my hubby say it is good to have a check by going through the tests. After that I lie flat in bed as totally no strength to walk about. Have been porridge these 2 days..

The nurse also don't know what grade is your embryos?
Chris, are you still drinking milk? Actually my hubby suggested me to stop drinking the milk for the time being as he worried it is the cause of my gastric. But I prefer to drink as I have got used to drink a cup every night during snack time.

Good to hear that baby is well and growing healthy. Take care and do keep us posted.

Yes, usually that is the case. Dr Zou mention before 5 is the best level, but don't worry too much, as long as below 10, you are still able to do IVF.

Hope you feeling better now. I rem Bee also had severe pain just before she was diagnose pregnant. Keep fingers cross. Do you have IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)? I have it too.. so I'm always having gastric and follow by diarrhea.. This is also part caused by stress and diet. I can't really drink milk too.

My previous gynae recommend prune juice if you got constipation, she said that is safe, you may try.

So nice 4 of you ET at quite a close date, can share all your symptoms tog. I wonder if anyone is close to mine....
