IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Libby
Try to cut down coffee if possible...I also a coffee person, but, I quit to drink coffee b4 I started my IVF journey...u can do it also ...Jia You!

Hi Greenie
If u want to claim the Govt subsidy of 3K, then can only put in 2 embies, if 3, then u can't claim the 3K...on top of that, u have to buy the insurance that cost $700+(compulsory for govt hospital)..

Hi Itjabi,

I've 20 follicles so have to jab daily too.. but i opted for progesterone insertion instead, hence dr loh requires me to go for a blood progesterone test on the 5th day to ascertain the level. I just went yesterday, and result okie so they say i can continue with the insertion. Btw how many fertilised embryos do you have???
Hi Libby,

Try to cut down on coffee if possible if you can..I've now cut down from 1/2 cup to a few sips from my hb's cup of kopi-si daily after my ER cos of tummy upset. Have being having gastric and diarrhea/constipation last week, nurse say could be due to the hormones that we have injected. Anyway this week me much better liao..so happy. Do you drink tea??? Cos if you do, you may substitute by drinking tea as i saw in the newspaper report that the caffeine content of 1 cup of kopi is equal to 5 cups of tea. You can order kopi-si cos the caffeine is also lower than normal coffee. Try to avoid brewed coffee such as the ones served at eg starbucks, coffeebean ..etc cos their caffeine content is much much higher.
Hi Chris,
heng ahhh, no need jab. Actually what does the progesterone level mean? i recall asking the nurse and she gave me some numbers. Think was 300 plus but i forgot to ask her must be how high.

Hi ltjabi,
what a coincidence, i have 17 eggs retrieve too. i go daily for jabs, different thigh per day. Very early morning or afternoon will be a better time as people are fewer and nurse have time for the jab. Be prepared for the pain and blue black on the thigh. No side effect, just numb on the injection part. Your ET is tomorrow?

hi baby,
HL given was a green piece of paper, handwritten. There is not indication of ivf on my HL. Does your company restrict HL if undergoing ivf?

Hi noi,

Hi ponytail,
thanks, i am in 2ww, BT will be next week.
Hi Itjabi,

No pain at all, just that very troublesome cos got to insert 2 pills 3 x per day lor... Jab is better cos 100% absorption and less messy.

Like when Dr Loh say i can try insert, I was happy and also stress at the same time cos have to insert deep in lor and after that I'll have to bedrest for at least 1hr before i daren't to walk about... Wanted to change my mind to jab last min...however i went for my blood test yesterday and result quite alright so stick to insert lor.

Hi Lina,
I was really scared b4 the progesterone blood test as heard that if progesterone level not sufficient embies may drop out.. Oh the nurse told me they need at least 80 and my level is 123 so quite alright and dr says to continue with insert.
Hi Lina,

Are you still taking Dr Zou's medicine during 2ww? Me too. Dr Zou told me that the medicine is to help improve our lining and to help embies to stick on. I just take faithfully cos quite scared as my blood test result on D1 of period shows that my level of E2 is on the low side and Dr Zou explained to me that it means by lining not thick enough.

All the best to you BT next week !!!




Like Noi mention, for govt subsidy of $3K, max. is 2 embies transfer, and compulsory insurance of $700+ for 3 embies, 2 embies is $100+. However, you still can claim from medisave 1st IVF ($6K), 2nd ($5K), 3rd ($4K)on top of that. Any amount more than that, you will fork out cash.

Errr... will try to cut down kopi, it's so so tough...
it's my daily wake up pleasure. I can drink tea too, but definitely won't be as satisfying as kopi.
hi chris,
yes, i am all for Dr Zou's herbs, continue all the way.
i told nurse Sara that i take chinese herbs and she was like shock. But she never make any comments. Don't worry, with Dr Zou's med, your lining will be perfect now. BFP!

Hi boon boon,
libby - if you need it (kopi) then take it as normal but maybe just limit to one cup per day. Don't give yourself too much stress. Like my friend who sucessfully conceive through IVF told me just to do as normal. I think she mean don't to give ourself too much of stress. If restricted too many DON"T then you will feel very tiring.
Boon Boon
I only drink one cup kopi each morn, else will get heart palpitation... so not more than that. For my previous IVF, I continue to drink until ER, after that I stop. Actually can refrain one lah, just that kept thinking haven't 2ww yet, so still can still can... like take spicy food, drink kopi, eat ice cream.. :p
Yes libby - I have to say I do the same, as I always know I can't take ice cream, cake, durian (fattening stuff ) but I will say just once in a while still can la...

What a coincidence
Hopefully i have enuff fetilised embroys as well.. Ya im sure the pain is terrible.. Took the pregnyl jabs the last time and was pretty painful..How often do u go for ur blood test to check on hormone level?All the best for ur results


At least u quite brave to put the tablets in.. I dun think I dare.. Am quite a scary cat when it comes to anything that involves pain.. hat's off to u

You can put a few slices of ginger into the red dates tea to " qiu feng". Dun drink too much bcoz it's heaty.
p.s. eating after exercising will cause you to put on more weight.Like those sumo wrestlers, they eat after exercise to gain weight.

Like wat Sierra say, check with the nurse when u r there. I did my D2 BT + HIV/rubella together.
Sierra, you are pleasant and pretty.. so I thot.. I am well, my last scan, Yoda is already 620gm, and his head is already at the bottom. SO these days, I feel the kicking around the belly button area. How you are well too!! Eat well, rest well, it's help with the treatment k? Muacks & hugs!!

RE: Red date drinks
Libby, do check with Dr to see the maximum number of red dates you can take before it becomes "Heaty" cos the last time I brew alot and somemore make brown rice with red date, tang sheng and huai shan.. in the end I had bad throat. The lady at the Chinese herbal store told me we can only take up to 10 or 20 (can't remember) before it becomes "heaty" for us..

And yes, brew without the core is not so heaty..

If you want convenience, you can get the pre-sliced ones from Yu Hua Chinese Emporium (chinatown), it's S$9 per packet. I love them cos you just need to add boiling water, brew for a while and can drink..

Hope this helps you..
hi ltjabi,
i only need to take one time blood test to check the hormone level. The nurse will take one vial of blood and then do the jab. If i recall was on the 7th day or 6th day after ET.
Hi Sunflower ,

Yes.. that's the korean show i am talking abt.. Hearty paws.. let me tears man...

Hi baby ,

Sad that u cant join.. anyway , hope u have a great family day :D

Hi Noi ,

Omg .. my hubby bought the 3-1 instant pack red dates+honey dry longans.. hope it works the same.

Hi Twinstar ,

Noted and good luck !

Do let us know if you have any query.

Hi Greenie ,

Aiyo.. sad that u cannot come.. ok, u make sure u come the next time okie.. :p
Pls la.. 36 still ok... just jia you k.. my cousin 37 then do IVF .. and she got a twins !

Hi Catherine ,

I dun want to be sumo !
lina - BFP for your BT next week. do you feel anything unusual ? actually i didnt feel anything unusual at all, except for leg cramps which is quite odd.
Hi Itjabi,

Actually the inserts no pain at all..just tat now kinda think of it, jab better cos you have the assurance that 100% of the medicine is fully absorbed and no wastage mah. Unlike me, still abit wary scared that the level not enough...heehee

I really take my hats off for you and Lina, both of you are so brave to take jab.
Hi humbug and baby,

I still having abit of cramps like the day before menses. During my blood test, i told nurse Yong Leng that i scared menses will report early cos keep having the cramp and heavy feeling around lower abdominal. She giggled and assured me that my menses will not come so soon.
Hi itjabi and baby,

ok thanks. im took my first jab today..hope its not gaining too much weight after the final job.
Itjabi, I have 18 follices but only 8 eggs retrieved. So I don't need to go for daily injection. I have injection at the tummy area at kkh every 3 days. Dosage is not low for mine, so not painful. Good luck for your ET. Hope you have a lot of fertilized eggs

Chris, kkh never call me for my BT result yesterday. Think should be fine as the nurse did tell me if the result is fine, they won't call me. How are you feeling now? My tummy is very very bloated since yesterday injection. Very uncomfortable.

Hi Chris, how thick is the lining then is consider good ah? I am counting my days everyday leh.. Most of my time, I play games at facebook. Do a little housework, watch tv, eat.. very bored lah..
You leh?

Lina, I don't want to let my colleagues know that I am undergoing IVF, so quite concern. Anyway, I have extended my HL till my BT

You must be very excited now! Any symptoms so far? You test everyday? Do you take your BBT?

Humbug, you take BBT everyday right? Can I check with you if your temp increase after injection?

libby, maybe you can try drinking half cup of coffee in the morning, instead of finishing it. I totally stop drinking my fav tea, cold drinks, spicy and sour food.. miss them so much..

Develyn, thanks for organising the gathering.. enjoy yah..
Chris, I also worried that my AF will report cos I have symptoms of AF coming. When is the day of your AF normally.. mine has passed a few days liao. Still keeping my hope high.. as long as AF don't come, there is still hope. Stay positive always ok?

Somemore, I feel that the injection will stop AF from coming. If AF really report, will be after last injection or insertion. Hope someone can enlighten us on this..
Hi baby,

when is your BT?
i jumped straight to stage 2 without going thru stage 1..hehe.. actually mine is not IVF, its SO.. my IVF is postponed..
sunflower, I read that best to avoid spicy and sour food. I don't take spicy food as it will upset my stomach and also result in gastric pain. Too acidic too.

You love sour plums? Think should be okay lah.. can take if you feel nauseous.
sunflower, my BT is 04 Apr.
If you can endure, then best to stop taking spicy and sour food till your BT. Eat more food with high protein. Yours is SO-IUI?
Good luck
Hi Baby,

I having my BT tomorrow... so hope all is fine.. I only started my BBT on Day 4 which is 37.8, 37.2, 36.8 (today) same time. So I dunno... feeling a bit stress out... trying hard not to think so much...


you second week in 2ww rite? Done your preggy test yet?


One cup of coffee a day is ok for your hub
but if you are in 2ww, try to toatally cut off...You hor not your hubby hehe...
Hi baby, humbug,

good luck to your BT! BFP for both of you!

Hi baby,

i'm only having SO, not doing IUI, will try naturally..
hi ponytail,
no symptoms at the moment. Leg cramps during day time or night time?

hi chris,
cramps could also be BFP signs. No worries, not menses coming.

hi baby,
good, you manage to extend the HL. Actually extend till BT is good as even if go back to work, might be too worried on the results to concentrate. i never taken BBT before, so not sure about any temp change. I take HPT on alternate days, tomorrow will try again.

hi humbug,
i using the cheap HPT sticks, so test only on alternate days.
develyn & sierra - im up to my neck with work thus no tyme to log in here or msn ...

kimberly - what is ur email add? How's little yoda doing?

Lina - BT next week rite??? BFP

Lyn - dun be too worried k

Boon boon - feeling better? When u gg for ur ops?

Jas - how was the trip???

Hugz for the rest of the ladies ...
Humbug, I also started to take my BBT 4 days after my ET. Don't feel stress.. relax relax relax. Keep a positive mindset always.. cheering for you.. jia you!
sunflower, SO is having puregon injection but try naturally? Do drink ensure milk, egg whites and chicken essence ok? Good luck
hi sunflower,
i would prefer to know results before actual BT. If is not for the cheap test stick, don't think will be able to check so often. And even if i don't check, Dr Zou the tcm doctor will be calling me for the results, so just standby first.

hi zaza,
Hi Lina,

but very stress one leh..hmm, Dr Zou more anxious ..

Hi baby,

Yes.. Oh, i should drink ensure milk egg white and chk essence at this stage already? For egg white, how should i eat it? fry it or hard boiled it?
Lina, you must be feeling very excited now as you will be taking your BT next mon right? 4 more days to go. BFP BFP BFP!
sunflower, we start to take the above during lucrin stage. But I stopped egg whites after lucin stage as phobia leh.. haha..

You can eat it hard boiled or 3/4 boiled. No raw or 1/2 boiled ok? Normally I eat hard boiled egg whites. But later part then I know can also have steam eggs, fried eggs, etc.. as long as got egg whites will do. Hee..

Eat chicken also.. all these got high protein which is good.
