IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sierra ,

My dad is in JKT for twenty over years .. Hmm.. i really know currency well.. 1000 rp cannot even buy a cup of drink.. so stingy.. consider SGD 1000.00.. that's perfect ! Keke

Hi Helen ,

Abit difficult.. Let me explain.. the first gathering was abit rushy as it starts at 7pm and ended at 11+pm and yet not all gets to complete the chat.. haha.. that's why this time i put it earlier.. Keke... I really hope u will be coming

Hi Ladies ,

Short update of gals who are going this time :

Jane Neo
Tany ---> U MUST COME !
Orangey ---> U MUST COME !
Zaza ---> Come awhile lah !
Fresh ---> Try to come pls..
Drats. Cannot bluff you oredi :p SGD1000. Wait lah .. u wait till money grow on tree, then i donate SGD1000 okie. Hahahaha! Will miss out on the next gathering. Si beh sian.
Hi ladies, why so few ppl coming this time?

How abt Boon boon, jas and kimberly?

Hope to see bee, blisstan etc to spread the bb dust to us leh.

Actually i agree with develyn to meet sunday noon coz weekdays after work very rush and has little time to chat and by the time we reach hm will be quite late and not enuff rest for the next day. Maybe tats the reason boon boon got sick that time.
sierra79, since u coming back to sin for good only in 30 april then when will u start ur lucrin jab?

Hi greenie, hope we can be cycle buddy. Gdluck to the both of us in advanced. Of course also goodluck to those starting b4 us.

Greenie, for me i m working in gynae clinic so i guess i got no choice have to let my boss know coz he knows i m trying for a bb for 3 years. If i dun tell him the truth he will find something fishy. So i choose to rather let him know rather then he come and question me. I also want him o give me his full support. The thing i m worried is i m afraid he may suggest me to thru go laparoscopy b4 ivf coz he did suggest to me b4 but my fertility gynae in gleneagle whom i did iui twice with strongly feels that i should not go thru it reason being the possibily of me having endo is slim and do not want me to traumatised my uterus. Dr zou also feels it is not necessary to go thru that. But since my boss daughter is already having her second child he should understand my feelings of wanting my own kid and should allows me to do what i have to do.
Hi libby, according to my boss he say some ppl has very small area of endo and only lapa can see better. But another dr and Dr zou both thinks that if u/s cant see should be either free from it or very mild only. If mild endo should not reduce the chance of pregnancy if i go thru ivf. If trying natural yes coz the endo will cover the follicle thus making pregnancy difficult. So since there is no guarantee that i will conceive after lapa i choose to go straight to ivf lor
Depending on when my AF reports, my guess is, I'll start Lucrin anytime between 27-30Apr. My hubby will be going down to KKH to buy the jabs, and get the nurse to teach him how to do the jabs. Then he's cmg over with the jabs, and I'll do the Lucrin jabs (1st few days of it) here in Indo before flying bck for good on 30Apr
Quite sensitive issue hor, since your boss is a gynae and suggest you go for lapro, but you opt not to, hope he's nice enough not to get offended that you don't take up his suggestion.

I guess after you're pregnant, you will choose him to be your gynae? then you will be his patient, he needs to serve you? :p
hi develyn,
i am wz kk too. But not sure about the quantity of eggs as my previous fresh cycle, did not have tcm or drink anything special, got 16 eggs. However, quantity eggs is not good enough for me as this round only get 5 fertilized. This time round i drank anmum, chicken essence and Dr Zou herbs.

Hi chris,
if your level is ok, think can stay with the inserts. Jab will be troublesome to travel from home to hospital.

hi sierra,
kk pharmacy open half day on sat, sun close.

hi libby,
i got to attend a kid birthday party on that day, not able to make it.

hi lyn,
i am still early, i do test on the cheap HPT sticks on alternate days since ET but no positive sign yet.
Lucrin need to store in cold place, make sure your hb able to make arrangement with the air stewardess, and get cooler bag enough time for him to cheong to your house, thereafter.
Aiyoo Develyn, My grandma's birthday party also on that day
I wish I could come..
What time? Maybe if it's slightly early and in East area, I will drop down for a while? Hehe... Let me know okay
Grandma party shd be whole day right?

Develyn is arranging noon time (maybe lunch), at Safra Tampines, so it's in the East, you can join us then.
hi libby,
the big problem about attending birthday party is everyone will start asking each other when is no. 2 coming. If they ask me, i can just keep quiet. Actually even those with kids don't understand about ivf and also can't understand how we feel.
Hi Lyn ,

Ya lor.. but this time should have different crowd.. sure got more to come.. i chio one by one...
Btw, Boon Boon gtg ops so cannot come.. Tany has no choice...

Jane Neo
Zaza >> TBA
Fresh ---> Try to come pls..

Hi Tany , arrgggg... is a cafe.. fyi hor...

Hi Lina , oic .. ok .. sure stick.. i will go pai pai for u in the middle of international water this weekend.. sure STRIKE okie..

Hi Orangey , we will be there at 1pm ... she sure come one..
More info will be advise.

Any ladies wanna go swim ? As i will go in the morning.. heez...

I am sure your boss will understand since he is a gyne hehe.. he should encourage you to do it.


Nurse Sara is chinese but she can speak fluent malay hehe.. she's very nice. She joked with me before my ET. She even printed the picture of my embryos without me asking hehe...
Lyn - I did ask Dr Loh whether endometriosis will affect the treatment for IVF. His answer is endometriosis does not affect the outcome. Although this is acontroversial topic.
Anyway, I am thinking to check with him once again (as you know nowaday he is busy in order to get a correct message I think it is best to have double confirm it).

Anyone know Dr Tham Kok Fun from Gleneagles?
Understand.. guess really no choice.. don't like others affect your mood, ok?

You so onz ah, swim first, then eat!
Hi Libby ,

As u know i am pui pui.. dun have a choice.. i must burn first then deposit the new fats in..
Aiyo my 2nd shots near the corner.. must JIA YOU so i can get more eggs this time..

Hi Lina,

I am serious la :p Middle of international water ... all the gods sure there to listen to my prayers.. and the fishes will remind them ..
This is how i pai pai.. (dunno how found the pic and i save it one.. haha..


it is Red Date Long-gan tea. I drink that for my confinement to keep body warm.

can i go sauna instead? i m sure u dont wan to see a hippo in the swimming rite?
Thanks for the info on the opening hrs of KKH Pharmacy

Yeps, I bought a small cooler bag for the Lucrin transportation. Might also ask the cabin crew for help to store in the aircraft cooler if can. Hope everything goes fine lah ...
Hi libby, if i got pregnant i thing my boss will be my gynae coz FOC mah. hahaha. But if i got twins dun know how coz there will be more potential complications for twins. Anyway i m not thinking of this issue yet. I have learnt to take one step at a time coz now havent even start ivf yet. Dun wanna stress myself with all these.
Hi Sierra,

I just remember that u ask me Bloated no. and i forget to tell u that i need to ask her first.. until now then i remember i have forget abt it :X

Hi Catherine ,

Hi Tany ,

You drink that for your confinement ? How many baby u have now ? Didn't hear u saying it before.. Btw, no problem.. u will see elephant in the pool.. haha.. just come lah.. join me for swim.. i am not Sierra with slim body...
Hi Develyn,

dont think i can join u gals because Sunday is my family day..sorry about that, next time bah..

Hi Chris,

I think the nurse you referring is Fong Leng. I spoke to her once, she is really nice too. Next time i will keep a lookout on Nurse Sara
I tot i told my story here b4? I had a lost my baby when i was 20wk pregnant...

To me, I hv one baby in my heart....
Dear Ladies ,

Link : http://www.themindcafe.com.sg/home.php

Each : SGD 7.50 got free flow of drinks..

Venue : Safra Tampines (The Mind Cafe)
Time : 1pm

Attendance :

Jane Neo

Not Attending :
Boon Boon

The rest haven't update.

P/S :
1) Sorry that i have to held the 2nd gathering before my lucrin jabs.
2) Venue and time , sorry didn't ask you all for much comments due to time constraint.

Hi Sunflower ,

Ok noted.

Hi Tany ,

Sorry da jie.. i forget.. cos u write "confinement" then i thought is the 3mths confinement mah.. thousand apologies.. Ok, the most i let u da pi ku okie...
