IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi yong wei
Hang in here...hope that your HCG will rise high, high...r u with Prof Wong??

Hi Richard
During my recent try of IVF, I had transfer 2 Day3 embies of 9 cells each, which my RE and embroyolist are considered them good, but, I failed the cycle, due to embies not implanted into my womb...think it's 'tian yi', my DH and I had done our very best for this cycle...My RE also don't have a answer on why my 2 precious embies don't want to implant into my womb...what my DH saying that it's up to the man up above to grant us our wish to have a child...I fully agreed with him that a child is a precious gift given from the god, having a child is a precious gift to us...and we'll still try for another cycle of IVF again n again until I have a child I call my own...

Hi LittleMik
U should go for IVF if u r emotionally and mentally well prepared..

This year marked my 10th yr wedding anniversary but, I still yet to have a child..I can understand your feeling...

neSNeS - b strong k ....

tnt - welcum back
<font color="0000ff">LittleMik &amp; NeSNeS,</font>
Welcome welcome... lets jiao you and i believe we will be parents very soon. Stay positive...

<font color="ff6000">TnT</font>
Welcome back!!! *hugs*hugs*
wahhhh 爱心chicken soup from your mummy ah... so good... envy....
ok maybe i cook chicken soup for hubby and myself tonite or this weekend... woohoo!!!
Hi Lina, humbug,baby,

Me very bored at home, try to pass time watching tv lor, going downstairs to buy lunch and fetch my hb to work lor... Oooh i missed all the shopping and going gym. Guess wat, my mum-in-law getting suspicious and called me yesterday asking how come i didn't go gym the whole week etc. Cos I normally go to the bedok gym with her alternated days..ever since i started puregon, was too sleepy and tired so have stopped going gym since heehee 3 weeks ago.

I bluffed her say oooh i doing hsework at home etc.... very scared i will run out of excuses b4 BT. Cos really didn't want her to know which stage i'm in..cos felt that she giving me the stress.

Oh i do know how thick the lining then is gd leh..anyone can enlighten us here???
hi tany, noi, yong wei, baby and lyn

thank you so much for your advice and encouragement. my husband has been always supportive, as he loves children and definitely wants to have a child of our own.

i heard that KKH IVF charges are much cheaper than other govt hospitals. Is tis true? can give me the contact and recommend me which IVF specialist is good? many thanks...
Hi tnt,

Wow glad to hear you are back!!! Oh I went for BT on D7 ie 7 days from date of ER.

Hi baby,
My menstrual cramp starts (ard 5-10min) whenever i insert the progesterone pill in...dunnoe why leh... quite uncomfortable....

Hi Richard,
wow both you and wifey have gone through a lot...can understand how you feel. Me too gone thro 2 lapro b4..painful manz...i agreed with the sisters here now is to "tiao" both your bodies well b4 embarking on ivf.
Hi lina,baby,humbug

oh u mean u all buy the pregnancy test kit to test ah???? Nurse Sara advised us not to test leh and wait until BT (19days), or else i will be very stress and kan cheong throughout this period. So hb forbid me to test liao.
Tany, thanks for the info on gathering, I should b ok to join depend on the time cos my church usually fin abt 11:30, then I fellowship with some friends then go home.. Ususally go beach about 2 or 3pm.

Let me know the time and I will adjust the beach visit accordingly k?

Hi Libby,

Thanks.. so far so good.

Hi Jane,

You can also try Tan Tock Seng Hosp.. I heard you can walk in too..

Hi Chris and Lina,

Whats the amount of puregon you have injected? How many units per day and for how many more days? 10 eggs is alot.

Hi Baby,

What about you ? Whats the amount of puregon you have injected?

Hi littlemilk,

Welcome. I agreed with the rest, you shouldnt wait any longer. You have already tried so long without success, so its timely you should look for alternative. IVF will only limit to age 40, you have 3 more years, if you continue to wait longer, IVF will not even be possible to you anymore..You have all the ladies here to support you in various stages. Dont worry, everyone here is really very encouraging and knowledgeable.

Hi Nesnes,

You have failed 2 IUI and 1 IVF, y not give yourself a break for a couple of months to tiao your body? 2 IUI and 1 IVF is quite alot for your body to take it. Go to TCM to built up your body, i'm sure it will do you good. Most of us here are with chinese TCM, its really beneficial to prepare your next IVF too.
LYn - Thanks for your info. I will consider your suggestion.

LittleMik - Welcome. You definately will get a lot of info from ladies here with regards to IVF treatment. As for which hospital to choose, it is depend on your budget and comfort level which you set for. If you receive the IVF treatment from these 3 consider government hospitals (KK, NUH, SGH) you will be able to receive the subsidiary grant of 3k. But there is some restrictions eg you are only allowed to transfer max 2 embryo each try and each government hospital has their own procedure to follow. Unlike private, you are free to discuss with your Dr to receive what type of treatment.

NeSNeS - Welcome. As for the price issue, I think each hospital has different price. But generally government hospital should be cheaper than private type.
Richard- You are very supporting HB, I believe both you and wife will get your wish one day. Meantime, forget the past and try to think positive. Relax and to "Tiao" the body is most important.
Tnt: Welcome back. Great that you enjoyed your Mum 爱心chicken soup :> Wish that your HCG will rise high and high and all the best for your BT.
hi baby,
thanks for reminding, yes, the game must be less exciting.

hi nesnes,

hi libby,
like what baby mentioned, at kk, the number of jabs depends on the eggs retrieve.

hi tnt,
welcome back.

hi chris,
can you tell your mother inlaw that you are not feeling well, so that she will not suspect. This morning before i remember to test on the stick, Dr Zou called me, so i quickly test. Shows positive sign and i will need to go back this weekend to get more herbs from her. Do hope the BT on monday will show good results.

hi sunflower,
i inject 300iu of puregon.
hi sunflower,
thanks. I am very grateful to this thread and all of you here, giving encouragement and lots of useful information. I think i have been in this forum for the longest time, watching so many of us graduate. I will stay by to chit chat and wait till everyone graduate.
Hi Lina,

yes please!
we need your support too!
wow, im so happy for you!! take 1 more week mc lar..rest more ...kekeke
Hi ladies,

Have been mostly a silent reader all this while. Just came back from KK. Did my ultrasound after 1 week of puregon (400 iu). Very disappointed with myself..... only 4 good follices and out of the 4, only 2 are of good size, 15.5. Tonight must continue with one more shot of Lucrin and Puregon. Ultrasound again tomorrow.
Checked with the nurse and she said, if the numbers are still so little, they will only implant two and that's all I have..... No extra for freezing. I wonder what I'm doing wrong?
Hi sophia,

dont give yourself too much stress.. some pple strike with 2 implants .. you will be 1 of them..cheer up!
lina, baby, humbug: I went for ET today. wasnt scary.
i took the injection on my butt. less painful.

going to KKH daily for jabs. Any advice what I should be eating or avoiding during this period?
hi boon boon,

hi sunflower,
i took HL since ER, don't think can extend further. My office mailbox should be over storage now, i think. Sending baby dust to everyone here!

hi sophia,
welcome. The follicles you have are of good size, if you succeed this try, don't need frozen eggs. All the best for your ER.

hi ltjabi,
do you need to sign a form for injecting on the butt? Do rest more during this early stage and less usage of pc. Take care ya!
Sophia - Stay positive. No one know the only 2 is not good. Anyway, there is still chance its grow and become good eggs and ferlized. I think not need to think about no extra for freezing. Strike this round is more important. So think positive and relax and rest well.
Hi nesnes,

i didnt know that entrometrosis can come back? oh dear.

I had my mine cleared last yr march, very afraid if it come back. Im only 23 this yr and had failed my 1st ivf cycle but hoping to try fet next mth.
Ellas, yes Endometriosis may return.. My MIL had it, cured it and it came back.. That was more than 30 years ago, so wonder if the surgery these days can cure it fully..
Thank you everyone for your encouragement.

Boon Boon
I am doing 1st round of IVF. I did SO iui 3 times before and all failed.

look back at the previous postings. there is a list of helpful Dos and Don'ts that you can follow. I'm using the list and am taking Ensure and chicken essence. Even got the Brazilian nuts. I've avoided cooling food like wintermelon, watermelon, papaya, pineapple and white carrot. The only food that I havent gotten used to is the increase in egg white.
Yep can come back. Fellow colleague of mine went for 1st op two years back and right now is on hospitalisation leave for endo again. Very sad. She also trying to conceive but cant.
Hi kimberly,

im starting to get worry already. TOt im fully cured. Was wondering whats the cause for it to come back?? hhmm could it be what we eat? worst thing the side effect i felt was pain during menses.. doc tot it was appendix problem, some even said normal menses cram.
hi Itjabi,

I didnt went down to KKIVF on wed, so i think u got the wrong person.

I have 19 eggs retrieved, 2mr is ET

After ER my tummy especially my right side more painful. today i felt better. but my cough is still killing me.


why u no need to go KK to jab everyday? thought u said more than 15 eggs retrieved have to jab everyday? Does that mean that I no need to go down everyday?

Endo can come back one. Depending on the severity.

I was discovered to be with mild to moderate endo during my lapro. Doc told me that after clearing i will have a window period about maybe a year or so... but ultimately will still come back.
hi twinstar,
all the best for your ET. I think you will need to go down daily for jab as you have more than 15 eggs. Tomorrow the nurse will pass you a form for the daily injection.
so are you going to have your BT earlier? Happy for you that your hpt showed positive!

I am v happy for you.

After reading your earlier posting, I somehow recalled last year when you and Ping(you sure remember her still) were two mothers trying for the 2nd baby. And Ping was the one keeping the records of all our progress. I hope she has been very well too. And till now can know your progress, it is so nice.
Hi bliss,
thanks for your support throughout my journey, will finally be able to join you, mel, ponytail and the rest, so happy! The kk nurse quite strict, don't allow earlier BT unless there are signs of bleeding or pain. And she says a waste of money and might as well wait a few more days to know the actual result.

Yes, i recall Ping, wonder how is she. To all those trying for another child, please don't give up. Our journey in ivf is very lonely as people wonder why we are trying so hard to provide another sibling for the older child.
yes, can imagine and understand your feeling.
Btw, I had my BT taken earlier that time leh, on 15dpt instead of 17dpt, coz I requested as I was worried when my bbt dropped for 3 days leh. They allowed leh.

Happy to see you soon in the other thread too! The MTBs there will be so happy to see you too.
hi sunflower,

I dunno how many fertilized eggs, i think 2mr the doc will tell me bah.

Hi lina,

btw can check with u the insurance thingy, why the nurse asl us to prepare a cheque, i thought this insurance thingy can be cover under medisave???
the insurance is meant for any expenses incur after baby is born, especially if baby needs to be under special care or intensive care for some time in the hospital, the insurance bought will become useful then.
Hi Ellas,

Yup endo do come back. Like mine, came bk 1.5yrs later. The pain during menses is most likely menses cramp. Dun worry. My late gynae joked with me b4 that the only cure for endo is to have babies.

I'm now seeing Dr Zou, and she has prescribed me 草药to brew monthly from 1st day of menses to the 5th day. It is taken to clear the menses blood in the womb mthly to prevent them from backflow and buildup in the ovaries etc..
Hi Sunflower,

I was on 400 puregon for 8 days, eggs not growing well (8 eggs,size way below average). Then dr loh increase to 600 puregon for 2 days (16 eggs, size below average) then he continued with 600 puregon for another 2 days and eggs increased to 20. Very uncomfortable and bloated when they increased the dosage. And i suffered mild OHSS for 5-6 days...now finally much better.
