IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks for booking and arranging gathering.
The menu looks good leh, salivate :p

Ya, if got twins scared complication, but then hor, maybe we can close shop liao after that
ya if I hv twins, maybe will close shop too... but i wan 4 kids leh... now i will be contended to hv one
Alamak Tany da jie , that time my miscarriage ... i didnt even know i must do confinement.. now i dunno how leh..
Stress. !

Hi libby ,

Great ! I will join u to eat
Will be hungry after morning swim i think .. heez
My appetite increase lately and put on weight, not sure if it's due to Lucrin injection leh.. <excuses..> but I thought Puregon stage then will put on weight..
which week are u in when u m/c?
i delivered my baby naturally, so accordingly to my parents, its the same as giving birth at full term so i need to do confinement lor...
I contacted KKIVF liao. Spoke to Nurse Audrey. She was really nice. There are 2 types of sperm storage:
1) Valid only for one cycle at SGD160. If not used for this cycle, sperm will automatically be disposed.
2) Valid for one year at SGD350 (if i'm not wrong). If after one year, used or unused, will be disposed. So within the eyar can be used for more than one cycle if necc.

Abt the black &amp; white thingy... erm ... i didn't ask for any lah. So spoke to Nurse Audrey just now and I told her.. last time I spoke to Nurse Yen, she said she'll book for me in April. I want to confirm that my name is in April slot. She said, don't worry, if the nurse already said you're due for April, then just call us when April comes. Nobody can bump you off. I was like... ooooooh... okies then! Hehe...
Develyn -I think Tany is right. I heard confinement lady is drinking Red Date Long-gan tea instead of water. However, I am not sure whether normal circumstance can drink or not. I just afraid you will get too heaty then become constipation.
Hi Sierra ,

As long as confirm starts April.. it will be fine.. Yeah.. i am getting more cycle buddy !

Hi Boon Boon ,

Cos my womb is cold - according to Dr Zou.. so my hubby buy the red dates tea.. dunno can drink or not..
Hi sierra,
seems like the one year sperm storage cost is similar to our one year egg storage cost. And is more worth it compare to the one cycle $160. Which one will you be using?
Confirmed, chopped, and stamped then. Will be starting in April! Weeeeehhhooooooo!!

Eh .. how come Dr Zhou never say anything abt my womb. Hot or cold or lukewarm. Khekhekhekhe! But last week, she took my pulse on my right hand.. then she went "Hmm" and took my pulse on the left hand. But she never said anything. I forgot to ask the assistant why Dr Zou "hmmm" at my pulse. Hmmm... Hmmm.... Hmmmm... ! But Dr Zou said, my menses very regular so that's good. Haha!
Red-Date Long-gan Tea
This tea is to warm the body and can be drank under normal circumstances... I brew it to drink once in a while.
I'm going for the one cycle storage. I didn't want to store for 1yr, cos dono leh .. maybe after one year, sperm quality also not very good anymore. Hehe ... so I be kiasu and opted for the 1 cycle only lah. When my hubby goes down to collect Lucrin, will probably collect sample on the same day too.
Hi Sierra ,

I think u are perfectly fine .. dun worry.. just ensure to boost up hubby sperms.. keke.. but stop scolding him okie.. :p

Hi Tany ,

But hubby buy only red dates.. no long gan... huh.. u brew it to drink once in a while ? Did u LS after that ? If no, can u brew for me also.. :X
Hehe.. i waited since Dec08 tog et April09 slot okie. Khekhe .. try your luck lah. If can get, then that's good

Ya trying my best to get hubby to boost his health. But hor... like have less than 1.5mths to go. I'm not sure if anything miraculous can happen within that short period of time. I bought the Tribestan from Bloated. But I heard it takes 3mths to see any effect. Haiyah .... So now a bit at a loss. Hmm.. should I let hubby continue with TCM tablets till my ER day. Or switch to Tribestan now? Otherwise I'll get him to switch to Tribestan after ER only.

What say you?
Hi Sierra ,

For my opinion , u should stick to Tribestan.. do not take both together just incase of complication.. After tribester after ER will not help liao la... that one will be for your future natural babies

Hi Orangey ,

Yes.. let's squeeze.. we can hold hand on 2ww.. hold hand for BT..

Hi Zaza,

Why u MIA so many posts today.. I am sure u will read until blur later.. Keke..
Ya, never see zaza on MSN the past few days also. Dono where she disappear to ... Piangz, today is gym day. But i super lazy to go ... ergghhh ...
hahaha, i understood... Hearty Paw is a korean show..very touching ending where the faithful dog passed away.. in the show, whenever the sister is angry with her brother, she will say her brother is 'shit'.. 'Bro shi ta pian' hehehe
Hi girls! How are you doing? Sorry haven't been reading the thread cos office work getting tougher (or is it becos I get tired easily??)

Zaza, can you sent me the photos please? Thanks!

Sierra, Are you a crew?

Pau le, I haven't located anyone to help with your milk delivery, but so feel free to PM me when you have to cos I sometimes am too busy and tired to follow this thread and may miss your message..

Everyone, likewise, feel free to PM if you need k? All safe always!

Hi Kimberly!
Nice to hear from you! How's your Yoda doing? Heehee ... Me, crew? No lah ... height cannot make it. Ahahaha! Hope you're getting along fine!
My last round with Raffles TCM, Dr Jin ask me to brew Red Dates Tea to drink, to 补血,as I am 贫血lor. She says any time also can drink one, this is healthy drink lor.

It really depends on individuals weather u will put n weight with puregon.. Like for me nothing.. But i have heard that for some u do..

Hey ladies,

Any of u go down for jab everyday after ET? Coz nurse say i must take go down to KKH to have jabs everyday after ET on my thigh...
Itjabi, lina went for jab everyday after ET.
You have a lot of eggs retrieved right? Congrats!

Lina, can I check with you for your hospitalization leave, did the doc indicate the department? Mine indicated it is from IVF leh.. omg.. can I request them to re-issue me another one without any indication of the department?
Sunflower, no lah.. I have high dosage of puregon but still as skinny as before. I will be happy if puregon can help me gain weigh though..
Develyn, Fresh, thanks

Develyn, the mind cafe is a good choice.
Would like to join you ladies this time round but weekend is my family day too.
So cannot make it. You ladies enjoy yah
Hi ladies
The Red-dates longan drink is to warm our womb..u can buy those red dates w/o seeds one, put abt 15-20 pcs boil for 15 mins then put in 5-8 pcs of longan n boil for another 2-3 mins, then can drink...

Hi Develyn
Count me in for the gathering!

Hi Lina, Chris
Hope both of u get a BFP!
Hi Ladies,
Is caffeine known to reduce quality of sperm? My hubby drinks one cup of coffee daily in the morning. Should he stop??

during my 2ww, i took the daily jab a my nearby GP clinic.... but got to pay for the injection service...can be quite ex just for a jab..... going kk is FOC.

Rest well

one cup only should be ok lah...my hubby drink coffee like plain water... told him to cut, he just bo chap... so give up, rather not argue with him. i just make sure he continues with daily multi-vitamin and drink more water (btw, he is also low count, but didnt want to add pressure, so let him be lor, just pray pray pray.)
How about can we drink one cup kopi daily, but will definitely stop after ER?
I can't live without my daily kopi yet..
Hi Chris..

Hmm.... actually there is nothing special about our religion. We are Taoism. It is just that my husband is a medium lor... haiz..

U have 18 follicles rite, then do u jab everyday? I have 17. Nurse said if more then 15 must jab everyday..


U jab everyday on thigh.. Any side effects? R u still in 2 ww?

Did u go to KKHIVF today (25th)? Wearing black and orange Bermudas?
Hi Develyn

Ya, ya..it is a good idea to organise an IVF bb gatherings and share the experience.. or may be arrange for future marriage as well? ahahaha.. i think our babies are going to blame us when they grow older...

By the way, am not free on 5 Apr leh...may be join you all only next time...

Woo... everyone is still young..Think i am the oldest. I am going to be 36 this year..so time is critical for me now. I don't have much time to waste.

A bit confused. So if we choose to have 3 embies to transfer, no government subsidy of 3k. Do we need to fork out additional cash on top of the forego 3k for the extra embyro?

I haven't done my D2 BT. Will be going for my next flow. They will automatically test for the Rubella or I need to ask them to check.

By the way, do we get the result immediately or I have to wait till I see doc? Only then they will ask me to take the jab?
Hi Fresh

Is taking Rubella before IVF a compulsory before they allow you to register for IVF? O... no... does it mean I have to wait for a few more months???? Sob sob...
I hope so too. Ok, my hubby not so bad in the sense that he'll drink one cup every morning when he wakes up to "perk" himself up. But asking him to try and cut down if possible. Dowan to take any chances for this last month before we start ivf

Usually when u register for ivf, the nurse will see through your records and tel you what are the BTs you need to take, eg.. your D2, your HIV/Rubella tests etc. If they didn't, then best is, when you go down for your D2 test, check with them whether you need to do the HIV/Rubella tests as well. Like me the other time, I was given 2 forms. one for D2, one for the HIV/Rubella test. I did both on same day. So nurse said must extract more blood cos need to submit 2 blood vials for the 2 separate tests.

BTW, KKH won't call you when results are out if your results came back ok. They'll call you only if something is wrong. And hence, don't expect them to call you to tell you detailed results of your BT either. If you wish to find out, you can call them for follow up on your results. Or from your doctor if you're seeing your doc abt a week after the BTs.
Hi Lyn

I am sure your boss will understand and support you.

How come you all have personal gynae? I never see a gynae in my life before and if i conceive sucessfully through Dr Loh, I may one him to be my gynae also.. Keke..

I saw the bb pics in his room.. wah..so many, twins, triplets...so need his magic hands

Thanks Sierra

So late still not yet sleep? I thought I will be always the last one to write on the board..

I only have my D2 form with me. I have not registered for IVF yet. So can I ask to perform HIV/ Rubella even before their request? I super kiasu ho?? wait Dr Loh later gives me black face..saying i can take his role now..keke..
