IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Develyn
U need to buy those red dates w/o seeds one, not heaty, i boil 3-4 times per week..those with seeds one is heaty...

Hi sunflower
sour plum during 2ww should be ok.

Develyn - just now I read from other forum, they mentioned Red Date, Black Date & Tang Sheng .. No Longan because will get heaty easily..
humbug - BFP BFP to you.

ZaZa- not fully recover yet. The ops is scheduled to be done on 3 April. Hopefully it goes smoothly and wish Dr Loh will give me a green card to proceed with IVF in May. Otherwise, I am thinking to change to private clinic (like Dr Foong or Pro Ng clinic) Not sure about their service and succeful rate? Anyone seeing them currently?
Hey Boon,

Thanks when you starting your IVF?


Just drink ensure milk and have 2 eggs everyday during your purgeon stage would be good enough
I only took chicken essence like last 2 days of my purgeon stage hehe


I just test the temperature for fun lah.. haha I dun want to stress myself up..as for the preggy test kit guess only will do so on my 12th to 14th day of the 2ww... if I do too early I scared very stress.. now already feel damn pek chek and stress... dun want additional worry.. I just relax and play my psp these few days hehe
humbug - I hope to start in May. Anyway, it is not confirm. Have a good rest and all the best for your tomorrow result. Relax and have a good sleep tonight :>
hi all, i am new to tis forum. i am planning to go for IVF after 2 failed SO-IUIs tis year and 1 D&C procedure last Sep. My gynae used to be Dr. Eunice Chua from TMC. She explained IVF done at private hosp could amount 12k to 14k and medisave deductible is 6k. If I were to go to govt public hosp, there is an additional govt subsidy of 3k. However, cos of the govt subsidy, heard that there is a surge in more couples going for IVF treatment at public hospitals, resulting in waiting time could be 12-18 months. I know age is catching up on me, am 37yrs old and really wish to have a baby. I honestly do not know if I should go for IVF at this age. Would really like to hear from you all your IVF experience, the journey itself and which hosp/gynae you chose, etc.
hi humbug,
do relax now, this is the time for eggs to stick. I only got sudoku on psp, so boring. What games title are you playing on psp?
Boon Boon,
Hvn't seen you in here for quite a while. Ops on 3Apr? All the best to you then

No wonder lah never see you online, super busy ah?

Tomorrow's your BT rite?? All the best!!!!!!!!
Hi boon boon, do u mean Dr l c foong in glen e? If he is the one then i highly recomend to u. I did iui twice under him and i personnally like him. The reason i want to go kkh is coz the government grant and heard the success rate quite ok. As for Dr foong he told me successful rate is abt 40percent too depending on age. If fiancial u have no constraint then i think glen e is better in term of waiting time and service. Heard prof ng also good. He delivered spore first icsi bb, which happen to be micky first child back in 2004.

Humbug, really hope u get BFP. Stay positive and rest well 2nite
Hi all,

I'm new to the forum. Beside the sub of $3K from government hospital, is their drugs cheaper also compared with private hospital? I've done my 1st IVF at Raffles Hospital and cost me abt $15K as i need higher drugs dosage.
Hi Greenie,

You can choose not to jab and they will still allow you to proceed. Think you have to sign a declaration form stating they kkivf have informed you about the risk and you have decided not to take the jab.

FYI, I received the form to sign when I did my FET. In the end, I did not sign the form but still able to proceed to FET at KKivf.
jane neo - i used to get tribestan from my gynae, you can try call them to check if u can walk in and buy....its Aziz Clinic for Women opposite kembangan mrt. their no is 68420220.

littlemik - welcome to the thread
definitely you should try ivf!! the waiting time is not that long.. i believe its less than 6 months. i did ivf at kk, and definitely its much cheaper than private hospital...

nesnes - welcome to the thread also
yes the drugs are cheaper at public hospital. dr sheila loh from raffles estimated my cost to be about 10k if i did at raffles... eventually i did at kk the total was about 7.5k...
welcome, littlemilk and nesnes.
Little milk, i got feels that u shld give ivf a shot.

Bloated, u r under dr loh too? 7.5k in total that means u dun need to come out with cash?
hi all ladies
i m just back from jb trip..(after manja with my parent)
still busy reading thread here (wow..need to read the past 4 days thread..not easy meh..)

my hsg experience did having discomfort, but luckily it was quite fast. and not painkiller was given..in fact they give me a sanitary pad aferwards

hi humbug, baby, chris, and lina

hi lyn
me now no more spotting liao..tempting to to HPT

hi december
yes, my body temp remais 37.1c since ET..

hi tany and develyn
realy will depends on my BT on 31/3, is hcg raise, NPL till delivery, if not, got to start work liao...pray hard now..

hi sierra
guess u r back to indo again..wish ur AF come later...cheers
ello again guys, wow i had so much catching up to do. Have been very busy at the office, no time to log on msn or forum. Sorry cannot join the gathering, will be in HK . Went to see chinese dr today to top up my med, Same thing she told me just do acupuncture when i do my jabs. I think this month, my cycle screwed up again, today day 19 and no ovulation as yet... hmm maybe like last month, 14 days late!!!
Hi develyn,

we are both 35+.

Wat do u mean by" have have , dun have dun have" i dun understand this?

wah...long story bear with me for a while..
I hope i be able to recall everything..
First thru my friends..we went to see this chinese TCM in JE...after check up.she say my wife cannot take chinese herbs,no gd for her..also she have pcos..sorry for the name..(but i thk is spotting).so she told us.why dun she recommend me to go this doc in Gleneagles to do a throughly check up, then go back see her again..okkie
we book with Dr Chen in gleaneagles..first check he say...my wife..gt pcos(so go for a lot of test) & about me.I look more old then wat I'm..
so we both went for lapascopy...wife in Mar, me in April...
Finally in July-08...Dr Chen say my wife is ready to go for IVF..
at that time..Dr Chen say my sperms mobility has gone up a bit,.better than last time.
so total got 2 embroys transfer..onc belong to grade 1 & the other belong to grade 2..we are so happy embroys transfer was done 2 days later..she was give 3 weeks mc.
in fact we have to go back for jab one or two day after...for jab
but after so many medicine & inject...its could be the jab..in the backside..to heaty..so my wife cannot take it..so she having vg bad cough
during the embroys transfer....
during the 9 days...we are asked to go back for check up...Dr Chen say..gd luck we are half way to pregnant...cos her HCG is around 2.5 at that time..so we pray hard...day 12..go back check again..this time is 4.5 & above..(according to Dr Chen) % & above is consider pregnant.
but who know on day 14 she went back to check again..Dr Chen told her..your HCG is -1..she was shocked..dun knw wat to day..at that time i was not with her...cos busy that day..in fact when we went back the next visit,,we ask Dr Chen what actually happen to her..do you kwn the he give. (NO EXPLAINABLE ANSWER GIVEN). i ask him...he just look at me & see..try harder..wat do you thk about this..
you should heard about him..his charges is not CHEAP..at this time,...we have spend quite a sum with him liao..
so we went back...after thking for few days...deceided to give him one more chances..to for a second ivf.
2nd ivf start at Nov last yrs.same thing..take medicine,jab..suddenly...one the nurses ask me..have I finish the medicine.(ths is to put up my sperms mobility)...funny thing i ask her back.did Dr ask me to eat...you see this could be the comm breakdown of the nurses..who didnt do their work..okkie nvm...i start eating the medicine again...his medicine..for men we spent around 300+ for medicine...
This time round..Dr Chen my wife conditions is more better than last time.she have more than 10 eggs that is to size..but finally he only manage to retrieve 4 embroys which is grade 2.
IVF transfer 2 embroys.. 2 embroys frozen at his clinc..same thing...THis time round Dr Chen going for a meeting in Europe after my wife embroys transfer..so I told my wife ..Is this safe for you..what happen if something is going to happen ..who going to help.you..this time round we was ask to go back on day 10..but the results came out to be...1..so we ask the nurses..how come...according to nurses .some ppl can only be detected late..okike...so we go back to check again on day 14...finally answer is out again...-1. I was so angry..I dun wat to say..
This time everything is so perfect..like ...why thing type of thing happen..
after Dr Chen was back..we ask him why..same answer..no reason given again..
I dun wat was this..like i say again..if I spent so much money & time...al least I got so answer..
so we deciced to stop on Dec-08..rest first ..
next stop go see TCM tiao li,.then decide what to do..
this is my story...boring right..
Hi Develyn,

this story tell us one thing..not all famous Doc is trustable...we are not rich ppl..bt you see..how much we spent @ his places..no dicsount..lah..but in the end...still back to square one..
littlemilk, if are mentally prepared for IVF and your hubby is supportive, then go for it. At the age of 37, it is still not late. Currently, I am under Dr Loh at KKH. You need full support and understanding from hubby during the whole procedure.

Hi Humbug, lina, do play those games that are less exciting hor
Richard, I just search from yahoo websites. Basically I did a lot of reading up after my ET but I didn't keep the links leh. Read liao then I closed the page.
Hi all,

Just wanna to share my story. I'm very sad and disappointed today. I've failed in my 1st attempt in IVF. I have been married for 7 yrs and my kid could have been 6 yrs old now if I'm lucky. I had also operated twice on entrometrosis. Like Richard, I have been to Jurong East Clinic then recommended to Dr Chen then Dr Chew with 2 IUIs then the current IVF. My gynae suggested to try again in May but I'm not too sure if it is too early or my body may not be ready yet. She has also mentioned that I may go into early memopause, despite that i am only 34 this year as I have entrometrosis again now (very fierce kind).

Can anyone advise whether to go ahead in May or should I do abit of homework before deciding to go ahead?

Have anyone heard of DHEAS before? My gynae recommended me to take as it will enhance more eggs and prevent aging eggs which caused me to fail this round.
Richard, I understand your frustration. Money spent is one thing, it's the trust and faith that we have in the doc, is broken. To have a responsible gynae is important. I have encountered irresponsible gynae from pte hospital too and have spent quite a sum there (not on IVF though). Hence decided to change gynae.

Build up your wife's health now. She has been through a lot and she is really blessed to have such a caring and supportive hubby. You are really great
NesNes, don't be sad. Life is full of ups and downs.
Are you prepared for another IVF and how confident you are with your current gynae?

Are you seeing any chinese physician now to "diao" your body?
Think not too late to start now since your IVF is scheduled in May.

ya i knw that..she have to keep gd conditoin..so do am I also..if not how to go chiok mountain.
So we both intend to go see TCM together.
hi baby
yes is fun and relax..and mum cooked for me nearly 7hrs with her love : dan sheng+red dates+gou chi zi+black chicken..yum yum

hi develyn
i will depend on my BT coming 31/3, whether the hcg level have gone up? hopefully yes la.. if yes..will join u guys for the gathering liao..if no, maybe got to report workplace liao.. pray pray pray
Thanks on tips for red dates
You joining us for the gathering? My turn to play baby mahjong.

Me also 36 leh... but it's never too late, okie..

You mean you only require to inject every 3 days, then you do not need to insert tablets like Chris? How come so different practice for KKH? Lina - inject daily, Chris - inserts tablets daily, yours - inject every 3 days.

Ok, i will surely cut down on coffee, will start by half cup tom!

Last time, i use crinone as well as some other prescribe tablets during 2WW, and AF will come 2 days after stopping all these if negative. But i hope this will not happen to you.

Hope you coping well with your injections, good luck.

All the best to your BT tom.

Good luck to you too.

It is really an experienced learnt.. Hope TCM will help nurse both your health, and embark to the next IVF with the right doc.

Never heard of DHEAS before, maybe no harm trying if it's really good and recommended by your gynae. Do you know your FSH level?
Richard, stay patient & your effort will get paid off

tnt, wow.. sound so yummy.. I'm craving for herbal soup now leh..
Hi libby, it's depends on the no. of eggs retrieved. Chris & lina got more than 15 eggs. I got less than 10 eggs, so don't need daily injection. Lina opt for daily injection and Chris for insertion so that she don't need to travel to kkh daily.
Crinone is also a progesteron to be inserted every morning and night.. and it's quite costly, my previous gynae sold me each at $13 per tube.
I am not doing any insert leh.. think you confused liao. So far only did pregnyl injection every 3 days. This sat will be my last injection
I do think that if -ve, AF will report after injection or insertion stopped. Don't think our AF will come while we are still on injection & insertion.

So let's hope we can get +ve!!!
hi to ladies with kkh?
is it the practise to check ur progesterone level after post ET e.g in day 5 if u r using insertion?
if insertion, how many times u insert /day? is it crinnoe gel u all using? thnks
hi littlemik
welcome to this forum, as ur age, i will definetely encourage u to go for ivf, cos as age is increase, chances are declines...so go for it, and we will be MTB soon

hi nesnes
welcome to the thread..yes govt hosp is definetely cheaper than private..but i had already spent 11k at nuh liao..cos i oso using qutie a high dose on gonal f..wish success..

hi richard
so at this stage,and yes the most impt is to tiao both of your body..me oso will go tiao my body after my BT on 31/3...
hi libby
u mentioned u used crinnoe b4 in ur 2ww? how frequent /day usage? and wat other tablets u took in ur 2ww? thanks
hi baby
cos i wonder how come nuh didnt perform any BT for me to check my progesterone level? is it all other hosp practise the same like kkh? and i only using the crinnoe gel once/day till my BT to check my hcg only..very puzzle
tnt, for kkh, they will check the level. chris who is doing self insertion also went for the BT to check the level. Understand from the nurse that if the level is not ideal, then need to increase dosage for the last injection. I'm not sure BT for insertion is how many days after ET. Need to check with Chris.

Maybe different hospitals have different practices. Or you want to call nuh and check with the nurse? You are having injection or insertion?

hi baby
surprising u haven sleep yet?
cos i myself will prefer jab rather than gel...but now seems quite late to do BT for progesterone liao... my Et was on 9/3, and my hcg on 17/3 was 9.8, then 20/3 was 10.2..so dr just said i continue to use the gel till BT on 31/3 lor and see how lor
