IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Fresh..

I don't still quite understand the term. Lucrin is injection before ER? I hope we can cycle buddies around that time... don't think i can start any early than that as i am only seeing Dr Loh end of Apr. Hopefully by then he can give me green light...

Hi Fresh

One more thing.. i am not sure if I got Rubella jab before. Must we have Rubella jab before IVF? Why you only had it now that you had gone through IVF previously?

Why choosing 3 embryos must forego the 3k subsidy? I thought only need to pay additional for the extra ET. Like that must think carefully whether to transfer extra or not..

I am planning to go straight to IVF if Dr Loh allows. My hubby and I can't try naturally due to his religion.. haiz. So I fought so much for the BB and I don't want to waste anymore time cos i am not young anymore

I haven't told Dr Loh yet cos during the first visit, we are still not very familiar with him. Furthermore, he is quite serious, not those jokey type. We are the first couple and he was late for the appt and there were long q behind us...

Next appt I definitely want to make a decision depending on his recommendation.

When you tell your boss let me know how ok? Do you plan to tell the truth?

I am quite worried also as I just join the company half a year ago..
Hi sunflower,

me too like twinstars, my hb does all my jabs heehee.. its better ..cos i dun have the courage to even look at the needle or poke myself with it.

Hi Richard,

Oic, dunnoe is it too late now to opt for jab cos now worrying that the insertion may not be sufficient to hold embies.
Hi libby and Lynn,

I know how you feel imagine all the bridesmaid duing my wedding 4yrs ago all became mothers one after another... Can be quite sad...and of cos I happy for them too lah..One of them, my godson going to be 3yrs old liao this september.

My god son was conceived by accident the following month straight after I've gone thro my ops to remove ectopic pregnancy. Quite ironic rite?? (I got pregnant during my honeymoon in Japan and less than 1 week after we got the news, i went for a emergency ops to remove ectopic pregnancy.)heehee But I've learnt to accept the fact that alot of things are fated
Hi Sierra ,

Ya.. Zaza starts lucrin on 10/06 & i start 04/06.. but KK wants me to continue lucrin additional 10 days due to jam pack at KKIVF lab.
Staff nurse Sara says ER &ET shouldbe 2-3May.. Getting excited again :p

Hi Sunflower ,

Thanks for the info of the leaf.. i will try to find Ai ye.. hope it can keep my womb warm

Hi Libby ,

Yeah i do understand.. but must forxe yourself to relax okie.. During the consultation , i just telll Dr Loh that i want to start this cycle..
So , he asks if i am well prepared for 2nd shot.. so i say yes.. and we discuss on the dosage.. he will increase me from 200IU to 400IU..
But OHSS dun blame him.. lolz... :p Do u mean Safra Tampines cafe ? Yes, i did .. i will be organizing another gathering there... Will be keeping all posted.

Hi Richard ,

How old are you ? I am 26 and hubby 36.. hubby used to say "have have , dun have dun have.." but i guess when age grows.. we find
that having a baby will be good to make the family complete...Since started my first IVF and got pregnant then miscarriage , my hubby
always look at ppl's babies filled with envy... It hurts when i cannot have it naturally in the beginning .. but now i am telling myself to go all the way to try all source.. dun want to regret for life.. btw, do u mind to share the failure reason on the 1st and 2nd try of IVF ?

Hi Baby & Humburg ,

Stick Stick Stick like super glue... BFP BFP !

Hi Greenie ,

I agree with u.. this is a great forum.. just imagine if all of us get preggy here.. next time can gather all our babies together.. can also exchange toys.. Opppss.. i am thinking real far.. but is true.. keke...
You and I went to KKH abt the same time, in Dec08. At that time the nurses also told me same thing. Just give them a call when your AF comes to start Lucrin. Nothing said about needing to book what slots. Then read in this forum, a few ladies keep saying abt booking slot. So I got suspicious lor.. called KKIVF, and Nurse Yen told me, ya, they started booking system in Feb09. I was like huh? Then you never bother to update those who registered earlier, then how we know?? Think she was quite paiseh abt it cos I sounded pretty unhappy abt the whole thing. But at least now you secured your June slot. I just hope they don't mess up my slot also lor. Scared go down, they said "ah.. your name not in April slot" KNS lor!

Oooh... TCM classifies soy products as cooling ah. Haiyah ... then how like that ...to consume or not to consume ...

Nice to hear that. April is not too far away. Can start soon. I share your excitement! I also can't wait for my turn! BTW, when you got your April slot, is it through Dr Loh or the nurses at KKIVF? Like did you see them WRITING down your name for April? Cos I only spoke over the phone, and Nurse Yen said ... i book for you April slot. When you come down, must tell the nurses you already booked for April or they won't know. Err... if booked already, why won't know one ah?
Hi Sierra,

ya, very confusing one lor..i only cut those soya milk and soya bean curd, the rest i just take as per normal. other frens can eat and become preg, why we cant, so sometimes i dont worry too much.. the more u stress wat can eat and wat cant, its even worse..
Hi Lyn / Sierra ,

I strongly suggest that we should go down personally to KKIVF for registration and speak to the Dr. to get black and white.. dun depends on telecon.. I learn my lesson during my first IVF.. call them and they say ok .. at the end i took microgynon for 21 days and ready for lucrin , they say they dun have slot and i have to wait for next cycle (This is said my a senior staff nurse.. after that i make a big fuss and insist to see Dr Loh and tell him the incident..) Dr Loh says no problem , just go back to KKIVF to say it is his instruction.. but i insisted that he give me a black and white on a memo.. he also waive off my "so called consulatation" ..

For Lyn , if u secured , just ensure that u have documents proof.. Sierra, u got to meet with Dr Saddhal (dunno how to spell).. lolz...

On 23.01 when i see Dr Loh , i am having my 1st day AF and i told him i wan to start immediately and he gets me to go up to IVF centre..
So i ask him to give me the memo highlighting "Start this cycle" .. so i started lor..
hi zaza,
i will try asking Dr Zou if she got essence discount.

hi sierra,
kk allow sperm storage. I enquire last time when hubby was expected to go overseas for work during my ER. Just need to let the nurse know about storage and she will advise you.

Hi lyn,
just try to ignore them, they are lucky. But one day your dream will come true.

hi twinstar,
all the best for your ER.
Must get in black & white? Err ... how??? I can't go back to SIN anymore in April leh! Sh*t!! I'll call up again this aftn and confirm with the nurses that my name is in the April slot. I can't meet with Dr Sadhana anymore as well ... unless I e-mail her. But use is that? Last time I e-mailed her in Jan09 and asked her if ok to start in May09, she said fine. But this also not communicated to the nurses lor. Sigh ....
Yeps ... think gonna call KKH today to ask abt the sperm storage. Hopefully got no such thing as "book slots" to give sperm also lor! Ahahahahaha!
Hi Sierra,

Just print out the email to bring along.. i think that works the same..
Dun worry.. If they prolong then just insist to meet Dr Sadhana..
hi sierra,
your hubby will need to make a trip down to collect the container for home collection. But if he take sperm in hospital, then no need to take the container. I can't recall the charges.
Hi Sierra ,

I think the charge is SGD 100.00 or so for freezing sperms.. if i remember correctly.. for embies freezing is SGD 350.00.. both are based on yearly. can call them to check too :p
Hi Ladies ,

Any objection for the 2nd gathering to be on 05th April ' 2009 afternoon ? Venue should be Safra Tampines (The mind Cafe)..
hi develyn,
i am in 2ww now, taking HL and resting at home. Never been so free before, just like waiting very patiently for the release of exam results.
Hi Lina ,

Oh yayaya... BFP BFP ... Stick like super glue..
I agree with u on waiting for exam result .. keke... Btw, are u the one who retrieved alots of eggs ? think 17 or so.. u doing at KKIVF or private ? Need to know more on what to take inorder to get more eggs. :p
Hi Greenie,

When i did HSG at KK, the nurse did give me a list to note for the next few days in case there's an infection. Sorry I can't remember wat it is but u just monitor if there's anything unusual.

Tat's wat my fren told me abt jump q but probably u need Doc's recommendation. ANyway like wat the nurse told me & hubby when i was wanted to start asap, she said dun rush yrself, wat we want is quality eggs. Err, wat's yr hubby's religion? if u dun mind sharing...

Like u, I also join my company 1 year ago and I haven told my boss abt gg for ivf, only told a few female colleagues and they r quite encouraging.

Woah Develyn,
You r still so young! six younger than me!
Good luck for your ER.

Govt subsidy only for up to 2 embies transfer. If 3 embies, no subsidy.

Think only this forum sisters understand how each of us feel.. But I can't avoid meeting them, each time have to smile smile and pretend like it doesn't matter (but of course it hurts so much inside)

Onz lah.. Next sunday gathering
5th April I cannot make it Develyn
It's my Grandma's birthday party!

If all can make it then you girls go ahead ;)
I'll join in for the next one
Hi Lina,
Yeps, maybe will take the container for home collection. Hehe ... guess hubby will be more comfortable that way. Want to make sure he produced only the best. hahahaha! Better to go to hospital to collect lah, so won't waste time travelling and all, but I think he'd be more stressed doing it at the hosp :p

Oklah.. $100 still bearable. Anything for the sake of (hopefully) getting the best.
BTW, the e-mail I had with Dr Sadhana says MAY09. But last I spoke to the Nurse at KKIVF, I got an APR09 slot. Hahahaha! Erm... so how? Khekhe ... nvr mind, i'll call the nurse again today to double, triple, quadruple confirm.

Which nurse in KKIVF is nice to talk to??? Nurse Tan ok rite?
Hi Catherine ,

Yupz.. i am 26 but hubby 36 liao..

U wanna join the gathering ? If yes , just sms me your no.

Hi Libby ,

Sure onz huh.. u didnt turn up then u pay money.. keke..
Develyn dearie,
Me cannot make it for 5Apr. Me will be here stuck in Indonesia. Me have been banned by me boss from returning bck to SIN in Apr till my release on 30Apr.

Booohooo! U ladies enjoy ok!
Hi Sierra ,

Try talking to Staff Nurse Sara and says that the nurse says u will be starting in April. U will be flying back as discussed with Dr Sadhana.. U just need to confirm everything to ensure no hiccups.
Hi Sierra ,

Yes, i fully understand.. Actually , it is quite simple.. T/T transfer to my account is acceptable.. we can put u on conference to see how we eat.. all u need is to TT $ to me.. good idea right.. oppss..
Hi Sierra,
I've spoken to Nurse Tan about my intention to store my hubby's sperm just in case that the quality of his sperm is not good on the day of ER due to stress. Need to arrange with her to collect the specimen bottle cos we intend to do it at home. Nurse Tan also mentioned that there is certain timing to return the sperm for storage. For me, it is still early stage as my scheduled lucrine stage is in June. Will ask for more detail when I meet the consellor in end April. Try to give Nurse Tan a call later to check since your ER is expected to be in May.

Hi Greenie,
I didn't want to take rubella jab previously cos you need to practice safe sex for 3 months. I still have not given up hope to conceive naturally and I always thought that miracles might happen within this 3 months. The reason why I'm taking rubella jab now are:
1) I'm doing my laproscopy this month. Since I got to rest for at least 2 cycles, just take this opportunity for the jab.
2) KKivf is quite packed so I just want to have a slot that is comfy to me and kkivf.

The purpose of the jab is to prevent yourself being infected with rubella during pregnancy. You may read more in this website:
TT to your account ah. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. I TT to you 1000 (Rp) into your account okie. That's a lot of money aye! Can treat the whole gang ah!


Nurse Sara is Chinese or Malay ah? Nurse Tan handled my registration way back in Dec08. Not that she can remember me lah. Ahaha!
Hi Greenie,
FYI, if you are taking the rubella jab now, then you will have to wait another 3 months to progress with your ivf.

Hi Develyn,
Any chance to meet up during weekdays after work instead cos weekends always packed with activities with families.
Hi Lina,

I just went for progesterone blood test this morning. Hmm..now keeping fingers crossed. The nurse who did the blood test for me very nice, at least she explained to me the purpose heehee...she said that since I do insert so Dr loh needs to know if my progesterone level is sufficient and if not may switch to jab. She told me to call them after 3pm when the results are out.
Hi Libby,

Yah lor, I always tell myself that life goes on..and at least we did make an effort to try and not give up easily tats why all the sisters here are so brave to go through ivf....

BFP BFP BFP to all.......
Hi sierra,

Dun worry, just call KKIVF and take down the name of the nurse who took your call and maybe as additional precaution, heehee you can send an email to Dr Sadhana to confirm.

Hi Sierra,

Think is nurse Fong XXXX, didn't get to see her name. She's shoulder length hair and wear specs quite young looking and slim.
Hi Sierra
I think when I did my mock transfer, nurse Sara is the one helping out Dr Loh. Dr Loh introduced her to me, saying she's one of the nicest and experienced nurse around, and she is very friendly throughout the transfer and giving me assurance each time.

Ya I heard a lot abt Nurse Sara too. Hehe.. at least if one nurse not around, can ask for another nurse. Dowan to get the grumpy ones :p

Okies! Will bear that in mind. Me not around anyways, so DH certainly not hvg sex wor... HAHAHAHA!
