IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi happyhippo,
I feel ok with the accup. U can ask her to turn lower if u feel the current too strong. As for the medicine, i feel very bad also, feel like vomit for the 1st time. But after taking few times, ok with it. Eat sweets after the medicine, it helps. For the baby, hard to take also must take. Tahan k...
Dr Zou will plan for u, for me i am doing natural FET so I 'tiao' for about 2 months plus.

Hi Bliss,
Thanks alot. I really eager to have them inside me growing. I tell them to be strong and grow well. Pray for me..
I was so happy for u that ur baby is so big now. BFP for me this time..

hi all,

need a little advice. i have had my 2 weeks of lucrin already but when i went for blood test yesterday, doc told me to continue for 1 more week. what can i do to fasten the hormones to be suppressed. reaaly worried that it will drag as i am doing this ivf during my dec hols. Any advice.
alyssa - dont think you can do much, better to wait extras 1 week than to speed up everything if not perfect. i understand the anxiety cos when i had my suprefact, the nurses kept saying my e2 abnormally high, lucky it came down quite a bit 1 day before my scheduled gonal F, but still 3 times higher level than average. why are you worried abt dragging into dec hols ? 1 thing we cant control is timing...

ladies - i had a big scare yesterday. was bleeding flowing and bright red blood. went to see doc immediately, but my doc on leave and had to wait for another doc to attend to me. i cried in the clinic, so scared something was wrong. luckily, the doc did a scan and said the twin sacs are ok. i'm rodered bed rest for 2 weeks. hope no more bleeding. also dont know what caused it.

happy hippo, can you add some honey or sour plum to the soup ? hold your nose and drink it in.

patricia - clear vag discharge is normal. i also had some discharge, clear and whitish. but if you're concerned should call your clinic. i read in book that if its gushing, even if clear, call clinic immediately.
Hi ponytail,

I can understand how u feel, I would cry also. Dun worry, since doc did the scan for u and confirmed twin sacs ok. So take extra care and have completed bed rest, u will be fine.
hi everyone,

i just came back from kkivf centre, did my er this morning and retrieved only 9 eggs. guess what i forgot to take the mc from the clinic. any idea can i ask for 1 when i go back for et on tues?
hi gals, chew

have not been responding to msg because i'm warded in KKH and feeling really poorly for OHSS.

anyone here who been thru OHSS, can share your experience?

day after ER, breathlessness cannot lie down, sat up straight thru the night to sleep.
ER 2nd day - admitted, put on oxygen
(2www D1)ET day - tsf, discharged, slight nausea, went home nausea got worse, threw up thr whole day.
2www D2 - went to KH IVF for progesterone jabs, was re admitted. bloatedness got worse
2ww D3 - gain 2 kg within 2 days, tummy distended.

May i know where the exact location is the Guanyin temple at Joo chiat? Been to a few temple (as far as taiwan) to pray 助生娘娘 hoping for a baby.
Think u din take enough protein before and after ET. Pls take lots lots of protein. During my last ivf i hv 21 eggs no OHSS cos i took lots of protein (eggs and fish).
you can take a look at the webpage, there is a map showing the location of the temple, the location of the temple is symbolised by a star in the map.
It is very near to Haig Girls' School, it is at the junction between tembleling road and Joo Chiat lane.

and this webpage has the pic of the temple
hi ponytail

true what u said. the only thing we cant control in ivf is timing. i am a teacher so i don really would like to rest during the dec hols after et. don want to drag till january when school reopens.

anyone have any idea how many days is the ideal and minimal number of days to rest after ET as time is not on my side.

Thanks A Lot

Take care to those who are on 2ww.
Hi all

Today had my scan again. Was told that I had a lot of follices and had about 12 eggs. My ET will be next Wed. Any idea whether having a lot of follices will lead to OHSS cos I am feeling very bloated now.
hi everyone, have not posted for a long time. i am starting my lucrin tomorrow... worried!! i am terrified of needles!!
my first scan will be on 22nd of december... may i know... what is this scan for?
oh yah for ET after that to prevent ohss, drink milk and eat egg whites? recommended number to take and if cannot drink milk any other thing to drink.. seems like when i take milk i get diarrhea...
hey there, i'm about to start my first cycle and this forum has been really helpful
i was wondering if you gals are on prenatal vitamins and which brands you would recommend? the ones im taking now make me nauseous...
Dear Happyhippo,
Same here! My legs keep twitching too. I have the same experience like you. After that, the legs feel quite sore. That's why I don't feel comfortable at all.

For the medicine, I tried to dissolve it in water such that I can finish it in 2 gulps. Yucks!!! Then, I'll stand by a very sweet cup of Ribena and drink it.

Its good to take pao sheng. I take the easy way out by buying the tea-bag ones from Eu Yan Sang. Just put one tea-bag in a thermal flask and drink like drinking water. My DH also likes to drink. Also, you can brew bird's nest once a week and add few slices of pao sheng. Again, I am quite lazy, so I bought bottled bird's nest with pao sheng.
Aiyah... already spent so much on IVF, must pamper ourselves...

Dear Babymaking,
Rest well and take as much protein as possible.
Dear happyhippo,
Oh yes, she said minimum must tiao 3 mths. I planned to do FET in Jan leh... Like that I have only 2 mth to tiao. I hope to give birth to a September baby. See how, if need be, then I'll push back to Feb/Mar lor.
Oh, I've taken brewed medicines before (not from Zou). Brewed ones worse! More to drink. At least one rice bowl full. If capsules, then we'll have to take at least 20-30 I think, given the amount of powder to be taken... Waa..ah! Can cry!
Dear Babymaking...i can really understand what u are going through. I was admitted for moderate OHSS FOR 8 days..I was on IV drip and had to do abdominal tapping to drain out the fluid in my tummy. The pain is really torturing esp after they did the tapping..though u feel much better as in ur tummy wnt be so distented and u can eat and drink but everytime u wanna walk or stand to go toilet..its terrible cos there is a tube in the tummy. 15cm of the tube was in my tummy so u can imagine the discomfort..N i had to keep a record of my food and liquid intake and have to even measure wht is my urine output.
But pls hang in there!..by the way are u admitted? I was admitted on the day of my ER, but was cancelled. But the nurses at the ward said if got OHSS means its a good sign..ur body is responding well..and most of them POSITIVE!!..
My suggestion if u are not admitted, i would say its better that u request to be admitted, cos since u can't drink water ..afraid u might be dehydrated and thats not good..and its good they can monitor u and ur blood to ensure that it does not thicken and stuffs..
Please take care..and dnt worry sumtimes all this is really worthwhile..
Now when i think of what i had to endure eversince embarking on IVF and having to go thru OHSS..i tell myself that all these are challenges GOD put me thru and to see if i'd give up and lose faith..now that im pregnant ..not even a moment i forgot to thank him for his blessings...
Dear Ponytail..on wed i went to see my gynae (not kkh, have decided to stick with the gynae at kk)FRM Thomson Medical, was able to hear heartbeat and saw the sac and the fetal pole. But that night i bled, not much just average..i started to scream and cry (d alot of things when thru my head, was telling myself ..it cannot be happening)so went to KK 24HR clinic, the gynae checked she said no bleeding and as able to detect to detect heartbeat. The next day went back to see my GYNAE Dr Lawrence Ang, and he have me hormone jab on my butt..and scan again ..and baby is still fine. But he did mention that the sac is small, but he said he has seen many like this and it is still a healthy pregnancy. As for the bleeding, he said the first trimester is usually the crucial period. He gave 3 scenarios on what he thinks abt the cause of the bleeding. First scenario, the baby is growing so maybe pushed and cause alil bleeding which is normal, Second, the womb maybe is the trying to push the baby out, Third its an abnormal pregnancy. But he says since he can still detect the heartbeat which is very strong he will take it as scenario 1. Cos if scenario 2 and 3 now shldn't have heartbeat. But he also said abt my sac being small..but just hope that its normal...I have no bleeding eversince wednesday. And my gynae have told me to take the dydrogesterone 3 times a day instead of 2 times.
Ponytail, wht u can do is when u lie dwn elevate ur legs up..abv chest level..by putting 2 pillows under ur leg. do that evryday..maybe 2 to 3 hrs try that for at least 30mins. N dnt sit, stand or walk to much. Lie dwn as much as possible and drink lots of water. Drinking water helps the cells to grow.

I can understand that u are worried i am too...but all i can do is just hope n pray...take care
the scan is to check the linning. If is not ready u need to have the lucrin jab for longer period.Good luck to you. Don worry abt the needles...its painless. Jus make sure to jab it on the tummy where lots of fats is.
to prevent OHSS take lot of protein food. Ensure milk as some ladies have recommended here. I took Complan instead as it taste better. Egg whites u can start once u start your puregon. It depends how many u can take. Actually fish is also good.
I have a list of protein for that I take down during my last IVF. Hope can help u.

Food advisable to be taken before and after embryos transfer (Protein food)

List of protein foods:

Hamburger patty, 4 oz – 28 grams protein
Steak, 6 oz – 42 grams
Most cuts of beef – 7 grams of protein per ounce

Chicken breast, 3.5 oz - 30 grams protein
Chicken thigh – 10 grams (for average size)
Drumstick – 11 grams
Wing – 6 grams
Chicken meat, cooked, 4 oz – 35 grams

Most fish fillets or steaks are about 22 grams of protein for 3 ½ oz (100 grams) of cooked fish, or 6 grams per ounce
Tuna, 6 oz can - 40 grams of protein

Pork chop, average - 22 grams protein
Pork loin or tenderloin, 4 oz – 29 grams
Ham, 3 oz serving – 19 grams
Ground pork, 1 oz raw – 5 grams; 3 oz cooked – 22 grams
Bacon, 1 slice – 3 grams
Canadian-style bacon (back bacon), slice – 5 – 6 grams

Eggs and Dairy
Egg, large - 6 grams protein
Milk, 1 cup - 8 grams
Cottage cheese, ½ cup - 15 grams
Yogurt, 1 cup – usually 8-12 grams, check label
Soft cheeses (Mozzarella, Brie, Camembert) – 6 grams per oz
Medium cheeses (Cheddar, Swiss) – 7 or 8 grams per oz
Hard cheeses (Parmesan) – 10 grams per oz

Food to avoid after embryos transfer to prevent bloatedness:

Beans (including soy)
Tofu, ½ cup 20 grams protein
Tofu, 1 oz, 2.3 grams
Soy milk, 1 cup - 6 -10 grams
Most beans (black, pinto, lentils, etc) about 7-10 grams protein per half cup of cooked beans
Soy beans, ½ cup cooked – 14 grams protein
Split peas, ½ cup cooked – 8 grams

Nuts and Seeds
Peanut butter, 2 Tablespoons - 8 grams protein
Almonds, ¼ cup – 8 grams
Peanuts, ¼ cup – 9 grams
Cashews, ¼ cup – 5 grams
Pecans, ¼ cup – 2.5 grams
Sunflower seeds, ¼ cup – 6 grams
Pumpkin seeds, ¼ cup – 19 grams
Flax seeds – ¼ cup – 8 grams
hopefaith - oh, you must be very scared. i was also totally freaked out. as i was waiting to see the doc, i thought of so many things. i have come so far already, my family all so happy for me, i have only 2 frozen embise, *touch wood* if something bad happens, i dont know if i can go though the whole process again. the doc did a scan for me and could see fetal hearts moving, but the machine got no sound buttong, so cant hear heart beat. but she said thats a good sign. i'm resting at home now, but cant lie down whole day, got go out for breakfast and watch tv. this fri i'm going back to see my usual doc, for another scan, hopefully can hear heart beat this time. i'm so releved the doc told you the 3 scenarios. i didnt know abt that. i hope both of our babies growing fast and strong
Jia You !

blessbb - wow, a long list. but i read that nuts, esp brazil nuts, good for implantation. heard some ladies in 2ww in this thread ate brazil nuts. i didnt, but i eat almonds and walnuts.
Hi there blesswbb, thanks a lot for the list. really helpful. hehe i think i will stick to tuna and chicken breast!! and egg whites i love them can take up to 8 to 12 a day . i just dun like the yolk.
Thanks for your help. Yup did the jab and it did not hurt! hehe
take care and have plenty of rest..

thanks. was worried that if no hl given, i need to go back to work...
Hi all,

Had my menses yesterday b4 my blood test on 9 dec, went to KKH women clinic and cfm a BFN. Not sure whether I have the mental preparation to try another time, though I suceeded on my first cycle but not my second. It's not the needles that I'm afraid of the mental pressure..

I started my puregon on 27 Nov and had my first scan on 3 Dec. Extended then another scan on 6 Dec. Will have my ER on 10 Dec.

I think your HL might eat into Jan where school reopens...
Hi Chew

Got this long list from one of the ladies in this thread quite long ago.

Hope it is useful for all the others.

Things you should DO before ER (endometrial Biopsy):
- Eat an egg or two each day or other protein rich foods
- Acupuncture (if possible)
- Massage
- Drink lots of water
- Exercise (only light exercise when stimming and after ER/ET like walking,.
This increases blood flow to the uterus) Don’t get heart-rate over 140
- Eat lots of protein and high-quality fats. Nuts, seeds, eggs, meats, beans . . . etc.
- Eat lots of fiber as well. This helps PCOS women with IR to regulate insulin better
- Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Take frequent naps

Things you should AVOID before ER:
- DH should not expose himself to sauna/hottub
- Avoid cold/iced food
- Avoid excess amounts of red meats
- Don’t eat sugar or sugar substitutes! Sugar negatively effects egg quality.
- No alcohol for either partner for at least 1 month before ER
- Reduce or eliminate caffeine intake
- Avoid eating fish due to mercury content

Things you should DO after ER:
- Relax
- Drink plenty of Gatorade
- Drink Pedialyte(isotonic rehydration drink) and water to avoid OHSS. 3-5 liters a day!

Things you should AVOID after ER:
- Exposure to sun

After ET care:
- No heavy lifting! Anything over 5 lbs is too much
- Rest, rest, rest!!!!!

CANNOT eat/do the following:

Eat pineapple, watermelon, green-skinned banana, papaya, coconut, oysters, sashimi, rojak, bittergourd, brinjal, brown cucumber, spicy food.

Drink cold gassy drinks, coffee, cocoa.

Carry items more than 10 pounds or have strenuous workout.

Take chinese herbal tea or soup (e.g. bak kut teh)

Stress yourself
thinks brazil nuts is not in the list so should be safe hehehe....those lists are from those IVF ladies who had succeed just keep for them future use

i also tot almonds are good. Base on my research i found almonds hv irons that is good for men and women.

thanks for the detailed info. is doing housework consider as strenous exercise?

recently i found out that i have nut allergy!!! i was so devastated.. cos im a nuts lover... so upset...

dont be upset.. sorry to hear what happened.. u must be strong and i believe u can make it if your preserverance is strong.. jia you..
Don't be sad. Be strong ya...
U will find yourself emarking into this journey when u c babies around you. Never give up. I told myself the last time when i failed that i can't go thru again. No more stress...no more needles...but looking at babies make me heart aches and the determination to have one.
So for the time being tiao your body. There are many of us here also tried many times. Never to give up is our motto. Right ladies? Think of the happiness when you have your own child.
Hi Piggy,

Sorry to hear abt the BFN. Did doc say why your menses came before your BT? What's your plan next?

Remember not to give up. We will jia you together to get a BFP 1 day!!!!
Hi piggy,
yup please dun give up.... keep going...
Asking all you ladies out here, do you set a limit to the number of fresh cycles you will go for? or keep going no matter what?
For me, i set it at max 3 fresh cycles.
sorry to hear that. Can understand how agonising it is to face this outcome. Like what the other ladies encouraged you, you must not give up, ok? It is definitely not easy to go thru so much just to have own baby, but you must still believe you will be blessed with your precious ones sooner or later.
Always stay positive, have good thoughts and do good deeds, this is what I always believe. Heaven knows your sincere wishes and grant your wish at the right time to you.
Please take good care of your physical and emotional health still. You are definitely a very strong lady, piggy!
Hi ladies

I am supposed to go down to the 24 hr women clinic to have my pregnyl jab at 9.30pm. Any idea what's the waiting time like?
Hi all,

Thanks for all the encouragement. Went to the 24 hr clinic at KKH, the doc who attend to me is an MO only. So young and inexperience, she still have to call nurse Phua The nurse manager at KKIVF to ask what to do. Ask me questions that I dun understand what she's asking. further still prick me twice and can't even get blood fm me for the BT. I'm so annoyed with her. She didn't even apologise and is the nurses that aplolgise. Still ask if there's any difficult getting blood fm me. I answer her bluntly saying no. In the end it's the senior doc who have to get the blood fm me for blood test. Will be seeing Doc Loh on 16 dec, see what he says then decide from there.

Actually I'm already blessed with a cute little gal from KKIVF, want a 2nd child, my goal is to have 3 kids if possible. This is my first KKIVf failure donno what to expect..

Think I shall build up my health first. I was and still having cough & phlegm few days b4 ER till now.. I'll take one step at a time..

Hi Fellaine,

The waiting time is not v long cause the nurse have to jab u exactly at 930pm.
hi all,

tmrw i will be going for my et.. very nervous.. dunno whats the quality of my eggs also hows the fertilisation going on? im so excited and nervous but at the same time worried..

time really flies very fast.. seems like yesterday i just started my lucrin jab and nw im going to 2ww.. unbelievable..
We are quite close in our cycles. I just started Lucrin on Dec 5th, can encourage each other :p

Do you experience bloating when taking Puregon? I experienced quite bad bloating when taking Puregon for my previous failed IUI cycles, so a bit phobia about taking higher dosage for IVF.

On your list above, massage means the traditional Chinese massage or spa type massage? heee.... I will grab any excuse to go for massage:p
hi ttc_no2 and jas

me too quite close in our cycles. i had my first lucrin 21 dec. think me start first la. must motivate one another k.

me going for my 2nd blood test and scan tom to see if my hormones are suppressed already. hopefully can start puregon oon. tis is my first ivf. so a bit kan cheong la

take care

Hi tt_no2

I'm not sure what kind of massage also cos I copied from a lady who posted in this thread earlier on. Sorry.

By the way, I experienced bloatedness and have puked once yesterday and today. Felt giddy and kept wanting to pass motion. Could not call the clinic to enquire cos of the PH. Will call tomorrow. Anyone out there with similar experience?
