IVF/ICSI Support Group

As far as i know, the massage is supposed to the the relaxing kind... i copied this list from another ang moh PCOS website that i am on.. they are super advocates of relaxing massages.. they actually have professional masseuse going to the hospital to massage them.. whatever massage you go for, it is the relaxing after feeling that you are supposed to get.. personally, i believe that the MTB is relaxed, the egg quality will be better..

Great Alyssa! yes, it helps to have company. My 1st scan is next week ...usually how long do we have to be on Lucrin jabs for?

Thanks Mel and Fellaine, I guess time to book that massage appointment!
Dear gals,

I have become a silent reader after failed FET in Aug 08 . I need some of your advice...

Currently "tiao" my body going for accuputure with Dr Zou since Oct 08. Sept 08 my menses was ok, Oct was a bit late by 3 days and in Nov it was late almost a week. Now my menses come again barely 2 weeks my last menses in Nov 08.

Could it due to accuputure? Dr Zou said that my menses becomes haywire and now putting on medication. My temperature is also quite low, always around 36.1 - 36.3. I have not been ovaluating for past 3 months.

I'm thinking of seeking 2nd opinion... any advice? I'm frustrated and irritated these days especially when I see my menses coming... Feeling very despair...
hi Fellaine,
You must give the form to the nurse at KK24Hrs so the nurse can give the jab (faster than queue to see doctor).

Hi Patricia,
ooo ic... why you do not take 2wks HL? hehehe
hey gals,
ever felt this way.. very sianz with the wait liaoz.. still got to wait till Feb before i see my doc and who knows how long more i will have to wait... arghhh!!!

also a bit frustrated recently.. career is almost non-existent.. no baby in sight... feel like a total failure sometimes.. haiz..
Hi Josephine
Had my jab last night. A bit painful ah.

Yah, had the same feeling. Very fustrated with life especially when my friends around me all have babies and they kept talking about how cute their babies are. I have no choice but just smiled all the time...

Can anyone share how your experience on ET?
Hi happyhippo,
Accupuncture has different effect base on individual. I felt my stomach moving for the first few visits, but no pain on the legs. Then subsequent vist was leg moving but stomach no effect. My hubby also went and his leg was pain, lasted whole day just like you. Think for your subsequent visit, should be less effect on the legs. As for the medication, how about trying one mouth of medicine follow by one mouth of plain water or dilute the medicine with more water. At least better than not taking at all.

Hi ponytail,
do rest well, have total bedrest as much as possible.

Hi piggy,
please don't give up, do try again. For the sake of your gal, jia you. I kept telling myself that i must go on for my older child's sake. He must have a didi or meimei. Sometimes my boy makes me angry by doing the naughty things and i wanted to give up.

Hi jas,
i set my limit at 10 times (regardless of fresh or FET). Will save up the cost along the years of TTC.

Hi alyssa,
14 days HL given after ET.

Hi hopeful bb,
did Dr Zou says how long you need to tiao before the next try?

Hi Sam,
Oh wow! congrats. Now your hubby really need to work triple hard for the family income. But you rest well and can't wait to see your triplets photos.
Lina, Josephine,

I put in 2 blastocysts and 1 split...

Its not a very good thing.. Gynae suggest i do a selective termination for 1... cause she say high risk ... Im actually very very depress.. I dun think we can handle financially frankly ...
Hi sam,
oh, i heard of your similar situation. A lady at kkivf put in 3 embies and then 1 split, she ended with 4 healthy babies. But do see how it goes, hope will not have to terminate any baby. Please be strong, financial is secondary, relax and stay strong for the pregnancy first.
hi ladies,

just got back fm kk doing my et.. feeling so sad.. though i had 9 eggs retrieve during my er but only 1 egg is usable.. n is grade 3 somemore... wanting to cry out when dr loh told dh n me.. can tell tat my dh is also upset but he just console me by saying its ok.. e nurse told me nt to pin too much hope cos it might nt be a successful one..
saw my dh friend thr also for et.. when i saw e pic of their embryo its so nice (split into 6-8) mine only 2... i lagi sad.. but have to tahan my tears.. dun wan my dh to worry...
anyone here taking dydrogesterone(duspaston) after having positive results?..kkivf gave me this after my blood test.

Anyone here also taking this?
Thanks Fellaine! Good luck for your ER tomorrow!

congrats! If putting aside the financial issues, is there any other choice besides selective termination? Can monitor and see?

i heard that from TMC. got 1 lady put in 2 and 2 split. so she had 4 boys
sorry to hear that. mine also same case.. can only use 1.
You on HL? just take this 2 weeks as a break and who knows miracle might happen... Take care
hi ladies..

just got back fm kkivf doing my et.. feeling so sad nw cos only able to transfer 1 embryo though had 9 during er.. was devasted when dr loh told me tat.. dh too but he composed himself by telling me its ok.. even nurse also tell me nt to pin so much hope on this round cos looking at it is nt very good.. trying to act strong so that dh wont be worry for me i hold my tears back..

things got worst when saw dh's friend there for et too.. saw his wifey's scan for e embryo.. its a 8cell embryo and mine is only 2cell.. i almost wanted to burst into tears but trying hard by holding back...

can anyone out there tell me what i can do? feeling devastated..........

thanks.. really praying for miracle to happen...


congrats, i thot i can be like u have 3.. but nw it seems tat its quite impossible..
hi gals,

can advise how's success rate for IVF if i have PCOS?

we are contemplating to go for IVF after CNY...

i'm afraid of my egg quality.
Hi Lina,

Dr Zou said at least 6 mths before I tried for next IVF. But my situation now is so weird. Everything just went wrong....tot it should be better after accuputure but now sigh!

The medication that she gave me seems like making my menses come even more... I supposed to take for 5 days.... today is the 3rd day.. but doesn't seems to have any improvement..

anyone has this problem?
Hi Chew,
stay positive. Only need one to work, must hang on during the 2WW and take good care.

hi hopeful bb,
I notice that the medication lengthen my menses duration, not quantity. But i am not too sure if accupuncture will regulate the menses or not.
hi fellaine,
Your progesterone jab will be start the next day after ET. But you can choose insert tablet to your vagina instead of jab. For jab, you need to come to KK ask nurse to jab. Hehehehe...

Good luck on your ET. How many embies will you put?
Hi Chew,

yup.. need to stay positive and be happy.
you must endure the little one, although only 1.
take really good care specially 2ww and 1st trimester. Wish you all the best.
Hi sam,
ooo ic.. wow.. triplets..
If I were you, I will be exciting mixed with worried (cos spend more money)... hehehehe ^_^
Please take good care of you cos it is not easy to conceive triplets.
dont think too much, who knows, your only one will successfully implant inside you. I remember there was one lady from this thread had only 2 eggs extracted during her ER, and only 1 was fertilised, but she has a BFP with that 1 embryo! So dont give up hope yet. Must stay positive and talk to your only precious little embryo.

wow you have been very active here, did not see you in the other thread for quite some time liao.

Hope you are doing well lately.
Hi ladies,
i jus had ET last thurs.My tummy is bloated and distended with a bit nausea and vomiting. Have been taking egg whites but doesn't seemed to relieve this.Is it normal to experience this? Advise much appreciated. Thanks.
Hi everyone -
Remember me? It has been a while since I wrote in here. I have been silently reading but nothing to contribute as I am not starting my IVF till at least March or April. Just wanna let you all know, I am going for my cystectomy/laparoscopy tomorrow morning. Please keep me in your prayers ok.

Hi Sam -
Congrats on your triplet pregnancy. Pls don't be depressed. The dr can suggest the selective termination but at the end of the day the choice is really yours and hubby. I'm not sure what's your religion but perhaps you can ask your God for guidance. He will not test you with something you cannot bear. So I am sure He knows what He is doing up there. For now just take care okay. N think positive. The money is secondary. In my religion, people believe that every child has its own share of wealth. With each child God will bless the parents with more abundance.

Chew -
Don't be sad okay. Perhaps that 1 will attach and you will be bless with a healthy baby in 9 months time.

Alyssa, Jas & ttc_no2 -
All the best for your cycle this time. My prayers are with you. I hope you will all be bless with good news for the upcoming new year. I am praying I will be able to join all of you soon at the beginning of next year.

See you all ladies after my surgery. Hope to hear more good news after I come back.
hi all

great news. i can proceed to stage 2 on thursday. usually how many scans are there in stage 2 and how long is the norm for puregon and lucrin. any sis here only had the minimum 9 days for stage 2.

any tips? thanks a lot for all ur support and advice. will be a total lost without this forum and all of u. baby dust to everyone
anyone here under DR Kelly Loye from KKIVF. Dr Loh will be having his holidays during my ER & ET. how is she? haven meet her before as DR Loh is my gynae.
My next scan is next mon, than need to decide by 1oth week... But my DH and family already said no to termination... they say will go through this stage with me no matter what..


Its not a good thing to carry triplets, there may be complications and not so easy for you.. and for me worse.. i really dunno if financially we can cope now.. im really terrified and worried...please have hope and faith in yourself k!!


I actually had 2 blasto transfered and 1 actually splits... my gynae was so surprised ..i really didn't expect this to happen..nevertheless even you had only 1 embroy transfered it can be a twins too!!
still remember you of course! Have been reading your blog too. All the best for your coming surgery. Dont worry, the surgery will go smoothly and everything will be good for you.
Hi Fellaine,

+ medicine no need to pay (free)
+ no need to go KK for 16 days to get the jab

- medicine need to pay
- need to go KK for 16 days for the jab (can do other clinic but must paid)

so the choice is you decide.. hehehehe :D
during 2wks if you feel boring you can choose the jab.. cos you can look look and see see...(go and back from house to KK)... hehehehe ^_^

for me, i choose Jab. Hehehehe cos I scare I did not insert the tablet properly (scare the tablet drop out from vagina).. hahahaha :D
don't worry too much abt the financial. i'm sure that it can be solve one way or the other. the more important things to consider is if there will be any health implications to you and the babies. Anyway, what the doc say is high risk but it doesn't mean that it will happen. so think hard abt this and not worry abt the finances yet. Just my 2 cents worth... all the best and i hope you have a smooth and happt pregnancy!!!
hi all,

anyone here under DR Kelly Loye from KKIVF. Dr Loh will be having his holidays during my ER & ET. how is she? haven meet her before as DR Loh is my gynae.

thanks a lot
Sam - I'm so happy and excited for you. You have tried hard and you finally managed to be a mummy to 3 little babies!!! Do take care. Please do not choose to terminate if it's only $$ issue. It will definatley be resolved. Furthermore, you DH and families are so supportive. Smile always!

hopeful_bb - Accupuncture do helps in ovulation and implantation. There might be other reasons that cause irregular menses; e.g. stress or cysts. Y not call your gynea for advice.
Hi sisters,

I've seen Dr Sahana from KKivf last Sat. She is indeed the soft spoken type. Would probably try another FET with my balance 5 embies in Jan/Feb 09. Dr Sahana did not suggest blastocyst. Her explanation was blastocyst is only performed if there are lots of embies to try cos not all will easily survive the blastocyst stage. She also mentioned that blastocyst stage dun really give higher pregnancy rate. Hmmm.... A bit puzzle cos I've seen many sisters here undergone blastocyst stage got preggy.
Any advice?
Hi Dr Zou patient,

Dr Xia is in town currently. For those who is interest to consult her, you may want to book an appointment with Dr Zou assistant, Li Ying.
glad to hear that you are trying FET soon.

I guess what doc meant is that blastocyst stage does not necessarily improve the percentage of implantation. She did mention that to me, that is why KKH does not really do that during ivf. And also somehow they have very high success rate of ivf on day 2 transfer.
hi ladies,

thanks for all the encouraging words... really thankful that u gals are so supportive..

i will take care of myself during this 2ww.. i will jia you..

Hi Bliss,

I will be doing a scan on Friday morning to check on the cyst before deciding the next stage. Dr Sahana can do either FET or IVF but since I still got 5 embies left, might as well do FET first since the cost of FET is not as much as IVF. Hope this is a wise decision.

Hopefully this cycle will succeed. (My 3rd FET so far) I'm telling God that all I want is 1 healthy bb and I'll be thankful!
