IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Helen,Lina,Happyever,pleasance,Chew, Sunflower,Josephine, Sam, ponytail, Irish coffee and pretyy lady,

Just an update, I am fine after the D&C and now resting at home. Just like to thank all of u for your encouragement when I was feeling down. I will take this time to build up my health and wait for AF to be regular again.

I will take your advice to try keep my womb warm. Btw, happy for u that u r expecting twins, must take extra care and enjoy your 9 mths ahead.

I can fully understand your grieve over the loss and hope we will never have this nightmare again. We will Jiayou k.

Pretyy lady,
If I didn't remember wrongly, your beta is quite high, r u expecting multiples? Wishing u a smooth pregnancy.

Ah Kat,
Sorry to hear that, seem like we r in the same plight. Hope u r recuperating well.
molecule - thanks for your well wishes. now that you're resting at home, try to do some light hearted stuff to keep your mind busy. i remember i was watching sex & the city non-stop. look forward to your next few AFs. Jia you!
Hi all,
I'm in 2WW now. I failed my 1st ivf and this is my 1st FET. Today is my 4pet. I pray and hope this time is a sucess. Let encourage each other. Jia You ladies.
Hi lenny,
I just done my FET and was given 7 days HL. Will end this thursday. Dunno should I extend, I will see how it goes on wed then decide.
glad to see you back!

Maybe you should just extend your HL until your BT. I will pray for you, hope to hear your good news very soon! Jia you jia you!
hi all,
me still on lucrin but waiting for my menses. is it usually late when on lucrin. does it mean that i can only proceed with puregon+lucrin when i have my menses.i am going for my bloodtest this thursday.

need some advice. thanks

hi baby making
thanks on ur clarification. now i understand better, u take care and rest well after ER
alyssa - i had my AF on day 2 of gonal F (puregon). i was quite worried cos everyone had their AF before gonal F started, but my doc said it was ok.
Hi Bliss, Josephine,
Glad to see u here again. Told u guys i will be back. This time i did a natural FET. No injections at all. Put in 3 embryos. Need to thaw 4 coz got 1 is not good. I put in 2 grade 3 and 1 grade 4 this time. Pray for me this time k. I really wanna join u guys

Today is my 5pet
Hi Bliss, Josephine,
I really need lots of encouragement this time from u guys during my 2ww journey. Esp Bliss, we are buddy before.
natural FET, good. May I know what is the reason for natural FET or FET with injections?
Yes yes, really really hope to see you in the MTB thread this time round and share your joy!
Have been wondering how you have been doing earlier on, as well as many others in the thread that time, such as Ping, Austere, Kalki, Bakaholic, Mala.
Wish all of you sharing good news with all of us here very very soon!!

Patricia, you must jia you, take good care of yourself this period, eat well, rest well. Extend your HL if you can. Must stay positive and happy mood.
Hi Bliss,
During these 2 months, I see Dr Zou to 'tiao' my body. I did this natural FET after 3 AF, then Dr zou said can go ahead and try. Natural FET - no injections, no medications, KK will scan until the urterine lining is at least 8, own egg must be at least 18mm,ovluation test to make sure LH is detected, then they will transfer after 3 days. Dr Zou said nautral is good coz is our own body 'behaviour'. No chemical. Medication FET for those ladies cannot ovulate. Bliss, i really miss u and hope to join u. Now wondering should i extend my HL.
Hi Patricia,
You are with Dr Zou as well. So many of us with her. How many visits per week do you need to see her before the natural FET?
I feel so touched to hear your words...
Ask you, so without any injections, does it mean that you will also ovulate on your own this cycle beside putting 3 embryos? Will it end up to have a possibility to have too many fertilised eggs in the end?
Yes, it is good to have no other medication this FET. So are you given progesterone jabs or inserts these 2 weeks?
You see how you are feeling these days ba, if feel like resting more, then should extend HL, dont worry about work.

i only have today to consume alot of high protein food. tmrw is my scan, do u think that overnight will the follicles start to grow that fast?? worried..

i have 5 small ones ranging 5-9 and 5 slightly bigger ones ranging 10-12 and 1 18.5. so do u think i will have ohss? 50 50 right cos i only have 11 eggs.
Chew C L,
dont worry, your number of follicles is good, and it is not too many, I guess your risk of OHSS is low, so stay happy and positive.

When is your ER? You still have a few days to increase your protein intake, your follicle sizes are good.
Chew CL,
good good, your scan will definitely be smoothly. Just take more high protein food from now on. Must think positively, your eggs will be well fertilised after ER. Jia you!
hi all

just did ER, got back home and feeling very bloated now, can't even lie down cos of the breathlessness, thinking whether to go down to the ivf/24 hr clinic. ivf nurse also give the same option.

good news is got 19 eggs.
For those who have enough “frozen” embryos to spare, I would like to suggest that you consider this procedure called blastocyst. The procedure is similar to FET except that instead of doing the transfer at day2/3 , you let the embryos develop further (at the lab) to day 5 until it is ready for implantation.
The only problem is some/all the embryos may not survive the full 5 days and you might be left with nothing. But for those embryos who managed to survive….the chances for getting pregnant are so much higher cos the cells are more developed.
I did a google on this and some websites are saying that the success rate is almost 50%.
The cost is only slightly more expensive, if you are doing it in KK, it just cost $200 more. $1500 compared to $1300 (for FET). Pls note that even you are only allowed to implant 2 embryos, apparently some gahmen regulation.
Dear Swan,
For NUH, they froze mine at Day 6. I thought, ha? Day 5 shld be maximum. The nurses say higher chance of success. KK tend to do freezing on Day 3. So different hospital, different protocol. Dunno abt other hospitals.

Dear Patricia,
Do rest well during these 2ww. I'm also seeing Dr Zou, after reading the posts by other ladies here. She also told me to do accu for 3 mths. But I don't like being 'electrocuted' by the needles. The medicine also taste yucky! How did you endure the accu and medicine?
hi ponytail

thanks on ur prompt answer. really keep me at ease now. thanks so much

Take care on ur pregnancy.

Hi Baby making

rest well k and take good care of your health. do like what the big sisters say k. eat a lot of protein **like egg white
hi all
An update on spotting while on pill
Did a scan upon doctor's advice. All is ok, so can continue with Lucrin jabs. The scan is to rule out pregnancy (although highly unlikely) and cysts/pylops. Probably just a hormonal reaction to the contraceptive.

I'm starting my Lucrin jab on Friday. Anyone has similar timing to me? Can motivate each other!

All the best! Btw, is ER done under GA?
Hi Lina,
I see Dr Zou 2 times a week and before ET, I went everyday for 4 days. I tiao about 2 and half months, 3 cycle AF.

Hi Bliss,
I will rest and these few days but will go back work this sat. Will try not to walk too fast and not to stress myself this time. No injection or medications. I ovulated on day 12 so I can do natural FET. After ET, inserts progesterone to rectum 2 times a day. 400mg each time, higher dosage.

Hi GraceBB,
To me, Dr Zou medications is not that horrible. I can take it. AS for the electrones current, I love it. I always go after my work at 3 plus noon, always fall alseep coz my job too tired. If u r uncomfortable, u just ask her to tune lower.
need to observe safe sex during the cycle? If no need, still possible to have fertilisation taken place naturally beside the 3 embryos put in? Then possible to get triplets if all 3 embryos fertilised plus any natural fertilisation? Wow...
Thanks! I wonder if my frozen embryos will still in good condition after a couple of years when I like to have a second baby.
Ok, you rest well. Stress at work and mood will affect implantation during this period too. You must keep yourself free of stress as far as possible, ok?
hi all,

just a quick update, i just came back from kk and will be doing er on this sat.

wana check with seniors here, how's the procedure like? can someone share? thanks.
Hi Bliss,
I do not have sex before and after ET. To play safe. better to do after my BFP. Yeah!! I really scared this time still failed. I try to think positive but u know mah, -ve thinking sometimes still come and visit u.
ya, I understand the feeling, very complicated mixed feelings, this is stressful, must keep positive but at the same time cannot keep too high hopes to prevent any great disappointment.
You have done what you can already, now it is not up to you. Just pray hard.
I remember that time I kept telling my embryos that I want to be their good mother, to take good care of them and raise them up. Tell your embryos that too. I will pray hard for you. Let your sincere wish to be a mother touches heaven!
Molecule - Do rest well. Please do not give up and I'm telling that to myself too. We will definately succeed one day.

Patricia - Do relax and rest well during this 2ww. Remember to have positive thinking. God Bless! BFP!
Hi Bliss,
Thanks alot. Will remember what u said.

Hi Helen,
Tahnks alot too. I will relax during this 2ww. Today is my 6pet.
hi grace,

oh blastocyst is not freezing the embroyo.
it is actually the thrawing process, what it does is picking up the best embroyo to do implantation.
hi buddhist ladies - i went to pray to Fertility Goddess 助生娘娘 at Joo Chiat Guan Yin temple. You can try too. i went after someone earlier in this thread recommended to me
Hi Patricia,
oh yes, i like Dr Zou electrical current too. Do rest well now, BFP!

Hi Bliss,
I read from overseas website that many people tried FET after several years and it worked. Apparently the frozen eggs has got nothing to do with how long it is stored, the quality is still good.

Hi pleasance,
i went to try Dr Tan from Clementi. Already told him that i am trying next round of ivf, then he just went on to say the goal is to try natural, must do the charts, check ovulation, do accu etc. He explains well the details but the problem is he is really not supportive of ivf, kept insisting his way. Guess i will have to stop going to him. I will continue with Dr Zou.

Hi ponytail,
i also go to the Joo Chiat temple. It is less crowded compare to Bugis and nearer for me.
Hi Lina,
I went to Dr Tan at Clementi before. Dun really like his consult coz he always dun remember u. He keep asking me the same thing again and again after few visit. Somemore very far from my place. I chose Dr Zou coz more supportive and nearer to my place alot.
Hi Patricia,
He ask me who recommend me, i mention my friend's name and he says he can't remember as he has too many patients. Your previous consultation visit would be already on his record card, still ask you again. Sigh! But i will ask my hubby to see Dr Tan as he seems quite confident of male problem.
ya, you still go to the Joo chia temple regularly after I mentioned that time? I still do go there, but has not been very regularly due to on and off MS. I used to go there weekly, but now maybe once or twice a month.

thanks for the info!

But I remember you said before that the quality of the frozen embryos will be affected during ET , right? Or what was it exactly? Thanks.

Hi Pretyy Lady,

My 6-wks scan is next Tues (9/12). Just went for a scan yesterday (5-wks), can see the baby's heartbeat
Dr Loh recommend me to go for a thorough ultrasound scan as he said the baby's position is too high for his comfort, he wants to exclude interstitial pregnancy (i dunno wat that means). So we went for the thorough scan after doc visit immediately, thanksfully it turns out to be a normal pregnancy (deduced by a gynae radiologist on the spot). But as for the details, I will need to wait for Dr. Loh to confirm next week as he has all my medical reports. I am not taking anymore BHCG BT, now only do scanning. But am taking dydrogesterone pills to support the uterine lining.
