IVF/ICSI Support Group

bliss - oh yes, forgot its you who recommended. yes i try to go fortnightly cos i live in the east. i've been praying for BFP, and now smooth pregnancy regardless got MS or not. i also go to bugis. just so happened that when i went there after BFP and after 1st scan, it was 1st and 15th day, so very crowded. also had the vegetarian noodles at bugis coffee shop. very yummy

blastocyst is not the thawing or freezing process. Blastocyst is the stage where the embryo has developed into 100s of cells. In laymen's terms, at this stage, the embryo has already 2 sections, 1 part which will develop into the placenta and 1 part into the baby.

embryos will reach this stage at around day 5-6. If the embryos can reach this stage in the lab, it has a very high chance of success. I believe the first successful IVF was from a blastocyst.

Anyway, the embryos can be frozen before or after the blastocyst stage. It really depends on the number of embryos one has and the comfort level of the doc.

Some embies which are frozen at day 3 might be thawed and allowed to develop to the blastocyst stage before ET. It really depends on a case to case basis.

Hope this helps.
which vegetarian noodles stall? There are quite a few coffee shops leh. I cant find things to eat there when I go pray there. Thanks!
bliss - you know there's a coffee shop there that sells red wine chicken noodles. the vege noodle is same coffee shop. its sticking out into the walkway. 2 shops away is the porridge stall. eh... thats all i can say. dont know what else to say.
thanks! But... I also dont know where the red wine chicken noodles stall is... heeheehee... the coffee shop is just beside the road?
Hi bliss,
after you mention then i started going to the joo chiat temple. For the quality of the frozen embryos, depending on its original grade. Don't think is affected with how long it is stored. How many frozen embryos do you have?

everything is ok. so far only 2 follicles are ideal size and the rest are still growing. tonight i going back to jab pregnyl and will be doing er on sat morning.

how about yourself? have you gone to stage 2 already?
Hi gals

I need some advice from you all. Is it a must to do hormone test in D2 of menses before we can start the jabs of Lucin (stage 1). My 1st appt with Dr Loh will be next week and my menses started this week. Quite worry that I have to wait very long before I can start the IVF prog cos my menses always irregular.

for those who have went thru stage 2 before er, do you ladies bleed? cos i just went toilet and notice there is blood when i wipe.. **worried**
I cannot give much advice on the latter part of cycle:p as I have not gone through it. But can advise on early stages, since I just went through it.

If you have a hormone test done before (I believe it is valid for 2 years) you can just show them your old test results. If not, I think it is good to do the hormone test as a baseline.

As for irregular menses, you can request for medicine to regulate/bring forward your menses if it is very late. That is what I did.

Hope this helps!

Yah, I am at stage 2 already. Went for my scan today and was advised to continue injections for 2 more days with the same dosage of 300IU. Sat will scan again. Was told that there are good number of eggs but not of ideal size.
Now same worry as you the other time, how to make the eggs grow to ideal size within 2 days.
All the best to you on Sat. Maybe will see you there.
Has anyone has side effects on Lucrin such as headache and insomina? I'm currently at Stage 2 which is injecting myself with Lucrin and Puregon. I was advised to change Lucrin injection to night if this still happens.

Do you inject yourself in the morning or at night?
Go and check with your doc. this happened to me last time. it seems that my hormone levels were not high enough to sustain the lining. However, the doc checked and ensure that the lining is still thick enough. Don't worry too much. Mine was so bad that I had to use a pad and I still managed to go for the ER after the doc adjusted my GonalF dosage.
All the best

Thanks for your advice. So I have to do the hormone test before I can start stage 1. No choice have to wait for my next AF to come.

i did call kkivf just nw and was told that at this stage there shouldnt be any bleeding. so nw i gotta monitor.


how ah? i dun have dr loh no leh.. also yesterday was my last dose of puregon and tonight going for my pregnyl jab... so how ah???
don't worry and scare yourself too much. just a bit only right? Don't think too much. Can the nurse advise you on anything? Can you try and call KKH and see if they can help you contact Dr Loh?
Hi Chew,
What did KKIVF centre said? I heard Dr. Loh will be on leave on December. You better send mail to him or ask with the nurse whether Dr Loh already on leave or still around.

Normally after ER, some of women will have a little bit bleeding. But your case is before ER leh.

Better hurry up consult with nurse or Dr. Loh.

thanks for telling me.. just called his mobile and he is in the midst of doing operation. so i guess will email him. thanks.
Hi Shirley

I inject the 2 types of jabs in the evening as I want to feel minimum side effects in the day. Maybe you can switch both to evening.
dr loh doesn't read his email all the time. last time i had an urgent enquiry so the nurse at the private suite gave me a pager number. once he is done with his op, he will call u back.

hence if it is an urgent matter, best to get the nurse to give you the number.
Dear Swan and ML,
Thanks for the details.
Well, then NUH froze my embryos at the blastocyst stage. Which means the moment they are thawed, they must be transferred immediately.
I'll have that done early next year... I've even got a name for my daughter! I hope she looks like me...
dear gals

just got discharged today. have mild OHSS but it feels like dying. too bloated to eat, drink or keep anything down. can't pee or shit either.

seems that i'm hyper sensitive to the ER proess and HCG levels. we manage to tsf 2 embryos today.
both grade 4.

RE warn that if they both/any implant, will likely get late onset OHSS, however if they fail to take, then OHSS symptoms will go away on its own.

now just trying to take one day at a time and monitor, cos anytime may have to go back to hospital.
Hi lina,
thanks! I had 18 eggs extracted during my ER that time, 11 were fertilised, then put in 2 during ET, so I have 9 frozen embryos now. But they are only grade 3, the 2 put in were grade 4. I was a bit disappointed most of them are grade 3... that is why thinking if the grades will be affected after some years... will not become grade 2 rite?

thank you so much for your help.. didnt manage to speak with dr loh. email him also never reply... haiz.....

luckily nw no more bleeding. will ask him on sat..


understand that you have 19 eggs retrieved right? what are all the grades? besides the ones that you transfer? how they grade the eggs?

can share your experience with me how is it like going thru er?

yesterday i had the pregnyl jab so painful.. i feel like im a cripple after that.. hahaha.. cos i cant even bent my leg.. even till now my thigh still painful.. gotta walk slowly..
no prob. glad to hear that the bleeding has stopped.

they will be putting you on mild GA for the ER. will sleep like a baby. won't feel feel a thing. will probably feel a bit groggy and nausea when you wake up.

Good luck!
Chew CL,
you are doing ER in KKivf,right?
The procedure is as follows:
1)When your hubby and you reach the centre, you will fill in and sign some forms.

2)You will be led to the changing room to change, to take off all your clothings and put on the 'operating' clothings and cap. You will be asked to clear your bladder. Your hubby will be asked to go to the room to get ready his sperms at the same time. Remember not to have any makeup, jewellery, perfumes, lotions on your body. No contact lens too.

3)when the nurses have set up all the things in the operating theatre, you will be asked to lie on the operating table and given mild sedation. Some hospitals give GA during ER, but KK only gives sedation whereby you might be still conscious during the procedure, but painless during the retreviel. My sinseh told me before that it is actually better for the body just to have mild sedation instead of strong GA.

4)For my own experience, the sedation was very mild and I could hear the doc and nurses talking throughout the whole precedure. I even felt the needle going thru my vagina and suck out every single eggs. However it was painless, but can feel the poking of the very long needle. I had 18 eggs extracted, so 18 times of needle-poking! :p I saw the long needle before the procedure when the nurse took out. Sorry if I sounded very scary. But dont worry ok. The staff will make you feel comfortable and well taken care of throughout.

5)The whole procedure will be quite fast. I was told by the nurse to slowly move my body(was quite painful to move my body that time) to another bed so that they can push the bed to the resting lounge and monitor my condtion after ER.

6)A nurse will come to you regularly to monitor your heartbeat, your pressure and also your drip intake. You will be on drip throughout the ER as well as after it. They will have to make sure your body have taken in the whole small bag of water thru drip and make sure you pass urine before you are discharged. You will probably feel cramps on your abdomen during this resting time. Mine was really painful, coz my sedation was very light. I thought I can endure it so I rejected when the nurse asked me if I want to take painkillers. But then I finally surrendered and have to take painkillers when I reached home. There will also be very slight bleeding from your vagina, but will stop very soon within a day.

7)The nurse will make you a cup of milo as you should be feeling hungry and thirsty after overnight fast. Once you have passed urine, you will be asked to change back to your own clothes and wait for your hubby or anyone to pick you up. The nurse will tell you how many eggs are extracted during you ER and brief you on what to observe when you get home after ER and before ET. They will make sure someone come to fetch you in order to discharge you, coz you will probably still feeling weak and cannot stand straight with the abdominal cramps.
If your hubby has been waiting for you in the hospital while you are in the resting lounge, the centre should have called him to get all the necessary medicine(painkillers, antibiotics etc) for you at the pharmacy to save time.

8)So you will need to rest a lot when reach home. You will be asked if you need to be issued 2 weeks HL before ER, and the HL will be given to you after ER.

Hope this helps abit for the preparation of your coming ER!
Good luck and must have confidence in your doc and pray hard for a smooth journey!

im doing it at kkivf. wow! this is very detailed. thanks for the info.. think i will closed my eyes throughout the whole procedure cos i very scared of needles.. needless to say "long needles" worst........

thanks ladies.. really great to have all of you here.. dunno what to do if i didnt join this forum.. i would be very lost..

once again, appreciate it..

Thank you for your comprehensive info. Mine will be next wk, so quite nervous. Can I check on the day of er, where must hubby produce his sperm, at home or at kk?


Where was the spot that they jab the pregnyl? Sound scary. Felt painful even for the vaginal scan cos was told thar my ovaries are "high up". The doc must be thinking that this is a weak patient cos was told to open my legs as wide as possible so many times... Hee!
Hi bliss,
Wow, you have a good number of stored embryos. From the information on web, the grade should be still be grade 3.
bliss - wow thats many frozen embies. i only managed to freeze 2, 1 good and 1 satisfactory.

dawnie - wow, hearing the heartbeat must be so exciting. i went for 1st scan at 4 weeks, can only see sacs. next fri going for 2nd scan, 6 weeks, hoping to see heartbeats. bery bery nervous leh... can i know when you did you ER ?
Chew CL,
no problem, glad that it helps.

Dont worry about the needles, you will not feel the pain when under sedation. You will probably feel dizzy and fast asleep during the procedure. Many ladies who did ER in KK were in deep sleep throughout. Perhaps I was the one very 'heng'! Hahaha!

it is up to your hubby's choice to produce his sperms at home or in the hospital. However he has to bring the sperms to the ivf centre within half an hour or so if to produce at home.
The room for your hubby to get ready his sperms is at the extreme end of the KKivf centre. It is also next to where the IUI is done (if you know). My hubby told me that the room is very simple, just sofa and table and a sink at the side, very cold( air-con) place with no 'conducive settings'. Haha! No magazines or TV inside, unlike in private hospitals. I have an ex-colleague whose hubby was unable to produce his sperms in the Mt E. He was probably too nervous to do it in a unfamiliar environment, can be quite stressful.
However, if your hubby is fine with it, it will be better to produce in the hospital, so he will not need to rush to there if produce at home, also very stressful in a way.
Btw, the pregynl injection is not painful, dont be scared. Like chew said, your thigh may feel a bit numb and 'retarded' after injection, however just for short while. Must relax during the jab ok.

thanks for the info. I am more relieved now.

thanks, but deep in my heart, I do still hope I will be able to conceive naturally for my 2nd pregnancy.

I know I am too kaisu to think so much now, have not even given birth to my first baby yet... heehee... :p
Hi Bliss,
Time seem very slow. Today is only my 8dpt. So u remember having any symptoms during ur 2ww? I have clear mucus vagina discharge today. Dunno izit ok anot.

Hi Chew,
Dun worry for ur ER. I dun feel anything during the ER. Sleep thru out.
Hope this list is still updated. Can add on or change if incorrect. Thanks

Updated List

Planning to do IVF/FET
ros (IVF - Apr 09)
Starzy (IVF - Feb/Mar 09)
grace BB (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
happyever (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
lina (IVF - Dec 08)
splithair (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
pbabe (FET - Dec 08)
besswbb (IVF - Dec 08)
ML(marvlis)(Feb 09)

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:

Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW, ponytail, sam, hope & faith
Hope this list is still updated. Can add on or change if incorrect. Thanks

Updated List

Planning to do IVF/FET
ros (IVF - Apr 09)
Starzy (IVF - Feb/Mar 09)
grace BB (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
happyever (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
lina (IVF - Dec 08)
splithair (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
pbabe (FET - Dec 08)
besswbb (IVF - Dec 08)
ML(marvlis)(Feb 09)

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:

Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW, ponytail, sam, hope & faith
hi Patricia, Lina, GraceBB

I read that all of u are seeing Dr Zou. I visited her for the first time ealier this week. I found the accup quite scarely, coz my leg keep reflexing/moving itself everytime the electric current past thru. so u can imagine my leg was moving all those 20 mins. after the accup, there was some pain in my leg & it lasted till the whole of next day. did anyone of u experience this?

GraceBB,i think i agree with u tat dr Zou medicine is very hard to take. My first cup, I took a sip, and i threw up, cldnt bring myself to take,so threw the whole cup of med away. tried later tat nite a 2nd time, took abt 3 sips and gave up. I think i'm really quite hopeless lor
even when mixing the powder with water, already the smell of the medicine puts me off, by the time i try to drink, my stomach already feel like throwing up. so sorry, but i think i really find it very very hard to drink. do u all know if Dr Zou has tablet medication? or is there sthg else we can do? like brew some tonics ourselves. Dr Zou mentioned pao sheng.

did Dr Zou set a target or objective when u first see her? like how long to tiao your body, what signs to achieve before u are ready to start ivf?

sometimes really not sure what to do, always want to go tiao my body to be more ready for ivf, but feel so uncomfortable with accup and find it so so hard to take the tcm medicine. does anyone feel the same?

clear vaginal discharge is fine and normal, no worry.
I did not have any symptoms during 2WW at all. Dont think too much for the time being. Remember to tell your embies that you love them dearly, want to be a good mother of them. Tell them you want them to be your precious babies and grow well inside you.

Btw, I had my appt and scan this afternoon at KKH with Dr Sadhana. I am in my 15weeks 2 days now. It was very happy feeling to see my baby again. But then the gender is still not known yet, my baby is playful, was in face down buttock up position during the scan, so cant even see baby's face, only can see the spine clearly. Legs and hands were moving all the time, like crawling inside me.
I am very happy today, coz baby is growing well.
Patricia, I really hope you can feel such blissful feeling for your own babies very soon! Must stay happy and positive no matter what, believe you will have your precious cuties sooner or later.
May all the ladies here get their BFP soon!
Jia you, ladies!
