IVF/ICSI Support Group


for the jab, the nurse let me bring home and dh jab for me. and i only jab every 3 days 1000units. nt sure abt u, if u comfortable, guess the nurse will let u jab yrself too. they are quite flexible.
Hi Bliss,

My embies are stored in CARE. Yes. Can do transfer. The lab between CARE and KKivf will arrange for the transfer directly. Not sure how much CARE will charge me for this transfer. Sigh....
Hi Helen,
thanks for the Dr Xia info. I have no more stored embies, will have to start fresh in December. Hope can start late dec or in jan. I have the same queries as bliss, how to transfer from different hospital for the FET? Will it be a defrost then frost again? affecting quality?
Hi Lina,
You mentioned that the medicine lengthen your menses, how long have you experience? I'm going into 6th day but still have a lot.

Hi Helen,
ya i know the effect of accupunture that why I choose to do accu. I have also check with my gynea but they could not detect anything. my left side usually quite painful but they can't detect anything. I don't know what is wrong.. sigh!

My doc suggested that she will do a blasto for me next IVF cycle but it does not guarantee a success too. She did mention that blasto has a higher chance of preggy but depends on the embies quality too.
Hi hopeful bb,
i had 7 days menses, not common for me as my usual is only 3-4 days. Maybe you check with Dr Zou on why your menses still alot.
Hi ladies

Thank you for yr advise on the jab or insert. Will discuss with hubby.

My ET will be on Fri and it will be done by Dr Sahana instead of Dr Loh cos he is on leave. A bit fustrated cos of a change of doc last min...

I had 28 eggs extracted. Is this number normal. Am worried that they might not be good enough. Tried asking the nurse and she said everyone will be different. I fell alseep during the sedation from abt 10.00 and by the time nurse woke me up, it was already about 12.
Hi Lina,

Thanks for the encouragement. yah sometimes feel like having one is enough cause my gal is sometimes so naughty that I'll think twice whether I can handle another one. But I dun like just having only one child cause having siblings in the family would be better. I would definitely try for another one. Think I gotto tiao my body first keep falling sick. now having flu and my cough n phlegm still not recovered yet. Anyone have any good TCM to intro?

Hi Chew,

Dun be sad, miracle can happen just have enough rest for the 2ww and dun think too much.

thanks.. i will stay positive.. u too have to take care of your health before u proceed to next cycle of ivf.. all e best to u n nt forgetting my 1 n only 1 embryo.. we must jia you together..

wow! thats a nice quantity of eggs u have.. me too, after dr loh took my name label, i fell asleep till e nurse send me to e resting area. didnt even change bed cos i too drowsy.. but somehow or rather was woken up by a noisy patient who came out after doing er, demanding e nurse to give her something to eat like sandwich.. she was making so much noise tat i think she disturbed those who r resting, tat includes me!
Hi piggy,
my child seems to be able to predict if i have BFN or BFP. Previous try during the 2WW, right after ET, will show him the photos of the embies, then he will touch my tummy to say didi/meimei inside. In between the 2WW, i will continue to ask him daily and few days before blood test, he could say that nothing inside my tummy. I was amaze as the result matches what he said. Could be the six sense ESP thing. Next time try asking your gal, she's even more accurate than the HPT.

Most of us TCM with Dr Zou at Ang Mo Kio. Dr Zou Yu Min tel no. is 64560833.
Hi Lina,

Yah... but my gal now still too small to say... she's only 10 mos plus... maybe the next cycle I'll try.

AMK seems too far for me I'm staying in the east, read previous posting that Dr Jin from Raffles Hospital is also not bad, Anyone any comments?

hi Chew,

Yah we shall jia you together. All the best for you one embryo.
Hi Alyssa

Im always with Dr Sadhana during my first IVF fresh cycle and 2nd FET but during my 3rd FET cycle on the actual day to do the ET Dr Sadhana is not avialable for my schedule transfer date and Dr Kelly had actually sit in on behalf of her to do the transfer for me...although she is quite new in KKIVF but she is gentle and professional, right after the transfer she wish me good luck and guess what she is my lucky charm! I gotten a BFP from her
my husband even commented that we should continue with her for follow up gynae check up..however we still go for Dr Sadhana cos im already so used to her
Hi All

i have been a silent reader for quite some time and would be starting my fresh cycle with Dr Loh at KKIVF later this month.

Hope I could contribute here with my limited knowledge.

Hi Helen

Trying FET 1st is definitely a wiser choice because frozen embies chances are as good as fresh embies. It is worth doing the transport to kkivf.

Hi Chew

Don't be discouraged by only 1 embryo and the grade. You must stay positive from now on cos whatever you feel now will affect your chances... talk to your embryo everyday. Miracle will just happen

Hi Sam

Congratulations on your triplets. I have a fren who conceived 3 beautiful bbs via fresh cycle. You will not regret it. Somemore, your family is so supportive. You will made it!

For me, I conceived my gal via fresh cycle. However, I failed my FET done 6 months ago.... So after gathering enough courage, I decided to try again...Going to be a long journey ahead, hope i could make it with all the support here...
Hi piggy,
let her touch your tummy during your next try.

Hi Love,
welcome to the thread. How old is your gal now? Did you used the frozen embies from the same batch as used to conceive your gal?
Hi Gals,

I have been a silent reader all this while.

We are contemplating to do IVF after CNY.

Can advise when is the right time to go for first consultation at KKH?

TIA!!! ^_^
thanks for the well wishes, and hope you can join us in the TTC journey soon too!

Congrats on moving to Stage 2. How many days of Lucrin were you on?

Sam and Chew
Don't worry too much in advance! Just take it day by day ;>

Actually, I feel you can go for your 1st consultation now. If you have not been seeking previous treatment for infertility, there are quite a no of tests you need to undertake before "officially" starting IVF. So for me, I feel it is better to start earlier, understand the process, and then decide what is a good time to start.

Stage 1(Lucrin)
I am currently on Day 7 of my Lucrin jabs. And I must say, I suffer quite a bit of side effects. Headaches, nausea, and a painful engorged breast! Wonder if this is normal? Did not expect to be so affected and down during the Lucrin stage.

Blasto is blastocyst in short.. Its d5 transfer.


I wish i can dun worry about $.. but i can't not worry cause this is the only obstacle now..
hi all

Need Major Advice. when u on lucrin u should have ur menses right. mine not full flow just stain. is this normal. anyone has the same sproblem. so worried if its not normal.
today first puregon jab after 20 days of lucrin.

my prayers to all. take care.

hi ttc_no2,
good luck on ur first stage k. don worry too much abt the side effect. i read its normal. which hospital are u with? btw is this ivf for ur 2nd child, (me infer from ur nickname)
hi ttc no 2,

actually i have undergone all the necessary tests and been thru 4 IUIs now...

So, our next step will be to IVF...

that's why wondering if it's alright to go for consultation in mid Jan around when menses due so that can start in Feb or so.

what do u think?
hi sam,

don know if i remember correctly, but are you the lady who mentioned that your hubby has a biz?

u try to take care. i know it's gonna be tough but it's also a joy to be able to have triplets.

maybe u can think of it as one time round get everything done and close shop. hee hee
i am new here..
just start on clomid, Doc give me 5 pills (start on the 2nd days of menses to the 6th day) tomorrow is my last clomid..
Anyone take clomid and menses stop. Please advise. i am worry.
After i took the 1st day, menses just spot only and the last 2 days it clear..
Doc ask me to go back on the 12th day of menses, which is 18 Dec. i was advise to try IUI
Hi Ladies,

I'm really new here and I'm thinking of starting ivf this month but not too sure where I should go and has it done.... Was thinking about CARE.

Can anyone give me some advice?

love & ttc_no2,

thanks and i will bear that in mind..

btw, ladies out there,

care to share your experience during 2ww.. and also for those who are pregnant, care to share is there any signs & symptoms during 2ww?
you might just want to go for a second opinion. I was given other options when my second doc performed some tests.

really hope that things work out smoothly for you. just a suggestion that you might want to work out with you hubby on the projected day to day expenses with 3 babies.. maybe things might not look that bad once you have it down on paper. And hopefully with your family support, you will be able to get through this. Anyway, wishing all the best and hope that you will be able to find a path through all this and have happy and smooth pregnancy!
Hello, any good fertility docs to recommend. dunno whether to go for kkivf or private? it is the waiting time and change of doctors i am concerned of. been through 4 iuis and ate lots of clomid. undergoing tcm now at yishun and also curious about how the amk Dr lou can help. any advice?
Hi Chew

I remember during my 2ww with my 1st child, there isn't much symptoms except for some minor cramps on and off.

I know that some striked without a single symptoms and hence it would be better for you not to read into any symptoms that you have. More or less the stress would come when you start looking out for symptoms...

Most importantly is take good care of yourself during your 2ww and have as much rest as possible
Yes, trying for my 2nd child via IVF. Succeeded for my 1st kid using SO-IUI. My doctor said it was a miracle, he was preparing me for the prospect of trying IVF all along. I am with kkivf now.

Sigh, dunno why...but the side effects are quite bad for me, will feel very bad every evening. Now I switch my jab to the night, hope I will sleep off the effects:p

i see... if convenient for you, can share with me your experience?

cos actually my DH have very low morphology. so, guess our only option is to go for IVF.
Hi Helen,
lucky i manage to get a booking with Dr Xia tomorrow. She only see patients for one day, so popular. What is the difference of seeing her? more advice or some special treatment?

Hi mama Tan,
welcome to the thread.
Wow so many new ladies here ater I have been away for 2 days.

Well ladies I am back from my surgery. Everything went well just slightly longer than expected. For a picture of my surgery can visiti my blog.

Helen -
what's the different between laparoscopy and cystectomy. I believe laparoscopy is just to check whether there's any abnormal growth in your womb but cystectomy is to check your ovaries too for any cysts and remove them if there are any.

I just had my laparoscopy and cystectomy. Laparoscopy will take about 30mins - 1 hour but but mine as it was both it took almost 3 hours.

My surgery was done by Dr Sadhana. She is a very good doctor if you asked me. The other 3 patients in my ward was only checked upon by the trainee dr but Dr sadhana came to see me personally and explain to me what happen etc.

Mama Tan -
Welcome to the thread. Hope we can be each other's source of motivation here.

December -
My hubby has low morphology too and Dr suggested that the best chance of getting preggy is IVF so yes once my wound heals and my 3 months of GNHR injection is over then I will start my IVF cycle.
Thanks, i glad to be hear.. less stress and read to know more.. sure a source of motivation here..

what is your blog.
my hubby sperm mobility is low, my Doc advise us to try IUI..i am taking clomid
TCC to try for 1st baby.
oh..my hubby SA also got problem..basically, needed to do IVF also.. But when I went for second opinion, the doc gave my hubby some meds and his condition improved greatly.. so why don't you seek a second opinion?
Hi Lina, Dr Xia Rong is more specialise in fertility issue as compared to Dr Zou. Glad that you managed to make an appointment to see her. She only comes down once a month. Let me know ur experience with her, ya?
Hi Dec, mama Tan, Ros and ML,
my hubby having low SA but tried the meds for several months, no sign of improvement to the percentage. Therefore IUI was not even an option for me.

Hi Helen,
Sure, hope to get some advice from Dr Xia Rong. How much is her consultation? i forgot to ask Dr Zou.
Mama Tan -
You may visit my blog at http://icequeen-firsttimemum.blogspot.com/. Those of u having dinner pls finish up your dinner first okay. The pics a bit gross lah. You know lah inside tummy and all.

Lina Ang -
My hubby tried the medicine for very long too. We tried IUI twice in fact. The SA improve a bit but not much. Still not good enough. Private dr wanted to try IUI again. I said spend too much on private dr already with no result so decided to do IVF next at KKH. So far I am very happy with my choice of Dr.
hihi dear gals

i just got discharged today - from mild OHSS became full blown OHSS and was re admitted. total warded for 10 days.

Had an urgent abdominal tube done on Sunday, and was draining 1.5litres of fluid everyday since then.

someone mentioned that not enough protein intake causes OHSS, to debunk it, I started on a high protein (5 egg whites + milk daily at lucrin/puregon stage but still kena OHSS)

my previous fresh cycle extracted 22 eggs but had only mild OHSS. This time round had 19 eggs but full blown OHSS with same protein intake.

the abdominal tapping is damn painful but the relief is worth the exchange of constant pain as compared to breathlessness and constant nausea.

did you have late onset OHSS when you were tested positive? and was it as bad as the original early onset?

Do you still have your tube in you? i was advise to keep the tube in me till the beta HCG bloodtest - that's like till next fri!!!!

sorry to hear that you had only one usuable embroyo fertlised - keep in mind that all you need is ONE to implant!

sorry to hear yr cycle didn't work, keep the faith!

how was yr ET?

btw, anyone knows where to get cheap online HPT? - itching to test!!!!!
thanks for sharing your blog, i read and learn from the information..

Morning Ladies,
i got a question.
Anyone take clomid and menses stop?
Is my first time taking clomid. I took on the 2nd day of mense, and realised my menses just go like spot, for also the next 3 days..ususlly my menses is 5 days and they are very regular.

Going for my scan on 18th, 12days of the mense.
hi grace

diet wise is to continue high protein diet - more egg whites, toufu, white meat.

medication to thin the blood - asprin

chew & lina
thanks, i did ET on 4/12/08 - today is 11 days past ET. we did a blood beta (as part of other blood tests while in hospital)on the just past thur which is positive and the today got a very faint line on the HPT.

am so very happy despite the OHSS but reservedly so...as it's still way early days. there are a zillion things that can go wrong from now till the actual beta hcg day next friday!!!!

Thank you everyone here for their posts and encouragement throughout the past 4 years that we were IVF-ing.
mama tan

clomid can thin the lining of the womb but usually it's the next cycle after you take clomid and not the same cycle.

maybe you want to check with yr gynae? it could be just your hormones reacting to the clomid, or the stress.
congrats to you!
Hope to hear the confirmed good news from you soon.

glad to hear your surgery went smoothly. Rest well now and all the best for your coming ivf!.
wow, your surgery was quite long, but it is good to get rid all the cysts. I can understand the pain after surgery. I needed my hubby to help me up from bed on the first day after surgery. But I had only 2 incisions, one on the belly button and one on the left side. I also got the pics taken during the surgery, but it was only given to me at the next appt(a few weeks after the surgery) when I saw Dr Sadhana. I did not get to see her after my surgery, but she did call my hubby who was waiting for me at the day surgery lobby, to inform him that everything went smoothly and I was perfectly ok.
I personally feel that the laparoscopy was quite ok in terms of pain. My ER was the worst one, really pain like hell...
