IVF/ICSI Support Group

dear all, when you are on lucrin injection, do you have to alternate between your left and right abdomen? or it does not really matter which side to inject? is it the same as gonal f? thanks.

for bbt, you should see a dip in temp before it rise again. After ovulation, the temperature should be higher than before ovulation

don't worry too much.. Everything will be ok!
Good luck on Mon!!! lots of good eggs!!!

pretyy, blesswbb and all those in 2ww
Good luck!!!

not too sure abt that but i was told to alternate between left and right.
Hmm....then issit during ovulation, we shd see a dip in temp? Sorri, I am getting confused le...
My TCM says dip for 2 days then after tt shd go up till like 36.7 to 36.9?
hi zeena,
thanks for the info. it will mean if beta test is positive, I'll need to return to KKH the 2nd time on same day.

hi beautiful,
welcome... it seems your post is your 1st in this thread. like ML, i was also told to alternate between left & right side of abdomen. if u r afraid that u might forget which side, u may try indicating on your table calendar for reminder.
it doesn't matter which side as long as u get the right spot that is not painful just do it there. After sometime, u will find that u hv difficulty in finding the spot that is not painful. Good luck to you.
4 days to go. i'm getting more excited. Going to shoo all -ve thot
till now stil not much symptom just bloatedness and abit of crampy feeling. Get tired easily and tend to have headaches.
I took BCP for 21 days.

Today I went to TMC for my scan. Started on Gonal F. Will have it for 5 days before the next scan. Was told by the nurse that my Prolactin is slightly higher. Am praying hard for today's blood test to be ok. Anyway, the nurse jab for me today, no pain at all! I was quite surprise.

what did they check on the scan today? whether any ovary activities stop before starting gonal f?

You will do the jabs yourself?
ya till now my AF is not here.. dr said should come 3-4 days after i stopped medication.. today already day 7.. he said wait for another week.. i am quite worried..
Cute, could you be pregnant? Cos usually if IVF fail, AF will come one. And will be very heavy due to the jabs we took. So its abit weird why yours haben come. Maybe you are pregnant, just that implanted late thats why HPT and blood test negative for now and so you think didnt succeed? Maybe a HPT in another few days might further confirm. Gd luck!
Hi yck,
today my doc scan the womb and uterus area to see whether I am ready for the Gonal F. Apparently he said all good and I am started on 5 pen injection first. Think I will do the injection myself afterall. Not painful at all, cos I got lotsa fat, ha ha ha!

try HPT again. You may strike lucky! All the best!
I will be starting my lucrin jab on 5 june. Anyone will be having their jab around june? I have a very short cycle thus Dr SF loh decided to make me start my lucrin earlier. But i am worried coz during the eggs retrieval Dr Loh may nt be ard...but am keeping my fingers cross.
Thanks for your encouragement...i will just wait for the moment..i will probably give myself another week or so before i test again.. take care!

All the best and hope to hear good news from both of you.. lots of babydust to you!

how is the payment like? do we have to pay each time we go for scan during the stimulation period? or is it a lump sum payment with all scan inclusive?
I paid everytime I am there for something. Deducting 6K from CPF, but forgotten when to do it. DH was asking me yesterday. Will check with nurse. My bill came up to $1600 yesterday for 5 pens and scan plus blood test.
Hi rejoice, the scan is today @ lunch time... Getting more n more worried.. How u feeling after ER??? When is ur ET???? Babydust to us and all who are waiting for that bundle of joy!
Hi Ladies,

I am having very bad cold for the last few days. I am starting my injections next weekend. Should I postpone it? or it's ok to wish that i will recover by then?
hi autumn
its best that u go on the day when ur mense is not heavy if u going there for accupunture session.
If u not for the accupunture session, only take medicine, can go on Day 5 of your AF.
Hmmm....i also think u maybe pregnant. Its only your hCG is not high enuf. U wait and see if spotting still persist u should test again.
Yeah!!! faster it moves.. closer to dream come true. good to hear that ER is on Mon. 3 hours more!!!

how? How? Hope you have good news to share with us today!!!!
hi blesswbb & ml,
result shows my HCG level is on the low side (47.7mIU/ml). probably preggie but need to re-take the beta blood test again on next mon 5/26 (gosh! gonna lose another tube of blood :p). so i guess for blesswbb, taking your test a couple days later mayb is better, so as can avoid having re-test.

btw to share on what's consider normal HCG levels & its info, you may read up this link:
pretyy lady

Hi ladies,
would like to chk, regards accup, did the Dr sterilize the needle/use new needle?
so you have any symptoms now? Rest well and take more nutritious food then have good HCG levels.. baby grow grow!!!
My spotting still persist, on and off but very light.. dont know lei.. when i told the dr, he seemed quite sure that AF will come.. I am very lost also.. dont dare to take pregnancy test again.. got phobia of seeing negative results..your test is next week rite? all the best and rest rest and rest!

Congrats dear! I am so happy for you.. take care these few days.. dont exert yourself, ya?
Hi pretyylady,

big big congrats. so happy and excited to see the good news here. i think it really helps those who are cycling now. take care

BIG BIG CONGRATS. so happy to see good news here. i think it really helps those who are cycling. Take care

wow, your post is so early. you wake up so early everyday.

How's your own injection today? painful or not?

ya, need to check with you, they did a blood test for both me and DH. will they call to review the result or only to be reviewed when we see doc to start injection? or do we call to check?
Hi All,
I have a failed cycle last year and I just have my FET last week.
One of my friend done her ET last week too but she is experiencing breast tender during 2ww but i din. anyone experiencing breast pain and tender

Gong Xi Gong Xi....Good news here finally.,...Very happi for u...

Good Luck & lotsa babydust!

So excited for u! Meanwhile, do take care of yrself first!
Dear yck,
actually I started work already then! Ha ha ha!

Just had my injection. Not painful, but abit tricky. GOt to remember what the nurse said yesterday. Then with hubby, he kalang kapor! So I also tense. But ok, must get the hang of it. Quite easy though.

Re blood test, they won't call if nothing. They will just tell you the next visit everything is ok.

Congrats! Wow, so happy for you! All the best and be real careful now. I am so motivated by you!
thanks blesswbb,

extracted 13 eggs. yes praying for gd grade embryos to be implanted tml.. yes getting very nervous n excited now.

guess u must b getg very excited too rt? ur beta test next wk rt?
Pretyy lady,
your hCG show low level but wat abt your urin test? +ve? +ve chances very high...wow....can't wait to my result too. Think we will meet up on Mon when i have my test too. Take good rest...eat more protein food....i have a list of food that is good for early pregnancy in my blog. If you want u can refer
wow...13eggs is good enuf...just pray for good embryos.....wish u luck...

and welcome to the 2ww
remember to take lots of water and try taking egg whites after ET...rest in bed for 3 days at least but still must hv slow walk to have some blood circulation.

for the time being, u just be careful in what you do. Don be too active yet just in case is pregnant. Just monitor and see how it goes....just pray for miracle
