IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dun be too pessmistic...y give yrself 3 times? 2 times will do...u will strike on the 2nd time! be confident ok?
Tiao yr body 1st....I am sure tis will help a lot!

hi bblow,

i was like u when i first started, lots of qns n fears. but as u move thru e treatment n with lots of frens here to seek advice, soon u ll realise u r almost there. anytime, u have doubts, can come here n share yea..

i oso went thru acu n did not cont w tcm as kk nurse advised no herbs. so i told my tcm doc n she leaves it to me.

thankfully, w acu alone, my body did respond well to e medications so far. so not to worry k, just take 1 step at a time. do wat u r comfortable with k?
hi ladies,

i will be doing er this thu. getting nervous n excited abt it.

can i check with u? during 2ww, possible to go out?


how r u? hope u resting well at hm. take this time to have a gd rest k..

blesswbb & prettylady,

guess u must b feeling excited abt the results. looking forward for gd news here soon.. = )
Glad that you joining our club soon. Good luck to your ER & ET. Hope you hv lots of embbies waiting for you.
Sometimes i feel like i hv lost the battle. When lot of things happen during my 2ww. Dad fall sick
And also maybe trying not to get too disappointed when the result is -ve. Still praying hard. This 2 days feel very bloated. hoping it a sign of good news. I checked with nurse y i hv to wait another 2 days to check my result. She told me if my hormone level not high enuf i need to retest again 2 days later. So might as well wait
. Anyway i have discuss with HB to have it test this coming sunday to be well prepared for the Monday result.
do you gals think is ok to go back to work during the 2ww?

I am thinking of going back to work after a week rest. to keep myself busy.
hi pretyy lady & BlesswBB,

good luck to you both.. hope for good news for the both of you.. and shower all the baby dusts to us here! we await your good news!
hi pretyy lady & BlesswBB,
all the best to you! Will keep both of you in prayers.

I will be starting my injection very soon, cos my AF arrived yesterday. Tomorrow will be going to TMC for my scan and think injection starts tomorrow too. Quite excited, but keep reminding myself to keep cool. Just want to have a peaceful mind to go on with this journey and pray very hard for the best!
Take it easy ok? M sure u will bring us good news soon. Bloatedness is a good sign! Be prepared for the good news ba....

All the best in yr IVF journey! babydust, babadust & lotsa babydust...
Dear ladies,
need to ask a question. Anyone took BCP b4 IVF? When AF arrive, is it lesser than usual? I usually have constant flow on first day and by second day, I am experiencing heavy flow. But this AF, I only have light flow on second day, similar to my day 4 or 5 AF. Is this normal? TIA!
Hi LFB ,

In TMC, 1st month, u will take BCP then wait for AF to arrive. D3 - D4 , do scanning then get ready for Gonal F jab.

As for the AF, mine was also light when i took BCP.So, dun worry
Depends on individual, cos initially I oso tot during the 2wks must be extra careful but later result oso -ve...
so for my 2nd try, thk will only take few days rest at home and tat'll depends on fate liao...
remember I saw the previous thread, after her ET she when to work and only wkend she rest and she only put 1 embryo but success...
FYI- KKIVF nurse told me that the first 1 wk is the implantation so try to walk slowly and be xtra careful
Hope the above help...
pinky panter & LFB,

how long did you gals took the BCP? i was only prescribed for 2 weeks. i thought usually 21 days? i asked the doctor and nurse y and they told me for my case 2 weeks will do but never tell me the actual reasons.
you mean got a lady who put in one and succeeded? that's so great to hear!!!

ya. menses after bcp is much lesser.

how are the babies?

how are you?
How're u? long x din see u & nicole counting dwn... hope u're fine...

Oink Oink
How're u.. U've been MIA for quite sometimes... miss u...
hi gals,
thanks very much for all your blessings

hi rejoice,
it's inevitable on your excitement. the injection days won't be long for you before the ops. therefore keep your spirits high!

hi blesswbb,
wishing your dad a fast recovery. your bloatedness maybe a good sign. meanwhile do continue drinking lots of liquids. wondering on our days of taking the beta test, would we be informed about our results on the same day?? i too was told by nurse that longer waiting time allows for more ascertain results, but on the other, psychologically the waiting is a torment.

hi yck,
guess most induced AFs for beginning IVF are of super lightflow. like the other gals, mine was also the same, so no worries. but why aren't u taking more than a week's rest after ER & ET??

hi pinky panter,
how's your babies doing??
Hi ML, Im oks.. Feeling a little low... Worried Scared and all la... Was told at yesterday's scan ER could be on MONDAY.. So unprepared... So worried la... Going back on Friday to scan again.. got 1 dominant folicles and a cluster of small ones around 10-12mm waiting to reach the mark....

Im so worried....................

How u been.. What happen.. U ok to share or rather not?? Looks like I will be cycling alone.. no one on 2ww next week.
Want to ask the exprienced ladies here..
Will our bbt drop or go up when we are ovulating? I forgot to ask my TCM and now he is out of town...Dun wanna waste the OPK strips as they are quite exp....
Another question, will ppl ovulate on the 7th day of their menses?
Please help! TIA!
pretyy lady,

i think i will go crazy if i were to stay at home for 2 weeks. will be so bored.

how long after will i get my AF after the last pill?
hi nicole G,
time flies isn't it?? no worries... it's never too late to prepare yourself mentally starting now. supposed you'll be taking the pregnyl jab (or its equivalent; on thigh) on sat if fri's scan confirms your ER on mon. u've to arrange for someone (preferably your spouse) to bring u home after ER. just remember all u need after that is rest, rest & more rest. dun worry about any other things...
Dear ladies,
thanks for your info. I called up TMC, they said tomorrow's scan will determine whether I am ready for the jab. If not will have to take 2 more weeks of BCP. Hoping for the best.
My sister's friend rested 3 days after ET. She went back to work immediately after the 3 days. That was her first attempt and she only put in 1 embryo. She tested positive and has given birth since. So, I think first 5-7 days are enough for me. Too much rest time will also resulted me thinking too much.
Hi PretyLady, Yuppers I cant believe it how time flies.... Yuppers was briefed on the protocol b4 we started on the program.. Someone to pick to me home after ER. My husband will be with me for the ER so he will take me home. I think I will be taking the HCG injection on my tummy. cause I did that for the 2 pio cycles...... Shld be e same thing....

How u hlding up?? all good?
Hi ladies
Thanks for the blessing. Got worried abit as my breast don feel tender anymore. Checked with all exp mothers they say breast don tender so fast till later stage. Hope the bloatedness is a good sign.
Your bbt should be higher if u ovulate. When it drops meaning your menses coming in 1-2 days. Some pple do start ovulate on the 7days.
Pretyy lady
don think our result will be on the same day. Mine is on next mon. Nurse say if i wan can test on Sat but i don wan to go thru 2 times.
Wow...u must be getting more excited...result out on Fri huh?? Don intend to test it at home 1st?
Thanks for your reply...ya, tt was wat I tort too...bt my TCM told me when we ovulate our bbt will drop....mabbe I understand it wrongly...will check wif him again.
pretyy lady,
i think after the blood test we hv to call them back to know what the result.
R u back to work? u taking yr personal leave?
yup m on personal leave but occasionally checking & catching up on work from home. would rather wait till i strike the "jackpot" before focusing back full force in work.
m counting down for us.....

is it compulsary for the counselling session? so difficult to get a slot for saturday. go for it during weekdays will waste my leave.
Pretyy lady
one the day of ur Preg bldtest, for KKH u'll need to call at 12pm to find out the result.. if +ve need to go back to hosp to take medicine (if I'm not wrong)
All the best for ur result.. hope to hear gd news frm u and BlesswBB too...
think it's complusory for TMC. I went on a Sat, waited for about 2 weeks to get a slot. Anyway, to me, quite useless. But no choice.
hi yck,

same here.. gg for er tml n now thinking how i shd spend my 2wks. now planning ways to entertain myself.. might sneak out when im too bored hehe..

think the crucial period is the 1st wk of the 2ww, cos its implantation time. just rest well n eat well n keep a positive mindset wld b very impt.
Nope, I was already back to work since Tuesday.. It's not so bad cos everyone seems to be very sensitive towards my feelings. But it's really tiring.. i am just worried.. you know since the blood test, i have not gotten my AF yet.. just the brown discharge.. Dr said that probably still got progesterone in my blood, so AF is late.. but I have always hear that AF is a clear indication that IVF fails.. Sigh..
Hope you are really okay.Get a lot of rest before you try 2nd time.I see some trying 2nd time will be a success and I am sure you will be too.Have a enough rest.

Hi Blesswwbb & Pretyy lady
Stay positive all through till the day you have result. May a lot of babydust be with you two.

I wish to see a lot of success here in this thread, so that I can start my 1st attempt maybe in dec or early next year.

Praying for you all.


don give up! this is def not an easy road but u have all our support here. take this hol to have a gd break okie n tiao your body as well before u consider what to do next..
