IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi jessie,
I do experience breast tender and pain for the 1st wk of my 2ww...but it gradually subside although it still feel heavy sometimes.

Hi BlesswBB,

I read your blog and I should say thank you coz of your detailed description. I will be taking my lucrin shot next month. Reading your blog I realise we both have the same problem...I have got Endo too...but after the operation 2 years bk the doctor has removed 1 of my ovary & tube, now I am left with 1 side. Despite of having 2 healthy boys my family & hubby still wants me to conceive again...If you have a + result, I will be more motivated to continue. Will pray for you...babydust to all of us...
hi catzeye,
i'm starting my lucrin on June 7th. 2 days after yours.. looks like we are going to be doing cycle together..

hi pretyy lady,
cross my fingers, you are getting positive results with higher hcg! hehe.. getting gd vibes here!!

hi cuteangel,
weird why AF haven't really fully started.. these are the things that always plays with our mind huh? i hope for the best for you! take care yeah?
hi merlenna,

mine was suppose to start on the 11th but due to my short cycle everything has to be pushed forward. Are you at KKH? Which doctor?
hi merlenna,

i am with Dr SF loh,KKH. Hw is doc sadhana, may need her to the ER if my lucrin needs a longer period coz Dr SF loh may nt be around during my ER. But I am keeping my fingers cross for my body to response on time. Perhaps we may bump into each other during our visits to KKH...
ladies... m really appreciative of all of your blessings. however my beta reading is low thus being preggie is still not conclusive. keeping fingers cross that it will double up these couple of days & show in next mon's retest result.
usual HPT (via urine) usually detects HCG level bwt 15-25 mIU/ml. here's a link which u all might be interested : http://www.fertilityplus.org/faq/hpt.html

hence i skipped this altogether as my 1st beta reading surely shows positive.
anyway, continuing to pray hard & also for all of you in your various ivf stages.
till date if mense is still not yet coming... it maybe good news. things are quite beyond us now (as mine is still not a confirmed preg due low HCG level), try keeping a positive mindset (noe it's not easy, but keep praying!!)
Thanks for your encouragement.. I am still trying to keep a positive mind..my dr asked me to wait till next week.. i am jusr worried that I might have other complications.. I will be praying for you too..
rejoice... guess by now ur ET is over. when back, mayb u could share how many embies u'd put in
rest well too!
Hi ML n all,

Oh, nw i downgrade to Twins liao...

During my 6wk scan, Dr told me that the 3rd babies is smaller as compare to the other 2 babies.

I went for my 11th week scan and my babies are dancing in my womb, jumping up n down. Dr has a hard time to locate their heart for heartbeat. So funny..

My sil accompany me and comented tat her babies are not as active as mine. They oni moves about.

I knw Y my babies are so havoc maybe becoz our genes are so. My hb acty wanted to bring my to cruise when he is back next month and we are planing to go trekking @ Nepal after my birth..But Dr say that No- Cruise for me.. wait sea sick, no doctor to rescue..
hi babychloe,
thanks for your blessings 8)

hi pinky_panter,
anyway it's still gd news that ur little ones are so lively. so what is gonna happen to the 3rd, according to doc??
Hi ladies,
I just read from some UK forum that eating Brazil nuts and pineapple will assist implantation. Anyone knows anything about these aids? Apparently, eating 5 B nut will do, after ET and some said that they ate pineapple daily after ET. What do you think? I thought pineapple are cooling stuff, so we should avoid. Very confuse.
hi LFB,
i dunno abt Brazil nut, but i know from people who have gone thru pregnancies, i.e immediate family members and friends, say pineapple is a big NO NO.. said its very tough on your womb and may make it fragile.. something about it being too 'sharp' for the body during pregnancy.

hi pinky panther,
i've heard of something like this happening. coz a friend of mine, her aunt too are down to twins from the initial triplets. doc said the third one cannot survive. but i hope that you and your twins will remain healthy til the full term.. and yes, agree with ur doc, cruise no-no too! take care yeah!
Pinky Panter,
Do take care cos twins also v siong...then wat is going to happen to yr 3rd one???
Dun go holiday during yr pregnancy first la...wait till they are out, then u go la...cos cruise can be shaky at time too due to the current...
Dear rejoice,
don't be sad. The grade is a guide. You must believe that your embies will stay with you. Have faith ok? Don't be discourage. All the best!
Hi rejoice,

Dun be too sad abt the quality of the egg. When i put in mine during the FET, it wasnt at their best state too..And Bingo ! During my fresh ivf, the embies are much better but it still didnt work out.

Hi all,

The 3rd babies isnt growing well at my 1st 6th week scan.. The sac was small for the size and didnt grow big enough but Dr can hear the heartbeat. On the 8wks scan, Dr cheng told me tat although the 3rd babies are growing but this baby isnt healthy. ( from the look of the sac )

Was in dilemma at 1st too coz i hope to have 3 babies but if the 3rd ones isnt doing well and still growing all the way, i might bring unhealthy babies to the world .

It just stop growing on the 11 wk of my scan and the 3rd babies is being absorb by my boby. So somehow i m contended healthy twins nw
izzit? i feel like i am going heavier leh.... and the stomach protuding in front somemore.... gosh..... there isnt anything to do to reduce the bloatedness?

got spotting? sorrie.. which days after ET are u in??? maybe it's late implantation spotting?
blood test -ve sob sob
have checked the next ivf procedure with the nurse. Will be fighting with you ladies again after i tiao my body.
u should be happy that is still bloated. Mine stop bloated on day 6 but came back on day 11. Try drinking 2litres of water everyday and take egg white it will more or less help abit.
keep yourself happy and relax. Think positive. I think i have not been relaxed during the 1st wk. Hv been worried abt my family problems and cried alot. Mayb this round is not the right time for me
be strong, ok? Just take care and get yourself back into shape before you go for another round. All the best!
Only spotting and very cramp. Nurse say will need to wait for another 2-3days then AF will start. How abt yrs?? still no sign?
ya still no sign.. in fact the spotting has stopped and I don't have any cramps.. Aiya i am getting so anxious and worried.. Drink some warm water to ease the cramps, ya.. take care.. Think you are stronger than me..
thanks so much for your advise ... I have been drinking alot of water since FET. The nurse told me to get this 'Mylanta' at pharmacy to drink and maybe it helps... dunno if i have spelt the name correctly anot. But my hubby have checked it out, and there is only large bottle available for sale and it's like 350ml bottle... v big bottle leh...

Think I will follow your advice to eat egg whites like wat I did for my ER cycle. Just hope that it helps......
I experienced the same thing as you.. in fact the nurse said that there was water in my abdominal cavity and its not a good sign.. however, the dr insisted on doing the ET. After the ET, my bloatedness worsen and I forced myself to drink lots of water, cranberries juice and gatorade.. These are according to the nurse's advice.. three days after ET, the bloat subsided.. Take care..
hi gals,
m sorry for not bringin in gd news. had been feeling really down the 2nd half of today since my 2nd beta HCG reading is lower than the 1st. when i return home this morning... abdomen had been feeling "funny" & was shocked to see white discharge mixed with traces of pink. later evening... a little brown discharge!! was freaking out then!!!
the nurse asked me to return for 3rd beta test 2 days later... but just moments ago... i see brown discharge turned darker (though the amount was not a lot). guess my AF will come very soon...
wondering if i should return for it or should i ask upon next ivf procedure??

blesswbb... u are certainly much stronger than me. but why are u so certain that yours is negative?? what is your reading ?? aren't u also asked to go for re-test to affirm?? and what would u think we should head for "tiao-ing" ourselves??

hopefully the rest of ladies in this thread aren't discouraged by our unfavourable news & continue to have postive thoughts. let's jia you together...
hi wish-a-baby-come,
blesswbb is right.... have 2-3 litres of liquids daily to ease the bloatedness. besides egg whites, take more foods rich in protein. have a gd rest.
Thanks for having faith in me.. actually i dont know what is the next step for me.. to go for another beta test or just wait for AF to come.. at the moment, I am not having any symptoms.. this whole experience is so trying.. I am still praying hard that a miracle will happen though..

perhaps you should go for the 3rd beta test like what the nurse suggested. since it's only brown spotting, like you said, maybe our little ones are still hanging on for us..Take care and have a good rest..

ur ET is done in the same cycle as ER? My ER is done on a different cycle with ET cos mine is FET. So is yours the same? Cos the nurse told me its ok one .... if really preggy, also will feel bloated... Tat time when i did my ER, stomach bloated lasted for a few days... after tat was ok already.

When I did the FET, my dr did not say anything about the water in the abdominal cavity leh .... actually I have drank lots of water .... it's like definitely more than 3 litres per day.... so maybe water is not any issue?

any other rich in protein foods that i can consider to eat?? i only know alot of foods cannot eat, but dunno what to eat alot in?
