IVF/ICSI Support Group

pretyy lady
Mayb you wait for 2 days to see whether your AF comes. If not u better go for the beta check again. My AF can't wait to come, now heavy flow and painful.
Donno y mayb is my instinct that tell me and also from the past experience, e.g. body temperature went down, my breast no longer feel tender, cramps.
my hubby and myself decided to go to our usual chinese doc at Pandan Garden to tiao my body 1st. Then after that will go for acup to improve my uterus. Hope 4 mths later can go for another try. Nurse told me the 2nd round don need 50needles poking liao
. Just need to wait til i ovulate and lining thick enough can transfer embryos.
All the best in yr next ET...
Meanwhile, tiao yr body & rmb to stay positive...
I hv read yr blog & sorri to say u hv undergo alot...more than me...U r very strong! Me salute u!
hi cuteangel & blesswbb,
thanks for both your encouragement. decided to return for 3rd beta test. this morning check... still slight brownish discharge but no cramp/pain so far.
i will be like cuteangel, having faith in our little ones & hoping for a miracle...

hi wish-a-baby-come,
blesswbb's blog has pretty much covered most of the food suitable. rest well.
My ET was on the same cycle as my ER..sorry did not know yours was FET... i think BlessBB's blog has all the details of food high in protein.. Good luck and take care!

Great! I am glad that you have decided to go for the 3rd test.. will be praying for you.. Jia You! Think you have a good chance as at least the first test has shown some hope..My dr did not even ask me to come back for a second retest.. he seems quite sure.. but still wondering what's happening to my cycle ..take care!
Hi All

I did ER yesterday and had only 3eggs. The clinic called to let me know all 3 fertilized and tomorrow will be ET... Im feeling sad cause that means I have none to freeze....... Worried that this cycle might not work but I keep telling myself..... LEave it to God he will decide...... Will keep you guys posted tomorrow........
Feeling jolts of cramps on me tummy n hurts to pee alittle... but bering with it..

Wish all of you hear babydust n hope we will have good news soon from all. Mayb this time dont strike next time will so hang in there.
pretyy lady
i will try to rest well. Now just hope for the best.

it's ok... cos got different way of doing the ivf. Cos for me cannot transfer in fresh cycle. So got to do FET.
Hi blesswbb

Thank you for all the info posted on your blog it is really helpful.

Dont worry be positive. i know it is hard, when i went thru my first cycle i have brown discharge on and off till i am week 6. I keep going for blood test then. According to doc, sometime brown discharge is alright as it means the womb is getting ready and shedding the previous blood cycle we have.

Nicole G
Actually i think having 3 eggs and all fertilized are good. Most important is the quality. All the best for tomolo ET. Dont feel sad must be happy as tomolo you will be carry the embryo back home.

Hi all,

Any ladies know what our hubby should get themselves prepared for IVF?
I just received my hubby result which was not too ideal, I was wondering anything food or herb I can get for him to improve it at least more choices for the embryologist to choose from.
hi sunflower,
hopefully your words reflects my situation now. my last mense was induced while on BCP (birth control pill) before proceeding for lucrin jabs for IVF. the flow then was very light... only lasted 2 days (my typical were 5-6 days). keeping my fingers cross now for a miracle....

as for your enquiry, perhaps your man could try taking adequate Vit C,E, Zinc, cordyceps , ginseng powder to improve sperm quality.
hi nicole G,
it's pretty good that all 3 eggs retrieved are fertilised. dun be disheartened over no more embies to be frozen. who noe...u may be hit with triplets! rest well...
Dear all,
Just went for a scan this morning and Dr Cheng detected 17 eggs. He put me on 3 Gonal F injections and 3 Cetrotide. I decided to go back to TFC for the Cetrotide cos I really dunno how to inject. Checked with nurse and she said that my linning is good, but keeping finger cross that it won't get too matured. Nurse told me 15% of first timer will bingo and second timer will have 50 to 60% chances. I am praying to be the rare 15% though.
hi lfb,

thats alot of egg. congrats.

i will be starting my injection somewhere next week. hope that i will get as much too.

what are the sizes of your follicles? so you need only another 3 days of injection? and you need to go back everyday for the cetrotide? how much did you pay this round?

btw, did u ask the nurse how come first timer chances is lower than second?

sorry for so many qns. just to get myself prepared.
That's a good number! the fact that you are still on Gonal F could mean that you could have more than 17.. That's great! I will pray that you be among the 15%!! Good luck.. so when is your tentative ET? So excited for you!
thanks, but quantity must be accompanied by quality, so I am praying hard. If I remembered correctly, I have couple of 12, couple of 11, couple 10, some 7 and 8 and couple of 4. My doc just rattled off the size and the nurse just record.
As for injection, now morning cetrotide and night Gonal F. I decided to go back for cetrotide injection cos I think I cannot manage that alone. I will return for scan on Fri and if all went well, my ER is Sunday. As for payment, they told me they start the deduction for CPF, so I also dunno how much.
There are few reasons why first timer chances are lower. One is because doc aren't sure with how much hormones to inject inot us. The next could be eggs fertilization stage. It could also be the linning of our womb, not ready for implantation. These are what she shared.
As for me and hub, we also dunno why we can't conceive naturally. I no prob. His condition also improved tremendously through TCM. So I decided don't wait already, just do it. No point wasting time! Hope my answer helps.
Thanks for the prayers! Hopefully the eggs are in good grade and my hub wormies are also tip top. Yep, praying very hard for all to be well. My ER should be this Sunday and ET could be Wednesday. Doc haven't decide, cos I have to go down for scan again this Fri. Brought Brazil nuts today too, will pop them during 2WW.
thanks for your fruitful answers.

me too. no problem detected. just cant conceive after 3 long yrs of trying. really tired of trying.
hi lfb, yck,
we're the same..i too tried for 3 years.. doc even told me to take action. time to get a move on. at least we're doing something.. that should be encouraging enough. just have to keep in mind, that this is a means of realizing our dreams of being mums, but nonetheless, its not a guarantee. i keep telling myself that too..

and yeah, i'm also starting lucrin next sat! hehe. quite nervous about learning how and doing it myself.. hehe..
hi merlenna,

thats my thinking too. at least trying out something than to sit there and wait which for my case i think is quite impossible to succeed after 3 yrs of failure.
hi ladies

I am still waiting for my AF to come before goin to Dr Zou at AMK. I would like to check with you ladies, how often do i need to do accup per week and how much is the cost with med. I have done a check with Dr sf Loh last yr and he said i am fine but my AF cycle is long, abt 32- 40 days.. been trying for 3 yrs ..
Dr Zou will ask u to go for acupunture at least twice a week on a regular basis. And 5 days continuously before ER and if for fresh cycle ET, will do 1 more acupunture just one day before ET. If doing FET in another cycle, then only do 5 days before ER and continue with 2 times a week until ready for FET, then will do 5 days continuously again before FET day.

Each session will cost $25. And as for the medicine, roughly her $7 to $8 per day of medicine.
Pretyy lady,

How are you today ? Is everything okay. Dont worried, be positive. I understand how it feel. It is like every stages of the process is full of anticipation and fear. I have attempt IVF last year, but got miscarriage when i am 11 weeks. I have to do another fresh round of IVF as i did not have any good egg left the other time.


Dr zou is a lady Dr
sunflower... thanks for your encouragement. it's game over for me this attempt. But will persist like many strong ladies here...
wishing u the best of luck in your coming attempt & bring us gd news later!
hi zeena, budderball
upon your respective consultation with dr loh, wonder what is his typical advice to go for 2nd try, either FET or fresh cycle?
thank you.
Hugs.. don't be too upset ok.. u still need to be in good health for the next cycle.. anyway, did AF come? sorry for asking this question so often, I just wonder whether my situation is normal or not.. take care.
yes.. stopped for about a week already but still no AF lei..very worrying.. if really pregnant then good, but what if not? Could there be something wrong with me?
yes my af started since y'day evening.
would suggest u return to ur gyane for scan so as to find out your little ones' heartbeats. currently how many weeks old?? to my knowledge typically 7-8 wks can scan. so far have u had repeated beta HCG tests as well?? if between the readings they are rising (i.e doubles), at least it's a good sign.
cuteangel, dont give up hope.....like prettylady said, go back for another HCG test... if not, buy a pregancy test kit to test
How many weeks old? How to count? So far, I have only done 1 beta test on 16 May.. and 2 urine test. the last urine test was alst week, Monday negative.sigh...
would one of you update the list? will still visit the thread to wait for good news.
Will most prob give up on IVF. Too tired to continue anymore. Good luck to the rest of you!

latest list
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My appointment with Dr Loh will be next week, can't tell you much yet. I have no more eggs, will have to start fresh for next IVF

Have you seen Dr. Loh after your IVF? What did he say for your case? And what he intend to do for you next?
Pretyy lady,
Hugz...U take care huh...Be strong and look forward for the next ivf.
Is your AF painful? Mine was quite painful for 2 days but feeling better today.
thanks ladies for visiting my blog...hope my blog can help more ladies going thru this road easily. Oh...and with lots of good news
Think u better have it scan. Worried for you too. I'm not trying to scare you, in case is etopic pregnancy it will be big problem. Get it check asap.
Pretyy Lady,

I am sorry to hear it.
Be strong and take care of yourself in preparation for the next cycle.

I think you better have a scan and a HCG test done to test the blood. It is more accurate than the urine test.
Hi Ladies,

Got a question here. Has anyone been to Quest Labs for semen analysis test?
We went there last wk and the report came back. somehow the morphology result is too good to be true. Our previous reports from TMC and SGH was only 1% good morphology. Current one is 75%. Funny rite?
If it's that good, i won't have to do IVF then.
I am collecting my hormones from GlenE tomorrow. Not much time for re-test.
Btw, i remember reading that one of the postings that someone took some supplements and tested at quest labs and gotten real good results. I wonder if it's the way the analysis was done that give such high readings?
Any suggestions?
Hi bakaholic.

What is the time differences from the test (hospital) to test (Quest lab). by right every 3 months, the semen test will be different form one another but not sure if there should be drastic different. Did you all take any supplement or accup between tests?

Is the quest lab at TTSH ? It is true that after taking the supplement it will improve the result silghtly.
Hi sunflower,

The last test was about 1.5 years ago. We went to Dr. Tan (clementi) for 3 mths for TCM. But we stopped after that becos my hubby developed some strange allergy.
So, i only let him take vit E and fish oil for the last few mths.
The strange thing is that if his condition has improved, we should have succeeded then as we have been trying loh. I only have a blocked tube.
Now, in dilemma whether to proceed with Ivf or not.. sigh...

hi cuteangel,
u may use yaya's link for the weeks calculation.
a single beta reading is not sufficient for conclusion (esp now ur af is still not reporting, so it's kind of worrying). if (as u'd mentioned) last mon urine is negative, ur next beta reading is definitely lower than your 1st. figure is certainly <25mIU/ml. like blesswbb said, we really urge u to return to your gynae reflecting ur situation. take care!

hi blesswbb,
thanks for your responses too. my af is almost similar to my usual ones. slight aching at abdomen, having a "sian" feeling. only this morning when wake up, my body felt weaker esp at abdomen. may i ask (also to budderball &amp; zeena) for our case how long will the af last (will the duration be same as our usual ones)??

hi budderball,
my appointment with dr loh is also next week. wonder if we ask him whether he could relate the causes of our failed attempt. if m trying, my next attempt will be FET. but honestly m less confident... but i know had to persist if we desire a baby.

ladies, let's again have one another support &amp; jia you towards our goals.
