IVF/ICSI Support Group

lucrin is to suppress the ovaries during FET. nothing to do with the lining.

thanks! Ya. no issues with updating the table. just that mght be a bit slow in doing it.
you also chin up and don't worry too much. IVF a lot of unexpected things and obstacles happen. bo bianz!!1 haiz.. anyway, glad to hear that you are ok with the jabs.

how are you? how's the blood test result? you ok?
hi blesswbb,
i tot KKHIVF only issue a max of 14 days, so didn't push for extra days. oh gal... how did u get to do tat? As mine already been given, i guess it's over & done... heartpain but never mind lor...
hey i tot i was the only glutton here. i was surprised too at my increased appetite. same here... get bloated after feed

The bloatedness comes & go but i kinda get used to it. i too had my blood test on D7. so grateful that my result is good too & no need for higher dosage of progestrone. do u take the jab daily? btw when are you due to take the D17 pregnancy test ??
let's pray together that we could be promoted to next level.......
Hi Cuteangel,
Praying hard for u.Really wish u have gd news for us here.Keep us posted ok.

Hi Babychole,
I mention to Dr Tan that why my menses is the staining kind,& last for few days only.That why he say my lining is very thin so not very gd.I am very worry.
Orh, u mean spotting type? Oic....mine also spotting type for the 4th day to 7th day...bt on the 1st to 3rd day is flowing type...perhaps can ask him wat powder can help u "tiao" to make it thicker?
Pretyy Lady,
Wow...so happy that we both on the smooth road. Hope we be promoted soon. Hehehe... I'm taking the jab daily. I have been travelling to KK on my own during weekdays. Must be extra careful especially during rainy days.
What puzzle me is y your jab only need 15days as for mine i need to take the jab till D18. My bloodtest is on D19.
Chua family,
Previously my menses last for 10 to 12days but when scanning was done Dr Loh never mention that my linning is thin leh. He say my linning is normal.
Hi Babychole,
mine day 1 is also spotting liao,never heavy flow kind.Only go toilet then will flow out if not can dun even put pad also.That why dunno what happen.

Hi Blesswbb,
Dr Loh also mention my linning is ok but TCM say mine is not gd.
Anyway 10 more days to go,really hope u & pretyylady have gd news to share here.
Chua family
Anyway not to worry lah, after ET they will prescribe pregnyl or prognestrone for us to thicken the linning. This will increase the chances. However, take this time to tiao your body till u are ready for it
ya. got headaches.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Stage</TD><TD>Start Date</TD><TD>Date of ER</TD><TD>Date of ET</TD><TD>End of 2ww</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Doc </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zeena</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Budderball</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>BlesswBB</TD><TD>Lucrin</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>07/5/2008</TD><TD>09/5/2008</TD><TD>26/05/2008</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherishball</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cuteangel</TD><TD>ER</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>24/04/2008</TD><TD>29/04/2008</TD><TD>16/05/2008</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD>Dr Koh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jan</TD><TD>2ww</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>24/04/2008</TD><TD>26/04/2008</TD><TD>13/05/2008</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>LFB</TD><TD>BCP</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>Penguin</TD><TD>Puregon</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>pretyy Lady</TD><TD>2ww</TD><TD>April</TD><TD>06/5/2008</TD><TD>08/05/2008</TD><TD>23/05/2008</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nancy</TD><TD>BCP</TD><TD>April/May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>BabyWee</TD><TD>BCP</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>ML</TD><TD>lucrin</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>menogon</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Dr Yu Su Ling. </TD></TR><TR><TD>wishababy</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>L C Cheng </TD></TR><TR><TD>chuafamily2003</TD><TD>2ww</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>26/05/2008</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>rejoice</TD><TD>Puregon</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bakaholic</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>May/June</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>SC Ng </TD></TR><TR><TD>Naiza</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>June</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKIVF</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merlenna</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>June</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Dr Sadhana </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hi ML,
thanks for the table update. i'm at kkivf too. anyway, this info abt taking lucrin was told to me by the nurse. she said based on the lucrin injections, they see that if our lining is thin enough, we can start on the next stage which is the puregon jab. unless that indication is clear, we have to still continue the lucrin..

this is what i gather lah from the nurse.. and i also understand that the next stage, we will have to continue lucrin and puregon at the same time.. wouldn't be weird if lucrin is to suppress ovaries when puregon is to stimulate ovaries to produce follicles containing the eggs, right? and this is to be taken at the same time.. one right jab and left jab?

yeah, perhaps i will further clarify this when i meet the nurse next time at kkivf.. hope you can understand my confusion.. heh..
oic... i was told by my doc that the lucrin was to suppress the ovaries and he checked that the ovaries were ok before i was given another medication prognova to thicken the lining. Think KK used lucrin for the long protocol. Maybe got difference between how it's use.
hi all,
sorry for the delay on sharing my news. I went for the blood test yesterday morning and only got the results at 6 p.m as my dr had to perform an op. i am sorry tat i cannot bring good news to you. my blood test was negative. i thought that i have the strength to take the news but, it's too painful to bear. I have been crying my heart out since last evening and i find it so difficult to accept the blow. i dont know how i can go back to work next week and be bombarded with questions.. i am feeling so terrible. i am sorry if i may have affected your mood with my bad news. To all of you especially BlessBB and Prettylady, i wish you all the best and take care.

hugzs.. be strong.. let it all out if u need to. feel free to share here anytime ok.. u can also pm me if u need someone to talk to.. rest and take care too..
hi ladies,

im back fr scan today. Have been on 200units of puregon for 8 days and body is responding well to puregon.

do u know wat's the optimal follicle size and usually wat's e min no. of follicles one will retrieve? i saw a few size 13 &amp; 14 and some 10 and 11, also a few small ones. praying that optimal no. of gd ones growing to optimal sizes to b retrieved next wk. most likely to go for ER next thu, depending on my next tue's scan.

nurse said no need to take egg whites now. do i take protein n egg whites after er? sorry if i have asked before..
hi merleena,

im also w kkh. am gg thru e stage which u have described. in fact, had 8 days of puregon ald n jabbing lucrin concurrently. wat e nurse told u shd b correct.

e suppression is our own hormones. puregon is actually hormonal jabs. think need to suppress our own egg growth so that they can inject hormones into us and stimulate egg growth. hope i get that rt..

so have u started the treatment ald?
Dear Cuteangel,

so sorry to hear the news. Please take care and rest well. Re going back to work, just take it easy. Maybe you can tell one very close colleague and have her to help you tell the rest to leave you alone for a while? It's terrible to receive such news. YOu must take care, ok? Be strong. Once you are ready, you can try again.

other than headache, will it cause water retention or weight gain?

i will be starting my pills tomorrow for 2 weeks. just to get myself prepared. how long after will i get my menses after the last pill?

btw, can i be included in the list too?

i am with dr LC Cheng too.
hi cuteangel,
*hugs* know that you are not alone and be strong k? be strong, yeah?

hi rejoice,
hehe, not yet.. i'm awaiting the arrival of my AF probably tomorrow coz signs are showing already.. then i will countdown the 21 days to first lucrin jab.

hi ML,
oic, yeah perhaps the jabs and hormones given are different at different hospitals. now we know!! hehe..
Thanks for your well wishes...
Unfortunately I m not in the IVF journey yet...now under TCM's care...the TCM ask me to give him a few mths before deciding for IVF...anyway, DH's SA result no good...even do IVF also not much hope...
How r u? Hope to hear good news from you soon..
Understand the pain though I am not even in IVF yet...At least u still can try, get wat I mean? I cannot even go for it now...at least u r betta than me....
I m even more sad than u, bt life still hv to go on....Be brave &amp; brace up for the next FET....ok?
hi cuteangel,

hugzs.. pls stay strong.. let it all out if u need to in here anytime ok.. i fully understood the disappointment that you'd felt y'day &amp; m sure u'd went through with your gynae what should be the path forward.. take time to "grieve" but remember we must persist.

meanwhile "tiao" your body &amp; rest well in next few mths before another try. take care!!
hi blesswbb,
ya... gd to know u too are doing well during this 2ww period. had been praying for both of us....
m not sure y i was given only 16 days (incl the one given on ET &amp; preggie blood test dates) of prognestrone jabs. anyway we are aware that different individuals has different protocol/ presc isn't it?? as long as our body &amp; embroyos are functioning normally, i supposed the diff is no big deal.
wondering for past days, have u been taking home cooked food all the while?? as i don't live with either parents, at times due to laziness to cook myself, i'd resorted to eating out. feeling a little guilty here.....
hi rejoice,
thanks for your concerns. my worse days after ET were over. m feeling better now that my appetite has came back.
on your qn... i didn't go for TCM/acu throughout my IVF treatment. initially had wanted to try concurrently hoping that will increase the probability to be preggie, but my mom discouraged as she advised to take things at a time cos we never know how my body would react to TCM/acu, in conjunction to medics from IVF. worse feared is they could interfere &amp; neither docs could diagnose properly the causes, leading to unsuccessful IVF attempt. u can call me mama gal lah......
Dear Cuteangel
So sad to learn of your news.
Hope you still keep strong.Take a lot of rest first before you try again.We are always there for you.
Cry your heart out and you will feel better &amp; stronger.It will help you regain the full fight for 2nd attempt.
For now, rest well and take care.
Dear cuuteangel,
Hugz...hugz....cry your heart out. Be strong. Tiao your body for the time being. Don forget the rest of your embryos is waiting for you.
Hi Pretyy lady,
To tell u the truth, i'm staying away from my parents too. Sometimes i do cook myself but eating alone sometimes lost appetite. Nowadays, whenever i travel to KK for my jab i will try to hv my lunch there before coming back. Also hv dinner outside. Aiya...sometimes think of it try not to be too stress abt it so just take it easy. Feel like eating what just eat don bother too much. Just try to avoid fried, heaty, oily food.
I tiao my body before i start IVF. I don go thru acup during the treatment cos too many needles poking liao. Got phobia just thinkg of it. anyway i hv just leave it to fate if i'm fated to have my own flesh and blood then it shall be.
thanks preety and blesswbb for your sharing about how you inform your superior at work. last week, i hinted my superior but did not go into detail. i guess that should be the way.

just to check with you all here, anyone of you all taking tcm herbs while on injection? please share...
hi Babylow - Hello! How r u? Have u started on ur cycle yet? For me, i was told by my TCM doc no herbs during the injection phase, just did accupture.
hi vanilla,
It seems like you are always here for me. thank you so much. i will start my lucrin tomorrow. everything happens very quickly. i am at a lost. very lost. i had two packets of powder tcm this morning. should i stop? but my tcm physician encourages me to continue till results out. how, huh? i am so confused. at times, i feel that i should not know so much / do so much. i don't know why suddenly i feel so reluctant taking the herbs. is that a hint for me?
Hi babylow, i think if u are uncomfortable with taking it, then dont take it cos it will be a stress factor to u while u taking it and doing the jabs. maybe u can ask ur tcm doc if u can do accupture instd of taking those med. For me, after ET, my TCM doc also asked me to take ginseng n cordeycps but the embroyologist advise no chinese med...so i listen to the embroyologist...at times it is better to listen to ur instincts...

Dont worry BabyLow, take 1 step at a time...i will continue to pray for u!
Hug!! Have a good cry, you'll feel better... I can understand your feeling, I oso cried till my eyes swollen and the next day just go to work. Life still needs to go on, maybe the 2nd try, you'll have +ve result.. so don't give up! In the meantime, "tiao" your body and go for the 2nd battle....
hi zeena,
m glad you're back to this thread to "fight" the "battle" with the gals again. understood u'd opted TCM to tiao your body for 2nd try. have you arranged a time with dr loh on that??
jia you jia you!

this week m in my last few days before the beta blood test. still trying hard to resist taking HPT myself until that day... so far... except feeling occasional ache at abdomen (similar to that going to toliet but nothing came out) &amp; my boobs are kind of swollen with slight pain to touch at sides, everything else seems norm. my bloatedness has subsided to acceptable level. so far no spotting yet.... i wonder if my little ones are doing well or not... ??
pretyy lady,
Hope u can bring us good news soon...Meanwhile, stay relaxed ok?

How r u? Long time no hear from u...Hope u r coping well &amp; ready for yr 2nd try soon...

Pretyy lady
Yes, I've booked apt to see Dr Loh in June... Will be gg to Dr Zou next wk to "tiao" my body...
Thk will not start the 2nd IVF so fast, need more time to "tiao" my body cos stimulation not many eggs, need to ask Dr wat are the causes of the failure of 1st IVF...?...
All the best for ur result... hope to hear good news frm u....when is ur bloodtest result?

I'm fine... thanks for ur concern
need sometimes to heal my wound too... hehe...
HB said will try 3x if failed meaning fated, and will either adopt or spend the rest of our lives together....
"Ke yu bu ke qu"....
