IVF/ICSI Support Group

ML - Have u witness your furbabies - Dog pass on.... very very painful since their lifespan so short

Nicole - I ask SGH on their success rate before because i only read in a medical journal somewhere their success rate very low ... particularly in 2001/2002.


Ya lor, big chunck of money goes to the process & TCM and not to mention all the misc costs....


Yr hubs so sweet....come back to hv lunch wif u...Dun worry la...test so many times liao shd be confirme le ba?
I ever consider adoption before...bt hubs say wait till we hv tried IVF then say...

Nicole G,

Yup, my dad gained 2 kg yesterday...& he look betta now...perhaps with the help of TCM....
Bt he is really courageous to go thru all the treatments....Today is his 7th time of radio....3 more times to go....
IVF take at most 2 mths, bt my dad's illness will take 4 months or more...
So ladies, hang in there...our process is not so bad as compared to many ppl out there...
Oink Oink,

Dun tink I can join in the gathering next fri cos my mum is going to work next Thur and need someone to take care of my dad....
Hope there is another round of gathering so tat I can join in....
Babychole - Wow, that good news, gain 2kg. During radio unlikely to gain weight. That a VERY good sign.

My husband 10 yrs my senior, so i guess due to our gap he is alot "sweeter" than guys of my own age bah. There are many things many things to thank him for.....

Tats y I v happi when I saw the scale last nite...

Ya lor....If yr hubs 10 years older than u, he sure dotes on u lotz...
My hubs older than me 1 year is not so doting and sensitive to my needs sometimes...though many ppl say he is a doting hubs. Mabbe I take things for granted lor...
Babychloe - ALL my family & fren think i always "BULLY" my HB but hor he do it willingly de.....

example: after ROM, he transfer all his Fixed Deposit into my name.(Say women need financial security). Give me all his salary and take weekly allowance. (He say he cannot keep money, will anyhow spent)
babychloe - Malaysia. Think in the birth cert in Msia is my uncle name with the REAL mom....

Birth Cert in Singapore - Uncle & his wife's name.
can imagine the pain. this is my first dog.. I cried buckets when my hamster died last time. :p
wah.. your DH very good leh.. give you all the money!!!

Anyway, why you keep thinking abt adoption.. so many positive OPK. no need to consider adoption liao lah!!!
ML - i am crazy abt dogs .... CRAZY. my whole family are.... My cousin have 7 . Auntie has 5. i have 4 (think of no 5 if IVF not successful).... 1 golden died last yr - 15 yrs old.
wah!!! so many dogs!!! I love golden!!! but i can't keep as I live in HDB leh.. but I think I better get use to my shih tzu first... small dog already quite a handful.. can't imagine having a goldie... :p erm.. am thinking of getting a shetland as a second dog...

Wah....30k lei, not cheap hor...
My kolig v lucky, happen to adopt a baby gal at 2k nia...The mum decides to give up for adoption for free cos she still schooling & the family dun wanna keep the baby too...
& my kolig's auntie happens to noe the family & my kolig gv them 2k ang pow...& she is a singaporean!
Nicole ...
Clear up all my bill for IVF todate....
Total Investment is abt 11k ...
Medication is abt 3K.
Storage & Freezing 1k
The rest are for the standard procedures ....
Babychole - Yes, your colleague very lucky...... but since she know the family, she not scare next time, they come and want her back mah ????
have leh.. i know a number of guys who give their wives all their salary and they get a monthly allowance loh..

How come my hubs only contribute to our so called joint a/c (bt oni got my name inside, keke)...bt he never gimme allowance leh, only pay for most of the things at home nia + his car!
Must complain to him tonite liao...
Wow, ur hubby transfered all the $$$ to u
Yes older man dotes on their wives more. My hubby less than a year older always "bully" me. Haha... wow a golden. Wish to have one but cant An obedient dog despite the size. Stay postitive. Dun think too much abt adopting.

I also think like u. Cant love a adopted child as much as ur own -- unfair to them. It's the process of being a mum that i wanna go thru too. IF all fails, then no choice. Accept fate

To me money is not the most impt in a marriage la....wats most impt is he must dotes on me, support me wheneva I need it & dun flirt ard outside can liao...
I tel my hubs, dun eva let me find out he flirting outside, there will be no turning back liaoz..cos I dun like to share things wif other ppl esp own hubs....
Glad that ur dad is making good progress and even gaining some weight. U guys must have been taking good care of him

Ya, when comes to hubby and $$$. All have different stories. One of my gf stay at home be tai tai, got car for her to drive, got maid, she just have to take good care of her 7 year old daughter. Hubby gives her allowance to buy ex skincare, clothes and even gives her mum monthly allowance. If compare, "gei sim" !!!
not bad liaoz.. as long as the hubby got do financial planning and got save. give you money... good liao... if not, they also very poor thing... work so hard then spending still kenna controlled. As long as they spend within their means, guess it's ok....

let's not think abt this first.. :p
and yap. glad that your dad is gaining some weight.. really not bad when doing chemo...
All the best your dad. Hope he gets better soon!!! Btw, there is a study which shows that taking green tea extract and linzhi extract daily helps to increase success in chemo... let me see if i can still get that article.

Its a consolation for us when he is betta....bt the battle is not over yet & we are extremely mentally & physically stressed, bt no matter wat, we must hang on...I am glad I hv u all here wif me...else I dunno whom can I pour my woes to...cos I dun feel like talking nowadays...mabbe too occupied wif my dad's health....

Dif ppl got dif requirements....dun compare. :Ren Bi ren qi si ren"...
This coming May will be my 1st ivf, has been delaying due to my high FSH.

Thanks ML,van, nancy, zeena and all the sisters, I'll try my best.
ya ya... everytime walk past the maternity clothes shop also very gian... :p heh heh... my fren siao one.. she bought her maternity clothes 1 year before she started trying... lol...

Thanks a lot for your help!
Lingzhi??? I tink the TCM got recommend us, bt its v exp...bt I eva heard tat Lingzhi need to take lifelong else no use one...
That's the way.
decided on it and do it !! I will start BCP in april. May will start the jabs we can be cycle buddies together with ML
Jenn - I delay IVF for 9 mths also.... so many reasons.... until i very sian...

Last yr arounf Sept/Oct - found lump on breast, then doctor suspect cancer. my hear sank ... keep delay for further investigation ..... then finally is an infection but need Long term medication but cannot get pregnant while on the medciation.....

FINALLY - i made a stand, i dun care, i will just go for IVF now still have infection....
Sometimes when we decided to go for the IVF, some matters will just crops up at the last moment....really sian right!
MSFamily, its only infection, dun worri!
no prob. my FIL also got cancer. he's taking it now. ya. damn ex.. don't think it's a long term thing. Basically, there is this medical study where they gave the lingzhi extract and green tea extract to patients undergoing chemo. the results showed that those patients who took the extracts had a higher recovery rate and lower rate of recurrence. Think it was published in the news last year.

don't worry.. sure will be able to get clothing ones.. if not, those big size ang moh how...

Glad to hear than!!! Ganbatte!!!
Infection in the breast? i did not know there is such a thing. Wow, u made such a sacrifice. Dun worry all will be well. So far, 2 postives already. Hug
Ladies - IVF not only for yourself is also for people you love.... your HB, your parents.... Is love that drive us there and bring us there eventually...... Keep it going Ya....

dun worry abt that.. U are already so brave to try IVF. Nowadays formula milk also full of nutrition. ur child will not blame u for not breastfeeding him
