IVF/ICSI Support Group

Sorry to hear that. Don't give up. the human body works in miraculous ways.. who know what will happen in the future. All the best.

Good morning! hope things are getting better for you...

don't think need to start eating eggwhites now.. the eggwhites are used to prevent OHSS and to provide protein for the growing eggs... so can start when you start the jabs... Anyway, by the time you reach the ER stage, think you will be sick of eggwhites liaoz... Anyway, with regards to the GH thing, check with your doc. If it is neccessary and boost the chances, you should just follow the doc's recommendation. Understand that cost is concern but no point saving 1k+ and jeopardizing the entire process which is more than 10k. Hope to do it right once and strike then can forget abt all these IVF stuff liaoz.. just my 2 cents worth...

for the jabs. maybe you injected yourself too low in the abdomen. there are more blood vessels there. thus, more bruising. But jia you! all these pain and discomfort will be worth it!!!
don't give up, be positive.

both my tubes are blocked too, so gotta do ivf. yesterday went for blood test on my CD3, FSH is still too high, even worse than last mth. Dr said chances really low, will wait for next cycle again. I've decided to go ahead next mth regardless of the result. very very upset, really scared there's no chance for me.
I am thinking if can take protein drinks from GNC instead of eggs.

Could it because you are injecting youself will cause bruises cos not 90 degree
MSFamily - Till now I still dare not to go do my hair/nail (Last done was Dec 07), just try to play safe then to be sorry.
I went to hair treatment/colour/perm during my 1st IVF (2WW) with my friend, then got terrible pain during the night (could be the chemical or sit too long) later I read from somewhere in the internet that hair do (The chemical) will harm the embroys.
So now I really look like "Siao Cha Bor" messy dry hair with fade colour (Not to mention my white hair la ha ha)... should not have perm my hair, so hard to manage
Morning Ladiessssssssss

Im so glad Monday is over.. I suffer from Servere Monday Blues.... hehehehe..

Yuppers on the Growth Hormones, will speak to Dr but I do know e reason she wants me on it cause it will make the egg quality better or something like that. She did mentioned since Im spending so much just do everything n hope for the best! ;)

ML, today long day for me, got in house seminar so cannot go out @ lunch time! hehehe

MS Family, wahh ur family got twin history ahh.. so good. hehhee... I really really hope when I go thru with IVF, got chance for just 1 also can 2 will be a nice bonus! hehehe.. Keep us posted.... Wish I could start NOW! but waiting to go holiday end of the month n start. Docs advice not to put stress on myself n just do IVF when I come back. hehehe..

Everyone, lets root for each other!!!! Wish all of us with bundles of joy! go! go! go!\

Cheecky Girl, never say never.. Leave it to God, if meant to be he sure bless u with another one. As u mentioned, now u just devote all ur love attention n time on your wonderful son... At least u have him... More than what some of us have..... Big hugs and all the best.....

Babychloe, eveything is getting a little better for u. pls know we are all here. Big Hugs

Im just so happy that there is this Forum where we can write out deepest darkest secrets which we are not able to tell out own family.
oink oink
did not know we have to avoid such chemicals during the 2ww. thanks for the info. how abt the face products like masks, toner moisturer etc? can still apply or skip? it's really a sacrifice for IVF ladies like us. Need to do so many jabs and so many things cannot do. sigh
thanks oink. just have to pull myself together and hope for the best lor. my hb said we have to try all means, at least we are not doing nothing.
Budderball, nancy
the nurse did tell me that I can take the protein drinks from the pharmacy. I didn't ask the doc. but personally, i still feel that taking egg whites is still the best as it is from a natural source. But seriously, can eat till want to vomit!!! :p but bo bian must REN!!!

oink oink..
oops! i went to color my hair yesterday.. ha ha.. was starting to look awful.. went to color my hair back to the original color so that I will look nice for the 9 mths.. heh heh heh!!!

can still apply facial products but must avoid those products that are high in Vit A/retinol. too high dosage of Vit A will cause birth defects in babies.

can't remember. are you on TCM now? my doc says that sometimes TCM helps. Jia you!!!
u also want to look the nicest among us next friday is it? haha thanks. me seeing dr cheng soon when menses reports few days time. dun need if need to take the FSH test like jenn. seeing him at level 5. hope got chance to see him at level one again. btw, how many eggs did u extract the last time?
Jenn - That's nothing we can do much when doing IVF.. it all depend how our body react and some time is also Luck. All leave to "fate" and in the hand of "god" liao... Jia you Jia you ok

Nancy - Face products is till quite ok cos the chemicals is not that stong, Hair do / nails must totally avoid during 2WW.
lol! yap yap! heh heh!! I seeing Dr Cheng next mon! Extracted 14 mature eggs out of 60 over follicles.

ya loh... have been wishing to see him on level 1 for almost a year liaoz.. come to think of it... if strike during the first month of monitoring by him, baby would have been born liaoz.. aiyo....
Maybe sometimes to “Zin Zhang” injected wrongly… hehe… or maybe cos the pen don't have 600iu... so i've to inject 300iu then follow by adjusting another 300iu and injected again... my stomach v bloated especially right below the belly... do you have the same oso? Finally tmr D7 jabs... hope there'll be good result on Thur...

There's always a hope if you never try... at least try maybe there's miracle... Don't give up! You have all our support!! “Jia You”

Oink Oink
Yest I suppose to go for hair-treatment & trimming... saw ur post and I cancelled it... Think play safe better than regret...
oink oink
u are our big sister here
not aunty la. we learn from ur postive outlook. during the jabs also cant do hair and nails? hm....
nancy - you need to remove your nail polish during ER lei as for Hair do is not advisable due to the strong chemical and even during pregnancy period is not so good to have hair do also.(If can Tahan better avoid lor)

I was thinking should i bring my girl along next friday cos my hb will be back home around 7 plus, worried I will be late for our gathering if i got to wait till he come back (can't leave my girl alone at home lei)
oink oink
bring her along
is cheekgal coming as well? can bring her boy too. the little ones can have a gathering too. oh, thanke for the reminde. Will take note when my time comes. dun know if my gynae will start me with BCP or straight to jabs ......
nancy - My girl is very "Chi Cha" , always got complaint from teachers during Parents meeting session said she "Talking in class when doing the teaching". your will find her nuisance... heehee.
Cheekgal is not in my list lei ...
Hi ladies,
I am so sad. Suppose to start my new cycle when AF report. But till now, still no sigh of it coming.

Saw Dr Zou yesterday, she said I should pray that it won't come. If by end of this week it never come, so maybe got hope... haiz... but i know is impossible. I am always very 'suai', so this kind of miracle won't happen to me. Furthermore, I don't feel anything at all.

On one hand, i hope i can start soon, but on the other hand,i also don't wish to see it come.... think me going crazy liao...
don't be silly lah.. if never come, means got chance.. imagine the amt of money saved and avoid going thru all the treatment!!! :p
we xing ling xiang tong! ha ha.. just came in to check. hohoho!!! got meeting with overseas party at 5. can't go home liaoz...

one thing abt cordyceps is that it is good for people with respiratory problems. so i guess it's good for your DH. you might want to check with Dr Zou with regards to taking cordyceps.
Nancy - I did check with Li Ying (AMK) the last time regarding the Cordyceps and was told it help to improve Man Sperms quality & health also but is was too expensive ($300 plus for "Yi Liang").
Dr Zou do have their in house product (Black tablet) cost $60 plus, I bought that for my HB.
Jan & Nancy,

Hope yr AF dun come....Pray for u...so tat u dun nd to waste money to go for IVF & all the jabs...

Good luck!!!!
Oink Oink....

Wah.....informative web especially the part on

(If anyone is negative about what you are doing, avoid him or her during this time. Also, join a message forum to talk with woman and men who are going though the same situation for support. It is also a way to stay busy and get some useful information)

This is wat we are doing now...supporting and rooting for each other!!!!
Oink Oink,

Cordyceps are v expensive, perhaps can check ard neighbourhood medical halls or Hock Hua...sometimes they are cheaper & Hock Hua sometimes got discounts....

There is always miracles...I always believes...
Though ppl always comments chances are low, bt as long as there is a chance/hope, we shd go for it....
Jia You!
oink oink
if you are getting the cordyceps, ask them if they could break one for you to see. you should be able to see a line in the middle. If you don't see it, then it's probably fake. there are instances where the cordyceps is made from flour or something. Anyway, the general recipe is to use $1 worth of pork (ba tao) and 5 red dates, together with around 10 pieces of the cordyceps (depends on the size) and 1 bowl of water. then double boil it for 1 hour. Drink the soup only.
ha ha.. i buy before mah.. and that recipe given by a friend. she gave it to her hubby and both kids. try once strike liaoz. this recipe also confirmed by the medical hall. other things that can add is ginseng (5 pieces) and wolfberries. But the one above is the most basic. But in general too expensive to sustain. My friend made that for her DH every week. That was what the medical hall recommend also...

dunno abt women leh... but women usually more complicated.. so better don't anyhow eat. :p
Hi Nancy, babychole

my DH takes cordyceps, but our TCM doc highly recommended wolfberries, aka gou qi zi. We buy from Yu Ren Shen as theirs are in a container, all clean up and ready to eat like raisins. Don't eat those that are meant to cook, they are usually not clean up for eating.I also google on the net and get to know that blueberries, strawberries and mango are good for men. DH is taking alot of that, you can try.
BabyLow - I did the blood protein transfusion during ER.... Dr Yu order the blood protein when i did my blood test and scan around day 10 - 12 into gonal F.

I was on lucrin for 14 days (started day 2 or 3 after menses), then was on Gonal F (i understand it is the same as puregon). When i was taking the jabs, i didn go on leave in actual fact, i cover another colleague that went back home leave ......

Care - is really good they understood my work hectic during the jabs. I am always the first patient of the day, their hours start at 8am except mondayn thus .... i will go in office just slightly later than usual. My boss is very accomodating to me even if i decide to stay home and work from home, he is usually supportive.

All the procedures are in Care itself, only my boss knows abt my IVF programme, i needed his "blessing" as this is a quarter-end, particularly important to finance personnel. My co-workers only know that i am on leave. I am away from office for 2 weeks after ET and i really rest in bed for a good 5 days cause of OHSS ......

I am given sedation and i rested for 4 hrs in the procedures room during ER.

My case is NOT a sure success case really, you never know what will happen the next few days or if my reading 2 days ago is a false negative.

But really at least for the first time since TTC so many years .... i see a "pregnant" on the HPT....
I am going to spend some time putting up a blog to document this IVF ... whether successful or not, this is really going to be beyond me but .... i want to remember this .... remember the pain, the injection, the "blue-black" tyre around my tummy ....

Lets jia you jia you
Dear MSFamily,

that's a great idea! I am always browsing food blog, it's great to read abt IVF. I am really envy of you. Will pray for you! Hopefully I am as lucky as you! All the best!
