IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nancy - no la, i just think waste of natural resources....
cause me very busty ... Lang Fei ....
found the article --> http://www.asiaone.com/Health/News/Story/A1Story20071029-32913.html

my FIL has lung cancer, stage 2 i think. he is on some new experimental drug with SGH. Just started him on the extracts thing for this cycle as the previous chemo didn't work.. but aiya.. he stubborn old man lah.. still smoking.. bo bian..

This is my personal experience fron my relatives with cancer that diet is very important. These are the foods that i was told those who succeeded in their treatment.
1. cut down on meat intake, can take more fish but not too much pork, chicken
2. take more vegs esp vegs like brocolli which are high in anti-oxidants
3. Drink lots of water

my family has a high incidence of female cancer. got a number of relatives had breast and uterine cancer..

Sorry gals! digress a bit...
nancy / ML, yes! let's go for it together!

sisters, thx for all the encouragement, i feel much better now. so glad i found this website

Thanks for the info....
My dad too hv lung cancer metatasize to brain & lymph nodes...

Sorry gals for riding on this thread....
MSFamily, 11k than can minus 6k medisave rite?? What the other procedures ahh??? the blood test n scans is all in the package rite?? I dont like hidden cost la.. Both hubby n me doen blood test, he done sperm analysis and I done my trial canulation. I hope they stick to Menogon as its alot cheaper than Puregon. How much were the after IVF medications ahh??? Ahyoh so worried now la....
If come out positive ok la if negative even more heart renching!

Hi Vanilla how did the FET go??
Yap - I usually will prefer some buffer.... maybe 1-2 k will be good, cause you never know how your body response to medication.

But as mention, the cost very subjective to individual wor... like how many eggs you have, storage ..... insurance for your embryo....

After ET - only have some tablets,not ex, less than 100.
erm... just now my big boss came and ask me if i doing IVF... why need 2 weeks leave. i just told her i'm doing some minor procedure.. just that doc wants me to stay at home and not run abt.. haiz... sometimes dunno how to lie...

think i'm getting the flu.. very very very sleepy now...
hi Nicole G - i did not do an FET.. mine was a fresh cycle. i think for IVF the drugs used are Puregon or GonalF, dont think they use Menogon for it.
Ml, I too am going to tell me company Im going for Fibrod surgery.

MSFamily, what was written on the HL??? Did it have Care stamp or fertility on it???

Vanilla, I was informed Menogon is like Puregon. I was using menogon for the PIO cycles(SO-IUI).
Hi Nicole G - so far for IVF i think they only use those 2 drugs. For my fren doing IUI with my gynae, she uses puregon too (but inject less freq) while i am IVF and uses Gonal F.
Nicole G,

Perhaps u can check with Care whether they can issue u the HL under SGH logo instead of Care? Cos if under Care, a lot of ppl will noe is for IVF....

Cos for KK, they issued under KK logo & I have checked with the staff nurse there & they say they will not reveal anything to my company even they cal up....
Nicole - Is abt there ... but if you r younger slightly better..... This is what i read from the net for 2002, SGH very low success rate but ... now better liao.

Average Success Rate
Centre for Assisted Reproduction (CAREPL)
Gleneagles Hospital
KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital
Mount Elizabeth Hospital
National University Hospital
Singapore General Hospital
Thomson Medical Centre
Hi babychloe, I have a CD called Complementary Cancer with Evidence-Based Mind-Body Medicine). Bought one for my aunt who had Breast Cancer, and also bought one to listen myself.

With Guided Imagery to:
1)Relax to free Yourself from Stress
2)Release Pain for Deep Comfort
3)Get the Best of Chemotherapy
4)Get the Best of Radiation Therapy
5)Create Inner Strength and Courage.

Thought this might be good for your dad. Giving this to you free. If you are keen, kindly email me your address and I will post this to you. My email is [email protected]
i also got problem with my leave. i told my boss abt my ivf and the 2ww, she said dunno will the co accept the hosp leave, as this is before pregnancy, and it is "personal". then now I'm also thinking should I talk to HR?

Y the company cannot accept the HL since it is not a fake one ma?

Tat is part of the reason y I keep from my company....Cos some co v "Chou" one...will give all sorts of reasons & excuses for u to take AL instead...
Jenn - think your boss talk "crap". Non-urgent operations .... cannot go lor ... cause personal also wat ....

What ur boss said is definitely incorrect.... if they so "niao" .... you should consider moving on.
Hi MSFamily

Thanks.. Saw that one.. I went to read the past archives of mummy ot bes.... So many of them had triplest & twins... soem put in 3 strike 3 man.. some put in 3 strike 1.......

Ohh dear god just one all I need is one anymore will be a blessing to me!!!!!! Hope all of us can hold a baby in our arms after our journey.

MSFamily, Thanks for the HL details.. Im so happy it says SGH & O&G...

You are entitled to HL leave... Please check ur contact or Office manual!!! Everyone is entitled to 60days hospitalisation leave.. Im sure its in ur calendar! Pls pls check. Dont let that crap of a boss bully u!! she is worried who e hell will do ur job! Selfish cow!
nope. taking the HL.. but she just question what is the reason.. out of concern lah.. just that I don't want to say too much..

your boss "smoking" you.. no reasons for you not to be able to take HL. We are all entitled to it. Cannot be if go for normal op cannot take HL right??? wah.. bully you man! bo chap! just take.
Yea... find that my co's HR very "niao". I know they do not accept HL on "cosmetic surgery", such as eye lasik. so i also dunno whether this is acceptable or not??
Hi gals...
Today 'm so
... scanning result not so good... only 7 eggs & only 3 eggs Ok size.... need to inject 2 more days puregon injections.. ER on Monday...

I'm worried, not sure after ER quality eggs good or not and can it fertilise... so "sian", wanna CRY... So sad why injected so much units my body still can't react to it... anyone same case as me and success in IVF???

Oink Oink
Sorry thk I can't join the gathering cos 'm 2ww... You gals enjoy and hope there'll be next gathering tat I can Join
I've asked KKIVF, wat's the description of the invoice... It's the lump sum of the scanning & review frm the doctor charges...

All the best for your result tmr...
MS Family
All the best for your result tmr... thk you can celebrate tmr...
would like to chk, the preg test kit, you bought is how much, saw there's alot, not sure which one.. thanks in advance.
Hi zeena, don't worry, by the time you do ER on Mon, the rest of the eggs would have caught up in size. Stay positive, ok, cos if you are stressed, that would also affect the quality of your eggs. Jia you.
Zeena, use the HPT for clear blue, the one with word... think abt 30 for 2 tests....

My personal opinion is that although more expensive but worth it. Cause this you no need to subject to interpretation of faint or not faint line... single or double lines
Zeena, my experience is that the last few days, eggs grow faster.... 1.5mm - 2mm /day is norm.... Your eggs still got a good few days...
Hi gals,

need some advise.Yesterday went down to sign those documents liao.Then nurse say me to bring my previous blood test report when I did my IUI in yr 2004 but came back cannot find.Anyway so long already is it still valid anot.
Plus is the injection really easy to jab by ourself cos I am very worried I cannot handle.
Lastly,for those irregular menses one,do u take any pills for menses to come so that can start the IVF soon or wait.Reason cos nurses ask me to wait for 6 wks,if no menses then call them.
Thanks msfamily, but...

The Employment Act covers every employee (regardless of nationality) who is under a contract of service with an employer, except:

a)Any person employed in a managerial, executive * or confidential position **;

b)Any seaman;

c)Any domestic worker; and

d)Any person employed by a Statutory Board or the Government.

I fall under (a).
Morning Gals,

Its raining cats & dogs...wish i could slp at home...zzzzzz bt now in office liao...


Dun worry, all the best to you on Monday....7 eggs should be good enuff!


I tort blood tests only valid for 2 years? After tat, a fresh one should be tested? This is wat KKIVF staff nurse told me. Perhaps u would like to check with them again?


I also fall under (a)....tat time my kolig go to take out her wisdom tooth for her braces...to me tis is also considered personal issue ma, bt she also entitled to MC...

Jenn, we are all entitled to HL leave. Im very sure. Please check ur contract or try to get hold of ur office Manual... I found my info on HL on my office manual..

MSfamily, keep us posted on ur BFP!!!!!

ML, its horrible weather.. so sad which can just burry myself in my comforter.. hehehe..

Weekend is almost here ladies!!!!
