IVF/ICSI Support Group

Scary, Ohh noo... This year marks my 5th year of TTC. Both my tubes are blocked, I was advised to try naturally for 6 mths after my ops but well 6 mths is up still no baby... Btw yes, the thread seems very quiet lately. I wonder where everyone have gone too? I hope someone will come along too, so we can cycle together and give each other support...

wow. 5 years. for me, if i don't get a lot of eggs this time round, i will give up completely. better be content with my one & only who is giving me a lot of stress as it is. i noticed you just joined the thread last year. have u tried tcm or acupuncture during this 6 mths? my sinseh at thong chai - tan siew buoy is pretty good. but sad to say, i only can get chemical pregnancy from her & cannot progress further.
Hi Ladies,

I'm new here and was just confirmed pregnant with a HCG level of 1400+ on Monday(20/1) after IVF with Dr SF Loh from KKH.

Really in need of some advice.

On Sunday(20/1) which was the day before my pregnancy test, I started to have spotting. I went to the 24 Hr women Clinic where they did a urine test for me which turned out slightly positive. Since I had no cramps or pain, I was sent home and told to do my blood test the next day.

But the spotting continues and on Wed(23/1) I went back to the 24Hr women clinic again. This time round, they send me for a virginal US and blood test. The scan showed the sac at the right position and my HCG level has gone up to 4300++. Was told to monitor spotting again.

This morning, my panty liner was filled to dark brown blood! I was shocked and rush down to KKH again. A scan was done again and my sac and grown a little bit more. They did a blood test for me again and I'm still waiting for the results. They said they will only call me if something's not right.

I'm currently on 10mg of Dydrogesterone tablet. Everytime I'm at the 24 Hr Women Clinic, they say the medication given to me is the only one that can help me, and ask me to monitor my spooting which has now become staining.

Can anyone advise me what to do or think?? It's difficult to stay positive and I think I'm breaking down...

Pls don't break down. Are you with Dr Loh? If yes, you should email to him to get his advise. I am not sure how I can advise you... but pls stay strong. Only thing you can do is wait for the results. My prayers are with you.
Hi Rose,

Thanks and just went to KKH and got the results. My HCG level today is at 9249.1 up from Wed level of 4539.

I will email Dr Loh.

Thanks again!

Think u should check with Dr Loh whether a jab is required to stablise ur pregnancy.

You must monitor ur spotting very closely. Try to bed rest alot and dun move around unnecessarily.
Hi Hopes,

Was told by the nurse today that for early pregnancy, only tablets is recommended.

I've been going in and out of 24Hr Women Clinic and I really hope they are not taking my case lightly... Sigh....

I've just email Dr Loh. Wonder how long he will take to reply?
Your HCG level looks ok as it's doubling every 2 days or so, but the spotting may be worrying. Suggest if tmrw still spotting, to call up TPS in the morning as Dr Loh has Sat morn clinic there and speak to his nurse to tell her it's urgent case and tell them to squeeze u in for an appmt. It's usually quite crowded, but keep reminding them that urs is urgent case. Even then, u might still have to wait a while. If u email him, he'll reply within a day. But spotting may be more urgent, suggest u see him tmrw morn instead, don't go to 24-hr clinic. In the meantime, rest in bed and don't carry heavy stuff. Take care.
Hi Petals bloom!

Dr Loh has replied and he has asked me to increase to 20mg of Dydrogesterone tablet. He also told me to go to the 24Hr Clinic to get a depoproluton injection if bleeding persist.

Wonder if I should go down 2day??
Hi Cynthia, if going to 24hr clinic for 3 times does not draw any good result, better get an early appointment to see Dr Loh. M glad to hear he has responded to your email and pls do print his email and go for that jab ASAP, thereafter bed rest at home. early spotting is not good but your HCG is high and doubling which is very good sign. Call TPS to bring forward your appointment and wish you the best.

Keep us posted.
Yah, might be a good idea to see him if u feel well enough, just in case they make u wait at TPS today. At least he can scan and tell u his opinion better than 24-hr. But if u don't go down, at least he has also increased ur dose. Also, ask him if no harm going for the jab now rather then wait until bleeding occurs, maybe can just get it done anyway or he can do it for u there. I think more progesterone won't do any harm and maybe better to be kiasu a little now at this stage, and do whatever he recommends. I think you'll be more at ease if u see him today. Remember to call them to tell his nurse u r going down to see him for spotting/bleeding so least they will prepare ur file in advance. Remember to have lots of bedrest until ur spotting stops. Take care.
hi Cynthia,

I had a little spotting the other day and went to the 24 hour clinic. They gave me jab and do a blood test. I went to see dr loh the next day (the nurses arranged for the earliest slot), he increased my dosage of tablet and also gave me a form to get jab at 24 hour clinic if i still have spotting.

He has also given me medical leave to rest at home.
Hi Ladies,

I've been admitted to KKH yesterday after seeing Dr Loh at TPS. He just wanted to be sure I'm having lots of bed rest. This morning at 4am, I suddenly felt a gush and my pad was filled with blood. Now I can't even go to the toilet.

I'm still bleeding and Dr Loh came by to see me. He mention that my cervix is still closed which is a good thing no doubt they could see blood clots in me.

I'm doing another blood test and a scan....

Please pray for me.... Thanks!

I've been thru that too on my 1st attempt at FET.

Pls be strong.. rest alot.

Hope u can pull thru.
Hi Hopes,

How did HCG level and from Friday's 9249.1, the test today was only at 10000+++!!! I did a virginal scan and the fetus can be seen and on the report was written,'Fetus Heartbeat noted'....

Anyone got any idea what it means???

Please help!!!!!!
hi Cynthia..

Hmm... i dunno what it means leh.. have you check with the doc or nurses?

Pls stay clam and rest alot.
Your HCG is supposed to double every 2 days or so until it peaks at end of 1st trim (some even peak at 200k+ looking at the website). http://www.americanpregnancy.org/duringpregnancy/hcglevels.html
I think prob they saw ur baby's heartbeat during the scan, which is a gd sign that ur baby is progressing. You can ask them to explain the report to u & ask them what it means to u now. Main thing now is to get lots of bedrest & stop the bleeding. Like what Hopes said, u need to stay calm and rest.
Hi again,

The Houseman just came and see me and confirmed that they could see the fetus now but it's still very small and no heartbeat yet.

It has grown a bit bigger since my last scan on 23/01. But what doesn't look good is my HCG level that has only gone up by 1000+ IU/L since 25/01. But the blood test was taken less than 48hrs in between. What i read on the net is that the number will usually double between 48-72hrs.

The houseman say he didn't want to paint me a rosy picture but it doesn't mean that I'll lose the baby as well.... it will depend on the next few days.....
Cynthia, i know its hard to do but I still hope you dun worry too much and continue to stay positive. Just try your best to bedrest and do something at the mean time to distract yourself from thinking too much.. negative thoughts are not good for your baby, they can feel it too!! so, stay strong and hang in there!!

Take good care
Hi Cynthia,

Take good care, be strong & hang on ...
Hi Cynthia,

Make sure that you eat and rest..try not to think negatively (I know it is hard).

It could also be too early to spot the heart beat. Try to talk positively to your baby.

Take care.
Cynthia, have been following your progress silently and rooting for you! Just failed my first IVF attempt so very sad right now but at least yours resulted in a precious jelly bean! Rest well and be positive!
Hi all

would like to join in this thread.
just started my jabs last week, went for second scan, and dr says i might have OHSS...quite sad as i was pinning hopes on my ivf....have to wait for another scan to determine whether i can go on with the cycle.
Worried, Drink a lot of water. It does help to prevent OHSS. It helped for me. I took abt 3l a day. Gd luck with the scan.

Cherish - I know hoe you feel. I had a failed IVF too. How many eggs did you retrieve?

Ladies, is it normal to have a delayed period after a failed ivf? I am 6 days overdue for my period and tested negative with the test. Nurse at KK told me that if period does not arrive by 2weeks, there will give me medicine to induce mensus. Sigh... I am so excited to start FET yet got this problem.
Cherish Baby
i understand how u feel. I just went thru ANOTHER round of failed IVF too. Quite Faithless after so many tries.

i experience delayed periods after a failed cycle too. It might be due to the excessive medications used during the cycle. It needs a few cycles b4 the period cycle returns back to normal.

Take 1/2 boiled eggs everyday....its helps to eased too.

Hopes, ML, Mrs Teng, Michelle, Shazzer, Petals, Twin stars
Hope things are fine with u all. Take care and keep us updated.

Cynthia Lee
Think Positive !!have plently of rest and eat well. All will be well.

Guess u are in KK now. Have a smooth delivery !!and remember share ur baby pics with us. *can't wait to see ur triplets pic*
Hi chevall... how are you doing? are you still with Dr Zou? Do you plan to do it in Spore, or still in KL? Perhaps you want to consider changing a centre to try a different protocol? you still have frozen? Hope you succeed soon.. your chance will come!!

Rose, i did not have this problem. I did FET in my next cycle when DR Loh say it is alright for me.. I dunno how he gauge, but i did have my period on time.. i still remember he sent me to the IVF centre at 5pm and called them to wait for me!! It was a last minute decision!! Dun be too stressed over the period coming cos stress will have impact on the delay as well... stay relax and enjoy your CNY holiday!!

Petals, do you know if KKH has a 3D scan machine? wonder if i can get a copy of the 3D scan of my baby... anyway, during my 14wk scan, dr find find find.. cannot find that thingy... tho he din say anything... i think it is a gal!!
I think there's a 3D-capable machine in ADC, but from what i understand it's used for 2nd opinion during detailed scans when the normal machines aren't clear enough, but not used for patient's request.
Rose - 6 follicles, 3 eggs but only 2 mature and both fertilised but none implanted. Morning went for pregnancy blood test but afternoon mense came till now 7th day still flowing!

Chevall - Yeah, have been crying abit here & there, esp when reading others positive results. Just went to consult TCM & diagnosis not good, said I've "遗血" which means internal injuries and my body is "乱七八糟", no wonder embryos didn't stick. Was advised to TCM my body for 2 months before trying again. TCM Dr. kept shaking his head throughout my consultation!
Hi Ladies!!!

Latest update.....

I did another scan today and guess what..... I could see a heartbeat!!!

Finally all my days of worrying is over and everything is in the right place....

Thank you so much for all your well wishes and I will pray for all of you.... Lots of baby dust!!!
Hi ladies. Am new on the forum. hope u dont mind me joining.

Have been TTC for 4 years. Went for IVF in Dec but turned out to be BFN. Was really devasted for both of us. Actually, I'm really scared if IVF dont work out for us, what's next then?

Like Rose, I also have same problem. This month my AF is 10 days overdue!! Sigh, just went i dont want AF, it will surely come on time. And when i'm expecting AF to come, it's delayed. IS she playing a trick on me? I'm not going for FET this month but just wanna get my AF over and done with before CNY! sigh...so frus
Cynthia, that is great to hear!! all the positive thinking and resting works rite!! Happy for you. Hope you continue to take care and make sure the spotting is stopped completely.... so, keep on resting and do everything s l o w l y .......
Cynthia, that is great to hear!! all the positive thinking and resting works rite!! Happy for you. Hope you continue to take care and make sure the spotting is stopped completely.... so, keep on resting and do everything s l o w l y .......
did they schedule u for ur wk20 detailed scan yet? by then can confirm whether urs is a princess or not.

that's gd news! try to get some HL/MC so that u can rest at home. Must really rest and take it easy.
Petals, ya they scheduled the wk20 detailed scan quite early. Immediately after that, will see Dr Loh. So Dr Loh will review the scan or will he scan for us again? how is the process like? is the duration for the detailed scan long? Dr was telling me once baby exceed 10cm, the scope cannot cover the whole body oredi... so i guess for my next visit onwards, can only see small parts of baby at one time.. regretted not getting a good video cam to record!!

I cant wait to buy all things PINK!!!
Hi Ladies,
i'm new here.

any idea which Gynae is very good and hospital?
I have only been to 1 time, at gleneagles Dr Foon clinic for woman.

I'm only 6 weeks pregnant
Hi Ladies,

I saw that you all mentioned about the HCG.

My first check up is on the 25/01.
My doc only did scanning for me to see bb size.

Never take blood test.
Pls tell me normally what should we do on the first time visit?

I got brown spot also. But than its not that many I guess.
About 5 cents size.

My doc ask me to go down have jab today but I didn went down. Cos some ppl has been telling me to observes for 2 days.

Yesterday whole night to this morning don have.
Than before lunch got spot again. A lot of ppl tel me to rest can already.

I got to monitor again tomorrow.
Hi jasmine, early spotting is no good, so if doctor advise for a jab, i suppose you should just do it as a precautionary measure.. every pregnancy is precious!! besides the jab is to boost progesterone which is good for early pregnancy to stabilise so dun keep monitoring yourself.

As most of us here went through the IVF path, our check up process is quite similar but maybe different from others who conceived naturally. We normally do blood test to confirm via HCG level, and once confirm, to do a scan at week 6, but will have progesterone tablet to stabilise the pregnancy. Most ladies here are with KKH.

Hope u see your DR again to seek appropriate advise again.
Hi Zoey,
I know how you feel. My AF has still not arrived. Its 7 days for now. I want to start my FET next month however this dreaded AF still doesn't appear. I can't stand it either. Well.. when are you planning to do your FET?
How many do you have frozen? Was the Dec IVF your 1st Ivf? i did mine in Dec too, but mine was a biochemical pregnancy.

Cynthia - Really happy to hear the good news. pls take care
hee...yah, my fren also say girls got more choices for clothes, cos she only has boys. Ur detailed scan will take abt 25min to check every part n organ. Then Dr Loh prob will only go thru the report & not scan u again.

Spotting may be common but don't take it lightly. If doc advise u to jab, better to do so asap as it will help support the pregnancy. Don't wait. Did u go through IVF too?
Hi rose,

It was my first IVF and i have so much hope on it after hearing the success rate and seeing so many woman getting preggy...I still have 10 left but not all r of good quality. Am worried, they cant survive the thawing process. What about you?

Am planning to do FET in March. For the time being, i just want to take my mind off TTC but the delayed AF is really annoying me. I always feel that it will come but still it's not here yet.

Do you know if there is anything that i can do to increase my chances for my FET? Like what kind of food to take/not to take?

So happy for you!!

Continue to rest well and relax urself whenever possible ya!! jia you!

Rose/ Zoey,

May your big M come soon and start on ur new journey!! Jia you too!!
Thanks Hopes. How are you doing?

Zoey - I also have 10. Ok quality.Can't say it will implant. I have a balanced diet, drink water and eat folate regularly. Avoid cold drinks. i have been doing accu and TCM as well.

Just let nature take its course. I understand how you feel after the failed IVF. Just take it easy for your FET. If i get my AF this week, hopefully can start FET in Feb 08 after CNY. I was told that 60-70% can survive the thawing process.

Take care
Hi Petals

Thanks....This is good news cos DH would be disappointed if he cannot share the joy.

I am in the 20th week now and will be going for the detailed scan this Sat. Feeling much better than the beginning (couldn't keep much down). And baby moving a lot. Now my older boy and DH can even feel bub move if they place their hands on my tummy.

Thanks Michelle, Rose and Hopes! :)

I still spotting on and off but Dr Loh say should be ok... just need lots of rest...

I will be rooting for u ladies too!!!

Hi Everyone

I have been very bad in keeping up with the posts at the moment. I'm starting to feel a little better with the morning sickness, but then yesterday I was right back to my worst (think it was something I ate).

When I saw my doctor last week she said that the MS tablets don't work and all that works is eating the right foods at short intervals and never having your stomach too full or too empty. She also said to avoid fatty and oily foods at all costs!

I'm now 11 weeks and have already had 3 scans (2 with Dr Tseng and one with my new Obst) All is fine, and waiting to have the nuchal fold scan in 2 weeks. Hoping everything will be OK.

I'm also really hoping that the ms eases off soon as I have lots of travelling for work- HK and Japan and don't know how I'm going to manage!

Hang in there everyone!
