IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Shazzer and Rose

Thanks for asking. I'm ok I supppose, but dreadful morning sickness to the point where I'm taking sick days or leaving work early. The drugs don't seem to be working as well as they were and now I'm ill from around 2.00 each day... It really is horrible- you feel like you just want to curl up and die, that you can't go on much longer...

On the positive side, it looks like at least this little one is strong!

I'm 9 weeks now, so hoping all is still OK. Scan next Monday then nuchal fold on 24th. Won't really believe everything is going to be OK until I see those scans!

Take care everyone!

tested today with clear blue, still negative.

what could have went wrong?

the embroyos thawed fine, the lining is the correct thickness and right shape. luteal support is via IM progesterone and progynova.

went for accupunture at Dr zou for continous 3 days before FET, took 14 days of her powdered medicine for twice a day for luteal phase support.

avoided cold drinks (a huge sacrifice for me), took 5 days off work, had all the symptoms during the first 9 days from transfer, the bloatedness, the nausea, the cramping, the breast tenderness and sensitivity.

and then all symptoms eased except for breasts tenderness & sensitivity...tested with a faint line on Day 10, yet retested from Day 11 to Day 14 (today) and line didn't re-appear again.

what else can i do different the next time round?
Just coming in to lend a word of support for those waiting...


Some things you can't explain...I believe you have done everything you could, so don't feel guilty. Anyway, you have another 3 days more to go, don't despair yet. Acually, I would advise you not to stress yourself out by testing everyday.

I had a failed IVF last July. Was of course sorely disappointed. Went to Dr Zhou for regular accupuncture (about once or twice a week) and those awful tasting medicine (everyday). Wanted to make sure my body was ok before going for my FET in Jan this year.

Then last month, I discovered I was pregnant! I'm now 8-1/2 weeks pregnant and heard my bb's heartbeat for the 1st time last week. ^^

Although it's still a long way to go and I've still got hurdles ahead, this is already a blessing for me so far. At least I know it's not impossible.

So don't give up...and important thing is to relax and don't stress yourself out.
Michelle - Great news about the FTS. Stay happy!

Babymaking - We can only do as much possible to increase our chances of conceiving.. yet we cannot control natures way of doing things. This is clearly beyond our control. If it happens, it will happen for you. Just be positive. Miracles can happen when you least expected it. I am sure the 2ww is traumatizing and it only adds to your stress if you take the HPT test at home. I would just advise you to stop testing for now and wait till your blood test. Always be prepared for any news. Meantime, stay focus and be positive no matter what the outcome is. Babydust to you!
Babymaking - I understand your feeling and stress during the waiting period.
Just stop doing the testing yourself and wait for your blood test would be better. as long your menses din come, is still good sign and high chance of pregnancy.
The Nurse from SGH told me some PPL may show Negative result in the urine test but after blood test they are pregnant.
Stay positive and relax ....
Babymaking, dun despair... many ppl went through several rounds of fresh/FET cycle before succeeding... the key is stay positive and it will be your chance soon! Anyway, you can tell the nurse that you have tested on HPT and request for early blood test. Sometimes it could be lower HCG which is not picked by the HPT cos not as sensitive as blood test. I guess for now till blood test result, hope for the best and prepare for the unexpected.... All the best to you....

I agreee with the other sisters.

Wait till ur blood test for ur final verdict.

There is still a chance.

Sometimes, we could have tried everything we should do ...I think we just have to leave the rest to fate.

You have already tried ur best and (touch wood) if it is still not time yet, just have to bite on and try again.

All the best of ur blood test! jia you!
hi Shazzer, Rose!!

I'm feeling quite ok at the moment. The vitamin B6 seems to work for my MS and I can go work w/o much difficulty nowadays. phew!

I guess the festive season is coming and it is really very difficult to avoid all the questions from friends and relatives. Really know how u gals feel as I've been thru that every cny .... "when u wanna start a family huh.." blah blah blah... everytime i'll just tell them.. "career first... blah blah blah.." *sigh* I mean.. what else can we do right..? try to brush it off lor..


what kind of medication are u being prescribed for ur MS? i personally also like peppermint tea, it's caffine free and i find it quite a relief when i had MS. perhaps u wanna give it a try..
hi gals

Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement. The blood test came back negative today as expected.

different people react differently, for me, i hate waiting, the stress of waiting is worse than the result itself, esp since i know that once past day 10 of transfer, a negative HPT means a negative result.

even if menses do not come is not an indication of pregnancy or possibility of preganancy.

Anyone whether pregnant or not who is on daily progesterone, will not have menses as shedding of lining only happens when progesterone level drops and that will only happen when one stop progesterone support.

for those who progressed from clomid, to IUI, to SO-IUI and then finally to IVF- have you thought about re tracing the steps again? - as in do IUI or SO-IUI again? instead of trying IVF?

The reason why i am asking is this - with IUI, i conceived twice but was unable to support the pregnancies - first one due to lack of progesterone support and second one was because of an ectopic.

the reason why we switched to IVF was because during the surgery for the ectopic, SF Loh found one of the tubes was damnaged, and the other seems to have scarring. however a subsequent HSG in aother hospital shows both tubes as good.

now am wondering if we should re trace our steps and do IUI instead?

any advise or opinions?
Shazzer, Rose

Thanks for your concerns. I'm still hanging on for the little ones... Had very heavy staining on wednesday and rushed to see my standby doc in another hospital instead of 24 hrs clinic (dun want to wait so long). It seemed that one of the sac is still not properly implanted and there wasn't sufficient fluid in the sac cavity.. so I'm rather worried that I might loose one of them... Poor baby did not have much spaces to move about.. Been forcing myself to drink lots of water.. Hopefully, tml's scan at TPS can show some improvements.


Grats on your FTS results... what a relief!
Hugz...sorry to hear that. I guess it's up to you if u want to go back to IUI, maybe discuss with Dr and hubby. For me, my IUI didn't even show any results, so we decided to try IVF which has a higher success rate.

Did the dr say how u can prevent it from happening? Does more progesterone help? Rest well, dear.
Hi babymaking,

Sorry to hear that, I have not try IUI before but my gynae said IVF/ICIS is much easy to conceive then IUI (if the sperm quality is not in good condition) think you discus with your hubby ba. Take care and rest well .

Went for scan today, doc say babies seemed okay... the fluid seemed sufficient today... But no progesterone jab given today. so dun know if it's really okay if I just stick to just tablets... Anyway, I'll still be extra careful lor.. One of the babies wasn't really active today and doc said it's sleeping... somehow I'm still rather worried for that little one...
Mrs Teng,

Great to hear you are fine. Just try not to carry hearvy thing or take any cold drink (especially coke) or liang thing at this moment.
Rest more and you will be fine. Take care ...")
mrs teng
it was nice to hear that you are ok now. i am also suffering low fluid . how many liter of water you are drinking ? are you throwing also?
Don't worry, babies may not have the same sleep-wake schedule as us... so ur 'quieter' baby could actually be more active at nite.
Seems like ur water drinking has helped...good job. Yah, take it easy and rest well...let ur hubby carry and do everything for u...you r the queen of ur house now.
babymaking, hugz to you. take it easy and rest for a while before hastening to decide what next... i guess relax for a while may
be good too...

tigg3r, its great your fluid is back to normal. Continue to rest more so your spotting completely stop then everything will be stabilise!!

Hope Pupi will drink lots of water and catch up soon!

All the best
Zann, Petals and Michelle

Thanks very much! Yes! I'm resting as much as I can.. As for the staining, it's really unpredictable.. it comes and go.. one week on average can stain for like 3 or 4 days lor... can be rather stressful bcos I really dun know to be alarmed or not...


I've been trying to hit about at least 2 litres in the day. At least, once a day I'll take a small glass of diluted gatorade drink (recommendated by doc) In fact, I remember not taking it for 2 days, that's could be the reason why my fluid level went down. In the middle of the night I'll try my best to drink at least close to 500ml in between the pee time.. I wake up at least 2 times in the middle of the night...bladder can't hold much these days and it seemed that if I hold to much, there'll always be staining the next morning... I dun really throw up much but on occasions when I missed my Metoclopramide (anti-nausea pill) I'll throw up.

Were u in blue top and dark bottom today?

I think u went in before me..
I was the one in floral top and jeans

It was a day of mixed feeling for me today. I was also there for my 2nd scan... apparently, one of the twins is gone.. dunno where...somehow not developing well or what... but the other one is growing well. Doc says heartbeat and size looks ok for the remaining twin.

Now, i just gotta work hard to keep the surviving one.. from 2 to 1, it's a wierd feeling.. on one hand, I'm trying to think positive that one is easier to cope, on the other hand, i was disappointed that i'll probably won't be trying for another child coz i do not have any frozen embryos left. Going thru the whole ER/ET thing again just turns me off.. :p


long time no hear from u... are u doing alrite?
i'm kind of in the same boat as u..

sorry for ur lost twin. but pls stay strong and positive for e remaining baby,ok? dun think about later whether to try for another child, tat's too far for u. focus on ur baby, giv him/her e best u can during pregnancy n after he/she s born. some pp can get another child naturally after they 1st baby was born. u'll never know.
Thanks for your info. i will ask my dr abt that gatorade drink.. he told me just to drink plain water.
i am so sorry abt your baby. stay positive.you are still proud mother of one healthy baby.
weiwei, pupi,

Thanks for ur encouragement and comforting words...
Yes..! I will fight on for the other twin


have u delivered already?
hi hopes,

u looking for me? i do come in n read on how's everyone doing but just don't know what to post that's why you never hear from me. also i thought of posting after my first trimester.

did yr other twin's heartbeat stopped or it shrunk or it jus disappeared? mine was hb stopped last wk at 10wks just when i thought things are safter cos approaching 2nd tri. that's why i don't dare post liao.

but i will make an exception for u

did dr give you a jab to stabilized yr other twin? when is yr next app? try to get another app next wk to monitor the progress of the other twin to see if it's properly absorbed by yr body.

i changed to a pte gynae to monitor my condition closely. he's very gd. wkly when i see him,i get a pro jab once a wk till wk 14. he increased my pro pills to 3x a wk. n he monitors how my healthy twin is, as well as the other one.
so far my other twin has shrunk in size, no spotting or pain as a result of dr's intervention. but cos the sac is still there, to b safe, need monitoring till it's gone.

gd thing is my healthy baby is doing well. bounced 2x for me to see before waving arms n moving legs. it really made me happy cos i asked bb to dance for me and bb really did

hope, it is ok to grief for awhile.
at first i held my emotions in n put on a brave front thinking i had to b strong for bb. but i broke down for 2 days last wk. crying alot. i couldn't look at twins cos it will only remind me of the loss. i cried so much and asked god lots of "y's" till god assured me it has to be cos my body really could'nt handle n it's not my fault. after that, i never shed a tear liao
also the acute bladder pain n ligament pain went away after bb said gd bye to me. so i knew my body couldn't take it n it was a gd thing afterall.

don't worry about next kid la, one step at a time. at least now u can truely enjoy yr pregnancy and give yr full attention to yr bb without being overworked by 2

trust me, when u can see yr healthy bb moving, all these pain will go away

take care, i will come in and say hi to all on my wk 13 when i pass my 1st trimester!

tigg3r, pupi
take care k

c u all mummies n mummies to be

thanks so much for replying ! i'm so touched

it's great to see ya around and hear abt the healthy baby u are having
it's really nice to noe that u are coping and doing well too..

i guess for me... i kind of expected the smaller twin not to be able to make it as it was so small compared to the bigger one. So.. in a way, i wasn't that sad, but just kind of disappointed.

But u are right.. i see the bigger one growing well and strong..it kinds of offset the disappointed a little :p Having one is better than having none at all..
Hugz to you...you r very strong...I admire your positive attitude. Must stay strong for your bigger one, ok?

Hope u r feeling better now. Take care...will catch up with you when u next pop by...

I was at TPS on Friday morning instead of Saturday, maybe you have mistook her for me..hehehe...

Sorry to hear about you lost but I truely admire your positive attitude.. you got to stay strong for the bigger one.. the plus size is that you're at lesser risk as compared to multiple pregnancy..

Don't worry about having another... my cousin who did IVF as well managed to conceive the second one naturally after the birth of the first. So stay hopeful..enjoy your current pregnancy...


So happy that you are close to delivery soon... All the best!!
Petals, tigger, michelle, babymaking..

Thanks for ur consolation
Glad to have all of u here to share my joys and disappointment.

I'm feeling quite ok
let's all jia you together!


wow..u are at the last lap already...jia you ok!!

remember to post in ur babies pics when u are up and about ya!!
Weiwei.. all the best to your delivery. if i remember, you are carrying triplets!! remember to post your pics and share your experience.

Hopes, so nice to hear you are so positive. That is really great and baby will feel it too. Have a smooth 9 months!!
Ladies, guess what. I have not been gaining weight throughout my 1st trimester, and last nite while my hubby was applying stretchmark cream on my tummy and back, he saw stretchmarks between my thigh and bum!!! There were a lot of lines!!! I did not apply stretchmark cream there at all from the beginning wonder if now its too late... also, they form so early and i did not even put on weight!!! Boo Hoo Hoo...
dear ladies: i too am going for my first ivf cycle, lucrin starting 31 jan. hope i can get advice on what to/what not to do/eat to succeed in this attempt. i've gone for acu regularly for 2 mths then stopped abt 2 mths ago. i've also been taking tcm from thong chai.

I was not advised what not to eat during lucrin or stimulation stage. But my fertility centre did gave me a list of food that i shouldn't consumed during my 2ww. Items like, papaya, pineapple, water melon, bak ku teh, binjah, rojak and no chinese herbal.

Plenty of rest during the 2ww. Just eat, sleep and shit. Don't think about the result.
dear bodhi: thanks for your advice! i remember u did your ivf at CARE. is yours a boy or girl?

lenny, i am doing my ivf at KKH under dr sf loh. where r u doing yours? btw, i changed my profile name.
hi lenny: it is nice to hear from you. we will be cycle buddies then. i had a uni classmate called lenny too. but tt was her real name. R u taking any other treatment? anybody here recommended things besides Bodhi earlier on? i always read the postings from time to time but have never posted.

Hopes, ML, Mrs Teng, Michelle, Shazzer, Petals, Twin stars.. How are you doing? Hope all of you are fine.

Lenny, Olwenlim - good luck with your IVF.
Haha wat a coincidence, Lenny is my real name too. I'm taking other treatment. I do not wat to expect, I'm gonna do it with open mind. Actually, thinking of it really is making me stress... hehe.. However, I'll worry when I need too.. Is that bad??

Thank you rose... Good luck for your FET too...
thank you rose from me too.

lenny, keep me updated! i just tendered my resignation on tuesday. timed so that i can do my puregon jabs peacefully without stress. but now hr asked me to re-consider. they will talk to my boss. duh.
oh wow brave move.. I still have not told anyone but my closest friend who happened to be under HR too. HR have been bugging me to tell my boss, who is a lady and definately someone who determines her day with her moods. I wonder when I'll tell her. I can't imagine... Keep me updated too on your progress.. Wow, you will be starting pretty soon too... in a matter of days.. Baby dust to you...

buddy dust to you too lenny. i hope we will find anor cycle buddy too. this thread seems v quiet this 2 days except the 2 of us. how long have u been trying, may i know? i've been trying for 4 years. sounds scary, right?
