IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Oink Oink, i suggest you read through the thread on "ying Chuan Medical Hall" and also "comments on Dr Christopher Chen". Personally, I had bad encounters with both of them and spent many unnecessary $$ at Dr Chris Chen.

Oh... so where can i get the information on the thread on YINg Chuan medicial Hall as well as Dr Chen ?
So is KKH better in IVF , any suggustion ?
Hi Michelle,

Thank you very much regarding the thread on Ying Chuan medical Hall and Dr Christopher Chen.
I read through most of the thread and will reconsider and think twice before visiting him .
Thanks again ...
Hi babymaking, thanks. Just to clarify, so the sonographer / nurse at the scan will inform me whether I would need to see the doctor immediately after the scan? If I need to see the doctor as well, I guess that would normally take another 30 min or more? Sorry for asking so many questions. Many thanks!

I am at Day 19 (10 Jan 08)... and I still haven't ovulated. I test with the OPK. Sian... i normally ovulate regularly by a stated date ie. should be 9 Jan 08. I was told by Day 21 should be the maximum day that ovulation can occur. Sian.. I guess the ivf that caused biochemical preg earlier caused my hormones to go havoc...

usually the sonographer will relate the info to the admin or nurse and she will tell you quite promptly if you need to see the doctor. the wait for the doc is usually quite fast as it's any doctor that is available who will advise and write the prescription. it;s the q at the pharmacy to get the prescription filled and the q to make payment that is usually quite long once it's past 8.15am - 8.30am (in my experience so far at KKH).

Then you still have to return to the clinic (if necessary) for further instructions.
hi ladies,
Hee, couldn't stay away from here for too long... After the initial depression and lots of tears on the 1st day, I'm sursprisingly, much better now, emotionally and physically. I guess, going thru an mc 2nd time round makes you more aware of what to expect. I'm planning to take a 2 mth break in Australia, and the will go for FET cycle in May.

Hi Stardiva,
Sorry to hear about what happened, but yeah, stay strong and take care. Your baby does sound like a fighter.

Hi ML,
Don't scare yourself unnessacarily! But glad to hear everything's ok with you.

Hi Rose,
I think the body might still be recovering from all that IVF stimulation. Might take a few cycles for it to get back to normal.

Hi Priscilla,
From my experience, from scanning, to seeing the dr, going to pharmacy, then back to IVF centre, as long as my appt is at 8am, I'm usually always out of there by 9.30am. So if you can, always ask for the earliest slot for your scan.

Ladies, if anyone's up for MSN chat, do PM me your email.

glad u r back
yest, i finally broke down n cry the whole day. after crying, i feel so much better. today i'm back to my usual self again. i can't let my moods affect my other precious one.
guess bottling it up makes things worst. now at least i feel i can move on n be happy

hang in there, a break is always good, so u can come back refreshed. enjoy yrself
erm i think D10 is too early to test, cos might show false negative if hormone level not high enough to detect...then u worry unnecessarily. I waited till D13 then tested. Good luck! Babydust to u!
Hi Ladies,

I failed in my 1st IVF/ICSI and would like to know usually how long would be the break to start the next IVF.( too old now can't wait longer)
Tomorrow i am gg to my gynae for review but have yet to decide if i should continue with him or have a switch to KKH...
I have read most of the ladies here are with KKH (Dr Loh)and i thot of trying also but because of my bad experiences 10 yrs ago when I was pregnant with my girl (natural pregnancy). I am worry
hi petals,
thanks for babydust...day 13? 4 more long days to go then.

did you have breasts tenderness and back ache the few days before you tested?

cos right now at day 9, am feeling both. that's why wondering if can test today or tomorrow.
Cos the HPT not as sensitive as blood test, so I feel may need to wait rather than test too early. Even at D13 i only got a faint positive using the watsons kit. I think I didn't have any symptoms other than feeling tired towards the end of 2ww. Hee, no symptom also worry, many symptoms also worry hor... :p
oink oink,

have u considered taking a 3 mths break and do some acupunture and/or TCM in between to build up ur body before the FET?

Dr Loh is very nice, but bcoz he is a bit overloaded, sometimes the waiting time can be quite long. But personally, I feel his success rate is quite high
Hi I'm new here and started my first IUI but was cancelled becos i didn't produce enuff eggs......so stitch to natural. Now on D13 my doc tells me I should start on cyclogest, has anyone used this? what is it for?

Glad to hear that you are taking it well! Just as u have mentioned, don't let your mood affect the well-being of the other baby.. Jia you!


Thanks for your concern... Just had a scan today and Dr Loh said that the blood clot is getting smaller..

I'm living each day worrying about spotting... in fact, there were brown staining today and I got a bit scared but doc assured me that's ok as long as it's not fresh blood... Well, my bleeding started off with staining, so I'm rather paranoid these days..

On top of this, I'm been going thru emotional rollercoaster since hospitalisation.. Hubby couldn't be by my side.. after discharging I moved to my mum's place and I get to see him for a while after his work and he goes back home to sleep... The person I needed most couldn't be there for me... It's not nice making him stay with me bcos a different environment may affect his sleep and he won't be able to concentrate on work the next day... So I got to hold the tears as much as I can.. Even my standby gynae said I looked depressed when I said her for light spotting the other day... It's so difficult to stay positive.


Thanks for you encouragement... I think the MS medication did help a bit for me... some how I can only managed an average of 1.5 or close to 2 litres of water... I tend to get very bloated and my stomach can be extremely painful if I dun burp... it's particularly bloated after taking Duphaston .. now I got to take 2 pills twice a day..
Try to distract yourself with novels and preg books and internet. Can ask your mum to borrow from library for you too. Now it's the weekend, can you stay at ur home w hubby if he's not working? Then u can spend some time w him. Maybe talk to him abt ur feelings and see if he can stay over at ur mum's place maybe one of the weekdays. Then not so disruptive and u still get to see him. Take care and focus on ur precious pregnancy...think happy thoughts ok?
Hi all

Its been a long time since i last log in.

Congrats to all who have make it.

Mrs teng
Please stay strong. I know how u feel when the person u needed most is not ard. My hubby is not with me during my 1st try and when i failed my first attempt, all i do is crying all by my myself. Very very emotional. Pls keep positive and stay strong for your little ones.

Sorry to hear abt your lost. U too, stay positive and strong. God bless u.

I have been away for a short holiday. Started TCM and acu with Dr Zou since last month. I might be gg for FET in Feb08. Though Dr Zou did advise to wait for another month, we have decided to go for it in Feb. Because that is the only time my hubby can come over and keep me company. I really need him to be ard this time. Don;t want to go thru this without him. Hope this time rd it works.

For all those still trying, pls stay positive and happy. Don't get too stress up. God bless us all.
Hi Hopes,
Thanks for your reply and advises, after discuss with my hubby we decided to stay on with the presend gynae bcos he has all my medical history and report and if we does the ivf again at lease we can save some cost this time round without repreating some test again.
Seen my gynae today and he said he will try another round with me with some medication to improve my hormone in order to produce strong eggs then starts with the injection (lucrin)some time in March or April, because of my age he suggest that i should not drag too long. Thinking of gg through the whole process again is really tiring , stressful and costly as well. Sign

Hi Mrs Teng,

Try to stay positive ok , healty mind is very imoportant during pregnancy, read some comics and jokes to make yourself happy.
you have our support and blessing from all the future mummy here. Jia yu Jia yu ...
Petals, Viviself and Zann

Thanks for the encouragements.. I'll try my best to stay strong.. Trying extremely hard to drink the fluid that I needed.. My only consolation right now is to recall how one of the babies waved at us while the other turned it's butt towards us when scanning.. Doc laughed and said "See! showing you it's butt!" These sweet memories really keep me going...


I came home for the weekend and spent sometime with him... Wanted to talk to him yesterday but I was really exhausted from the days's activities to TPS and traveling home. He's probably tired as well so I'll talk to him tonite.
Btw, doc suspected my bleeding could be due to several factors and one of it was "Papaya". And I recalled that prior to bleeding I've been taking it several days in a roll... Now, doc told me to stay out of raw fruits for the time being.. stick to cooked veggies for fibre.


Yes, can understand the amount of stress u have to go thru again.. As for the cost, I've really lost count on the amount of expenses incurred... when I saw the heartbeats, I've forgotten how expensive it was...
Hi Tigg3r, think positive. It will only be for a short while and all will be alright and you can be home again. Most important is to rest and not move around too much so that baby is stable and the blood clot disappears. If you stay positive, and guai guai rest a lot, it may disappear in a few days and you can be home soon!! It must be as hard for your hubby to be alone at home too, so you must stay strong and positive so that your life will be back to normal, and you can have a smooth and healthy pregnancy!! All the best!!
Petals, I did my FTS scan last fri. Dr Kenneth Kwek is really nice. He is so patient he explains every thing so slowly and clearly. During the scan, he will pause at everything he is doing to explain what he is looking out for. The FTS experience is really wonderful cos that is the first time i get such a close look at my baby. Anyway, my initial assessment is 1:1000, which i think is low risk. hope the blood test results turn out good. Do the nurse call to tell you the ratio or just mention high/low risk? thanks.
Yeah, u r not in high-risk group which is anything less than 1:300 if i recall. They will call u to tell u the blood test and the final revised risk ratio. Not to worry!

Yah like what michelle says, once u get better you can move home. Now 1st trim is crucial, just take extra good care ok?
michelle, petals,

wat's a FTS?

can i also check with u ladies, i'm going for my 2nd scan next wk.. that is to scan for what huh..?

how often do we need to visit the gynae for follow ups usually?
FTS is the Down's Syndrome screening done around wk 12-14, which is optional. Your 2nd scan is prob just to check babies' sizes to make sure they r growing on track. And dr will schedule appmts based on case by case, sometimes 2-4wks gap depending.
Hopes, my 1st scan was 6 wks. my 2nd scan on 10 wk. It was a quick scan with Dr Loh. Only measured the size of baby, print out one pic and get prescription. that's it. Then followed by FTS in Wk 12, then to see Dr Loh next in Wk 14.

So my interval with Dr Loh is 4 wks gap normally.. btw,after the 2nd scan, they will book for you the 20wk scan at ADC cos that one requires pre-booking, i think.

you are in which week now? how is your morning sickness? talking about morning sickness, on Fri i got gastric and started vomitting after every meal. Now my gastric pain is gone, but i am still vomitting after every meal. I wonder if my MS starts late, or i am getting stomach flu?? went 24hr clinic, and took some gastric medicine and antacid, but no use lah! Hope it is short term....
Hi Teh, i was prescribed Cyclogest for my FET cycle. It is a progesterone pressarie, probably to boost your progesterone level to prepare for pregnancy. Good luck.
Hi Michelle,

Thanks! I'm on my 2WW, and experiencing mild cramping, not too sure if its a siade effect of the cyclogest. But guess will have to continue using it if it helps prepare for pregnancy :)

Hope that you're feeling better, maybe you can try some peppermint tea, it helps soothe the tummy.
I have now got diarhea, so i think the gastric followed by vomitting followed by now diarhea is caused by some flu bug in my stomach.... If it doesn't recover by 2mr, i will drop by the clinic to get medicine for diarhea.

Meanwhile, any of you know of safe medicine for diarrhea???

you can try charcoal pills first.

it's day 12 after FET and tested negative this morning.

the funny thing is i got a faint line 2 days ago but the line seems to have disappeared
Petals, Michelle,

Thanks so much for ur advise
At least I can plan my schedule better now


Sorry to hear abt ur diarrhoea. Remember to keep urself hydrated. Hope you'll get better soon.

I have stop vomitting after eating the vitamin B6 tablets prescribed by Dr Loh. But the gastric feeling is stil on and off, but not as bad as the initial stages

I'm currently in my 8th wk. I feel that everyday is a challenge for me since I have miscarried before.

Do you experience slight pulling pain at the side of the tummy (near the waist) once in a while? I have tat quite often, wonder if it is normal.


are u using Clear Blue HPT? I personally feel that Clear Blue is the best in terms of accuracy. tried those cheap HPT strips before, not very good and it's so small, so difficult to see and take so long to react. :p

All the best to you, try another test tomrrow, maybe day 12 is still a bit early. Good Luck !
Yah, clearblue shld be more sensitive than the cheaper ones. You can try again in 1-2 days time. All the best!

I understand how u feel...like everyday is a step forward and a small success. Good to hear that ur ms is better. The pulling feeling at the side of ur waist could be ligaments stretching (i had that feeling around my hipbone area in 1st trim), as long as not cramps. Just a few more wks before u enter ur 2nd trim...jia you!
hi hopes

be positive, everyday is an achievement.

you gals really think Day 12 is too soon to test? i am just dreading the daily progesterone jabs, if the line disappeared, i'm thinking that it's prob a chem pregnancy and there is no point in continuing the painful jabs rite?

opinions appreciated.

nothing can be 100% sure yet , so u mustn't give up on ur jabs yet.

how often do u have to go for the jabs? i remembered during my first fresh cycle, i have to jab daily, it's really very very painful, so I noe what u are going thru.

just bear with it until ur blood test ya!
Just tahan the jabs for a few more days, cos it's impt for any pregnancy. And u still need to go for the blood test for a more accurate & definite result. Don't give up so soon, ok?
Babymaking, since u spotted faint line before, there is a chance it is a positive! Continue testing with the HPK daily then see how.Only few days left, endure and dun give up! Baby dust to you.
Petals, got my FTS blood test result, the ratio increase to 1: 7067!! wah.. such a big jump... but that is really good news at least 1 hurdle relieved....

Babymaking, any update??
Congrats, that's good. That's one load off your mind. Another physical marker that they check for is the presence of the nasal bone, even though it's not used in the calcn. If nasal bone sighted, risk is lowered even further.
hi gals

still no positive line despite testing daily since Sat. guess it's really a lost cause now...still continuing with daily progesterone jabs though.

i just dread the thought of CNY coming up soon. my younger SIL just celebrated her daughter's (my niece) 1st month on Sunday as well...ARGHS.
hi babymaking,

I can understand how you feel. My younger SIL is currently 6/7 mths pregnant, the thought of visiting the relatives with her makes me feel ARGHS too... they will start asking when will be my turn
hi babymaking, don't give up yet, when's your Beta test? Good luck!

hopes, rose, ML, pupi, tigg3r, stardiva, hope you gals are doing ok.

me, i go through waves of emotions, one day i'm ok, the next day feel depressed.

hi jennette, for me i'm dreading my cousin's wedding next week, seeing all those relatives who will ask the usual tactless questions, sigh...

Shazzer, Hopes, ML, Tigg3r - How are you?

Babymakng - Don't quit yet.Stay positive.

Shazzer - I can understand your emotions about relatives asking you this questions. Just don't say anything. In your mind, you should focus on your next step rather than this ppl irritating you. I do get it sometimes.
