IVF/ICSI Support Group

Celc, ew to loose weight? I'm not sure. I chiong cos eggies a bit small. I think it works well. Start with 2 eggs per day surfing suppression stage. Then up 6-8 per day during stimulation. My case i ate at least 10-15 per day since last sat. Today will reduce to 4 as advised by dr.zou. Don't want over stimulate my 20mm

Luv, lots of luck to u! try watching korean show. U have to read subtitles which will make u sleepy and u can rest more. hehe...

Cant wait for my 2ww to come so that I can sleep plenty!
Hi Prosepina. HUH???? need to eat so much??!! i thought 2 the max. I am really surprise.

I am a bit obese, so dietrician say morning 2 ew will make me full and can control appetite throughout the day.
 hi for ladies taking Immunocal, pls take note.
IMMUNOCAL is “food for your immune system” and ideally should be eaten on an empty stomach, so first thing in the morning works well for most people.  It is absorbed through the lining of the stomach; goes into the intestines; then into the blood stream.  This is where the precursors that help your body make more glutathione are delivered to all the cells.  Having a meal in the stomach interrupts this process.  You can eat a meal 30-45 minutes after taking IMMUNOCAL.  If you need to take IMMUNOCAL later in the day (some people take a second dose before bedtime), make sure your stomach is mostly empty.  As long as you haven't eaten anything for about 3 hours, there's probably not much food left in the stomach.  It is best not to mix IMMUNOCAL with milk or another protein source, because taking it with another protein could possibly inhibit the absorption of this specially processed whey protein isolate.
Hahah now fat or thin I don't care. I just want to eat well, healthy food and I want a baby. After we delivered, plenty of time to loose weight.
Prosepina, u r right, heheh... Shld not forget my two little ones
Glad that ur eggs have grown! You'll join us very soon!

Bruno *wave wave*!
Hi ladies I'm been watching tv the whole morning .. Had a sudden sharp pain around both my ovaries.. Alil worried .. But the pain went away now..
Tutu: Seeing Dr Zou for the first time tonight and then go for my Thyroid Doc review on Thurs and see Dr Loh on Fri for advice. Let's see what their advice and I will plan my next step. Let's Jia You!

Fou Fou: TFC got to fork out between S$12k to S$16K before cpf deduction of S$6k.

Nurul: Wish you all the best on your BT!
And, some sister also recommended Royal Jelly to improve eggs quality.

Prosepina: Good luck on your ER & ET.

LuvnHope: Enjoy your 2ww. Relax and stay stress free.

Cas: Cyclogest is the same as ustrogen. I used cyclogest during my Iui. I find that cyclogest is easier to insert than ustrogen. The shape is like a bullet. lol.
KittyKatty, thanks! Hope your reviews are fruitful and you can decide your next step.

Prosepina, sounds like OHSS? Drink more fluids and eat more EW! It might get worse after trigger shot. Take care dear!
Sorry for the late reply Niko.

KKIVF normally close towards end of Dec for a week or two for cleaning and desanitization of the labs, Operating Theather etc.
Wah you know fortune telling also ah? Hee hee.

Yes, DHEA is for low ovarian reserve and my doctor has already confirmed that I belong to this group, unfortunately.
Cas, i also found that cyclogest is more effective for me and easier to insert.

Prosepina, accu might help. Can ask Dr Zou.

BabyGalore, could be implantation cramp?

CelC, when are you starting your cycle? Which doc are u with again? Sorry, forgot liao...
hello to all sisters, and to my more familar sisters (i1bb, bigbear, luv, bbsmurf, fou_fou,etc), hope all is well for you! sorry i havent come in long time liao.. i didnt follow the thread closely nowadays, but i heard bigbear asking abt me! so i must come in and respond! bigbear, i am doing ok.. now gained 10kg liao.. have some problems sleeping and backpain loh.. various challenges along the way.. hope i can clear all hurdles.. you too ok! must jia you and dont give up! u can do it dear!

i1bb, take these few mths to really "tiao" your womb well ok.. wish you success in oct/nov! if you misbehave i kok you, heehee

fou_fou, i am sorry to hear your news.. i know its easier said than done, pls dont give up ok.. i think during stimulation phase best to stay stressfree too ok.. you have done your best and with your hardwork, your turn will come v soon!

to all sisters on 2ww, all the best and all to get bfp! jia you!
Cock Cock, so glad to hear from you!
"Heard" your good news over on the other thread that your detailed scan came back great! Happy for you!
Nurul, how could your cabergoline so much cheaper than mine!! Thats 6 times!!

Kittykatty: hope we progress n succeed together
good luck with your review! Your problem could be the same as mine as i remember u had many eggs retrieved too. Many our womb overworked n shutted down...
Hi sisters,

I intend to do my FET in Nov or Dec this year.

These few weeks I have broken the rules - taken quite a fair bit of cold drinks & ice-cream due to the hot weather, not wearing slippers at home, and have stopped seeing Dr Zou for about 2 months (cos keep having flu). Feeling very guilty now.
Tutu dats y I was shocked. E different very huge. Mine was given for 5 days if not mistaken. I ate dat e bloatedness oso same. No difference. Hahaha
Nurul, do you have any idea how to check whether the kkh has factor in the co-fund (gov grant) from our bill? I didn't see any co-fund payment in the bills.

Anyone have check their KKH final bills and know how to check whether co-fund (gov grant) has been factored in our bills?

Tutu, I got a financial counselling doc here stated the average size of the bill for one IVF cycle is between 9k - 11k. This is just estimation cost excluding surgeon fee and additional procedures.
Thanks kittykatty and luv for the inserts info.. Was still wondering if there is any difference..

Niko, my kk final bill was mailed to us after my fresh cycle. Every page below they will indicate.. All my bills are spilt half half. Eg $4000, they will spilt $2000 to govt grant then $2000 deducted from Medisave. Until u calculate all the bill add to $3k grant finished. The rest will be deducted from Medisave. We also got a letter from cpf on the total amount deducted and I calculate it's correct.

Just checking, if we still continue ensure, chicken essence and lrd in 2ww?
cas, is there any specific field name for that government grant or just gov grant? Mine bill format at below every page is like this:

Net amount payable: xxxxx
PR IVF Cycle 1
Medisave RMU
my name

PR IVF Cycle 1
Medisave RMU
my name

Amount due from
PR IVF Cycle 1
Medisave RMU
my name

I have checked about the medisave statement with KKH final bills, it is tally but I am talking about the co-fund.

I am not sure whether the nurses explained to you on top of 6k-5k-4k, you still have 2100 from the gov grant (btw depends on citizenship). What I am checking right now is about the 2.1k not the medisave amount. The co fund you can use for 3 cycles too.
Cas, I just called KKH IVF to check. For the co-fund, need to total up the whole bills which contain the field of PR IVF Cycle 1 (in my case). As long as it reach the total sum reach 2.1k means the gov has funded me.

Thanks for reply though. Appreciate for it.
CockCock!!!!!!! Arrhhhhhh!!!! MISS YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! *wave wave* lolx

ok ok i will b good girl.... slowly tiao.... hehe
Eskimo, nurul, i will chk the cabergoline receipt to ensure they have not mischarge me. I definitely paid $428 for 2 bottles. 2 tablets per night for a week. Eskimo are u with govt hospital too?

Bbgalore, luv, prayhard, i believe in everything in moderation. Ivf is tough enough. If we have to deprive ourselves too much on food we crave, that will make our body miserable n unhappy. Thats not gd too. So remember- keepyourself happy
Hi sisters, have been bz. Long Nvr come in. Hi to all.

Babygalore, I remember in the excel doc, stating soya bean is consider liang. But I think a little bit shd be fine. Don't worry so much.

Prosepina, the ew helps to increase the egg side, then how abt the egg quality?
Prayhard...i am under Dr Tan H H and bfp...i know a few other sisters under him also bfp..his 手气 quite gd recently..haha

the final bill will include govt co-fund..u will see the cash payable at the last page if i rem correctly..
Nurul, I agree the cabergoline doesn't help at all, hahah...

Babygalore, I guess as Tutu says, moderation is key.
We dun stress ourselves then.
