IVF/ICSI Support Group

Ladies juz hve my review w dr, dh troop getting worst

Told dr i dont wish to d anymore iui n will like to proceed w ivf. As previously i do all d necessary test so I will b having my first ivf in around late jun. Doc told me I will b doin d short protocol n she told me my chances of hving ohss is not high but higher.

Any1 can tell me wat shld I need to take note of d short protocol n wat i shld do to prepare myself for my ivf n on d ohss? Do I need to start taking ew? Currently I'm taking ensure milk, prenatal supplement n LRD.
Depressed Gal, you're taking a step forward deciding to go for ivf. Jia you! Do you have PCOS? That's why the doc say you have high chance of OHSS?
No harm taking EW now, but maybe can start off with one or two a day only until u start your cycle. It's good that you're already taking so many supplements.
As i understand, there are different short protocols too. So it's best to ask your doc/nurse the exact details. But perhaps the other sisters can advise further on the rough timeline for short protocol.
Tutu, the medicine is for 1 AF cycle, so I think its not expensive. He said my hormones are not balanced and my DH sperms are not strong. Ask me not to take DHEA and go for IVF first and try natural for 1 cycle with his medication and see how.

Niko, I will also try Ban Choon Chan's medicine first and see how before deciding when to start my IVF. Cos I need to be on 4 months of DHEA, so earlist I think would be end of the year or early next year liao. But KKH IVF clinic closes towards end of the year, so need to plan lor.

We may end up to be cycle buddies, who knows! All the best to you too! Jia You!
No idea but most of us ladies at that time who got ohss had bfp... When I went to see him he told me gleefully that it will get worse. anyway, it's not something that I wanna go thru again tho.
Tutu, thanks for your response. I think I will try that since I cannot take with juice.

Btw, I am taking not bcos to suppress the OHSS. It is more like protein supplement and anti radical purpose. I was influenced by the forumers here I guess but no harm trying.
LuvNhope its e latter one. But was told once e egg n sperm managed to fertilised, if it stop growing, e problem lies wif e egg not e sperm. Is it true? Her DH SA is ok. Morphology above 5, motility 70% but volume abit low 4m.
Minnie, what do you mean the KKH IVF clinic closes toward end of the year?

Haha, yes maybe end up we will be the cycle buddies but I am considering for horse horoscope now. Did some checking on ba qi and chinese horoscope just to make sure no clash with my dh.

Btw, the DHEA is only for low ovarian reserve. It was told by my doctor cos I asked for it earlier on but rejected. I am not belong to that category according to him.
Minnie - I see. then that's very reasonable.

Eskimo - Really? and may i ask if most of you successfully deliver healthy bbs? Sigh..I must be really unlucky to fail then... im pinning my hopes now that the Chinese doc is right. She said my womb is not warm and healthy enought as i have blood clots and discharge. (Although dr loh said these should not affect.) So hope the med she prescribed me would help. I just need to wait and decide if i want to proceed with FET after 1, 2 or 3 cycles of break .....

Niko - I bought the ready made milo drink and leave it in fridge. I will take it out and bring it to room temp before mixing in the immunocal. i also dilute the milo a little as too much milo can be heaty and sweet. Milo masked the rawness of the immunocal poweder and the overall taste like milo. you will not dislike it.
Tutu and eskimo, i think it's more likely that those who BFP had their OHSS worsened because of the hCG hormones. It's more a correlation. Not that those with OHSS can BFP more easily?
Hi Hope and Sophia, *wave* fellow cycle buddies. I will be doing stim in early June and 2ww should be around mid June too.

Hope we will all bfp together!
jmamee, congrats on your ER! Yes, it's common to have some discomfort or bloating even. But if the pain gets too severe, do check with your doc.
Hi SunnieHope, I am taking 150mg daily of coq10, due to growth hormone deficiencies. I followed the dosage by one of our sisters here, who bfp with triplets. We both had the same problem.
she has given birth to triplets last year. During stimulation, she increased her dosage to 300mg per day.

But think it is still best to check with your doctor, as our body conditions differ.
bruno...gratz on,yr ET. how many embbies make it and any frozen? It's ok not to take the med...rest well.

niko...i mix immunocal with ribena..so its at room temp.taste ok lah.DHEA is for low reserve..gd that u are not..

Jamamee..feeling pain after ER is normal...dun worry...

Prospeina...lining and egg dun really grow liao after trigger shot. since yr egg reach 17 shld be ready. i think yr trigger
shot might be tml...btw, which dr will do ER for u?

fou fou....hugzzz again...stay strong...

I only take 100mg of Coq10 daily. Wonder if I should up my dose.

Cas and Chevy,
Just visited Dr Zou. My last menses got shorter. Dr Zou advised me to drink LRD and red bean soup daily. Wonder how can i fit so many things. Already taking Coq10, folate, DHEA, tcm and DOM. haha. Now need to add LRD in.
Nikomichi, initially I took blackmores. I changed to herb valley after reading the post by the sister who bfp with triplets. CARE is selling herb valley as well. No need prescription by doctor. But it is so much cheaper in Australia. It will be gd if you can ask friend's or relatives there to buy for you.

Hi Usagi, I am not sure if it's ok to increase your dosage by 150mg. I have been taking 150mg daily since end Mar till now. But my AMH reading has improved within one month, not sure if this contributes to the improved reading.
Thanks Joyfully, I have been taking it for a month too. But lately, never do testing as I am not sure when to do 3rd fresh. Hope our efforts pays off! Just cook LRD to drink. Your improved reading gives us hope.
Fou fou,

I also failed 2 fresh. Same situation like u. saving $ and maybe change job. If I do a 3rd fresh, Dr Yong suggested do a D5 transfer and use embryo glue. Maybe u can conside for ur 3rd cycle. I think it cost 1k+. Need to preorder dunno 1-2mths in advance. Coz the validity is pretty short. Since is our 3rd cycle, might as well give it a shot!
LuvNhope, thks. Wat is pcos? Based on my previous scan for iui, I have 24 eggs tat y d dr say I have higher chance of getting OHSS.

Is there any1 can assist me in what d short protocol will b like?
Hi Usagi, I have also been taking LRD.
I also double-boil the chicken essence and take brazil nuts and immunocal.
Niko - I failed my 1st fresh and have frozen embryos available for med FET.

Luv - thats my understanding too. OHSS is triggered by HCG. Hence i had an attack following trigger. And when i didn;t have another attack, i knew i wasn't going to get a positive Preg BT.

Jmamee - it's normal to feel sore after ER. I was sore for a few days but also because i retrieved many eggs. My back was sore too for a few days as i think that's from the sedation drug.

What is LRD ? AMH ? and AF ?
Wow there is a glue for implantation.. Technology has gone to a different level..

Prosepina, how come you don't know who is going to do your er?

Bruno, glad that your er went well. Have a gd 2ww. Did dr tell you abt your embies?

Today I started to drink lrd.. Quite nice
Babygalore, I think it has been ard for a few years? They didn't suggest it for my first 2 fresh as normally there is no actual evidence to prove that it helps.

But since is the 3rd cycle, why not? What is 1k+ since we already poured 20-40k? Must give it the best shot to leave no regrets.
Very true .. All the best usagi..

Prosepina, good luck for your scan 2mrw.. Chances are they might give u trigger shot 2mrw night itself.. Since your dr is not around, can't you request for some other dr?
depressedgal...my short protocol with kk starts with scan on D2 or D3 of AF..if lining ok, you will start stim...3 days later, scan again...stim and scan till ur follicles r 16mm and above, u will go for trigger shot den ER, ET...
Fuo fuo...take care. Rest your health and pocket well 1st. Then try again!!

Usagi, the glue sound interesting! Does all hospitals/ docs do that? Or only pte?
Niko sorry, Im busy today. Immunicoal yes I mix it with juices or ribena. If just take it like that will faint

Im still taking it alternate day. For immune not only for OHSS.
Prosperina, wahh few more days to ER and ET. Most probably Dr Jerry do for u. Dr Tan is not around for the whole of this week if Im not mistaken.
Tutu / luvnhope,
Yes ohss will get worse after bfp... after trigger shot is usually bloating... Soreness of breast... Cramps.... These r normal. Ohss will make u breathless, abnormal bloating n water retention until it cause ur stomach to bloat until u look like 5-6 months pregnant n water might even go into lungs... Body can't get rid of water normally so reduction in urination. All these cause y the excess hormones secreted by the ovaries due to hyperstimulation. Frankly, I do think ohss helps in bfp maybe due to the excess hormones but no guarantee n yet it can complicates the pregnancy n cause miscarriages if too serious.
I had some OHSS in my last fresh, tummy bloated like 4 to 5 mths pregnant. But i dun think it helped me leh. Only made me miserable, hahah...
Thanks, Luvnhope, Mel, babyjourney, sunniehope, niko, mc, i1bb, kittykatty, thanks again for all the HUGzzz! (sorry if I missed out anyone)

Tutu, ya me no more frozen. Only had 1 during my first fresh and used it during 2nd coz second only 1 gd grade fertilized.
So if i do a 3rd fresh, it will be the last time I can use medisave and grant. If I choose to go private, I can only use medisave.
You are with Dr Loh, right? How much did you spend on your 1st fresh? I had 3 failed IUI at pte before I had my first IVF. So spent quite a sum already as well.

Usagi, thanks for sharing on the embroyo glue.
something new... so when are you planning your 3rd fresh?

Joanne, great to hear you are better.
Blur xuan, you feeling better as well?

To sistas in 2ww, Ganbatte!!!

My appt with DR Tan is 18th July... so long.
Will try to see Dr Zou this weekend and start build up my body first.

Should I continue the supplements? Conceive well and folic acid?
Kitty baby,

I think govt hospital (i am with SGH) also got but need to preorder and paid deposit first as the glue expires very fast.

Fou fou, I also dun know when do 3rd fresh. Went 9 interviews but no news so far. Dr Zou also asked me if I wanna stay in current firm and do 3rd fresh. If I can't find any good ones, then no choice. Stay and do a 3rd fresh when I saved enough. But my dosage quite heavy will need to have maybe 7-8k cash on hand. There was co whereby I did 2 rounds of interview and an online profile test. Hope that one offers me.
Almost all the girls during my fresh who had ohss had bfp. That was the trend then n we deduced it does help. Now there are different drugs used like menopur n even new drugs coming up so really dunno wats the outcome. Last time kkh don't even use gonalf... There's only puregon.

eskimo, i'm just one of the unlucky ones lah, hahah... my OHSS stopped by the end of the first week so i shlda known it didn't work then. Well, that's all in the past. Hoping that this cycle will be it!
