IVF/ICSI Support Group

BabyGalore, hee... dun mind my asking... are you Chinese or Indian?
I recall you shared an Indian belief b4.
I read that pomengranate fruits when being served during CNY will grant u w babies... i asked my dh to serve me during cny and ate for d whole week till my mouth so aching but still nothing
Bbjourney!! Dr Zhao mentioned to me abt u today when I c her. She says if u feel tired when u stand up, means your Qi flow not very good. She also wishes u smooth pregnancy all yr way! I think she miss u!
Uh... got a silly question ah... does Dr Zhao know your nicknames here? How do u all know who she's talking abt ah?

i1BB, good girl, going for TCM! Jiayou! Jiayou!
Luv n Bbjourney, she dnt knw the nicknames la. She just said forum one. One gal bloated jin jiatluk few months ago n came to her for accu n cnt pee de... Very bloated de... Now shd b 2nd trimester le... Straightaway I think it's Bbjourney lor. Lolx

Ya luv, me faithfully taking her meds. I like her meds cos I have prob sleeping n after taking her meds I can sleep!!! Lolx... I wonder if the meds worked for me in other terms or not other than zzzz.... Hahaha
Oh ya Bbjourney, we were just chit chatting cos today she quite free. Hahaha... Then she suddenly just mentioned u lor. She says if u feel tired when stand up, u shd take some bu meds from her but she says Mayb u 不敢乱乱走动... (",)
i1BB, sounds like me leh. Hehehe ... So touch she still think abt me. Now i seldom walk long distant as i need to bedrest. Ya i dare not anyhow go out unless i hv to see doctor. :p
Niko, glad u got the bills sorted out!
it's kind of confusing to begin but after calculating and checking against the cpf letter it is clear.

Usagi, good that tcm is helping u... Jiayou jiayou! Me now trying to stay zen haha for the upcoming fet. Going back to 2ww again soon...

For the ladies who experiencing bloatedness and nausea after Er, I did too and was diagnosed with ohss. It felt terrible, even after ET. Mine subsided around a week. Given medication and also took 100plus and Gatorade 3-4 times. It helped abit.
Hope you girls are feeling better already...
Thanks bbjourney.. So have to continue all thru out the 2ww! Anything else to take note? I always take chicken essence night time, feels a little wrong.. Haha but I take ensure in the morning. So don't want to clash.
Luv, no la. I only feel the effect on sleeping. As in her meds can make me sleep. The rest I dnt know wor... Hahaha

Bbjourney, ya I told her u have to bed rest all the way... That's y she says Mayb u dnt dare to anyhow walk... Which is also good. she said she was against u working? Isit?

Cas, all the best dear!! Gambete!
Thks bigbear n fou_fou! I know the going is tough, but don't give up ok.. I m really old liao, not much time n chance left so got to chiong.. I sincerely hope that u will bfp vvv soon, tog w all other sisters! 加油!
i1BB, yes dr zhao did ask me not to work when i just tested BFP cos stress no good for pregnancy. True enough, i had spotting on my 6week after i went back to work for 1 week plus. i went to see Dr Loh, he gave me proluton jab and mc for abt 2weeks.
Bbjourney, thx for the video! Very informative website.

Luv, thx! Just bought H2O. Think will continue wif EW though not so many.

Hope4bb, welcome to 2ww! Hope to join u soon.
My ET is not yet decided, still on stand-by. Hehe, miss my embryos but just hope they're staying strong.
I retrieved 33 eggs during my fresh.

Talking abt dr zhao, are u taking her medicine when your menses come? Im taking now. She said to help to clear the lining do that next cycle lining will be nice but the cramps im having after taking her medicine quite bad tgat i have to take painkillers.
Thks Bbliss! I did my first fresh when I was 39.. Only retrieved 8 eggs only 1 usable embryo.. After 4 mths of rest w tcm treatment, I started in dec last year.. This round 10 eggs 6 embryo.. I m 40 yrs old since feb.. I think almost all sisters here are younger than me.. So u all still stand higher chance.. Jia u n don't give up.. I use the nick name "cock cock" coz I "lao cock cock" (v old) liao..

Btw i1bb, how much is the mpv selling?
Eskimo, I took her af meds. Ok for me wor. Did u check with her how come u cramp until like that?

Cock cock, I think is $58,900
Thks i1bb.., also not cheap wor since coming to 6 years old liao., I thot of buying car but now so exp, can only look at 2nd hand car.. Public transport nowadays oso not reliable..
Dear Cas,

Stay zen! All the best. I envy you leh, can try again. Today, I got very upset in office again. XXX cut my authority, he redirected my subordinate to my immediate. Even though is nothing major, less work for me but it hurts. I curse XXX. I felt bleak in my current co.
Thanks moo3. , luvnhope.

I remember I saw a link in this forum before on the development of embryo in our womb. Does anyone have that link.
May i know what support r u ladies on in 2ww? I am only take utofeston. Strange no crinongel gel or injection or oth support or me.
Haha cock cock. Me totally know nothing abt cars! Lolx... Just helping my friend to spread the word
buying a car if affordable is a great idea! Public transport sucks nowadays lah.
Ya loh, n smrt sucks more than sbs.. We are at their mercy.. Got serious service lapses only pay fine to govt.. The passengers who suffered got no compensation watsoever..
Usagi,thanks! You don't get so angry.. No good for body ok.. Work is just work, no need put too much emotions in and now your priority is baby baby... After work, don't think about it. And I'm sure u will find ur ideal job,just give it some time. Now concentrate on baby project haha.. On tiao body and stay Zennnn too...
Soon it will be your turn to cycle..

Hope and jmamee, and all in 2ww.. Jia you and have a restful and good 2ww! All the best..

Cock cock, a car is convenient especially got kid, go where also easier. I also thinking of getting car but finances don't allow.
like u say nowadays public transport not reliable and also some buses are dangerous even.. Driver drive recklessly and cause passengers to almost fall. Take bus must hold on tight tight if standing. Hmm, think mrt also.
