IVF/ICSI Support Group

Like I said such things no guarantee mah... Everything went well for you so I'm sure very good chance of bfp

Kittybaby, ya...must rest my pockets as well.

Usagi, good luck to you in your job hunting!
you will need so much even with the medisave and grant?
Fou Fou, ya. My 2nd fresh uses saizen and menopur at 450. Heavy dosage! If I use embryo glue...more ex....$ very hard to earn and save. I am turning 31 but high FSH! Sad...If i know earlier, i should have tried to conceive earlier 5 years ago without using condom. I only tried after I got my keys to my BTO! Sob....
Thanks Mel, Minnie, JoynFaith.

Tutu: Looks like we are in the same boat. I ll be 35 this August. You?

Fou Fou: Hugz! Understand how you feel. Let s not give up ya and continue to Jia You!

Niko: you can try taking immunucoal with vitagen.
Thanks Babygalore & Nurul. Yeah! I heard both dr.lau and dr.tan not ard. Maybe will b done by dr.jerry or sadhana. Well I dontmthink we have a say which doc to choose. Today I ate 15ew hopefully eggie grow grow grow!

Dr.zou always got word to calm me down. I felt I'm going back to my parents place everytime I went there
glad that I found her
Shainie, mix feeling now. DH down with flu, tmr got to see doc and must get him recover ASAP. I only hope tomorrow don't have to wait for too long. Got to go back office do earlier closing then I can go Hal with peace of mind.
fou fou hugs. Folic acid need to be continue for conceive well gold after AF I continue but I didnt take everyday. Alternate day.
Shainie, Tutu & Kittykatty:

Thanks for the suggestion on how to take this immunocal. Will try out for the tips!


Do you have the exact drug name for this "glue"? I wanna ask my doctor in my next visit.
Joyfully :Thanks for the info. AMH improved...u inspired me =)

Sorry a bit luosuo..does that mean take conceive well first then few hrs later, take Coq10? Finding a time to slot all these vitamins plus TCM medicine.

Usagi 2011 : We same boat. I also haf a short menses cycle (25days)and high FSH. Dr Zou say short cycle means egg has shorter time to grow which is no good. Let's jia you bah and good luck in job finding.
Hi SunnieHope, I didn't take any tcm. For me, I take conceive well and coq10 concurrently. Followed by immunocal. But for Chinese tcm, think it is better to separate the intake. I can't advise on the time difference for both supplements and tcm. Best to check with the Chinese physician.
Usagi, all the best to your job hunting. Hope you'll be blessed with your new ideal job soon. Have faith in HIM!
Prosepina, my hubby also down w flu n fever before my ER, Angela at CARE told me to buy Manuka Honey mix with 1 Lemon juice and water to drink. Can drink 2-3 times per day. Give it a try and hope ur hubby recover soon.
LuvNhope & Nurul huda, it will not fertilised or implant unless you are one who started with 1st AF and every other AF is the same until now, then it will be all right. No worries, sometimes there are miracles.

Fou Fou, big hugs to you. Rest well and get the ball rolling when you are ready.
Joynfaith how to know late ovulation? Like dat every month must keep track. Must measure BBT like dat. Jialat! I never keep track b4 in my life. Main concern monthly menses come, no blood clots, little cramps ok for me. Think must start doing if i dun BFP....
Nurul huda, I've been doing BBT for a long time and observe my mucus. So, my chinese physician predict from there. I used to use ovulation kit but felt very stressful with it so I forgo that. I used to have AF cramps in my twenties but ever since I did yoga, I've no more cramp. Likely blood circulation has gone to the womb and ovaries.

Just do whatever that makes you feel comfortable. If it's a stress to you, think twice whether to do it unless it's of no choice.

When is your HCG BT?
Hi Niko Michi,
I don't know the drug name to be exact. Sorry, it was suggested during my review. But I think the doc will know. If you using, kindly feedback to us here! Thanks.
Fou Fou, sorry to hear abt the news. Pls continue to take Conceive well (it contains folic acid too rite). I've been taking it daily for the past 2 years.
What's ur plan now? Continue wif KK or try others?

I just had my ER yesterday at SGH. Dh could enter the ER room and he had to keep me awake while I was under sedation. He said I kept on saying pain, pain, so doc kept on injecting sedative. Funny, I couldn't remember anything afterwards. Kept on vomitting after I woke up, sigh, it happens everytime. The nurses are more caring than KK, dh said coz their patients are a lot fewer, so less stress. I agree.
Fou Fou - we have not been diligent in filing all the bills. Adding up the bigger bills, it's abt $14k. No grant but could use abt $6k from medisave.

Shainie - thanks for the abbreviation, i have been guessing them! Are you nursing your health now? What's your plan?

Kitty Katty - Im turning 36 this Dec. Have you had further thoughts on your next step or waiting to hear from your thyroid doc and dr loh. Have you seen your TCM doc since? Keep me informed, cycle buddy..

Miracle - Gd luck with your ER!

I'd like to give my doctors credit for handling my 1st consulation following my BFN. Dr Loh was very nice. He was very patient and attentive in listening and answering all my questions. He was also very re-assuring. Similarly, Dr Zhong from EYS was very re-assuring and spent time to explain her view of my failure in a very logical and convincing way. She has since prescribed me some chinese medicine to nurse my womb. I am feeling more confident now and have decided to take 2 cycles break and med FET in Aug...

Had wanted a dragon baby cos im a dragon but guess I rather have a healthy one
Moo Moo, congrats on your successful ER. How many eggs did they retrieve? You must be nervous with the number of embryos now!

Why do you have to be kept awake while in sedation? I was completely knocked out and my husband said they had to call me 10 times before i woke up! I was in pain after i woke up. Felt terrible and also vomitted once. Went home with a sore womb and back and took me a few days to recover before OHSS attack me. You are experience, so should know what to do. Keep us informed of your good news
Tutu, they retrieved 11 mature eggs, today only 4 are fertilized, but they'll monitor the rest.. tt means only 30% so far..

I also dunno why dh had to keep me awake?? At KK I was knocked out, wif oxygen mask. Mebbe different procedure, just hope I din do anything embarrasing while on sedation.. some sore womb yesterday, but today a lot better. I'm taking dydrogesterone tab, so I guess less chance of ohss. Previously was taking pregnyl jab.
moomooo...gratz on yr er...how many eggs u retrieve? how come hubby needs to keep u awake?

miracle..gd luck on yr ER..

PRosepina...15 ew...gd gal...chiong chiong chiong...i agree that dr zou is always comforting..i still rem her telling me b4 ET, 顺顺利利。。so touch...

tutu...gd that u are understanding yr conditions and be ready for the next round...jiayou.

nurul...yr bt soon right? all the best
Mc, ya lo! What time u left that day? Today my biggest egg is size 20. Increase abt 3mm fm yesterday. Ew is really powerful. I think ER will b on thurs.now waiting to see doctor..
Usagi, LOL...if you don't know the glue drug name, how would I know? Just reading your whole post about the glue, so keen to find out. Anyway, all the best for your jobs hunting!

Tutu, I still haven't total up my bills yet. Maybe these few days. R u with pvt or gov hospital? I also find that myself blur blur on what I had paid so far. Maybe more or less same as per your total bill.

Prosepina, congrats!! It seems EWs really works.
Ya seems really work. Tonight will trigger then er on thurs. Still egg with size above 15mm only 5. Hopefully all can make it. Tonight chiong ew again.
Moo - I was prescribed carbogoline for my ohss. not sure if it's the drug or usually ohss would only last for 5-6 days but i got better on my day 5 ET. But the drug was so expensive! $428 for a week's medication!

Niko - im pte with dr loh. Not sure if he's going to get more expensive since he is getting really popular with the media
Tutu, I think my total bills will be lesser than yours cos I am with gov hospital. Anyway, have to save more for next procedure. Money is everything right now in order to have baby.

Prosepina, fighting!!!
Tutu ur carbogoline so ex... Mine for 5 days 68+ onie. Mayb urs private so x....

KKH deduct DH medisave oreadi. 2.8k++ Btw Niko we must calculate oso ar? Think my bill otw but KKH deduct oreadi.
Niko - pls don't get too stressed out with money. Take time to save and nurse your health at the same time... You will get there.
Girls, im resting for 2 cycles before med FET. Im taking folic acid, iron tablet, milk and chinese medicine to restore my uterus.

what else would you recommend i take in this 2 months' break?
Nurul, KKH will send u the final bills. You verified your final bills with your CPF medisave statement then total up other bills which you pay by cash. I haven't do that yet but planning to do so as ever since I mc, my emotion up and down so a lot of things has been dragging.

Tutu, Not really stress by the money yet but not loaded...just that i think it is good to keep track. Sometimes you won't know whether you are overpaid or not. I caught a few mistakes done by the cashiers in watson and ntuc. They billed me wrong amount. So ask for refund. Judging on the inflation rate nowadays and also the economy sentiment, we should be prudent and wise in spending. That is my personal view.
Hi Usagi... So u went for Dr Zou, how was the acupuncture? Hope her med and acu will help u greatly! And meantime while job searching, give your body a rest.. When you are ready for next cycle,you will be totally prepared for it!
All the best for job hunt k, if cant find suitable one, stay in current for time being. Importantly, don't stress.

I did my final scan and think ovulated already because urine test positive and follicle became small? It was 16 now 6mm only. Sounds strange to me haha. But anyway doing blastocycst so dr say to transfer about 6 days later so probably mon. But will standby in case need to early transfer if embryos are not going to make it to mon. Given cyologest (spelling like wrong) to inserts before and after transfer.
Anyone has experience with this? I read this is also progesterone. But don't know why this instead of utrogestron.
Hi all, saw some topics on Conceive Well and folic acid. Need to take 2 together? Will there be over doseage of folic acid.

And I have a really bad habit... always forgot to take my medication. how har??? anyway to help? is it ok if i forget to take the supplement for a few days?
erm... and what's with the egg white thingy?

Sorry, I am like a headless chicken here, totally clueless about the readings and the terms used here.

I am at suppression stage now and starting my puregon this thurs. did u/s yesterday which show lining at 5 + 2 follicles. I presume cant really determine at this stage yet right?
CelC, folic acid is water soluble. The excess will just get flushed out with our urine. Don't worry.

Egg white will help with egg growth and prevent OHSS.
Gosh, it's only Day 4 of my 2ww and I'm getting so restless. Maybe it's becos DH has gone back to work and I'm all alone at home. Hmm...
Know it's still too early to feel anything, but can't help wondering... Arghh...

BabyGalore, hope you're doing better than me, heheh...
