IVF/ICSI Support Group

Tutu, I also look at the price of the same meds I got at KK n the one from CARE. Very "different" but I try not to think too much abt it. Private sure more ex... But hopefully u pay for better service.
I'm with kkh... I guess that's the difference between pte n govt hospital... For my fresh, I only spent about 6k+ including cash payout abt 1k whereas I foresee I will have to pay at least 12k for pte including cash payout of 7k.
Happypinky, not sure the quality yet. Can only know on sat. Girls, hcg jab painful or not? The volume so much..thinking to drive there or take cab there. Scare too painful then cannot drive
U retrieved quite a no. of eggs rite? So cannot say too early!!! I was ok after ET but was admitted for ohss in first wk of 2ww even tho I was ok just that my urine was little then all the way ok until BT day started bloating like a pufferfish with cramps n stiffness until almost 9 wks of pregnancy... so still have to monitor hor...
eskimo, hahah... if i can BFP, that'd be a happy problem!!
Last round BFN, suffer for nothing.
Any reason OHSS goes away in Week 9 of preg? Is that the norm?

Prosepina, on ET day they told me 12 under observation for freezing. I forgot to ask them today when i went down for BT if all 12 made it. Aiyah... i also have one snow baby with KK.

The trigger jab is intramuscular so it is a little more painful than our usual injections. You'll have a slight muscle ache afterwards but shld be okay to drive assuming your threshold of pain is not too low. I also drove that day.
I guess the body got used to the pregnancy n the ovaries no longer overstimulated... It depends on individuals but usually ohss last for first trimester... Never heard of it being longer than that.

I also drove after trigger jab... Did feel the soreness n slight pain but still ok to drive.
Prosepina, your DH so funny, hahah... Well, you leave it to the nurse to decide for you lor
I also asked the nurse that time and the nurse said butt. If u jab on the thigh though, be prepared to feel the ache when u walk.

eskimo, i see. Well, still too early to say now, but i do hope for the best!
Thks dear luv n i1bb! Feel so gd to be remembered n missed. Gd that u are all pressing on! Jia you jia you! Cheering u on n wishing u bfp at next try!
Prosepina, thanks in advanced for help to ask.
Actually, what is the cause for the embbies to be of poor grade when the follicle is big n nice?
i jab thigh...regret cause when she pinch there was not much fat...and was limping. DH put warm cloth and rub nx day ok liao.

wat if after ET not much OHSS...am i suppose to worry?

Nurul: kkh only give the pills to inert after et rite?
Ladies, I m feeling bloated today after my ER yday. Is it normal? Thot only stimulation stage will feel bloated but now they retrieve the eggs, hw come feel so bloated? Wat can I do to ease the bloat? ET tomoro.. Hope all is well
Cockcock, glad to hear that u r doing fine
put on weight is a good sign...u carrying 2 cuties do drop by more frequent to encourage us! Am feeling discourage at times.
Just to share about period pain that I read:
As the name suggests, period pain are the adverse symptoms that occur with a woman's period. The factors that cause such pains are:
  1. The alpha sympathetic nerve is over-stimulated and secrets too much prostaglandin, promoting the contraction of the smooth muscle in the womb and causing the pain. This happens a lot to adolescent girls as their reproductive system is not yet developed completely and the female hormone is secreted abnormally. <LI>The cervix is too narrow or there is an ante flexion (or post flexion), so the menses cannot be expelled normally and the residual blood stimulates the smooth muscle in the womb to contract and cause pain. For most women, the situation will be improved once they give birth. <LI>Endometriosis or a polyp causes abnormal contraction of the smooth muscle in the womb and induces pain. <LI>Other factors such as catching a chill or eating icy food can influence local circulation so that inner womb membrane doesn't break down easily. This causes abnormal contraction of the smooth muscle in the womb, inducing pain.
Jmamee, I also had my ER yesterday ( tues) and doing ET (thurs) tomorrow too. I'm also having bloating like you as well. Worst thing, pee also feel like my ovaries hurt. Do you feel that way? I wonder why it will be like this. Hopefully this doesn't affect the ET?
Cockcock!!! Great to hear from u n getting on well! U take good care! Thanks, me feeling ok, just a bit disappointed n worry when will be my next try....
So for the time being, will be like I1bb n Usagi, can only rest n tiao body.

Kittykatty and tutu, thanks for the info on the est amt on the bills. Think I've to save up for quite a while.

Shainie, moo, joynfaith, thanks, will continue with the conceive well &amp; frolic acid then.

Moo, u having ET already? All the best.
Luvnhope, Jiayou!
Nurul, how are u?

To the rest of the sistas in 2ww, all the best!
BigBear, thanks for ur info on immunocal! Haha.. I read when I was drinking it rite after lunch.. Anyway, will take note from now on.

Fou Fou, glad u're feeling alrite. Rest ur body well first while considering whether to continue wif KK.
My ET is not yet decided. dreading the phone call from SGH.

Miracle, all the best for ur ET! So fast. Which hosp/doc are u wif?

Luv, after ER/ET how many EW must we eat to prevent ohss? I dun want to eat so many yet scared of ohss.
Good morning everyone.. Hope all of you are doing well.. This 2ww is really long .. Luv, it's only day 5! Any symptoms ? Nurul, how are you? You must be very excited for your bt? Any symptoms ? Pls share ..
Jmamee and Miracle, your ovaries have been poked multiple times. They need time to heal. The follicles may also fill up with fluid after the eggs have been retrieved. Hence the bloating, which may also be a sign of OHSS. If you BFP, be prepared to bloat further and longer!

Fou Fou, thanks for the encouragement!

Moo3moo, if you dun wanna eat EW, you can drink more fluids (esp H2O or Gatorade) to flush out the excess hormones.
Luv, when you say hatch out? Does that mean they have implanted or going to implant today? Hahaha im trying to visualize ..
Hello moo, i'm with Dr Sadhana at KK. Hehe. Maybe will chiong on the ew today. Heard it helps, so no harm trying anyway.

Hi luv, thanks for explaining.
i will do anything for a bfp! All the bloatedness will be sooo worth it!
BabyGalore, they need to hatch before they can implant. So hopefully between today and tomorrow they can find a nice cosy spot to settle in.

BabyJourney, thanks for the link! Will go watch it now.
Jmamee and Miracle, Luv is right. I felt the same after ER. If you feel bloated and nausea, you might be suffering mild OHSS. OHSS was triggered when you administered pregnyl which contains HCG. Hence why Luv said if you are pregnant, you might continue to bloat and feel nausea as when you are pregnant, you would have the HCG pregnancy hormones. Don't take OHSS lightly as it could range from mild symptons to life threatening. So plenty of water and EW/Immunocal.
Luv you are so positive and encouraging i wish you were my cycle buddy! I think what contributed to my failure this time is my negativity. I have to work on that....
Tutu, hahah... I'm just trying my best to stay positive! Dun blame yourself okay? Nobody knows why a cycle fails. We just have to keep looking forward.
Thanks tutu for your advice. So sorry to hear about your cycle. Keep your faith and jia you ok? I will pray for your body to be at its optimum when you are ready to do a fresh cycle or fet.
Babyjounery, thanks for the link.. I feel good after watching it.. Showed it also to dh, he is kinda excited ..

Now I can visualize..

I think the key is to be positive..
BBjourney, yay, can view the video now!

Depressed Gal and Miracle, yeah, can't imagine the pain, shock and anger the mother must feel. Brr...

jmamee, welcome to 2ww!!

Hmm... how come my tingkat lunch has the same dish as yesterday one??? Zzzz....
