IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks Luv, Thanks Joanne. It always give me strength reading the encouraging words from the sisters here.

Joanne: hope ur spotting goes away for good. wish u a smooth 9 mth journey ahead.

blur_xuan: have u seen GP? think u really got sensitive stomach. take care and drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration oh.

yes, i'm trying for no. 2... i am mild pcos and had ohss during my fresh and bfp... did 2 natural fets and decide to do a medicated fet this coming one... most likely my last fet cos no more embies left after this.... doesn't mean with ohss u won't get pregnant... actually dr loh is one who says with ohss high chance of bfp... but of cos no guarantee... however, ohss can be dangerous if bfp.... cos it gets more serious and can be life threatening..
Wa Lau..the waiting time in kk is killing. I was here since 7.50am till now. Still waiting for the nurse to get my puregon mixed. Really tired. 10que number took 1.5hour still not yet my turn...zzzzz
Ladies i m helpin a friend... Do u noe any supplements can somehow increase e quality of egg? I knew quality is beyond our control. She has no problem is juz dat e quality is noo good for her age. Shes onie 32. Her DH SA is fine
any cycle buddies in June? shd be starting 2ww in mid June
last 5 embbies.. 2nd try at FET..
Hi Sophia! I am starting my 1st ivf in June...should be starting my stimulation in early June if everything is ok......I'm going for the short cycle Jia you together!
Tutu & KittyKatty, big hugs to you. Take time to rest and you will come back stronger!

Tutu,Yup, I went to see Ban Choon Chan last Saturday. Waited for about 4hrs before got to see him. He presribed 6 packs of medicine for me and 4 for my DH. Paid $190 for all. He don't do accupunture, just need to brew his medicine and drink during our cycle.
Finally my long wait on AF has come. Dr Zou bases on my BBT and mucus to state I ovulate this cycle that is a good sign but a late one so egg will not be good. I've also postponed my cycle to Sep.

Tutu & KittyKatty, hugs to both of you. Rest well and be strong. Have faith and your dream will come true.

Nurul Huda, when is your HCG BT?
Bbjourney, btw, forgot to mention my DH has been sharing my food from YLS cos he's been on leave these few days. Portion still okay for both of us.

Prosepina, ideal lining btwn 11 to 13mm.

Joynfaith, did the doc say why late ovu means egg is to good?

Nurul, when ur BT? Btw how ur fren know egg quality not good?

Nice to see so many sisters starting their cycles soon or planning their cycles. All the best to all!
Hi Shainie and Mel - thank god! My spotting has stopped after the Sat jab. Have been resting at home these 2 days and will be seeing Dr Sadhana tomorrow am.

Hi blur xuan - who is your Gynae?
Luv, is that right? if lining grow 1mm per day, i still got at least 5 days to ET, by then will be 15mm, isn't that too thick? That's so sien, when lining ready eggs not. When eggs ready, lining too thick..
Prosepina, dun despair, some sisters said growth will slow down after trigger shot. Focus on growing ur eggies for now n dun stress urself. Stress is not good for us at this point yeah? Things will turn out fine.
LuvNhope, I guess can lead to other problem such as unable to fertilise, implant or survive through, and etc... Let me check with Dr Zou later.
LuvNhope she did IVF. She got 20 over eggs but onie 1 is ok.. She waiting for her review. So now she wonder is ther anythin she can do to help e quality? In terms of supplements..
Hey all,

Thx all for the well wishes. ET over, just the waiting time at kkh today was very bad. ivf centre was so crowded.

Joanne / MC: i wont be taking any tcm liao. my DH had a talk with dr.sadhana fter ET. she advise not too. so DH say NO.
Hi nurul, not sure abt supplements but I ever ask dr zou abt this and she ask me to take a lot of protein food to "bu" my eggs. She say take eggs (kampong eggs) and more fish. I dunnoe how true. But i been stuffing myself with fish and egg white. I haf low ovarian reserve so i hope my few little eggs are of gd quality for ivf later on.
Luvhope: if coq10 helps, i dun mind trying.
I think conceive well contains coq10. Anybody knows of I can still take coq10 if am taking conceive well.
I was there at 7.40.
Babygalore: when is yr bt?

btw can i check the insert given is 2 small pills? i have problem pushing it in? any ideas on how to push it in.
i tot they will give us like tampon kind of insert.
Hi all, thanks for all ur concerns n advice. went BT this morning. KK called, results as expected. HCG < 1.2
Lucky did the test yesterday as today working. Coping better than my first failed.
Just sad that both fresh failed n no more frozen. Will be my last fresh the next round. Need to plan carefully... My DH n I am thinking to go private but financially may be a burden. So go private will need to wait a while as we save up a bit. It's a race against time.... Sigh.

Sistas in their 2ww, rest well.

Nurul, how are u?

Gog back work... Typing this in the ladies
SunnieHope, are you starting ur first IVF cycle? I also started taking coq10 b4 my 2nd fresh. I take it (50mg) a few hours apart from Conceive Well. Other sisters may be taking higher dosage. Can check with your doc if unsure?

Bruno, can ask ur DH to help u if u have difficulty. Just push it in a finger's length or so. And try to lie down for at least half an hour if possible afterwards.
Fou Fou, you're a strong lady. Take time to tiao your body and come back fighting!

Ladies, i know watching comedies etc will help relax us, but i'm just wondering, i've been laughing so hard, will it affect embies or not, heheh...
Luvnhope: ya my 1st ivf with kkh. Probably in aug/sep. m
Kaisu so I take anything that can improve my eggs. Some more I haf high fsh
maybe I chk with dr sahana the next trip I see her. The last tiime I ask her she say I dun need supplements. What brand r u getting for coq10?

Foufou; hugs.. Dun lose heart and jia you..
SunnieHope, i got Blackmores and another brand that i can't recall (cos it was cheaper and came in higher dosage). I got my DH to take the higher dosage type. Like you, i'm worried abt overdosage so i'm taking the lower dose one.
LuvNhope any particular brand? Nope she dun have.

Sunniehope she got no prob in fish. Takin it 1 week et least 4 days of eggs. She has been eating kampong eggs for months. She wonders y stil not achieving good results. Her DH SA is fine.

So she ask if anyone can of help beside eggs n fish
Nurul, i got Blackmores, but maybe other sisters can help with other brands? Other sisters are also taking immunococal for protein supplement (can find info in spreadsheet), but i haven't tried.
Luv, i thnk your embbies are holding tightly to your uterus when you are luffing so hard. Remember the roller coaster ride. Dont worry.
Shainie- is LRD longan red date tea?

Joanne- good to hear your spotting had stopped! Hope things are looking up for u from now..

Eskimo- did dr loh mention why ohss has higher chance?

Nurul- gd luck to u, its time to hear some gd news in this

Minnie- i have decided to stick with EYS. Ban choon sounds expensive too. Is this 1 week medication? Did he say anything new to you?

Joy- thanks for your support!

Fou- hope u are taking it well. Do u mean u had no frozen in your last 2 attempt? N why do u say 3rd attempt is your last?

I went to see EYS after seeing dr loh this morning. She thinks ohss n my womb are the main reasons for my failure. She has prescribed me med to treat blood clots n discharge n told me not to start fet until i rest for at least 2 to 3 cycles. Dr loh's view is rest one cycle as he thinks nothing is wrong with my uterus. What do u girls think?
Bbjourney, hahah... yeah, i shld make a trip to Resort World and take their roller coaster ride hor ;P Thanks for the reassurance
Shainie, ask you something about the immunococal. Do you mix with other juice to drink it? Or just the immunococal itself? I read the instruction that add to juice but I can't take juice recently. Always LS....Any recommendation?
Minnie, when are you going to start your IVF? Do update us your progress. I am still seeing the sinseh from Ban Choon Chan but will be postponing my IVF either end of the year or next year.

All the best for you ya! Jia You!!!
