IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi BabyGalore, usually between D5 to D10 i believe? Some sisters shared this timeline b4:

This is what happens in a 2dt :
1dpt and 2 dpt..embryo is growing and developing
3dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
4dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
5dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
6dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
7dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
8dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells
9dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
10dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
11dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
12dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT

Thanks to the sisters who compiled it in the spreadsheet actually!
Hi all sistas, after I rtn back to work 13/5 my colleague who cover my duty told me she's 2mths pregnant.
Happy for her and feel so envy.
Why other can get P easily but not me?

Hubby has encourage me to go for 1 last try but let me decide. I'm thinking of changing to SGH.
Any sistas here know the waiting time in SGH?
KittyKatty, Tutu, sorry abt the result. Take this time to strengthen ur body & enjoy urself first before starting the next round yar.
Tutu, sorry ya but I think <1 is difficult to increase. It's better to stop the support so that AF can come properly &amp; ur body can clear all the medication. After my failed FET, my menses din start until I stopped prog insert. All the TCM docs mentioned (Dr Zou, Dr Tan, EYS) shd be able to strengthen ur body, just choose one whom u're most comfortable wif. Better dun take acupuncture if it makes u more stressed up, TCM herbs shd be good too.

Joanne, congrats on ur twins! Hope u'll have a smooth sailing pregnancy.

i1bb, BigBear, u use tummy warmer throughout the nite? Not hot ah? i1bb, yar, lucky Dr Sad asked u to do BT. Shd make it a std test prior to IVF rite? Or at least if BFN once?
Hehehe..i've tested positive yesterday on (i hope to say HPT) but not it's OPK haha..anyway it's too late for the clinic to do anything for us since today and tomorrow clinic close. So hb and i just tried natural see how...

i1BB To defuse the strong yucky taste of DOM You can try to take bbq meat aka 'rou gan' that's what i've been doing hehe
and it helps A LOT! It's even more yummier if you slightly warm up the rougan b4 eating

babygalore I am also same, no TCM and acup..but i supposed you can try making some simple chicken herbal soup at home to at least have some intake of 补汤. Don't get worried ..just do what you can, you taking folat supplement? That's impt to at least start 1st..

joanne Congrats! &amp; grabbing some babydusts from you ok? hehe ..smooth 9mths ahead!

sisters who has neg. news..don't let it get you down. I know it's very hard not to think about it but try your best to hold your head high and tiao your body before trying again. One day i believe, our dreams will surely come true..
Moo, ya. They shd make it a standard test leh. I failed two fresh two fets n no one ask me do thyroid test. Lucky I change doctor to sadhana n Mayb I appear plump to her so she ask me to do BT for thyroid. Thank god for her lor. If discover later, my throat might have swollen up!!! Eeeeew...

As for wearing tummy warmer whole night, no leh, not warm leh. I feel ok leh
in fact day time I also wear...

Chrisl, good idea!!! I shall warm up a piece of rou gan later n use it to "送酒"!!! I'm a alcoholic! Muahaha! Psst.... I hereby wish u next month hpt positive!!! Try "harder" ya! B more "hard"working hor!!! U go girl! Hugs!
hahaha i1BB i feel like rabbits leh lollololol thanks *blush* btw, do you eat fish often? Cos i think too little iodine (from seafood) intake will cause thyroid
Chrisl, rabbit eh?! Lolx....

Do u mean too much seafood? I seldom eat fish. Anyway now that I know I'm hypothyroid, I only try to avoid soy products, other than that, I still eat as per normal but certain food eg. Processed food like ham, luncheon meat, I just eat them moderately cos i cannot resist not eating them! Lolx...
hehe xie xie luvNhope! You hang in there on your 2ww now! JiaYOu and stay stress free..(don't think too much thought i know it's really impossible)

i1BB i meant too little seafood will cause thyroid..wah talking abt luncheon meat too, i hv smuggled a few cans here and i am rationing them!! LOL as i luv luncheon meat..it's like a childhood food hor? But anyway good that you're getting some help from dr sadana
Jia you too hor!
Chrisl, Icic so like what baby journey says, I shd up my intake of seafood!! Okeeeee! (",) u too jia yo hor! Now be good n go be a rabbit now... Shoo... Lolx
hahah i1BB it's afternoon here lah..im HUNGRY that's what im thinking of..FOOD is what matters now esp when stomach empty nothing else matter lol..going to make early dinner of beehoon soup..
Chrisl, hmmm my pregnancy is quite challenging. Did a cerclage to prevent my cervic from opening as my pregnancy progresses. Then had cramps on my left side last week, so rush down to TMC for checkup. Luckily, it was nothing serious, Dr Loh said i may hv pull a ligament. I have been on bedrest at home after my cerclage. Think i hv to rest until i give birth. My next appt is 2 weeks later.
Thanks for all tcm advice, I think I will stick with EYS. The no waiting time n accessibility will make Tcm experience less stressful for me. Won't do accu for now!

Not sure abt you girls but I have irregular menses, menses clots n discharge issues so now hope Tcm can help improve my uterus n hence increase my chance of success with my fet.

2 more days n I'm going back to work. Not looking fwd to that....
Wow babyjourney..but good that you're having a very good Dr loh
Stay well and take very good care! Smooth all the way ok!!
Dear ladies,
Thank you so much for your encouragement. Really appreciate it. A big hug for you gals. I don t think I can have the strength to go thru this ups and downs without your kind support. I feel so much better today.

You are so cute lar. Okie. No more crying after this weekend, ya. I when for accu at Dr Zhao from Raffles Hospital. I went total 6 times since suppression. I think I might want to switch to Dr Zou cos is nearer my house and not so expensive. My pocket very big hole now so if can save, I try to save. Yes. This is my first IVF attempt. I failed once IUI previously. I plan to see Dr Loh on Fri after I have seen my thyroid doc on Thurs. Just want to ensure my thyroid is alright before I try again next round. If can I wish to do FET as soon as possible. How about yourself? What's your plan?

Fou Fou: Hugz....
Chrisl, I just down a shot of Dom with heated up rou gan! It definitely helped diffuse the awesomely shitty taste of Dom! Although it still sucks lah but sucks better now with the rou gan! Lolx! Thanks dear!
Babygalore n bruno.. I didnt go for any tcm or accup.. Actually i dun dare to mix chinese n western medicine tgt.. my doc said now dun tk herbs all these.. so i didnt go.. Accup i oso scare coz tried before n tt doc brust my vein n left big blue black so pain.. Now i juz carefully choose my food advice frm sistas here.. Most important is nap.. When tired juz sleep.. I took no pay leave till my delivery. Stress free is v important to mi coz i dun wan to get depression or always quarrel wif ppl or family.. Juz enjoy e 9 month.. I lucky not much ms.. Vomitted only once since pregnant.. Hopefully stay tis way.. hehe.. but tailbone will pain if walk or sit too much.. Juz rest if pain..
i1bb, BigBear, thx! I'll ask dh to buy tummy warmer later. Hope Dr S will be ur lucky person ya!

Chrisl, yeah very exciting to see such dark line on test strips rite.. Hope we'll see them on hpt soon haha. Meanwhile be good rabbits, not pandas like my dh n I..zzz..

Bruno, all the best for ur ET!
Shainie- yes i have pcos.

Kittykatty- i think i have gotten over it. I plan to see dr loh today or tmr. N then EYS. Still havent seen red. Cant wait for it to come! Do u mind if i ask how old are u? I did 2 iui n this is my 1st ivf attempt too... We are in the same boat..
Tutu, our problem same PCOS. I hv tried TCM b4 ivf but feel it's too heaty for me. I think Dr Loh will ask u for medicated FET. For me FET is less stressfull.
Shainie-am i right to say the biggest problem with pcos when it comes to ivf is ohss? With medicated fet, pcos shouldnt be a hurdle?

Whats worrying me now is so what if i get my uterus to a gd condition now, my frozen embryos are thd batch of eggs produced at the same time. If the reason for failure this time is the quality of embryos, then would that mean i might be wasting my time proceeding with the frozen embryos?
Some ppl succeed during fets n not fresh cycles. I succeeded during first fresh n failed 2 fets so u never know unless u try... Yes quality of embies affected by freezing but there's also another saying that if ur embies can survive the thaw they are stronger too... We can only do wat is within our control... The rest we have to leave it to fate...
bruno..all the best to your ET. My thoughts is that its better to start Dr Zou's med from start if you want to as TCM med normally takes a longer time to take effect
Joanne, congrats on your twins! Twins is awesome! Feel so happy for you!

luv, babygalore: all the best to ur 2ww!

tutu, kittykatty: you are strong gals. get some good rest and get ur body ready for next try. Jia you.

fou fou: how are u doing?
Tutu, ivf failure is not all abt the embbies. As u know those with PCOS suffer hormone inbalance. I success both FET although I m/c. My inner feeling tell me I m/c not bcoz of my embbies is not good but deficiency in progrestrone hormone. My current twins is an embbies frozen since Aug 2010. Both grade 3 embbies during fresh and after thawing both remains grade 3. One is 7 cells coming to 8 cells.
For me my problems of pregnancy is spotting everytime my vagina/rectrum support stop and change to oral consumption. Imagine a 800mg progrestrone support change to 20mg progrestrone support and ur body cannot produce enough progrestrone to support the pregnancy. I don't think embryo quality is PCOS main problems is more to inbalance hormone.
So ur failure in fresh doesn't mean another failure in FET. Ur in a good hand @ Dr Loh. I had a good feeling u will success in ur FET.
Shainie-am i right to say the biggest problem with pcos when it comes to ivf is ohss? With medicated fet, pcos shouldnt be a hurdle?

Whats worrying me now is so what if i get my uterus to a gd condition now, my frozen embryos are thd batch of eggs produced at the same time. If the reason for failure this time is the quality of embryos, then would that mean i might be wasting my time proceeding with the frozen embryos?
hi luv, im still waiting for my review after my failed ivf in Apr. really a long wait, ZZzz... Had also started TCM with Dr Zou, following the sisters' recommendation here. prev was with EYS paragon Dr Zhong. now switch to a new tcm hoping to change the feng shui. also started BBT charting, taking supplements. hope to get myself asap for the next try. also dreaming to conceive naturally every mth, though i know the chance is so dim. lots of hopes and dreams hehehe...

hope to get ur bbdust soon!
Bbjourney, i have 8 grade 1 n 2 frozen embryos.

Thanks eskimo, are u trying a 2 child now? Staring fresh or using frozen?

Thanks mel.

Shainie, thanks for your detailed response. Everything was good for me this time, gd blastocysts, gd lining, gd hormones level. So dr loh think maybe its due to overstimulation as i did suffered from mild ohss. That gave me hope fet might work. U are right, he suggested med fet for me. Told me to rest for a month to clear my womb n supported me seeing tcm. He said he will chk mt uterus n do pap smear in mid cycle for me.

Im ready to continue the journey now! Lets hope at least 2 of my snowbbs make it n i could then close shop!
Tutu meaning u hv good embbies. If ur hormone is ok should be no prob for u in ur FET. Please avoid all cold drinks and liang food. Make the LRD drinks ur daily consumption. I feel it help me a lot. If u feel heaty may reduce it or take it alternate day. Tiao ur body and proceed ur FET when ur ready.
