IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks joanne. Will let my sis know. I normally have long luteal phase. I brought fwd my bt from d19 to d15. N its negative. I stopped my support yesterday. Should i? I havent seen red..
Hi kittykatty and tutu, so sad to see the bad news...guess we have to pick up ourselves and try again when we are ready.

Fuo fuo, just continue your support. Wait for the bt to confirm ba. I know in our heart we already know the answer. But then we oso hope that miracle will happen.
Luvnhope, thank! May I know what is suprefact used for?

MC, Most days I feel hot but strangely by BBT is on the low side. Hope everything goes on well for u!
Sarah..yes you are right..I belong to the hypo grp so I do feel cold..haha..

Joanne.. gratz on yr twins.. :)

Joyfully..I am not eating too well due to MS. Now stress abt CL and who to look after the babies after ML...

tutu..Acupuncutre = $30, Med depends on what was prescribe. About $7 per day and it will be a week's prescription
Tks joyfully for your well wishes.

Fou fou, don't despair n dnt stop inserts ok. Go for the BT first, hugs.

Mc, I planning oct or nov ba.... Hee

Bigbear, me no symptoms at all for thyroid. Lolx. Lucky sadhana ask me do BT. Today is my cd 22, Yst I first time use the tummy warmer n I also drank Dom last night. My bbt this morning 36.86 xia!!!! High man! Mayb the warmer n dom did help to keep womb warm wor... Jeez...

Joanne, congrats. Your reading so high! Twins!! Awesome!
Oh tutu, missed out your question. Haha. I'm with dr zhao of raffles hospital
Joanne. Yap.. Do we need to change doc?? Coz some sis told mi Sadhana gt deliver fr ppl.. I oso not sure.. Some sis recommend Dr June Tan.. Will ask Sadhana to recommend too..
Luvnhope, thank

1Bb, wow that's high! It could be the effect from Dom. I am also using the Daiso tummy warmer every nite
hope your BBT continue to rise even after CD30 it will be a good sign.
Ya bigbear, I think Mayb it's due to DOM. My DH's colleague says drink one small cup every night helps to keep womb warm. Wonder if it's true. It taste super yakky man!
BabyGalore, I'm also feeling the slightest of cramps, but it's too early for implantation so i figure it could be effect from ER or from the progesterone support.
Thanks Luv, Prosepina and Bruno - your turn will come soon

Shainie - I have medicine from Dr Loh till Thurs so I need to see Dr Sadhana latest on Thurs to get bal medicine till next scan. Will call KK for appt tomorrow am.

Blur xuan - I heard John Tee not bad too but he may not take in new patients anymore. Will check with Dr S also for referral....
Joanne: were u also going to dr zhou during yr 2ww?

actually dr sadhana is not bad , my gynea from private hospital recomend her.
Hi BBjourney, you thinking of ordering tingkat too? I ordered 4 dishes. Portion quite sufficient for 1 pax. So far had two deliveries from them. The first meal had "cheapo" food like sardines (not that it's not good, it's just that canned food defeats the purpose of tingkat) and seafood sticks. Second meal was better. Had a generous portion of fish fillet. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and see how their meals are next week, hahah.. Anyway, i realise not many companies do lunch tingkat for 1 pax. So also not much of a choice for me.
Luv, i hv tried Kim's kitchen n Hilltop. So far i prefer Hilltop but they only hv dinner delivery. I m thinking if i shd order tingkat for lunch too. How much is your package w YLS n how many days? Thank you. Muakz.
I really dont like accu. The thought of that stress me more than relaxes me. Do u think its ok if i only take chinese medicine? Or accu is highly recommended?? After learning the charges of dr zou n compare that with eys paragon. Yes altho eys paragon is more ex but it closer to me n no waiting time at all.. Do u think i should stick with eys paragon zhong xi ming, any feedback ?
Bruno - with Dr Zou, we do not do acu after ET. Only the TCM at Raffles Hospital does acu after ET.

Tutu - have u ever try acu? Why don't u try out once and see how u feels about it? Maybe after u do u will realise it is not as scary as u think. Just go to eys if u r more comfortable....
Luv, joanne, i did 3 sessions of accu at eys just b4 er. 1st time ok, then it got painful in the 2nd n 3rd session. The thought of that stress me out..

I want to see dr zou cos you girls are all seeing her which makes me think she is gd but the distance n wait might not work for me in the long run n afraid that might put me off n give up.
Tutu, as Joanne says, just stick with EYS if you're more comfortable with it. Drop acu if it stresses you. After all, the sessions should help you, not give you additional stress.
Babygalore: Yup excited abt ET. Final stage. how are u? go watch movies and relax.

Joanne and MC: so dr zou will only give medicine after ET? i am going to see her on sat? dunno wether 2ww week too early for her to give me medicine. also not sure what to tell her.
tutu, I'm always fall asleep during accu section.

I was sad sad yesterday. Late evening got a news fm my
Colleague friends. One of my friend just left us at age of 30. Been crying whole night, I'm so sad! Suddenly the matter of ttc is not a big matter anymore. Girls, do whatever you guys always want to do before it is too late.
Lymph cancer further spread to brain. Fm diagnose till yesterday less than a yr. If I failed this cycles, I'll take ttc out of my mind and be a good companion to my parents and in law. Scrap too much travelling plan just bcos of ttc
Luv, Kim's kitchen food soso, i dont remember isit very oily but the portion not alot compared to Hilltop.

Tutu, are u working? If no, you may go to Dr Zou in the morning or afternoon on weekdays where the waiting time is relatively shorter. But if you feel that Eys suits you, then continue there. Dont force yourself to do things that may stress you out cos stress is no good for ttc.
bruno, i took dr zou med during 2ww..why r u only seeing her on sat? its already pass the crucial implantation period. i think if u can, see her after ET.
