IVF/ICSI Support Group

Tutu, I see dr tan siew boey at the NTU Chinese medicine in case u want to see her there.

The downside ther is that once attachment starts, u may face 6-8 students in the same consultation room listening to your consultation. Lack of privacy!

Now is still holidays, so the students are not there. My first consultation, I had 7 students feelmy pulse after the dr.

Prosepina: don't worry, all will go well. During my last scan, doc said I had 5 mature eggs.. I didn't fret much.. And dr ended up retrieving 8. I have pcos and dr didn't want to give me high dose so that I would not have ohss.

I'm excited for this 2ww. Time to get pampered by hubby and also good time to catch up on all the movies I missed at the theatre..
i1BB, i tot of buying tummy warmer too, but in the end didn't have time. Now I'm using my jacket to tie ard my tummy and make a makeshift tummy warmer, hahah...

BabyGalore, yeah yeah! Today the nurse and recep at the clinic kept highlighting that i must remain stress free and hinted to my hubby, hahah...

Prosepina, yeah, usually ER will get more eggs than expected. There may be some which were too small during scans but grew in time for ER. My doc was expecting to get abt 16 eggs or so, but i ended up with 28 (tho 2 immature). Dun worry yeah? Your increased dosage shld help.
Doctor wants me to do detailed scan to ensure its not ectopic pregnancy
Shaine, Nurul, KittyBaby, Fou Fou, MC007, Tutu, Cas, Chrisl, Mel: Hugz to all who have sisters who have been concern and supporting me. By yesterday afternoon, I was totally heartbroken. Even, without BT my heart knows what's the result Liao. The flow is so heavy. And the bad news came too soon for me to accept it. Everything has been going smoothly so far, i have a good doc & I have put in a lot of effort but still end up BFN. I ve done BT today and confirm it. Kept on thinking what I have done wrong this time. But I have no answer.
Don t worry, I m okie now. I have pick up myself and tell myself to look forward and try again. My hubby has been good, he tried so hard yesterday and today to comfort me and cheer me up. Me too went window shopping today to take a break from thinking about this.

Tutu: Don t be sad, ya dear. We cry today together. Tomorrow no more crying. It's a new day, new beginning, and new hope. Just look forward to achieve our dream. Hugz!

Nurul & Fou Fou: Rest well and take care. Don t let our BFN affect you. Wish both of you BFP so that you gals can send me, Tutu and KittyBaby some baby dust.

Cas, Shaine, Do you mind sharing how soon can we start doing FET. Good luck on your FET, Cas.

Sunstillshine: You saw me Fri? I was the lady in red, with messy hair and stressed face that day. All the best and have a good rest and don t stress yourself during this 2ww.
You are so cute to compare Dr Loh with that Korean actor! Even I was sad, I still have a good laugh when I show what you post to my hubby. You r right...from some angle there are some similarity there

Joanne: take care. Hope the spotting has go away.
Kittykatty - please do not give up. A lot of us tried more than 1 time to bfp. U can check with your doc how soon u can start your fet. I Personally feel u should rest your body for at least 2 months and take this time to tiao your body.

I just finished scan and waiting to see doc now. They said they saw 2 small dots but now is too early stage to diagnose anything.... Shall hear what the doc say later...
Tutu, dun give up. See wat dr loh say upon u seeing him nex week.

Besides Dr Zou, Dr Tan SB, u may want to chk out Dr KS Tan. I was seeing Chinese sinseh Dr Tan KS prev for accu n Chinese med to tiao my body. Been seeing him for abt 4mths before embarking on ivf. His med r readily packed to consume while for Tan SB, u have to brew med on yr own. 2bowks water to 1 bowl med.

Dr Tan is at Clementi. U may google KS Tan to find e add. Dunnoe where I keep his name card Liao. If nt, will post here.

Meanwhile, do take care n nurse well yr health. Who noe mex rd, u will be rewarded wif Twins
Waiting for my menses to come n I'll start

Tutu / kittykatty,
Sometimes, it's unexplainable why the embies didn't stick. Gynae can give you some possibilities but in the end we might not really know but every time we try is a chance. Take some time to rest n indulge n pamper urself to feel better n then move on
Joanne it is good they did not takw it lightly. I go all the way about it. I just want we treated accordingly. Even I will not get my embbies back atleast some improvement satisfied me. If I keep quiet how many of us will be treated like what they did to me.

Hope everything goes well with. U have done so many things to and at last u BFP this time so do take very good care of yourself.

Kittykatty hugs. Don't despair k. I take very long to do my FET. More than 6 mths.

Actually FET is less stress. Mine is medicated coz my AF irregular.
Hey, my sis is tcc but has spotting issues. What do u recommend? Did u girls mention abt lotus root n glutinous rice? Whats the recipe pls?
Joanne, your hcg lvl is too high for ectopic. Am i right? So dont worry. The 2 dots sounds positive!

Kittykatty, not fair, you cried yesterday n today so i can cry tmr too! Lets promised each other after this weekend, we will continue our journey.. Are u seeing tcm?
Hey Tutu, sad to hear abt your news... but take a break and enjoy a bit first. At the same time, build up your body, yah! I am also with Dr Zou as it's nearer my place. I did accu there only when I started lucrin till ET.

KittyKatty, glad to see that you are trying your best to pick yourself up. Ya, cry till the end of today & tml is a brand new day! I told myself that when I BFN during my first try. DR Tan also could not explain why...say it could be due to many reasons.

Joanne, hope no more spotting.

Luv & babaygalore, enjoy your 2ww! Mine is ending like in another 8 hours.
Will face the truth tomorrow morning...so scared...
Fou fou, ivf success rate is 1 in 3 . Kitty katty n i have taken the negative hit. You should be the 1 in 3! Give us hopes!
Hi kitty katty & tutu, I seldom post nowadays as I m not doing anything at the moment... Just resting my body, mind n soul. Taking tcm meds n taking thyroid meds n hope towards end of this year, I'll b all ready to take my last plunge ie. 3rd fresh. Just wanna say dnt despair n keep on trying. Try to keep the faith n fight on. U will never fail if u dnt give up.... Hugs

Yo fou fou, all the best ya!
Hi kittykatty, Hugz dear! Please do not be discouraged by this experience. Take the time to tiao your body, and work towards your dream when u r more ready.

Thank God you have a wonderful husband, who is so caring and supportive!

I strongly believe that you will be able to fulfill your dreams. So please don't give up yet.

Please take gd care of yourself. GBU!
1Bb, I am with you! Just went polyclinic to take blood test for thyroid, hope everything will be fine for me. I wanna make sure I clear all doubts before embarking my final journey in ivf. Talk abt something light....your recommendation of BBQ squid n fried carrot cake were indeed very yummy yummy!
Halo Luv, so far the jabs have been quite manageable. Though Suprefact still gives me the stinging effect, hence am usually quite tense when I do that.

As for the growth hormones jab, I kinda become an expert in it after 2months plus of practice.

Am fearful of gonal f jab in june, cos the needles are bigger in

I prayed everytime when I was about to administer the jab. Thankfully, I became less tense each time after prayer.

Remember I share with you before, that I am taking guitar lessons as well? I came across a post by Believer Music that states music can increase human growth hormones.
hence, was thinking if it also constitute to my improved reading in AMH recently.

I pray that you will have a peaceful 2ww, and may you be blessed with babies of your own.
Sashamama,I have not heard from u for long time, hope you n bb are doing fine!

Cock cock, How are you? You are always on my mind. Hope u n BBs are doing fine. Pls keep us posted!
Haha bigbear! Nice rite?! Super yummy and cheap! When u will know the thyroid result? I'm sure everything will b ok for u
tutu and kittykatty, big big hugs for u... Hope by tomorrow, it's a new start ok, and no more sadness..

Kittykatty, Bfn is not necessary our fault or what we did or did not do. Just as m/c same, it could b chromosomal problems etc, could b our body telling us we are not ready, sometimes I choose to think its meant to be. When the right one, right time comes, we will b able to carry our babies healthily to full term! Look forward to that ok..
u r already very strong, seeing how u encourage others despite your sadness.. Jiayou!
For my case, about 2 wks from failed fresh cycle, I saw dr then about a wk plus later my menses came so I started my fet. So in all, I only rest for about 1month. My menses are very regular so was put on natural fet with aspirin. Thanks for your blessing! Hope to succeed this fet too...

Anything you need to know more, just ask ok.. Everyone here is very helpful and knowledgable.

Joanne, I'm sure it's just routine testing. Don't worry about it ok.. All the best to a smooth 9 months pregnancy! Jia you and rest more..

Fou Fou,all the best for your BT. Look forward to more babydusts!

Luv and baby galore, enjoy and remains stress free for your 2ww ok.. Eat well and rest rest rest... Keep positive vibes!
Woken by the rain n decided to munch a little. Wah, so many sisters post at such late hours!

Fou Fou, good luck for ur BT!

Joyfully, good to know ur jabs have been fine so far. Dun worry, the GonalF needle may b longer but it doesn't sting as much as Suprefact! It'll b fine
What's ur dosage of S n GF? Thks for ur encouragemt! You'll have good news for us soon!

BigBear, why did u suspect u have thyroid problem? Or u've had it all along? Hope ur results come back great!

I1bb, nonsense! Who says u have nothing to contribute? U are our pillar of support here.

Cas, thks! Trying to stay as stress free as possible.

Babygalore, cycle buddy, hope u r doing fine!
1iBB and Bigbear, hope both of you will recover from the thyroid problem soon. It's good that you girls are taking tcm to tiao your body in the meanwhile. Let's all jiayou together ok?

Luv, my dosage is quite high. For S, it's 50iu and gf is 450iu. How about yours?
Luvnhope, I started chart my BBT and realize at times it may go very low. Googles n find out that low body temperature may be a sign of thyroid so decided to go check it out. Another worries is my menses flow really become much much lesser n shorter
Good morning everyone, it just so nice to have this support group

1Bb - which TCM are you using? I had grave disease. T3, T4, TSH now all under controlled but still on my PTU. Im considering to see Dr Zou, does anyone know if he/she would understand grave disease and PCOs etc?

Joanne, Prosepina, MC - how is the medicine like from Dr Zou, instant or require brewing?

Kitty Katty - Is this your 1st attempt? What are you going to do next? Are you going to see Dr Loh early this week? My period hasn't come and i know it won't be til maybe end of this week. I have long luteal phase.

Fou Fou - what's the result?

Minniestar - have you decided if you are going with Ban Choon Chan?
Hi all, saw brown spotting this morning... Not a Gd sign. Went ahead with testing and the digital one indicates " not pregnant". My heart sank. Feels like destroying the screen....

Told myself I'll not cry... But when my DH says Sayang, my tears still dropped. But I will be strong, when I leave my bedroom later, I will not cry anymore!

Sorry no babydusts to share. Nurul, u will be the lucky One!

So I can stop the inserts support now, right?
Tutu & Kittykatty.. Big hugs.. Cheer up.. The one above has a plan..

Fuofuo: I'm excited for you.. Can't wait for your babydust..

Luv, how r u? Have you been religiously on the bed? Does lying on the couch for 5 hours straight count? What are the dos n donts of the 2ww?

Have a good
Joyfully, i also started off with 50iu of Suprefact then changed to 30iu when i started stimulation. I was on 225iu of Gonal-F.

BigBear, i see. Don't worry, your results may come back just fine.

BabyGalore, hahah... not really religiously on the bed. I do go abt the house but i try to walk slowly. So long as you don't exert yourself shld be fine.
Fou Fou, don't stop the inserts until after your BT is confirmed. Have more rest now, don't think about it ok.. Do your BT then from there see how it goes. Jia you.. Big hugs for you.

Baby galore, dos and donts I think mainly try not to move around too much, not lift heavy things, no cold stuff, get sufficient sleep, eat healthily if possible and keep positive!
Kittykathy and fou fou....big big hugzzz...fou fou, think u,should continue the insert till bt tml...

bigbear..i went to check my thyroid yst and the reading went up from normal range...zzz...the dr say if u always feel cold while others are feeling ok, that may be a symptom.
hope yr results are ok

i1bb...i miss yr funny post..when u starting yr 3rd fresh?

tutu...dr zou med is power form...just need to add water. she will understand pcos..no worry..

joyfully...gd luck on yr stim stg

Joanne..how yr scan?
babygalore....try to drink more water...i think it helps implantation...i am drinking non stop during my 2ww...eat more fish...
Hi sisters. my hcg reading was 3045 and doc said should be twins since can see the 2 small dots. Luckily it's a false alarm. I will fix appt to see Dr Sadhana next week to get medication till the next scan date.... Thank God!

My hb said if the doc refused to give me jab yesterday he will sure kick up a big fuss with them... Haha

Hi Foufou - do not stop support till u do your bt. You never know .....

Hi Tutu - Dr zou's medicine is in powder form. You just have to mix with warm water only....
Joanne, congrats on your super High reading! Wow, your dream has come true! Congrats once again! Feel so happy for you! Twins is gd!

Meanwhile, please take gd care of yourself!

Catching babydust from you!
Foufou, I agree with cas. Please do not stop the inserts first. Wait till BT test is confirmed. Hugs for you!

Luv, my dosage for S will also be reduced to 30iu when stim stage.
