IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dear HOPE!
See see see!!! Definitely NOT because he doesn't love you!!! In fact it is the other way round! He knows best what is good for you!!! So HAPPY for you!!! Another sister with adenomyosis succeeded under Dr Loh!!!

thanks Tickles, Ching & Angel.
i called my mom just now and delivered the news, apparently she was having the symptoms during her pregnancy also.... aiyo i was so worried, i thought the medication made my chest pain.
Hope, I agree with Angel that you shd take it easy and dont go back to work so soon.

Tickles, try again when you are ready okie. Jiayou !!!
Hope, have you told dr zou your good news too? She will be very happy for you too.

I finally told my mum last Sunday
she said she suspected it the moment she saw me on Sun and when I stopped visiting her more than a month ago. :p
Angel, i called Dr Zou too early, her DH said she not there yet :p

my mum suspected since last week too... she knew that something is hiding from me, as she cooked my favour dish last week but i didnt go wor...
HOPE! Congratulations!
hurray so happy for u!

Jeanne, congrats for your good follicles sizes. For the ER, Hubby gets to go in with you for the procedure. I also hv tilted uterus, but no big problem ;) so don,t be too worried. You will be sedated during the whole procedure. So when u wake up, it,s over.
congrats hope! u give us hope

hi jeanne,
like u, i'm also scheduled for ER on thurs & ET on sat. however my follies are not growing as well as urs
none reaching 18 and a few less than 10! abit disheartening......
Hi All.. i'm new here..

it's my first attempt in IVF.. my procedure was stopped after ER as I got OHSS and was admitted to hosp.. those 9 days in hosp is terrible.. Dr didnt go ahead with the ET and this time, i went for FET and just ended my 2ww with a BFN yest.

During this 2ww, i got bad backaches, nausea, headache on n off, breast sore, cramping and no spotting at all.. all these signs seem to b of a good sign but sigh.. my hsg blood test was supposed to be yest and itchy hand of mine went for a urine test on last fri and tested neg. Tears dropped uncontrollable after seeing the result on the hpt. Having the weekend to "cool down", i dread myself to KK yest for my BT yest. i told nurse that i have tested neg at hm, and she gave me hope that results might differ as it happens before since i got no spotting.. my 1% hope crashed badly in the afternoon.. so coincidentally, i received the ge insurance policy that was insured for my two embryos yest. seems like the whole world is reminding me of my failure.

i am a pcos patient, irregular menses, thus, i think i have v slim chance to conceive naturally. anyone of you have pcos and managed to conceive naturally? anyone knows any methods to improve success rate in the next cycle?

anyone has good news under dr tan hh? didnt follow dr loh over to thomson as scare cant afford the bill since it will be consider as private hosp..
Congrats Hope!! I wish all of us gets BFP like u!

Jeanne and Chevy, looks like u guys will be earlier than me. I need to go in for scan on thur again. But ER is most likely this sat. I am guessing ET will be monday then. My follicles are not 18mm yet too. They range from 11 to 15mm. Hopefully they grow more these few days.

mc_007, I dun know abt taking immunocal and egg white leh after ET. Tonite i can ask dr zou abt the egg white.

Cool, I am also from SGH. Any idea if hubby gets mc for ET?
Sisters, thank u for the well wishes. Am trying my best to stay positive. My DH bought urine preg test for fun last nig and told me to try. It's positive but the line is not those very clear line type. Am worried tt the hcg level is still not high yet. I pray for better hcg level tmrw.

Sashamama...thanks for sharing the beta hcg chart. That shall be my reference. Based on tt chart, I am behind compared to the average. Do u know how to boost hcg level? What can I do or eat?

Hope....congrats!!...so happy for u on the good hcg level. I think I know why dr loh doesn't look happy...he's scared tt he'll lose the bet if urs are triplets....hehhe
Hi all..
I'm on my 2nd fresh ivf, had failed my 1st tried at kkh. So now i going for the 2nd tried at private. Anyone can advice what should I take during the stimulation period. Currently I'm on day 2 menopur & saizen now. Anyone can advise wad should I eat to get good eggs.
Some mentioned taking egg white, should I start taking now or when should I take.?
Hi, someone asked where to buy immunocal other than OG. I remembered another sister mentioned before but just can't find the particular past post. I was just clearing away my empty immunocal box and found a note in it:

Can order from Fung & Goh Pharmaceutical Products Pte Ltd. Tel: 62818229. Email: [email protected]
Think got minimum order (2 boxes if I'm not wrong) and they deliver (might have to pay abit more).
Ho Lynnie,

I do have pcos. My 1st fresh is BFN but my last FET I BFP but miscarriage. Don't lost hope. It does not mean once u BFN there is no more hope. Yes agree that Pcos make us very hard to conceive naturally but mirracles do happen right. My friend a pcos patient conceive twin by taking clomid. Don't despair. Rest your body and proceed to next step. Jiayou!
Hi Shanie,
I've been TTC for abt 4yrs. my med record in KKH is so thick.. lol.. clomid dont work for me.

thus, me and hubby decided to go for ivf last yr. i purposely resigned from work last aug so that i can let my body "free of work stress" and hope that my mense can come more regularly if less stress.
Hi Blur zenn, once you start stimulation jabs, can start taking egg whites, chicken essence, LRD (longan red date drink) and folic acid. To me, these are the basics. You may also consider supplements like immunocal and conceive well gold etc. Take a look at the online spreadsheet, Dos & Don'ts:

In addition, eat healthly nutritious food like fish, veggies, fruits, and do brisk walking. Good luck!

i started TCM when I failed my first fresh in last Nov. So abt 3 mths of TCM should be ready for 2nd round. So for me, abt 3 mths already. Per Dr Zou, 5 days b4 ER, should go accupuncture daily. So this week, i am going mon, tue, thur n fri!

Thanks Cool! Was abit upset with hubby this morning. He told me sat he got to go in office while as he is the only chq signatories for his group. Haiz...

Hi, Blur Zenn, you have the same drugs as me! I am at SGH though. Based on other sisters' advices, I took 6-8 egg whites coz my tummy bloated, I also took ensure milk, 2 packets of immunocal on a daily basis. If can, I fit in some 2-3 brazil nuts. But lately, I am too full to eat those nuts and ensure milk after those scary eggs. Jiayou!!!
Wow Congrats HOPE!! I am so so happy for u!! I really HOPE i also kena BFP like u
Rest well an forget everything else and concentrate on your babies
Yippee!! Thanks for the babydust
Hi ladies,

Immunicoal also can be bought from CGH and SGH. The price is $100 per box. I bought mine from SGH.

Lynie, u still have frozen right? So can go for FET. Rest your body. I think if u go for FET Dr will put u under medicated FET. Rest and tiao ur body this few months and proceed to next step.
Posted on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - 12:00 pm:   
Thanks angelxuan for the advise. Didn't know so many thing to take. My dr never ask me to take any supplement too. I'm on folic acid and cadaprin now. What is immunocal for? Super blur on all this supplement...

Thankg usagi for the advice too, I'm with Thomson Dr Eunice Chua and CARE Angela now. I have my first failed ivf in 2009. So now going back for private. Initially I have appt with kkh, but the available date was so late. So I have decided to go for private then. Can I know you took the menopur & saizen during ur day 2 of menses right? The protocol at thomson somehow is diff from kkh.. And the jab is done during the night rather than morning.

Blur zenn, immunocal is mainly protein powder & is good for immunity. We need protein to grow our eggs especially during stimulation, our body is 'forced' to produce more eggs than normal months. Hence,it's important to up your protein intake. In addition, taking more egg whites & immunocal also helps to keep down bloating for sisters that are prone to OHSS.

As mentioned by Usagi, you can also take ensure milk and brazil nuts. In my opinion, these two are more important for 2ww as they contain selenium that is believed to help implantation.
