IVF/ICSI Support Group

Can lah! You can use a doubling calculator and estimate.

Sarah, sorri i dozed off just now. What I learned from the other forum is that dragon fruit has lots of pesticides..not sure true or not but avoid it just in case. Nowadays I also can't really find kiwi from supermarkets, think not in season..until last Sat I managed to buy Australian golden kiwi but tastes horrid & expensive, suggest don't buy that. Recent apples & grapes are very sweet & fresh, good good. Mangoes also in season now.
Thanks BBjourney.
yeah yeah i am going to tell Dr Loh that i have won the bet, so must atleast give me some discount LOL
I'm so happy for you! Congrats!! Do you think it is twins/ triplets?

Mamaleen, may your HCG keep on doubling!!

Hi Usagi, Chevy, Cas & anyone stimming now...

All the best for the upcoming ER & ET.
My main worry is whether the eggs can be fertilised successfully & have embryo to transfer, cos my DH have only 2% normal sperms.

Chevy, which clinic do you go to?

I am getting tired of eating soft boiled egg whites now. I tried another method of making them, separating the egg whites, then adding to nestum cereal plus add hot water. Looks quite gross, but tastes better, since i'm sick of the egg white taste.
Cool buddy, i feel u, coz i also have jittery feelings now. Maybe turn on some soothing music, read a book or watch tv dramas to distract your mind?

Hope, I was at dr Zou there earlier to show her my rash spots. She mentioned abt lady with chest pain symptoms n bfp. So I knew was u
Wenwen, yes, that's me.
i called her at 10am to deliver the news, she was quite shocked too that Dr Loh allows D12 BT...
i told her my chest pain started from D10 and email to Dr Loh the same day, and the he asked me to see him on monday urgently

she is very happy, and i will be visiting Dr Zou on sat
Where do you buy immunocal? It is to be taken during 2ww also?

May I know if anyone has tried pineapple core to improve implantation? I have read it somewhere...
Yup, she is very happy for u. I feel her really sincere as i get to know her longer. She is the initially abit stern then slowly warm up type.

Can buy immunocal from OG (card members have 5% rebate), SGH and CGH.

Can also order from the distributor directly: Fung & Goh Pharmaceutical Products Pte Ltd. Tel: 62818229. Email: [email protected]
Min order 2 boxes and they deliver (no delivery charge but might cost abit more).
Jeanne, can also take immunocal during 2ww especially if got bloating. I heard that some sisters start immunocal before actual 'cycling' to boost immunity.
Hope, what time do you intend to visit Dr Zou on Sat? She is super busy on half days and I am not sure what time will be appropriate..been thinking of thanking her personally too.

Wenwen, yes totally agree Dr Zou is very sincere. I can also feel that she really cares for us during our struggles to conceive and no matter good or bad news.
Thanks AngelXuan!

Hi Hope,
Dr Loh told me before he delivered 18 sets of triplets in 2008. But nowadays, MOH encourage to transfer 1-2 embies, so it is more rare. If it is true that you strike, yours could be one of the few this year!
Hi Luv, just spotted your question. I didn't try how immunocal tastes like in it's original form, it all depends on what you mixed it in.
hi jeanne,

let's hope for the best!

i'm with kkh.
although i just started on the whites, ya, it does get quite gross isn't it? heheheeee..... it's softboiled with pepper n soy sauce for me.

hi cool,
thanks! and all the best to you 2!
Luv, I mixed it in yakult. Don't try to mix it in fruit juice, heard that taste horrible. Remembered that some sisters mentioned they mixed it in milo. Accordingly to a sister that posted a detailed info about immunocal in one of the past threads, note that cannot mix in hot drink as immunocal is heat sensitive and also not advisable to mix with milk.
Angel, i wanna be at Dr Zou's place after my BT ler... Am i suppose to wait for the BT then being back to TFC har?
So, by 11am i should be there ba....
Luv, I took it before breakfast as the instruction says it's best taken in the morning on empty stomach. I didn't take tcm herbs during last fresh. Don't think you can take together with herbs as herbs are taken warm right? Heat will spoil the immunocal. As for other vitamins, maybe you can take after breakfast or other meals.
Hope, you don't have to wait in the clinic for BT result. Presume you are going directly to TMC lab early for BT? If yes, result should be available in about 1.5 hrs time based on BBjourney's experience. Once TFC has your result, they will call you and ask you to go back to TFC to collect your supports for the next "2ww" before heartbeat(s) scan.
Cool, I'm also with Dr. Yu. She was recommended to me by my gynae...

Hope, you must be really excited then. Please take very good care of yourself.
Hi Jeanne
I been reading some of your post I just went to ER today
After 2 hours I just wake up normally nothing much but now I feel a bit of discomfort , however hope to rest well and , looking fiorward good news from lap tomorrow

Your post been a lot useful to me since our ivf very close my ET will be either thu or fri .
hey jeanne,
true..... hesitating bw private & gov. finally decided on the latter. Now waiting for my pregnyl jab. can only administer at 9.30 wo..... Had urs yet?
 Luv, infor on IMMUNOCAL
 “food for your immune system” and ideally should be eaten on an empty stomach, so first thing in the morning works well for most people.  It is absorbed through the lining of the stomach; goes into the intestines; then into the blood stream.  This is where the precursors that help your body make more glutathione are delivered to all the cells.  Having a meal in the stomach interrupts this process.  You can eat a meal 30-45 minutes after taking IMMUNOCAL.  If you need to take IMMUNOCAL later in the day (some people take a second dose before bedtime), make sure your stomach is mostly empty.  As long as you haven't eaten anything for about 3 hours, there's probably not much food left in the stomach.  It is best not to mix IMMUNOCAL with milk or another protein source, because taking it with another protein could possibly inhibit the absorption of this specially processed whey protein isolate.
IMMUNOCAL is most effective when prepared in water or juice (2-4 ounces of liquid per packet is advised; you can adjust the desired consistency; it is perfectly OK to take 2 or 3 packets at one time).  If you use water, then fresh (not tap) is recommended.  Some stores carry a brand of bottled water called PROPEL, which has a natural sweetener added to it.  Or, you can use regular bottled water and sweeten it with just a few drops of liquid STEVIA (this is a naturally sweet herb you can buy at a health food store; it is also available in powdered form).  Keep in mind you do not need to add any sweetener to your fresh water unless you prefer it that way.
FYI:  The 2 juices you should not mix with IMMUNOCAL are cranberry (or a cranberry blend) and pineapple (cranberry is too acidic and pineapple has enzymes).  Both juices destroy the bioactivity, which is very fragile.  All other juices are OK, including orange juice and other citrus.  (Please note:  If you are taking enzymes to help with a pre-existing digestive problem, do not take them at the same time as IMMUNOCAL.  Wait at least 1 hour before taking your enzymes.)  Drink your prepared IMMUNOCAL within 30 minutes.  If you leave it sitting around longer, the bioactivity is destroyed, which renders IMMUNOCAL ineffective.
Heat also destroys the bioactivity, so never mix IMMUNOCAL in a household blender or anything with metal blades because the high speed creates heat.  Never use any liquid warmer than room temperature.  Do not drink a hot liquid, like coffee or tea, immediately before or after consuming IMMUNOCAL.  It is not recommended to leave the boxes or individual packets sitting in the hot sun, or in the heat of a car.
Hi Koirc
I am on Dr Jin ( for ivf booster ) , also wondering if I should do it , dr Jin said she will do it bofore and after ET
I just done ER today so ET will be another 2 days

How about you ? Hope everything go well.
Congrats Hope! Happy for u! Did Dr Loh ET 3 embbies? I thought normal procedure is 2 max? Also did I read that you had adenomyosis? In fact, I just discover this recently (tho KKH seems to have record but didn't tell me
I was in quite a lot of pain so did another scan last Nov while working in Jap). I also have tilted uterus. How does adenomyosis complicate pregnancy or IVF? I am quite discouraged cos on top of these, there is also male factor. We have not started IVF as i am still in jap but gynae say with adenomyosis will have "more side effects" then I lagi more sian.

Sorry if this question seems dumb but is TCM a must with IVF? I am ok to take herbs but i do not want acupuncture. Honestly, I think abt the jabs and side effects, I am so scared. Actually, we were under Dr Loh at KKH abt 3yrs back and when first told that we have to take IVF-ICSI news (he was totally unconcerned at that point to me that broke my heart!), I was so shocked and sad and didn't proceed.. Now he went TFC
does anyone know the cost of doing IVF w ICSI at TFC?

Thanks Sugary.. I am not sure I can take LRD as my body is "Liang".
Hi pancake,
Oh yes, I remember reading your post that you have ER today. Hope that your discomfort will ease soon! Oh I did not know that the next day we will get call from lab. Is it to update about the status, like how many embryo?
Hi Chris,

I am doing IVF with ICSI at TFC under dr Loh, but i have not calculated the cost yet... I can tell you after Saturday.

I think it will vary also depending on how much medication you need.
Bigbear! *wave wave* thanks for ur detailed info on immunococal! Wah, so many things to take note of. How ya been? R u planning for next cycle liao or resting for now?
Koirc, I think Dr Yu is very experience. And the ER and ET which she did for me were both very smooth and painless, i would say :p Maybe because in Govt hospital, they get to do it over and over for so many times, so very experience ;) So no worries, you are in good hands!

Chris, I thought LRD and ginger tea are very good for people with "Liang" body. You can try with some amount first and see how your body respond.
Hi Jeanne
I have total is 18 eggs but 15 eggs useable , yes My doctor told me that lap will call me maybe the because I am with private hospital not at KKH
however good luck to you and a lll the best
Hi Jeanne, 真是谢谢. It will help us decide better. In many ways, I cant wait to come back home now. What are the factors that determine how much medication to take?

Cool, I dont know leh.. I drink ginger tea also can heaty leh. I drink hot chocolate also can heaty leh
Hi Pancake,
Congrats on having a good number of eggs!
Last year I also tried acupuncture under Dr Jin, under the General Fertility packages", and we try naturally.i find that Dr Jin is good, and during the treatment, my BTT charts showed the healthy pattern. But was discouraged after 4 mths there was no pregnancy and it was expensive, so went for more check-ups...

Then realized that my DH sperm is only 2-3% normal shape, though the number of sperm is high and the motility can pass. Strangely Dr Loh felt that morphology is not that important. He said that he has patient with zero normal morphology that got the wife pregnant, in between ivf cycles.

But after another few months passed with TCM, and then 2 failed IUI, decided to go for IVF with ICSI, cos i read that abnormal shape sperm cannot penetrate the egg, even if you put them side by side. But I have stopped taking TCM, cos when i asked Dr Loh about it, he advise me not to.
Hi Chris,

The expensive medicine is the one that contains FSH to make the eggs grow. There are a few brands, for example, Puregon or Gonal-F. For Gonal-F, I paid about $2500 for one week supply.

The dose will depend on your ovaries size and blood test results. If your ovaries are smaller, means you have fewer eggs, then you will be given a higher dose. If your blood test result is also a gauge of how many eggs you have left.

So the doctor will determine your dose based on this. Also, during the treatment, you will be scanned and monitor the growth of the eggs. The dose may also be increased during this time if the growth is too slow, or decreased if the growth is too much. And some people will inject only 10 days, and their follicles are big enough, while other people may inject for 14 days or more.
Hi Jeanne
Thank you for sharing with me , my worry is Doctor said my lining is quite low like 4 , which is my doctor maybe postpone the ET to next cycle But i hope to get it done in one shot
This is my first time IVF so i am not sure what 's going on and what to do
and I was miscarriage last year which we conceive by natural , my heart broke when i knew it but now i am ok just think that if baby can't be with me then just let them go.
so now just pray that everything will be ok and also pray for you too

Jeanne, thanks for explaining. I keep thinking that the injection will last over a month.

Pancake, sorry to hear abt the mc. Jia you on your current IVF.
