IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thank u, Mc_007. Just finish my injection. Really wish I can ER soon as I am getting scare of the needles pokes. Just had black chicken soup with the ready pack soup pack. I asked Dr Zou, she said ok to take b4 ET. Dunno is it drink le, feeling heaty, so on the aircon to poke myself.

Today is my cd3. Initially I planned to see dr.tan siew buoy, but the earliest slot is 2ww later. So, I decided to see dr.zhao lo.... Ur menses clear oredi? I think which TCM to go is depends on our comfortability with them ba
Usagi..its going to ER day at the blink of you eyes.. :) Do we still eat egg white and drink immouncal after ER?

Dr Zou are so super busy nowadays.. she told me still a lot of ppl rushing for dragon baby..lol
Haro Ching hi hi eskimobaby! Heee.. Glad to hear from u gals

Ching, can I know how much u spend on zhao's meds n is it for a week?
Thanks Hope, mc and luv.

It took me sometime of reading to get used to some of the terms written here

Mc, thanks for encouraging.. I am still hoping that I don't need to go through this :E

Luv, I know what u mean.. Its a huge step
Ching: I consulted DR Tan siew bouy today. Her appt is very packed. I just call to take appt first. Then tried to call them to check any cancellation. Got not time to call, then can ask the staff to help to monitor. Evening time is very very packed.
Chris: u can start with LRD first. Then see how Ur body take it. Try very other day. LRD is very heaty. It helps to build up the womb lining.
Thanks for the tips! Since I hv consulted dr.zhao today, will just try out her meds and see how it goes

U 1st time seeing dr.tan today? Did she request u to do charting?
Hi Usagi,
All the best for your scan tomorrow!

Thanks for your wishes.
My follicles seem to be growing at different rates. If i remember correctly, about 2 are 19mm, 3 are 18mm, 2 are 16mm, one 14mm, one 13mm, and one 12 mm and one 10mm. Really wonder how many follies will be matured and how many eggs can get from here.

Also my lining is 10mm, but on friday it was 11m... (it got thinner?) seems a bit strange.

Anyway, I try not to analyze too much cos can't do anything about that & only end up worrying. Since Dr say thurs can proceed, quite happy! Yay! Today I had my last stim injection, and tomorrow going for ovidrel injection.

Hi Cas & Chevy...
Have you found out when your ER will be yet?

Feel quite excited yet anxious at the same time...
Yes very heaty if u drink it dailyz. Only for confinement , not a problem. But if u gals Wana drink, don't take it daily, super heaty. End up sick not good too. Agar agar
Ladies hv been drinking LRD everyday bt 1 glass onie. Hw u wana noe whether ur body can take e heatiness? I gt no react to it. Shuld i increase e intake or?
I was spotting since day 11 n continue to spot even after I stopped the support on thur. Then yesterday then full flow so I'm afraid my menses is haywire n lining not very good. I also think I wanna take these few months to lose some weight. Dr zhao did mention that pcos not easy to lose weight but said acupuncture can help to lose wt also but she's not cheap lor. I spend like 900 bucks for that 1 month of acupuncture that I did during fet.
Thanks jonjonbear mamaleen & cool for your replies.
Just asking for DH's sake... don't know if he should hang around, go for lunch first or wait for me to eat together. So i suppose it really depends whether I have pain after the procedure and need to rest. I have a tilted uterus... a bit worried whether it will make it more painful, cos Dr Loh often have hard time to find my ovaries!

Hi Jonjonbear,
Hope your DH is coming back soon.. you must be missing him a lot! Cheer up and try to get him on skype or phone! With the extra supports, I'm sure you'll be fine. Stay positive and your embies will feel the positive energy!
Sore throat , feverish, hot flushes, constipated,Nose bleed etc

Perhaps Ur 'dosage' not high on that glass hehe. Put more longan and drink 2 glasses day n nite and try. If u can take it's gd.
Ya Ching. Almost same as mine. Wah, how come your meds also so much ah? I got almost more than 10 diff sachets of meds to mix into half a cup a day. She asked u to chart bbt ah? She didn't ask me to chart leh...

Eskimobaby, ya man! She's not cheap lor. I cnt afford to go her accu + meds. Can die. So I only opt her meds nia.
Wah 4 glasses per day? Mayb 1 start 2 glasses tomorrow and slowly increase my intake. Thanks Sugary. But eversince i have LRD i can hv a good nite sleep.
i1bb & Eskimobaby,
No la, she din ask me to do charting la... Just check on my med, total of 16 sachets wor, a lot hor! Mine is to mix in a cup then drink half in the morning & the other half at night.
Ya, she's very expensive! Very shiong
But I do feel that her accu is very good. For this time being, I will just take her med 1st. Will only go for her accu again once I decide when to do FET ba...
Ching, same lah! I think I got same amt of sachets as u! Same lor I oso think I'll only go back to her for accu when I do my third fresh.
Thought my cough has gone but Sunday morning took a bit of chilli and night took chocolate, oops... cough immediately after taking those. Even yesterday, my first cough was at my TCM Dr's place. I need to refrain myself from taking the food I can't take to recover from my cough. I'm advised not to take LRD for now until I'm fully recovered. I would need to drink Luo Han Guo later if the cough come back.

Mama Leen, congratulations. Be positive.
Dear Mama Leen,
Do bookmark this page. Especially useful for new pregnancies. I stared at the data there everyday when i was panicking then. http://www.betabase.info/showBasicChart.php?type=Single Let me know if u don't understand the charts. There's average and highest and lowest recorded HCG levels that led to successful pregnancies and also a doubling time calculator that helps you estimate how much your HCG should double every 2 days. Hope it helps!

Dear Chris,
Welcome!!! We're all strong women! We will survive the jabs and the roller coaster rides!!! I went thru 100 jabs for 2 IVF cycles and am now 20 weeks pregnant (though i'm high-risk la). I can't even remember the pain of any jab, lol.

Dear HOPE,
Hang in there and hopefully your discomfort will go away soon!!!
Luvnhope, tks. Mayb I will inform the nurse later as I sometime ovulate around d13.

Shainie, then we same same... Jiayou and we will success this time round. I dunno what else to eat to improve my lining other than red bean soup? I did drink LRD also.
Sarah, last FET which I pregnant thru it, I do take LRD, chicken essence alternate day, conceive well gold, multi vtmin, fish oil and immunicoal.This time around also the same. oh ya plus the red bean soup which I only take once few days b4 my scan.

Jiayou and stay positive. The mind also play big part in this journey.

My worries in this FET is only about my embbies. Are they going to make it during thawing process. I only left with 2.
Nurul, for LRD depends on ur body. Some people can take it many cups but others maybe only a cup. So when u feel it to heaty then need to reduce.
Morning ladies, congrats to Mamaleen! As Sashamama has said, ur HCG will continue to double nice nice and produce a gd result in ur blood test tmr! Rest well n enjoy the pregnancy!

Chrisl, I see. Once AF comes, u r getting closer to ur FET and baby goal!

JoynFaith, so happy to know tt my nick casted a deep impression on u cos I seldom post. :p

Tickles, gd to know tt u r staying positive and tiaoing ur body to try again. Our perseverance will pay off one day!
Thanks Ching. i am feeling very good today.

actually, sisters, i have left out some details when i met Dr Loh yesterday; but i would like to update all of you now

as i beg Dr Loh for more supports yesterday, he kept on said No! No! No! then i keep on and on my chest painful and i dun feel secure without HcG, but he still said NO! then he told me that "i want you to do pregnancy test today" i got so shocked, i said can meh? me only D12 ler ( in my heart i was thinking, game over lor, i must have upset him alot so he sending me to do early BT and once the result come back i can bye2 to him liao

so actually i have my BT (D12) yesterday wor...

TFC Nurse Shamseah called me 830am this morning.
i am BFP with reading 90
Wah Congrats Hope!!!! So happy for u! U better take good care of urself. Rest well n eat well( no laksa) but healthy food ya. Grabbing ur baby dust.
Hopes, Congratulations!!! U see u see, Dr Loh knows something is going on thats why he asked you to do early BT, otherwise I dont think he will do that. That is also why he said you have enough support mah.... Pls dont think that he does not love you anymore okie. Do you need to go down to take meds for pregnancy support? Be extra careful okie. I am so happy for you.
Thanks Nurul & BBjourney,
at first i really thought i am game over liao... bcos he's not smilling and like not listening to me when he said No! No! No! to me... and scan me half way only then stop the scanning ler... really thought he wanted to send me off early....

Nurse said my supports is enought no need to get extra now; i will still need to have my BT on saturday to have my actual D17 reading.

thanks you all

Babydusts to all sisters
Shainie, I also left with 2 embbies. that y i keep worry this and that... worry whether will I ovulate normally... worry whether my embbies will survive the thaw. Have to relax I think... if not even if the embbies survive nicely, we dun have a good "environment" for the embbies.
Hello Nurul, I am fine, only feeling tired and nausea. My next scan is this friday. Dont over-do on the LRD coz if too heaty will fall sick.
Hi Ladies,
Thanks for all the comforting words. My af reported since yday after my BT. Came on off. My BT reading is only 1.3. So def is a BFN. Now waiting for the AF to come full force.

HOPE, Congrats! Grabs your babydust!

Congrats too. Your HCG results will go up up up tml..
Good to hear u r fine. Dont forget to update us ya. Angel so quiet these days. U take care ya. Dont exert urself. Wil do. Thanks for ur kind thoughts.
Chocolate, natural FET no medicine taken. Only monitor your ovulation. Medicated FET have to take medicine. If u have irregular menses normally Dr will ask u to do medicated FET.

Hope, congrats! I am very happy for you! From your symptoms, I know you will bfp!
I hope you are still resting at home this week, don't go back to work so fast ok?

Mamaleen, congrats too! Rest as much as possible & stay happy, may your hcg doubles nicely.

Tickles, big hugs.. jia you wor!
