IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Hope, each individual reacts different to meds, symptoms affecting one person may not for the another. So dun worry too much abt it. I m just an isolated case. Actually this morning I still took dr Zou's meds but I space out even further from the cyclogest like 5hrs apart. So far the rash did not come back.

Hey sisters,

Haven't been to this forum for a while. I am on my 2nd fresh cycle. Just did ET on Sat.

Wanted to check with those who did acupuncture for IVF. Is it ok to do it after ET? My acupuncturist asked me to go back.

I don't know if because of past experience, I am not as kan cheong now. Am just resting today and going back to work tmrw. I know I am crazy but no one at work knows i am doing IVF. So I'd rather keep it low profile.
elevate yourself while lying down... stack 2 pillows.... if dr loh said there's nothing wrong with your ovaries means u are suffering the side effects from your support medicine... so he shouldn't give u more than necessary...

i did acupuncture after my fet and my tcm doc say it's to improve the blood circulation esp around the womb to make it more conducive for the embies to remain in...

it's good that no one knows and u don't have to answer questions or feel stressed out by their concern (whether genuine or not). but do be careful and dun over exert yourself...
Thanks Eskimobaby. thanks for the tip, will try it tonight. i guess my DH might have to sleep somewhere esle until the confirmation ba...
Thanks eskimobaby. I was concern about the acupuncture cos the embryologist asked me not to do anything to disturb my tummy so I dunno if can do acupuncture. But nurse says if acupuncturist knows i'm doing IVF it's ok. So better check first... But my acupuncturist asked me to go back alternate days from tmrw for another 3 sessions leh.
Hugs... Try again when u r ready, ok? Let's jia you together!

Make sure u bedrest for this two days & may ur hcg raise high high on Wed!

Since ur ovaries are not swollen which oredi rule out the
possibility of ohss, then very high chance is becoz of ur triplets inside oredi

Welcome to 2ww!
I see. It's the first time I'm doing acu for IVF. Didn't do it the last two rounds. Hope all is good. *fingers crossed*
Koric -only go for acupuncture if it helps u relax and relieve stress. If u find that doing acupuncture makes u more tense, then better not. Stress free environment impt.
Dear HOPE,
Definitely it is not because Dr loh dislikes you that's why he doesn't give you additional supports, like what he said and you saw for your tests yourself that you have sufficient support. Anything over is never good. Despite my bad history and bad state of womb and him thinking me getting preggie is a miracle, I only had duphaston and folic acid, no inserts, no jabs etc. I don't think your pains are caused by lack of support, in fact, it might be too many supports, thus it makes sense to me that he doesn't give you more. Hope this makes some sense to you too? Hehe...

Like I mentioned previously, I had such bad backaches and also breathlessness that I called the clinic to seek advice and emailed him an ultra long email about me (scared he has forgotten my case) and my unusual pains. His reply was "can take panadol". 3 words. At first I was also like %$^#$%%^$&, but later then I realised he was right, i can simply take panadol to ease the pain and do not need to do anything else. I wanted to go A&E even. End up i didn't and i just tahan and the pain went away after a few days.

He is simply straightforward about things, which is what I like about him. And he is also very experienced and has seen almost all types of cases before so I can trust him when he tells me something, and I also don't over worry when he doesn't tell me any bad news. Cos if there's bad news, he'd surely tell and not hide.

Sorry I went on and on, just wanna share my experience and thoughts about having him as my gynae

Dear Mamaleen,
Pls rest well and not exert yourself!!! I had low HCG when i was first pregnant. I compared my reading with all our sisters and info I read on the net and saw that mine was on the lower end. It was 167.5 at 17 days past transfer for a 2 day old embbie. I was happy and yet so sad, thinking baby won't make it. But luckily enough, baby made it at 411.4 2 days later. You are even earlier than me so it is likely that yours is a feasible pregnancy. At first I thought baby is gonna have a problem growing since HCG started so little and so late. End up now my baby's legs are longer than average and tummy & head circumference are bigger than average too! lol.

Don't slacken or lose hopes ya? Stay positive! Jiayou!!!!!
Hey whitetiger, how are you?

Thanks for the advice. I guess that's why I'm going back to work. I get even more stressed out being at home thinking about work. Hahaha...
Hi Sarah ttc,

U can take the red bean soup after your menses. R U preparing for fresh or frozen ET?

Mama_leen, do have fully bed rest. Dont walk too much. This is to avoid futher bleeding and to stop the spotting. Hopefully going well with you.

Yes progynova for 10 days for medicated FET follow by scan. Day1 to day5 4mg daily (2tab), day6 to day10 6mg daily (3tab). If the scan on day 11 ur lining more than 8mm Dr will tell you when to do ET if not go for another scan.
mmh for my ER, the actual procedure is about 15-20mins. Was on sedation, slept for about an hour after that. Was ok after that. Not sleepy
Hi cool, so it means you slept in the operating theatre for an hour, before you went home? will the nurses wake you up after a certain time, or they allow you to rest until you naturally wake up?
Thanks sahsamama.

If my pulling is super bad tonight, i think i will take panadol ba... Really need some sleep tonight.... It has been 3 nights same time that my lower chest has bad pulling
Dear sisters, I went for my progesterone blood test this morning and found out my progesterone is not at the ideal level. Therefore, they add in dydrogesterone for me.... Sigh..... I'm really really worry the 2 embbies inside me leh....
wat can I do now??? Im so sad too as DH still oversea....
Dun be sad. Since the doctor has already increase your supports.
You might wanna try double boiled black chicken essess everyday? You got drink ensure milk?
Jeanne, for my ER at KKH, I was in the operation theater for about 50mins (coz was waiting for my doc for 30 mins). After that, I was resting at the resting area for bout 2hrs, then went home. I continue slept for 1 hr, coz it's quite painful at my lower abdomen after my ER.
Thank u sisters for keeping me encouraged. I'm trying to minimize walking ard n I'm trying to remain positive.

Sashamama....thank u for sharing ur experience. Hmm, if mine is a day-4 transfer after ER (8th march), how do I count which week I am in? My embryos weren't growing as fast as they shld be at day 4. What shld be the ideal hcg level?
HOPE, I drink bottle chicken essence once every 2 days. I also take conceive well gold , brazil nut, walnut, immonocal, folic acid everyday. I just bought a small can of ensure strawberry milk to try today. Will tat help?
Jeanne....mine was at mt e....I was in OT for ard 45 mins I think...hehe...after tt, I was brought to the day ward to rest. I think I rested for more than 3 hrs cos for 2 hrs after ER, I had bad cramping tt I cldn't even sleep. After tt, I was fine and I ate the soup, milo and bread...and chitchat with my sis for an hr. In the end, I got bored and asked the nurse whether I can go home already. They checked with my doctor and since everythg was ok, I got to go back. I think they'll see ur condition; once u r fine, u can go back.

Jonjonbear....dun worry n stress ya. You've been given support so hopefully, all will be well.
Jonjonbear, on top of what you have, i double boiled black chicken, LRD, and old ginger + black sugar everyday + doctor supports; i also take Dr Zou med everyday.
Shainie, when u start the cycle? Me today 1st day menses. Hope Everything will be ok. This is my 4th transfer. Hope can success this time round.
Sarah, we are cycle buddy. I start my progynova 2morrow. Scan on the 7th April. I remember u in last year threads. This is my 2nd FET. Rest very long after my MC last year.
Shainie, I also remember u... Actually I prefer med fet but dr tan 1 me to try natural fet as I did fail for med fet last time. My 1st scan is 4th April. How come ur 1st scan is 7th ? It is which cd? Which clinic n dr u r with?
Hope..glad to know that you are ok.. hang on there..you can win the bet with Dr Loh..

Mama Leen.. rest more..

Usagi..gd luck to scan tml..
Haro i1bb!!
How are you? I went to see dr.zhao today. She prescribed some med for me... Will be going back to see her again next week.

Cock cock,
How are you? I read abt ur Oscar scan... Pls go for 2nd opinion and do other tests as suggested by other sisters! Stay strong!
Dear all,

I'm in the midst of my 2nd fresh cycle of IVF. Was thinking to cater those confinement tingkat during 2ww from Chilli Padi catering as hubby will need to travel on the 2nd week. Have anyone of you tried and do your think its a wise choice?
Jeanne, yap, I slept in the procedure room for an hour. I think the nurse didn't call me. I woke up by myself. Actually I think Dr Yu is quite skillful. I hv not cramp non pain after the ER.

I have been spending hours reading and learning from all of you.. I am trying to catch up with the threads.. *pant* .. It's really quite trying. We were told by Dr Loh to do IVF at least 3 yra back but we didn't quite get to it (mainly male factor).. Maybe the shock and so many question marks popping in.. I am quite fearful of the jabs and side effects. You ladies really quite amazed me. I am trying to gear myself for this; I think it takes a lot of courage and perseverance. I am hoping to rub on some courage by in a community like this.

I have a question at this point: Hope, what's "LRD"?
u went to see dr zhao after your menses clears? i'm thinking whether i should go see her or should i go see ban choon chan... but i'm abit lazy to go ban choon chan and his queue is horrendous plus his medicine need to brew.... but i took his medicine before... it helped to regulate my menses....
Chris, I was like u. Procrastinated for 2yrs plus b4 taking the IVF route. Wish I had started earlier!
LRD is Longan Red Date drink. Supposed to warm the womb.

12bhappy, think confinement dishes r too heaty for 2ww. But I'm also contemplating tingkat service in May or June. Anyone has recommendations?
