IVF/ICSI Support Group

Chrisl....thank u!
will be gg off soon for the BT....it's like getting national exams results...hehheh

Tickles....all the best!
mine's at 9am....results at 11am....

Mamaleen and Tickles,
All the best to your BTs.

Dear all,
I had mucus like discharge this morning leh. Is this normal during stimulation? Thanks.
Hope, I was trying to rest more during the weekend before i start work today. I read that you are bloated and breathless. Did you suddenly put on weight too? If yes, may be OHSS. Good that you are seeing Dr Loh later. Dr Loh will do a scan to check your ovaries to see if they are swelling and also to check your lung. Are you already on duphaston? If no, I think he will give you that for support. Dont worry too much okie. Most importantly is to rest.
Thanks BBjourney....
i am not sure whether i put on weight or not... but i have hard time to fit into my pant this morning ( more breathless...)
what worried me most is my lower chest pain (pulling very badly); i think that's cause my breathless..
加油 Tickles n Mama Leen. Awaiting good news a the forum!

Any sister know is it normal to have discharge through the 2ww too? I hv been having discharge after ER.
Hope, is your stomach v bloated, round n hard? When I had OHSS, my stomach was v bloated, round and hard that made me very breathless. My stomach is so BIG until my hubby said i look like 5 mths preggy and even Dr Loh exclaimed "Huwah so big!!" when he saw me. :p

Your hubby going with you today? If hubby not going with you, take taxi. Walk v slow okie. Buy Gatrode to drink and also up your immunocal.
Hi ladies,

Super busy at work, didnt have time to log in here. Seems like not many ladies doing IVF this cycle, any cycle buddies? I went to Dr Zou on last wed for my first accupunture with her, i felt she is very firm with her accu comparing to thsoe i went before but i felt she is abit 'Chor Lor' hahha.. think im not use to it. She says im abit late for my accu cos its the Day 11 of my lucin when i see her, she asked to go 2x a week once i start my stims, did u all go for 2x a week?

Last Sat i went to KKIVF to do the blood test and ultrascan, everything is fine so i proceed with the puregon. Today is the day 3 of the puregon jab.. im getting headaches, giddy, sometimes nauseous. About excercise, i did ask the nurse, she advise me not to go hot yoga but normal walking is fine.

A few questions to ask.. pai seh.. so many qns..
For the egg whites, how many to eat?
1) Im eating 4 egg white now, need to increase?
2) As for Immunocal, where to get it and when to start drinking?
3) Im drinking Ensure milk now everyday, is 4 scoops enough or should i follow the instructions to have 6 scoops?
4) How about chicken essence? Start to drink now, everyday?
No good news from me. Urine test shows negative. Bt results will be at abt 2pm but I dun think got chance. Nvm, try again next time ba.
Dear Shainie,

Thanks. I was worried that I would waste this cycle coz my medication so expensive. Phew.

Dear Tickles, hugs. JY! We will all succeed 1 day.
Also want to share a true experience about negative preg test. When my mother was expecting me, she had missed periods for 3 months & visited dr a few times but urine pregnancy tests at dr clinic all show negative. She also had headaches and thought something was very wrong with her. Only in the 4th month she went to gynae and took a blood test and found she was 4 mth pregnant! in the first month of pregnancy she also had bleeding. cling on to the hope until the end.
Dear sisters, my BT came back positive with 58 units but but but my doctor told me not to be too happy yet because she said it's not stable esp since I still have brown spotting today. I was given a jab on the thigh just now and gotta do another BT on Wed to see whether my hcg levels doubles. My doc said it's only a 40-60% chance my pregnancy continues. For now, I still gotta continue with my bed rest.

I wanna ask....does Ovidrel jabs and progesterone inserts affect hcg levels and give false negative? I just had my Ovidrel jab on thurs morning....
Tickles, urine test may not be a gd indicator of pregnancy. Please wait for your BT. Don't lose hope yet.

Mamaleen, congrats on the positive results. Meanwhile, please rest more and minimize walking. Continue to take all the bu stuff too. Hope everything goes well and awaiting your bfp news on wed!
Aiyo! U shouldn't have eaten ice cream Yday. Bedrest these 2 days k. Mine is total gone case cuz my af came already. But I'm ok la. Can always try again when I'm ready. Drink warm water n eat well k. U can do it! Jia you! Send me baby dust k.
Sugary....my ET was on 12th march....it's 14 days post ET...

Joyfully...thank u...but need a lot of good luck and prayers from all for continued positive results...
just came back from TFC.
i think Dr Loh hates me, after scanning he said my ovaries is fine and found no swollen or over stimulation, he dont ever want to scan my lung wor... he said everything okay wat..
then i asked for more supports, stince i cannot have HCG, he said cannot! he said i already have enough supports as my p test is over 150...
Tickles.....yea, I felt guilty eating ice-cream last night. I will try my very best but I'm still so worried cos it's not stable and my doc has got tt sad face, the unconvinced face. Even my DH said he's not convinced but well, I shall not stop trying for the best and praying for the best. Given the opportunity, I wanna share baby dusts to all. Meanwhile, Tickles, u keep on jiayou-ing ya...let ur body rest and get on the journey again when u r ready.... *hugs*
Hope, opps, i shd hv been more specific, for lung, Dr Loh does not scan, he "knock knock" my chest and my back to feel if there is any water retention there or not. Please dont think he hates you. What meds do you have now?

Mamaleen, you are considered pregnant now. Please take care and dont walk too much since you hv spotting. Drink chicken essence and talk to babies to hold tight tight to mummy.
Tickles...hug hug.

Mama Leen, hug hug too! Yes, like what babyjourney said, you are pregnant! Eat well and rest well.

HOPE, good to hear that all is well. So haha maybe all the symptoms because it's triple!!:p heeehee.. Don't think that Dr don't love you. They know what's best. For me, my only support is Duphaston 10mg, 3 times a day. That's all!! no injections, no inserts.... Well, doctor know better. ;)
Tickles, hugzzz! Sorry to hear that. You have done your very best. Though the result may not turn out the way you desire, I am sure God knows what you are going through and He will bless you with your very own little one when the time is right! So please press on, and jiayou together! GBU!

Mamaleen, I will have you in my prayer list and pray that God will bless you with a smooth pregnancy, and to deliver your BB at full term, with both mummy and BB all healthy. GBU too!
he never knocked also wor...
i only left with Folic acid, progyonava, cardiprin and the night insert....

Mamaleen, there's still hope, your embryo is doin his/her best to cling on so u must rest n eat well these few days. Whenever u feel fear, pray or chant to ask for strength to go though this phase.
Cool & 2ww sisters,

Doc & Nurses said if your urine is fine (not yellowist type), and pulling sensation at the lower chest area (slight below our breasts); these are one of the BFP symptoms.
please be more alerted ya

i think for my case, i must have eat too much laksa wor...
Mama leen

day14 after ET, hcg could still be low..furthermore got spotting...best to bed rest for a few days..bedrest as in really lying down on bed..only walk when neccessary..it helps alot..
Hi Hope, i guess your chances r high as dr loh ruled out ohss. Continue to jia you!!

Actually yesterday evening I had some itchy rashes all over my thighs. Went KK 24hr clinic n dr gave me symptomatic treatment of oral med n calamine. He said could b interaction betw chinese med n cyclogest. But I have been taking like for so many days n always more than 2 hrs apart. I asked if will affect implantation, he could not give a direct answer. Just pray everything is fine with my embbies.
Hope, oic. Maybe Dr Loh saw that your ovaries are not swollen, so no need to "knock" u liao. As for the additional support, maybe you really have enough support thats why Dr Loh did not give you more. You may want to double boil the chicken essence to drink everyday until your BT this saturday. Hv some porridge or fish soup for your meals. Jiayou!!!
Hi Hope,
Glad to know that everything is fine according to the scan! Dr Loh's manners also make me feel unimportant. The past few consults, he was busy talking on phone for at least 5 to 10mins before he turn to me. Once, he was ordering office chairs, another time its about photocopy machines, today, he called UOB about banking pin. I guess he really is super busy la.
Wenwen, why TCM med and doc medication can make our skin itchy har... like that i better be more alerted on it... bcos i also taking Dr Zou's Med in 2ww...
Mamaleen, congrats. Meanwhile, rest as much as u can n have faith ok. Talk to yr babies to grow n hold on to mummy tightly. I sincerely wish u best of luck n hope to grab more bb dusts from u next week! Jia yo!

Hope, hahaha. Dr Loh is Dr Cool leh! He always makes ppl feel unimportant de but that's cos i think he knows what's best for us. We kan cheong cos we dnt knw ma. Must trust him ya. Mayb the discomfort u r feeling r caused by yr 3babies leh! Lolx

Hi tickles, hearts your attitude!! Fall down get up n cheong again! Way to go girl! Hugs
Hope, don't worry. U are in good hands. Dr loh is really very good and also very busy.

He work 7 days a week. Mon to sat - at tfc and o&g. Sunday - he do surgeries. Though he doesn't say a lot and may come across as aloof, I feel he knows wat is best for his patients. Same for me, sometimes he also talk very long on the phone when I am lying there for a scan
thanks i1bb & whitetiger.... will try my best to forgive him that he refused to give me more supports today

i was chest pain a minute ago, now i have backache..aiyah~~
Thank u sisters for the encouragement....will try my best to rest well n talk to embies to be strong
....my thigh is still sore from the jab, makes my body aching...

Hope.....take care...hopefully those r symptoms of good news....better, triple good news ;)

what are you people talking!!?
me sit for too long then backache la...
i cannot lie down too long if not kena chest pain then breathless wor; so sit too long then backache nie..
