IVF/ICSI Support Group

AngelXuan> but usually weekends i tend to wake up early leh

Ladies who did lap, how many rest days did u take before going bk to work? I can't take a week long hos leave anymore. Will most prob hv to do it on a thurs, take 2 days Mc and rest during the weekend. Dr loh was saying to do the lap after the next menses because I just had Ivf.
Tub, I didn't hv to do a lab. I did a day surgery via the vagina to remove the polyps. No open wound. subsequent 2 SIS is to check that my womb didnt scar from d/c procedures due to miscarriages. If there were scar, dr loh wld fix it via a normal day surgery via vagina also.

SIS cost $100 plus at KKH, diagnostic imaging department. I dunno how much will tmc charge if u r doing there. Can always call n check.
hi all, i was just did ET today! this may seems not a big deal to many, but i am so glad i have 3 embryos for trf (since i am vey old and this is second attempt) and have 2 embryos to freeze.. u know why this is big deal to me? coz i only got 1 embryo in my first ivf fresh cycle! so, for those with concerns on egg quality and quantity, there is some hope! i didnt take the DHEA given by doc (actually, took for a while but didnt like the side effects). we depend on tcm.. i am really grateful and now praying for positive outcome.. like what others will try u, must stay positive and have happy thots!

sorry i rattle on.. verdict is still not out but i am really relieved that i have made it so far... it has been a huge concern to me whether i have any embryo this round
ya!! precisely.. was kinda mad with my gynae that time...

so i went to GP to get additional 1 week..even tho so.. i still have pain..
Tub, I had 1 week HL after my surgery to remove polyps. That time Dr Loh told me to do surgery after menses just to confirm that I am not pregnant.

Cockcock, I am very happy for you.
Now waiting for my turn. Talked to my boss this mrng, i m glad she is very supportive.
thanks bbjourney and hope! this means so much to me! i know many ladies here got so many embryos to freeze, so i felt useless and inferior.. altho this is really not a competition lah

bbjourney, when u starting? yes, i told both my immediate and higher level boss and they are both v supportive... its so difficult having to lie and hide.. so i rather be open with them... all the best to you! JY all!
cock cock & bbjourney> that is nice of your bosses!
not many bosses can understand our situation.

For my company (govt stat board), even our leave application have to state reason!!

will be gg to KKH on end Feb for consultation apptment (pre-IVF), nothing as yet. But i put the reason down...hope my bosses can "read" and get from the hint...will inform of my case probably in march ba...
Hi angel, Ai yo, I took dhea for 5 months. Dr Loh didn't ask me to take any FSH test leh... Zzz straightaway I started my 2nd fresh cycle after the dhea meds end. First fresh I retrieved 10, 5 fertilized. Now this 2nd round I only retrieved 6 n 3 fertilized nia. I was so disappointed cos I suffered quite bad side effects from dhea...

Hi cock cock, very happy for u! That's a great improvement you've got there
. Must stay positive n happy this two weeks ok. Try not to keep thinking abt it... I know it's really hard n easy to say, just try yr best. Btw do u mind sharing which tcm u went to?
Hi ladies, I will catch up with your posts later today...rushing off to see dr Loh for consultation.

Cock cock, I understand totally why you are so happy to do ET as I've been through it.. My first fresh attempt only 3 follicles after long protocol jabs so converted to IUI. Jia you! Take care & eat well during your 2ww, hope to catch your BB dust!
thanks all ladies! staying positive is the most important thing to do now... i am a pessimistic and always worry abt this and that... worry so much but no use... my hubby has a hard time convincing me to "let go" and relax..

i1BB, i went to tcm at tampines.. a fren recommended.. but i stay in bukit batok so very long travelling time and distance for me... both hubby and i tiao together... i discontinue the dhea coz i felt my body went haywire... i keep thinking whether its a wrong move, but i guess many factors come into play.. but based on my own benchmark, your second fresh not bad lah... still got chance! u only need 1 very good one to succeed, right? JY

angelxuan, so i am not alone... i am glad there are others who understand my plight.. i rem making cheque payment at counter the last time and the nurse assumed i trf 2 embbies. i hv to murmur "one".. felt so malu and "useless"...

saggiegirl, yes, i am glad my bosses are supportive.. the truth is, i've slogged so hard for them all these years, and they know.. i have been putting my work before personal and family, so ts time (and its running late) that i re-focus my priority... i am oso in a stat board
cock cock> same here...but hubby never gave me encouragement...
sad sad ...

me too...slogged for 4 years, but in the end no promotion or what..
saggiegirl, jia you and try to stay positive! i know its easier said than done.. i hv this v optimistic colleague who always encourage me to stay positive and think positive... so i visualise her at my side doing all sorts of funny face to cheer me on. it helps

babysmurf, for me, the side effects include oily skin/scalp and pimples (many).. of course it depends on individual... for some, cld develop facial hair and coarse voice (i dont have those).. but when i was taking dhea with my tcm medicine, my period became adnormal and it was more like spotting (not regular flow.. without regular flow cant do fresh ivf cycle).. so i am sure my body was confused then and i decide i will to give up one.. i choose to put my faith in tcm... i gave my body abt 4 mths' rest..
Cock cock and 1bb, I also had only one embryo transferred but failed... I was so shocked and sad cos my fsh and amh numbers all ok. So now having my menses. It's so disappointing right? No more embryos to freeze to hv to start fresh all over again. Now I don't know if I should do lap after my saline sonography or plunge into fresh straight. Big sigh.

I'm also going to see tan Siew buoy next week. See if she can help me too.

Hi hope, u can read about dhea here :- http://www.centerforhumanreprod.com/premature_ovaries.html

Hi cock cock, I failed on my 2nd fresh again even though the grades for the embbies r good. For my 1st fresh, FET n now this 2nd fresh, my embbies were all grade 4... End up ma Si fail.... Sigh... Dnt knw Wat else I can do

Hi tub, u dnt think too far ahead first lor. U do saline sonography first n c Wat doctor say and decide from there ya...

I'm at a loss on which tcm I shd go to.. Sigh...
Hi hope, dhea is some kind of hormone pills said to aid egg quality n quantity.. U don't know probably coz u don't need it..

Tub, I can fully empathize w u! Believe me! That's my case too.. Give yr body some rest.. Good to go do simple exercise in early morning to breathe in fresh air.. Must try to remove all stress factors... If u are game, try tcm too... Hope u be strong n don't give up.. Take care..:
Tub, I totally apprehend what u mean. It's so disappointing n heartwrecking to know that after all that we have been through and all the efforts we have put in reaps no good news... Sometimes it's really tough to have to keep psychoing ourselves to b tough n move on n continue to try despite all the disappointments we had been thru... *sob sob*
1bb, do u hv other conditions that may prevent implantation like endo or scarring? Why don't u try tan Siew buoy?

I understand the frustration...
i1BB, alamak, now I lagi stress liao.. My embbie only 1 grade 4 the other two grade 3.. Charm ah.. See, a worrier at work liao... 
Tub, that time after the painful procedure whereby they inject dye inside n snap x ray, they found my left tube block. Then I bled easily as in my cervix bleeds easily eg. After pap smear or ET, sometimes after bd (not violent bd hor.. Hehe), dr Loh ask me do SIS n he found no underlying prob leh. He said my uterus small cavity n got some benign cysts or fibroids, cnt rem which one. He never mention anything else leh... I also suspect whether it's b cos I got scarring inside or not or simi to prevent implantation... Now I can only hope dr tan can help me lor... C If he can do lap for me... Sigh
Cock cock, dnt b bothered by Gradings lah. Hao Siao one leh! Some people can bfp with grade 2 embbies ok.. Some ppl grade 5 (best grade) also no bfp... Look at me... Grade 4 so? Ma Si bfn... It really depends alot on luck and the ONE up there la I think....
Cockcock, I starting my cycle once my Jan menses reports. Like you, i also dont like to hide from my immediate boss and colleagues. They are very supportive and it means alot to me as I dont hv to worry when I hv to be away for check-ups or MC.

I agtree with wat i1BB said, dont b bothered abt the grading. Stay stress free and rest.
Hi Ladies, is a new year, we have to let go the past and move forward. We shall look foward to see what can be done to make a better chance for our next step.

Maybe some excercise like yoga. Hear that is good as excerise our stomach area.
Ya ya babysmurf is right! We (I) shouldn't dwell on the past! Go away negative vibes! Shd move on and try harder for our miracle to happen.. Gambete!!
Hope and i1BB: both of you got implantation the last time. Is good just that our womb is not holding it tight. That y BFN. Maybe you want to consult a TCM for medication or poke poke to bring up womb.
Ya I also been poking since April last year... But no eat tcm la.. Now I'm thinking my reading 7 hor Sicarly might b leftover hcg from jabs n not implantation... Sigh
Both ladies. No sighing is bad... why don't do something or get away from all these for a while. But in the mean time still TTC on your own.

Insterested in learning reiki healing.
Babysmurf, im interested in alot of things but b cos I'm not working now... I've got no financial means to go into them.. Dnt wanna stress out DH too much now tat he's tahaning all expenses... Haha... Irony hor, when I'm working, no time to do Tis n tat for ttc, when I'm not working, got time but no money.... Life..... Zzzz
Dear cock cock,
Congrats on transferring 2 embryos!!! My first fresh at NUH only had 1 egg retrieved out of the 6 follicles (15 follicles left in me, ovaries too high, doc cannot reach). And that 1 egg didn't make it so I didn't even have ET.

My second fresh at KKIVF under Dr loh I had 7 eggs retrieved (dunno how many follicles), end up only 2 embryos created (1 grade 4 and 1 grade 3 - same as you, i have none frozen - worse than you!). My ET with these 2 embryos succeeded and I am 9 weeks plus, BFP with a singleton. So don't lose faith and stay positive!!!

Dear gals,
Anyone going to the TMC talk on fertility at Hotel Intercontinental on 14th Jan? Advertisement flashing at the top sometimes. Hehe.
Cockcock - all the best. I BFP with a Grade 3 embryo so don't worry too much about the grading. I also only had 2 embryos to freeze although I had a lot of eggs retrieved.

So just rest well during this 2ww and be positive!
i1bb: learning reiki healing is so much cheaper than getting other to do for you.

My friend is teaching reiki. for level 1 only 1 seesion abt $350. I think of learning either from him or my laoshi then can do on myself. which is so much cheaper.Heehee
i1bb: maybe you may want to consider to work part time. not so stressful. you also can have some income and something to occupy your mind.
hi sashamama and sue, thanks for your encouragement and sharing of your success story! you have lifted my hope, haha (thanks bbjourney and i1BB too).. i shall focus only on the positive.. (actually, i easily swayed!)

actually, i trf 3 embbies... due to my age and previous failure, doc sug putting in 3 to increase my chance.. but u know what? 3 embbies trf no govt subsidy one. but we think it's worth it.. we are willing to pay for higher success!

btw, i think i too KS... took lots of "warm" stuff to warm my womb now kena v bad sore throat... btw, can drink chix essence everyday during the 2ww? i so so kia su i oso got many packs of tcm medicine from my doc (since they will be closed for CNY)... hee
congrats on ur ET! Remember to rest more during your 2ww! If you are taking a lot of "bu" stuffs, make sure you drink plenty of water. Can drink chicken essence during 2ww, but if you do feel heaty, maybe drink it every alternate days....

Can transfer 3 embryos meh? I thought maximum is 2??
Thks ching! Ya, now trying to drink more water.. I think they allow 3 embbies trf on a case by case basis.. For me, like I said, v old liao (I m 40 next mth, that's how old I m!) n got previous failure.. They see my chances as getting slimmer hence the "offer" of 3 embbies.. U probably don't "qualify" 
cockcock - I drank essence of chicken almost everyday during my 2ww and alternate with red dates sometimes. But my body was quite cold so I didn't get any sore throat. Just try to eat healthily during this period and get balanced meals.
Ya cock cock, like what other sisters say, if ur body can take heath stuff then by all means but still must drink plenty of water ya.

Babysmurf, got la I got part time free lance job but not earning alot...

Sisters, very useful discussions in here!! I wonder if any of our sisters here have polycystic ovaries like i do? care to share about the treatment to go ahead for babies? I will go for lap after menses with Dr Loh. I am getting so nervous with this>
