IVF/ICSI Support Group

Morning Ladies,

I went to Dr Loh for my first consultation on last Sat, was told that I have Polycystic Ovaries, sad sad
He suggested laparoscopy surgery at first thought and check the tubes.

I just moved to SG and wanted to put baby as my first priority then working or finishing my master.. But now, it seems that it will take so much time with the treatment and I am really bored, at the same time don't wanna jump into anything big to increase stress.. Any suggestions I should do? or any activities I can do?

Saggigirl, I was seeing a gynae in KKH, tps for a while n did some BTs n checks. I asked to be referred to to dr loh at tps for fertility treatment eventually when iI didn't get pregnant after 1.5 yrs with him. So, dr loh saw me at tps first consultant n it started all from there.. U dun hv to waste your time to go polyclinic clinic or wat so ever, just choose the fertility gynae u wan n go straight. There are no subsidized rate for fertility treatment anyway. So, get a good dr n go see him direct. No need go one big round. ESP when the queue for ivf is so long now.

All your earlier tests done n results are in your KKH file as long as it is not like donkey years ago... Most have a soft copy in online case file too. A gd Fertility dr Dun hv to go n dig out. He knows which section of your file to see. My first appt with dr loh was a brief. He flipped my file already know wat I hv done. now dr loh moved to pte, he brought along most of my impt records digitally over too. I saw him last wk at his new clinic, he retrieved my records from his new Mac. Those he can't take over, he took down notes n also in his Mac also!
Claire> good morning...

oh dear...sorry to hear that
*pat pat*... maybe can try out simple activities like yoga? not kickboxing unless you are into it...

Hazel> hello
... true...but hubby still wants the stupid polyclinic letter!!!!! D*** him...(sorry for saying that). Never mind, if really long Q, then i will blame him.

thanks... went to see her before.
got scare with the acupuncture, but since many sistas here seeing her i believe i will go back to her again
Thanks Saggiegirl, I was so sad that my hubby said "what if we don't have a kid, we will have lots of money, traveling just the 2 of us and just hire a nurse to look after us when we are old" That's also another way of life.
u like it??? i went for 4 / 5 treatment and i got scare of it...
people kept telling me not pain... but my is pain like OUCH!!!

Hi clairejess23
dont be upset, my hubby told me the same.. IVF is our ultimate move and if we still dont have it.. then we will just enjoy our life and move on...
Shijiaxin> same same...i very scared of needles...dare not go accupuncture... but i am ok with blood tests or injections as long as i dun see the needles...
Saggiegirl: Kkh only see ladies. So appt will be booked under wife. Don't just see it as his problem. Your hubby will be upset. To have baby is both parties.
So further mo in Kkh is okie.
Saggiegirl: u already started medication? The last time lucrin I took. I had problem sleep. This time I took clomid, I also got problem sleeping.
nope not yet medication...just to be mentally prepared...

i took clomid last year...not much problem sleeping, but feeling nauseous and serious PMS symptoms. Kind of funny, right?
Saggiegirl, read that ur BT everything normal but how come dr still prescribe clomid for u?

Babysmurf are right, to have bbies is 2 parties. We cannot blame who is giving problem on this fertility issue.
Sarah> dunnnoe leh... the KKH prescribed me but after I told him of my side effects, he asked me to stop taking lo...

HOPE> thanks for the link. Will read thru it...:D
Dear all,

Any sisters took the gold conceive well got nausea feeling or wanting to vomit all the time? A super smelly to take. Most horrible vitamin i ever took. Hiaz
Hi goodies, I agree that it's the yuckiest smelling vits I've ever taken too. But so far I have no "side effects"
Sisters, I'm gonna go c Dr HH Tan for the first time on 18 Jan after my file is transferred to him from Dr Loh. I m thinking of emailing him my "situation" & "concerns" b4 I c him. I wonder if he will get "turned off" or not. Any opinions sisters? Hee
Hi i1BB,

My file has been transferred to Dr Jerry.

Does any one heard of him?

I dont know whether i should remain in KKH since Dr Loh has left. Any good recommendation?
dont know how to describe the smell. should be a fishy smell especially the capsule> we have to take 2 tablets each time and the size is super big.
i1BB, you write down all things you wanna discuss with him, and talk to him face to face lo. he is no bad looking ler.
HOPE> nowadays doctors also must maintain looks de...so far i know Dr Khoo (O&G) at KKH his wife working as asthetic surgeon...LOL...free treatment...

I tink i will also start to pen down whatever tings i want to ask Doctor when my apptment comes on 29 Feb...at least be mentally prepared...

goodies, oh dear...fishy taste? like cod liver oil taste...???
Hi psp, I've heard of jerry's name but dnt knw he good or not. Mayb other sisters can advise.

Hi hope, I worry he no time to "entertain" me leh

Hi gal gal, I agree with goodies. It's individual de. My friend took it n she no complain
goodies> hahahaha
ok lar..how much is one bottle??

i1BB> me too. I find that KKH doctors like fighting for time liddat. A bit impatient..haiz...zzzzzz
but Dr Loh hardly maintain his looks ler. his hair so messy all the time; sometime shirt also come out like that.

i1BB, but we pay so much of consultation fee; must talk to them.
HOPE> typical of busy doctors...LOL...

yes i tink we must make good use of the $$ we paid...after all, it is our right to find out what is in for us...
i1bb: no need to email Dr Tan HH. Cos He will looking thru your files during consultation. That is his practise but he do remember his patients. Even when I email to him at time, i also have to give his a brief summary of my condition for his advise. Heehee.

Don't worry during consult, you can ask all you want with him. He is very patient although he is always rushing for here and there.
Dear Saggie,
Don't worry abt ur records. It will be the same file under your name. When i saw dr loh last July, he had my file which has records of my first laproscopic surgery in 1999
I1bb: no paisei. You paid for his time okie. He looks a little stern when looking thru your file. But no worry he very friendly. Maybe I kinda long with him. At time still can joke joke with my hubby.
Sorry to hear your AF came ......
It's best to do your IVF or TTC within the first 9mths to a year after lap. Do it before the endo recurs. Chances are usually higher then cuz such conditions do recur pretty often. I got pregnant 9 months after my first lap (but m/c).

In fact I just had another laparoscopy 10 days ago, and will be going for my next IVF mid Feb. I'm having it mid Feb because I am also on lucrin suppression for 3 months from 2 Dec 2011. So I guess if you don't need that suppression, you should be able to start after your next AF.

I'm not sure if they can diagnose endo from ER. The only definitive diagnosis would be through a laparoscopy. But those transvaginal scan can give tell-tale "signs" of such conditions e.g. bulky uterus, enlarged ovaries etc etc ....

Have you discussed with your prof your next step yet?

"what if we don't have a kid, we will have lots of money, traveling just the 2 of us and just hire a nurse to look after us when we are old" ... your hubby said it all & well ......... it's true what he said .... just enjoy your life tog if don't have kid. In fact if got lots of money, can adopt baby too!!
My only worry would be no $ .... lol

Yo ... what is "natural killer cell test" and "immunity test"?
Dee, check with you. so after your laparoscopy your menses stop already right? so you are now lucrin for 3 months right?
Dee> also thinking about adoption perhaps if nothing works, will look into it

Sashamama> you had laproscopy surgery too? was it painful? any good news after it?..
Dee, I googled n found other countries IVF forum wherein some gals discussed abt those issues. Natural killer cells r something whereby the cells on our body doesn't recognize embryos n tot they r bacteria or something like that n "rejects" or "kills" the embryos or so I have read... Immunity I think almost the same thing.

After lap, af won't come meh???
Hmm... How can our body cell kill our own embroys? How would we know whether we have natural killer or not?
i1BB, i also wanna know can we stop af after the lap or not? If this is the correct method, why SGH not doing the same for me? Because AF can make our endo recur again....
