IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks Sarah and i1bb! Good luck!

I went healing before ER and ET happened 2 days after. I went again a few days after ET. Did about 5 sessions

Dee, thanks... I'm ok... Sad for a few days but life has got to move on. I also had lap in 2006. I was on 4-6 months of gnrh jab to stop my menses and conceived 5 months after that. Hence, I guess lap works
. I'll be seeing prof next week to discuss but he doesn't perform lap. I may look for my fertility gynae in Mt e or dr loh in Tmc. Read all your raving reviews on dr loh so I'm tempted to see him.

1bb and hope, I'm one of those rare people with antibodies that reject my fetuses. My girl was born in 2007 with neonatal lupus as my antibodies attacked her skin but she's recovered now and has no lupus antibodies in her. Basically I hv lupus and thyroid antibodies and these antibodies treat the fetus as a foreign body. My body grew smarter after my first pregnancy and rejected subsequent fetuses. U can't detect these with normal blood test and only Nuh does a comprehensive series of tests to detect these antibodies but they will only do it if u hv recurrent miscarriages. By comprehensive, I mean I had 17-19 vials of blood drawn just to do the various tests.

And if u are detected with these, u will hv to go through an ivig drip per month to maintain your pregnancy. each drip costs abT 2.5k.
Under what circumstances will our body not recognize our embryos & "kill" them instead? I thought only chemotherapy kills both good and bad cells? Still a bit lost here ..... lol

No lah, after lap, AF should come as usual .... just that in my case, i am placed on suppression of AF for 3 months intentionally.

Yup, had taken the lucrin injection on the 2 Dec, and by right menses should stop then, until Feb. But because I was also on microgynon as well after the 1st AF (that came right before being tested BFN) my 2nd AF came on the 3rd week Dec.

So I guess for now, there should be no more AF till I finish the next IVF cycle?

As to why SGH didn't do the same for you, maybe your condition not very chiat lat? In my case, I have very bad adeno with excruciating pain as well. Dr Loh mentioned to suppress the menses so that it won't aggravate the condition inside. And Dr Khoo ever mentioned to me b4 that suppressing AF will help heal the inside faster .....

Haiz ... anyway, SGH didn't do a lot of things for me. Wasted a few years there actually.

Congrats Sue!!!
If you are gonna go look for your fertility gynae in Mt E, why don't you go see Dr Loh instead? He told me he is the best in surgery in KKH., since it's both gonna be private anyway. Then when I ask him if he can recommend me a good thyroid doc who specializes in gynae/fertility, he also said he's the best around. hahaa .. so might be good to check him out?

Oh, I did ask my thyroid doc in SGH and she doesn't know anything about this IVIG drip. In my case, I have no more thyroid anti-bodies anymore. If my thyroglobin anti-bodies goes up, it's super bad news for me.

May be good to get a 2nd opinion ... Dr Loh's a good choice
Dear Claire,
I had laproscopy done in 1999 and 2007 and 2011 aug. I got pregnant naturally in 2008 but m/c. My first IVF cycle with NUH failed in 2011 july. I BFP on my 2nd fresh cycle with KKIVF Dr Loh (after he put me on 10-week lucrin to suppress my adenomyosis activity) and am 9 weeks plus now

I am put on anaesthetic for laproscopy so no pains during but giddiness and some pains after surgery. Quite bearable though I'd rather not go thru again.

Dear I1BB,
After my first 2 laproscopies for endometriosis, i was put on 6-months jab that causes menopause so that my menses won't come. I wonder if it is lucrin or something else. So i can't TTC after that. And i put on a lot of weight over the years. Don't ask how much hor! I'm basically obese now.

Dear Sue,
CONGRATS!!! You can join the IVF/ICSI BFP sisters over here if you wish: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5453919/5843068.html?1326096016
When is the heartbeat scan?

Dear tub,
It is admirable what you are going through to TTC. It is a rare case to reject the foetus. And the drips are really expensive!

Dear Angelxuan,
Laoshi is our term for Mdm Valencia Tan, a reiki master and yoga teacher who does spiritual healings and teaches yoga lessons too! We got to know laoshi through our BFP sister Tanny, subsequently a couple of us visit her too, including myself and babysmurf, etc. I visited her 1 week after i know i BFP especially cos i have yet to see baby's heartbeat and i was very worried. Then i saw her once a week and then now i see her once in 2-3 weeks.

Here is her website: http://www.yoga-inn.com/ and here is Tanny's blog on her experience with laoshi and her BFP journey: http://mybfpstory.blogspot.com/

Your next question will probably be what happens during a healing session: You just lie down, relax, laoshi will give you crystals to hold in your hand and she will heal you spiritually, sometimes touching your head, feet, tummy, sometimes not touching. A session lasts about 1 hour and she would share with you more about your TTC chances. For me, she shares that she can sense my baby's heartbeat and movement

And the next question is probably cost.
Each session is $150 if you pay by per time. Her package price is $900 for 6 times of healing plus either 6 times of distant healing or yoga lesson. You can pay in 2 instalments, meaning $450 for 1st and 4th time.

Other possible questions like how often one goes and what is distant healing: Some go once a week or once every 2-3 weeks, some go depending on ovulation dates and ER/ET dates. For distant healing, when you feel unwell etc, just make an appointment with laoshi and she will heal you from wherever you are, even if you are overseas.

If you have more questions, feel free to ask!!!
Goodies : i hv side effects from conceive well - makes me giddy n naseuous. I stopped cos i also hated that smell! Buay tahan; as bad as hise tcm brew type but this makes me giddy, lagi worse. I threw the pills away later and nvr buy again.

Sue : Congrats!!!! Happy for u ler!!!! My laoshi must be very joyful too. Take care!!

Now cannot sleep again, munching my wang wang.
Dee, i feeling the same that SGH didn't do alot of thing to me too ( the worst that the doctor has forgotten all about my case! when i supposed to return for FET after my 6 months rest as per her instruction, she asked why am i MIA for so long!! Crazy!!)

anyway, i move on now....

(Althought i am very angry and not happy deep inside
Angelxuan - Sashamama has already answered on our laoshi!
She really relaxes me and always encourages me to think positive. I think it really helped especially during the whole procedure and 2ww.

Sashamama - Thanks for the link!
Scan is 19 Jan...hopefully can see something! KK actually gave me a later date but I dropped by to see Dr Loh yesterday and he told me to try for an earlier date since the week after is CNY.

Tanny - Thanks
I met laoshi yesterday. She's very happy! Told me that she knew it will go well. Btw, I don't have any nausea at the moment, just bloated...

Mrs Ching & Girl Girl - Thanks! All the best for your cycle too! Jia you!
Girl Girl - No, I haven't decided which doc to go with, whether Dr Loh or another gynae closer to home. But I just went to see Dr Loh in TMC yesterday to set up my scan appointment first
I know what u mean .... I feel the same deep inside too ...
I seen the doctor just immediately after my wedding & shared with her my concerns about the various medical conditions i have. Told me first year not considered not fertile unless we tried for a year already. So wasted 1 year there. Then never diagnosed my endo & do anything abt my prolactin level. It was Dr Khoo who discovered my endo, and my thyroid doc who treated my prolactin. Even referred me back to my thyroid doc cuz said their med cause me to have irregular menses.

Haiz, really really waste time. I have always wondered if my chances were higher if I had done so & so then. But now bo bian, have to move on & do whatever best & possible now. Looking back with regrets feels horrible man ...
so angry sometime.
but my husband is more angry; everytime we talked to the doctor, he is burning inside! where got doctor forgotten about her IVF case? furthermore, my file is right infront of her, and she couldn't be bothered to read my file abit before meeting us.
Dee> *pat pat* me also felt the same as well...

if i conceived within the first year, my "kid" will be going to play school this year..haiz
Let's chiong now .... at least we are in better hands now ... hopefully a miracle would still happen somehow someway!

Bai tu liao ...... making up for lost time .... kekee
"Rape" him then .... lol
Sometimes men can be very lazy .... e.g. my hubby .... I'm usually the first to touch & tease him first ..... hahaa ... try it ... dress sexy, be horny ... turn him on

I 90 days also no ovulation ... still "hoot" as usual .... Haha ....
You monitor next few more days or week, should be anytime already.
Thanks dee. Sometimes jin sian hor... Must monitor O... Seldom get spontaneous bd Liao... Zzzz Lolx

Tub, u r very welcome dear
Sasha and Sue: thanks for the info on reiki and laoshi, as well as the link to Tanny's blog. laoshi looks very motherly
I'll discuss with my HD about trying out reiki.. not cheap wow..
Just saw dr loh. He suggested I do saline sonorgraphy (dunno how to spell) and then maybe lap later. Anyone done the saline thingy? Any advise?
Hi tub, I did that b4. It's not painful. Just Abit uncomfy. It's like pap smear but they will inject saline solution in to take pic of your uterus. Mmmm... Y do u need to do lap may I ask?
Tub, pap smear is to test for infection stream that will cause cervical cancer. But SHG is to inject saline into the womb via the vagina to give a better view of the conditions of internal womb. The sonographer will take various pictures of the womb. Though this detailed check, it can detect polyps, cysts, fibriods, fine tiny scars that can't be pick up under a normal ultrasound, etc.

From there, dr loh will decide the extent of clean up required under a lap surgery.

I hv done SHG at least 3x. it is usually done by a certain time frame after menses is cleared. You may get cramps during the process when saline is injected in. But, is bearable.
Gratz Sue!!!

Tub, you need to call them on D1 of AF and they will arrange you to do the scan no later than 10 day of AF.. not painful like i1BB said but for me they inject lots of saline and i had quite bad cramps..

Alright.. update on myself.. will be going to see Dr Tan on Fri to hear the results of my surgery. Hope everything is fine and we can proceed on..
Hi Tub, I've done that b4 too. In short, also known as SIS scan. It allows 3-D photos of the uterus cavity to be taken. I didn't experience any pain or cramps during & after the procedure but saw slight spotting after that. The process  itself takes about 15 mins, but the whole appointment might be longer as dr will brief you on what SIS is and ask you some questions, plus waiting time. The dr will inject saline solution into uterus via the cervix and then take photos of the womb interior.. just like u/s scan. The saline solution will flow out towards the end. I feel that my womb cavity had a rinse and actually like the clean & cool feeling after that.. Hehehe
I also find the Conceive Well tablet smelly to the extreme! I always pinch my nose when I take it. Helps a lot! Or try to take with a flavored drink?

How r ya? I din test O this cycle so I also duno if my cycle messed up or not leh. Will test for O next cycle bah.
Yo LuvNhope, u bz ya... Take care wor.. Me fine. Same lor... Haven start being "hardworking" yet... Still "idling" n kinda enjoy... 18 jan c dr tan le then start supplements n tcm n restrictions lor... I usually O latest by cd 14 de... Sigh
I1bb, yeah, been very busy with work *sob*
hoping to get some direction too after appt with dr tan this fri.

Ladies, mind sharing what I shld ask doc after failed fresh cycle? In case I miss out impt qn...
LuvNhope, ask dr tan Wat cld b the possible reasons for failure... N Wat next steps wld he recommend u taking... Long protocol or short protocol which one more suitable...any thing he can recommend to do or eat to improve egg quality...

Can keep us (me) updated on what he said to u this Friday? I'll do that when it's my turn on 18th too *wink wink*
i1BB: haha.. exactly!

Goodies: I started taking conceive well and find it ok. Dr Zou's TCM herbs are a million times worse lor..

Luvnhope: what questions have you thought of? I think you may want to ask dr why he thinks your fresh ivf failed and what can be done to improve your chances if you do fresh again. If you have frozen embryos, then when can you do FET, natural or medicated..
Luvnhope: just to add on.. You can ask dr if it's possible to add growth hormones jabs to your next fresh. It's supposed to improve egg quality, should this be your concern. If egg quantity is an issue, can discuss if need to take DHEA supplements for 3 to 4 months before next fresh cycle. It's supposed to improve response rate ie. number of follicles stimulated. Hope these help!
I1BB, how many months did you take the DHEA? Did you do FSH blood test on CD2? I was on DHEA for close to 3 months and managed to meet the benchmark to proceed with ER. This time, I'm not on DHEA.. quite worried, so faithfully taking Dr Zou's yucky herbs that is good for the eggs and will ask Dr Loh if I should do FSH BT.
good morning ladies...

Dee> hmm sadly speaking...my MIL came over and 'disturb' us ytd night
while we just finish dinner ....
so no mood anymore..
Saggie: sometimes it's easier to have mood, esp for the guy, early in the morning provided not rushing for work. Not sure if you know what I mean.. Kekeke...
AngelXuan> good morning...

Yes yes i do understand...so we sometimes do it on weekends provided we are not rushing to go out for errands or what..

Thanks gals for the information on saline sonography. Should we refrain from bd-ing before and after that?

Hazel, did u go through lap after the SIS? Do u know why dr loh doesn't perform lap straight? I was wondering if doing SIS before Lap is a waste of time or should I do lap straight? Any idea how much sis cost?
