IVF/ICSI Support Group

Help. I think had been to pu. When my AF arrived, I having sore throat, little flu and heaty cough. My TCM dr give me medication. Sore throat and flu get better. But still have cough. How? I have also started taking my clomid. Didn't want to waste this month. How to cure my cough. My TCM dr said I ttc so cannot take herbal tea.
hello ladies...

after a long day accompanying MIL to buy new year stuff, i am back home....feeling so so tired...haiz...

I went to polyclinic at 8am to get the referral letter. Wait from start to finish was 1.5 hours...so by 9.30am i am out of the clinic and gg home... i told the doctor that i want to go to KKIVF centre...and very fast the nurse called me to fix apptment ...surprisingly it is on the same day as i 'fixed' the pte apptment, just that the time is at 10am at clinic D...so gonna be early....but i thought clinic D is for mummies etc????? for IVF also????

Dee> haha woodlands babe :p..

I took all sorts of test, BT..so far ok. my previous KK doctor referred me to do HSG but it was SO painful that i cried in pain
useless me hor.... (although the doctor on duty was a taiwanese actor lookalike)...the nurses there are very nice and patient to me...keep asking me dun give up and press on...

Anyone can advise on the first apptment??? I scared the doctor got no time for me
....nowadays doctors have so much things to do...
My embryo was grade 2 and the cells are also not very ideal.

Thanks for sharing. Yes, I am prepared and agreed with you, it will be worthwhile. Dr Yu also advise to take CQ10 now. 100 mg for me and 50 mg for dh

Becos I hv retroverted womb, the sinseh say chances of natural pregnancy will be only 10 to 15%. He told me I am reacting well to his first dosage of medicine though not ideal and I think he change the prescription this time. Still the same total 4 packets.

My dh response much better so prescription remain the same for him
Elaine> wah so nice to go US for holiday...hehe which part of US u went to??
dun get too stressed over ur work, ok?

After confiding my case to my SIL (as in hubby's sister), i feel better now. Probably i did not 'consider' hubby feelings as well. As a man, the blow of not able to have a child naturally hits on him quite bad. I still can remember his sad expression when the doctor revealed the medical report results (like failing O levels)... i don't know what to say, except that we took a bus back home and sit quietly throughout the journey...

I don't know how badly he wants to have his own baby coz i never ask him this question before....
Elaine, A retroverted womb is one that is tilted backwards instead of forwards. It occurs naturally in about 15-20% of women, and normally does not cause fertility problems. This is because conception occurs in the fallopian tube, and the embryo then embeds itself in the womb regardless of which way it is tilting. A retroverted uterus will always correct its own position by about 12 weeks as it grows.

That said, a retroverted uterus may signal an underlying condition such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease, which can affect fertility.

But if u only have a retroveted uterus, it does not affect your chances fr conceiving. Some of these sinsemilla are not medically trained, sorry if I hv offensed anyone. U can google the website n confirm with your gynae if what I said is true.
Saggiegirl: kkh clini D is O&G clinic. The MO will ask whether have you and husband done any fertility test. And how long has you been trying. B4 they referred you to kkivf centre. Is your IVF centre appt b4 or after? If after, when you at clinic D, you may want to highlight to nurse there. They will arrange for you on that day to consult IVF dr. If you arrange for Dr Tan HH, he only see IVF pt at IVF centre on tue morning. And he only start his consult at 11am. Normally his assistant queenie call him when few of his patients has arrived.
Sashamama: thank you will try tomorrow. When I consult my TCM Dr, she also said I too Heaty. Having very bad sore throat and almost lost my voice. She change my medication and this time is super yucks. I have to drink everyday for 4days. Still have final dose for tomorrow.
Dear saggie,
Maybe you wanna note down your previous history in terms of fertility issues, TTC how long, what tests done, etc, then tell the doc. Then say that you are advised to go for IVF and are keen to go for it. Doc assesses your case, think you should go IVF, might recommend more tests first to see if you may have cysts or other problems etc before referring you to IVF clinic. Then IVF clinic nurse will speak to you and explain the whole IVF process and you can clarify your doubts then.

Meantime, try natural!!!

Dear Elaine,
Here is some info i found on conceiving with retroverted uterus: http://www.babycenter.com/404_will-a-tilted-uterus-make-it-harder-to-conceive_1460112.bc

I did read that doing doggy style might be better though, lol.

There must be a reason behind why ban choon chan helped make so many ladies conceive through his herbs including my best friend and she is conceiving her second one now. Some TCM would have their diagnosis which is different from the scientific point of view. But i do believe some herbs do help us tiao our body and womb. So the herbs he give might aid ovulation, implantation etc, so if you trust him, just go ahead and continue with the TCM!

Have you checked with your gynae before if you may have endometriosis etc?

Dear i1bb,
Yes later i will tease him. lol.

Dear bbjourney,
Oh i see!!! How have you been?

Dear Babysmurf,
You ate heaty stuff recently ah? Or is it due to AF? Or you caught from hubby or colleagues? Must take care wor!!! Take vitamin C too and drink lots of water!
Well, I saw ban choon chan for 1 year, I nv get pregnant! At times, we only hear the success story of gals who went to see famous tcm dr but we nv get to hear the failures of others. After that, I also went to see another famous Tcm dr n took her herbs n did accupuncture but well.. I didn't get preg too! Tcm dr always tells me, my womb is cool n luteal phrase not ideal enough..other than that I hv no problems.. Spent so much money & wasted so much time on Tcm but no success.

I went to see dr loh thereafter. He did a series of BTs for me n told me my womb is gd & luteal phrase too! BTs are actual figures that wun lie.. But Tcm dr listens to my pulse.. How to proof wat he said is correct? Anyway, I got pregnant at first attempt under dr loh without any supplements or Tcm herbs or accupuncture. I hv no bleeding issue also.. If luteal phrase is not deal n womb is cool, how did I get pregnant under dr loh?

I m not saying Tcm is no gd. Yes, their herbs does Tiao our body & make us stronger n hopefully we conceive from there.. But, not all stuff they say are correct, cannot just whole sale believe.. Stuff like inverted womb has problem conceiving is crap. Anyone who has some knowledge on women's reproductive systems will know. If a Tcm dr tells me this, I will not bother to go see him/her anymore.. Waste money only.
Sashamama: I didn't eat Heaty stuff. Ever since I Ttc or on IVF program has beeing take non spicy food or fried food. Maybe becos of the weather + my office handful of colleague falling sick during festive season. Thank you. Will go to replenish my vit. C.
Dear Babysmurf,
Haven't sleep yet? I also cannot sleep before 12 midnight le. Been sleeping a lot everyday actually, more than 12 hours on and off.

Wa, you very disciplined not to take spicy or fried food! I love spicy food so am still taking some. Take care and rest more!!!
Sashamama: normally I will try to sleep before 11pm. Today can't sleep. Funi thing is that I didn't feel tired even after my spring cleaning. Now doing some search for health food. Heehee.

Maybe don't sleep. Shall wake up my hubby up later to go for early bird breakfast. Crazing for roti prata.
Hi Babysmurf, I'm the other way round ie. woke up too early and can't get to sleep. Woken up by dreams of me discussing with dr loh on the protocol & injections & lab for my next fresh cycle.. Think I'm stressed.. Now also craving for roti prata.

Saggie, hope it's worth your effort to go polyclinic to get referral letter.. At least, it's the process that your husband prefers. Sounds like he's open to ivf afterall and willing to give it a go. Suggest try to have a heart-to-heart chat with your hubby before each of your consultation to prepare & engage him for the appointments eg. What you will tell & ask the doctor on your 1st visit, the possibility that you might also go and take a look at the KKIVF clinic (just behind clinic D) since you are at KKH, etc. Be sure to reach there & register before your appointment time.
Angelxuan: I think is the side effect of clomid. I am still awake. R u staying at woodland? When u starting your next cycle.
Hi Hazel, time past fast. My babies are 1.5 months old already and was discharged on Christmas eve. My wife send her regards to you. Trust that your pregnancy is going well and very soon you will carry your baby in your hands. God bless!
Dee: yeah right was me with that little bulge. Mu hubby cam extremely late like almost half way thru it. I think the seminar is too long for me. At my condition now, I can't surviv thru 10 hrs of tutorial/ practical for 2 days straight, not forgetting fri also another half day... I get tired by 4-5 hrs and need to lie down or rest.. In bed by 8pm... At night and late afternoon is worse, tummy feels bloated and feeling uncomfortable.

Joanne : $388
I googled and found this :

Good question! Reiki is not a science and so their are many explanations, what follows here is my own interpretation based on my own 17 years experience and what I like to see as common sense (!).  Ideally it is an experiential therapy, something that you should try for yourself before coming to any conclusions.  Reiki is unique for everyone and everyone experiences the effects and benefits differently.

Reiki is a Japanese word that means ‘Universal Life Force’ or ‘Universal Energy’, it flows naturally through everything and is the force, or energy, that holds our Universe together.  This energy is what I refer to as ‘energy at its purest’ and as a result nothing needs to be added or worked on for us to utilize it directly.  It’s the end product used by our cells to do its repair, work, or growth.

When we are full of energy, we flow and move with life, its like watching children – they are in flow with Universal energy and as a result they have an abundance of it.  Children can play non-stop for hours.  They have a flow of energy that comes naturally to all of us when we are young, but over time we begin to get a bit ‘crusty’, we build blocks and resistance in the body – some of this may be physical such as posture or structural issues – some of this will be mental, such as beliefs and fears which develop as we grow older – some will be emotional, such as unreleased anger, sadness or trauma.

Over time we begin to block and resist this flow of energy and rely more and more on calories.  Over generations, even these calories and nutrients are becoming more toxic, and our ability to really use the food we eat as viable life force energy is lessening.  So through our own resistance, and through the environment, we have less and less access to life force.  I hope at some intuitive level you understand, because of course from a purely scientific explanation, this is stretching the bounds for sure.  But in my experience, people know they are experiencing some form of loss as the years go on – it may be a loss of vitality, spirit, joy, whatever you might name it.

Reiki is this source that you have lost, it is the life force that flows through everything and is available to everyone.  But for most of us, we have lost the flow and we don’t know how to get it back.

In order to gain Reiki flowing from your hands, you need an attunement from a Reiki Master.  This may seem a strange condition and immediately throws Reiki into the ‘too weird’ pile, but it is a very reasonable condition.  Actually you can self attune yourself and allow your hands to channel Universal or Reiki energy.  All you need to do is resonate with reiki energy at the frequency needed, and you will tune in.  But realistically, do you believe you can do this?  Coming to a Reiki workshop takes the guess work out of reaching that energy frequency.  A Reiki Master, or teacher, has been taught how to effortlessly raise her or his frequency to the Reiki energy and through resonance you will automatically begin to tune in, simply by being in the presence of another at that level – this is because you already have Reiki energy throughout your own being, it’s a recognition of something you already have, and in that recognition the body understands how to receive more, and the flow begins.

So an attunement is really just an aid for you, it’s helping you to find the right frequency, like tuning into a radio station, its a lot easier if you have the correct frequency address and you can go directly to the station, rather than having to run up and down the entire range of stations looking for the right one – and with Reiki, would you even recognize it if you found it yourself?

Once you have found the frequency, Reiki will begin to flow automatically from your hands and you can begin to fill up.  Its like a pump of universal energy, how cool is that!  The pump is on 24/7 and will flow automatically from your hands whenever you place them on yourself, or others.

Its important to remember that it is not a belief system or religion, there is no spiritual aspect to Reiki that needs to be believed in order for it to work, it is simple mechanics – find the right frequency and bingo, it flows. Imagine the possibility of rekindling your vitality, your joy and at the same time reducing your stress and building your immune system?  Isn’t this something worthwhile to explore?
DH, I m glad the twins hv discharged! In time for Xmas & lunar Chinese new year!
. Btw, are the bbs' PD from KKH? I m still considering which PD bb should see. KKH, TMC hospital or TMC clinic in katong near by Plc.. Hm..

Pls send my regards to your wife too! My bb is already 2.4kg at 33+wks. I pray really hard this time all will be smooth n I can carry my bundle of joy in my arms soon!
Sashamama, i hv been too relax on myself, maybe due to work stress. Recently, i ate ice cream n drank cold drinks occassionally.. :p Will try to hv more self control as i will be starting my cycle this mth. :p
Hi Babysmurf, I managed to go back to sleep after my last post.. Woke up shortly, had roti prata (cravings satisfied.. You ? :p), then went for acupuncture. I'm not on clomid.. I think I'm just anxious about my next fresh cycle, starting early Feb. Will be meeting dr Loh this wed to discuss on the protocol, thus I think sub-consciously, I'm rehearsing in my dreams! This month I'm just resting & "tiao-ing", not much hope about trying naturally as my womb lining becomes thin after mc & D&C.
I don't stay in woodlands, but quite close just 15 mins drive away.
Hi Angelxuan, did you do mini confinement after your mc? In the mean while you may want to brew some Longan and red date tea. And eat red bean stuff. This will help your lining grow. Anyway our lining will change every time after our men's right.

Just want to introduce a nice prata at the woodland old hawker centre near the custom.

Yes, I do hv endo problems.

Thanks for the encouragement. I will still try hard to conceive naturally while waiting for the next cycle of IVF. Not totally depending on TCM but just taking it as a form of tonics to build up overall health.

At this stage, just willing to do anything to make my dream come true
Dear Babysmurf,
So did you have your roti prata? I just recalled you have cough le! And you eat roti prata? lol.

Dear BBjourney,
I think a bit bit cold is ok? Keep in your mouth a while to warm up before swallowing? That is how I do it when i MUST have cold, lol.

Dear Elaine,
I see, I had endo too. Is your case serious? For mine, the first time i went for surgery is cause the doctor says one blood cyst might be cancerous (luckily it wasn't), and another time a cyst grew in my ovary up till 5cm-by-5cm-by-5cm and may burst anytime.

I think we are at the stage where we would do what we can to enhance our chances, even if it is 0.1%, cos it is something that we can do. Cos the conception process has so many hurdles that we can't do anything about and can only rely on luck. So we will definitely try to enhance through what we can actually do like our diet, TCM, etc. Really hope you would get your BFP soon!!!
Sashamama: yap yap. Give in to my craving. Had 1 prata with sugar. And drink plenty of water. Now on no chicken diet for the past few days. Cough getting better today.
Hi Babysmurf, did you really not have any sleep last night? Took any nap? I went zzz after lunch. Hope your cough goes away soon! Yah, I did a mini confinement after my mc but till now my lining still not back to previous stage as I can see that my AF about half of last time only. Asked dr Loh why (twice) but he didn't answer and changed topic..
yah, I have being drinking red date longan water & red bean soup and I think it helps. Btw, will try the roti prata that you recommend when I have the craving again. Thanks!
Angelxuan: just didn't know y cannot sleep yesterday night. Just now got nap for 3hrs after I came back from my breakfast. My cough get better. Drank warm honey water. Did ur TCM dr tiao for you. Take TCM medication?
Hazel, my babies have yet to see a PD. We are thinking of bringing them to see a PD at SengKang, closer to where we are. Brought them to polyclinic for jaundice check but gave up waiting as we were told to wait for 2 hours to do blood test and another 2 hours to see doctor.
We brought the babies to TMC yesterday to just let Dr Loh take a look at them and say our heartfelt thank you to him.
You will see your baby in 4-7 weeks. Very excited for you!
DH, Then where did the bbs have their jaundice check? Ya, precisely, dun wan to go polyclinic as the queue is terrible. Weren't a PD tagged to the bbs at birth in KKH coz they r premature? There will be follow up that is required for premature bbs at KKH.. Hm.. That is what I understand from my gfs leh.. No?
why did u have to wait 2 hours for jaundice check? for newborns, there's an express queue... no need to queue like the other patients.... when u go to the auto machine... click on the queue for newborns.... i always go and immediately get to check + wait for result and out of polyclinic in abt 30 min.
Babysmurf: hope you can get a good night sleep today. Try to rest more too so that you can recover faster.
My TCM dr is "tiao-ing" for me, I'm taking 3 types of TCM herbs for each menstrual cycle. The herbs are either bitter or yucky!!
Maybe I should have recover earlier. Cos I taking tcm medication. But very yuck this time, I went to add rock sugar. Hahaha.
Babysmurf: does adding rock sugar help? I just had the yucky herbs, almost puke.. got to rinse my mouth immediately and eat a sour plum. I find this so torturous. The bitter ones I can still take it, but the yucky/fishy ones are horrible!
Angelxuan: added rock sugar. The taste Funi. Not very sweet not bitter. Just one breath finish up and drink half cup of water + take Chen pi.

I think if tonight still cannot sleep. Then confirm is the medication I take. Tmr will be like zombie at work. Hahaha
Hazel: no leh, no PD attached to our babies and we thought we are supposed to find one ourselves. Will check on 25 jan when we go for a check up. Due to the long wait, we did not check on the jaundice level eventually.

Eskimobaby: the first visit they considered the babies as new born. Last week, they were one month old so they were not considered as new born so got to take normal queue. Will check their jaundice level with a PD instead. Don't want to expose them to the viruses in polyclinic.
DH: polyclinic under national healthcare group, u can call in 1 day advance to make apps b4 going down for jaundice check. Even without appt, new born below 2 months, a small q will be given.
I think you went to seng kang under singhealth.
those who luv roti prata but dun wan to pay the price outside can go supermarket..ntuc/sheng shiong...look for "Chinatown" brand...very fluffy and nice.i bought the original tho many types avail n dip in my own home-made chix curry...yummy!
(i found out fm a gf,her fren's restaurant actually bought this brand and serve to unsuspecting customers at restaurant price..!)
DH, u can ask dr Loh to recommend u a Gd PD. better hv the bbs jaundice level check as it measures the level of toxics in their liver. Bbs may look fine, but we never know. It can be life threatening if the level exceeds the allowed threshold.
Good morning...

Har?? then they have dig out my medical records again??? my med records all along with KKH so i go clinic D, they shd be able to retrieve right??

I did not make apptment to KKIVF coz hubby dun want
...and i dunnoe if the clinic D can let me go IVF centre or not...very "messy" now

i got all the medical reports with me... no inverted womb, no cyst (although i have previously but it disappeared without surgery or wat...), no other medical problems... BT also done...normal...

so have to start the stupid process again
Last time always go Clinic D to see Dr Khoo..waiting time is 2-3 hours! I can go and sleep first before seeing him...
and the waiting time for last round is 4 hours coz he go and deliver baby...

I want to faint liao...
Morning saggiegirl: don't worry so much. Just take referral letter go see the mo at clinic D first and informed then you need assistance to have baby. I believe the referral letter will also stated so. Then everything will be in place. 1step at a time. Let your hubby and yourself think thru during this period. Don't be stress up.
During the consult, the mo will ask whether you have done and check up. Just tell them what u have done and all your record is with Kkh also. The dr Khoo is gynea not for fertility so I think he cannot refer u to IVF.
Babysmurf> good morning!!

Yah...i tell u hor...the letter only got 3 sentences!!...faint..

yeah...i scared i kenna those rude MO
... i had bad experience with bad MOs at TTSH...

i tink i better go home later and dig out whatever reports i have and put in 1 file...coz now my files are all over the cabinet....Although they can find in KKH record ...

My e-apptment is under Reproductive Medicine, and Female Infertility (kind of wrong, coz is hubby having problem, not me) :S
Hi ladies, just saw my menses today, just right after my blood test. Just a quick question, prof wrote down endometriosis In the er form's diagnosis. I was wondering if they could diagnose endo via er and when is the soonest I could do a lap? My last lap was in 2006. After lap, when can I do iui or Ivf?
