IVF/ICSI Support Group

Happy 2012! & hope that all of us will BFP in 2012!

Glad to have you sisters here to go thru this journey! You gals made a difference & let's JY together..

Nurse Shamseah called me back, she told me that Dr Loh has not get back to her (as he may be too busy), but she will be seeing him later and she will check w him again and get back to me.
Good good good babyjourney.
But if TMC cannot do short protocol on this month..... Har, then you have to wait for another cycle ler....

I heard from the nurse that dr loh n his team will move to novena in 6 weeks time, so dr marrinna will be running the O&G in TMC 5th floor. I told the nurse that this is too complicated liao. I told them i will call them again when my 2nd jab due and to confirm where to have my injection....
Hope, yalor dont feel like waiting coz time is so precious for us and every cycle counts. I still dont quite understand the diff between long n short protocal, which one is better? or depends on individual?
I guess different bodies respond each protocol differently. Usually doctor change protocol in differnt cycles.... But i think long protocol can produce better n more equal "timing" eggs. I did long protocol in my 1st cycle with SGH, managed to ER 12eggs n 11 was consideration good.
As for this cycle i still not sure what would dr loh assign, but i will sure discuss with him my concern too....
By the way, i have started my egg whites journey liao, taking 4 egg whites each day. What about u?

JY yo.
Hi Gals, I'm back in town. Wow... so many new members here on my leave. Thanks to those who have help yourself inputing your status in the online spreadsheet.

Baby Love, <font color="0000ff">Cherrie</font>, Daylesford, <font color="0000ff">Dollygal</font>, Jonjonbear, <font color="0000ff">Noi</font>, StarBabies, <font color="0000ff">Pinpanter</font>, welcome to this thread. You are added to the online spreadsheet. Please help yourself to input your status.

<font color="0000ff">May all of you have a fruitful 2012!</font>
Jonjonbear ,
I will be starting a fresh cycle in January. We can be cycle buddies!!! Will u be going for long or short protocol?
Thanks Sarah and LuvnHope. Not so much of Jealousy lah....just envious and felt "deprived". Will pick myself up and cheong again!

Happy New Year to all Sisters! May all our wishes come true in 2012!
Karentey, i had 1 fresh but failed. this is my 1st FET. but i tried IUI previously for 3 times, 1 Bfp and 2 failed.
not zen lah coz i expected it to be BFN again leh coz didnt have any feeling at all plus no sore boobs too. diff fr my 1st one.

Thanks cock cock and jia you for u too!

Cherrie, not true leh, i also had the pms kind of feeling throughout so can be quite similar to preg.

Sashamama, so we have the same experience. can be quite worrying every time u go for scan rite? i hanging on till the 1st scan in 2nd wk of jan. yup, will pray hard and hope we both can deliver a healthy baby next yr.

Thank u luvn hope and will jia you for u too!

To all those TTC, have a wonderful new yr ahead for 2012! babydusts for all!
Hi strawberry gal
Oops.. Thks for the clarification..;)

Hi sashamama
Hv just reply ur PM...

Hi pierced
I see.. Me too hv bad experience last time at 8th wk so
all scan i go, i very stress.. Even tell doc Loh last wk when i go for my 8th wk scan tt i dun want go up the bed.. Lol.. Thk god babies r well.. Now next stress is coming 10th scan.. Hv to pray hard for every scan we go..Anyway, many tell us dun be too stress n stay relax but really not easy..;( will try my best though.. Hv been toking to my babies everyday so u can try do tt too.. Lets pray hard all of us hv a smooth 2012 yr pregnancy n those who r trying will get bfp in 2012 too..

Happy New Year to all sisters here.. May our dream come true n carry our healthy bundle of joy in our arm soon in yr 2012!!
Dear all,

I'm a new member that chanced upon this active &amp; supportive thread this morning. Am happy to share my experiences with the ladies out there on the same journey.

Just a brief intro since it's my 1st post:
My ttc path has been long and filled with up &amp; downs. After various checkups &amp; changes of gynaes, the conclusion was still unexplained. For the last 2 years, I embarked on 2 IUIs, 1 IVF-converted-to-IUI, then ICSI. Finally BFP with ICSI under the magic hands of Dr SF Loh. Unfortunately, my BB's HB stopped at 11 weeks in Aug. Had D&amp;C, survived the grief and did medicated FET this Dec. Sadly, BPN despite good quality embryos and triple lining. Nonetheless, I'll brave on.

I'm following Dr SF Loh to TMC to start a fresh cycle. I have faith that I'll be in good hands. I've also been seeing Zou Yumin for acupuncture since I started on the IUI/ICSI programs.

Although I ended 2011 with a heavy heart, I am happy for those that have a BFP, wish the mummies-to-be a smooth pregnancy and hope that for those ttc - 2012 will be the year that our biggest dream comes through!

Thanks. Replied you liao.
just received a fonecall from nurse shamseah after replying ur email, she told me Dr Loh is putting me on short cycle. She is amazed that dr loh remember my case. Faintz!!! Hopefully my menses will not delay in Jan2012. Let's HUAT together ah!!!!
Any friends here on antagonist cycle got bfp through dr loh?.
What is the embbies quantity n quality like through antagonist cycle.?

Bbjourney..have replied you
Thx for ur well wishes! May you have a dragon baby too!!!

Dear JoynFaith,
Welcome back!!!!! Enjoyed your leave?

Dear pierced,
Yes I'm very worried for every scan, I brought forward my first scan, end up cannot see anything, Dr loh was not hopeful, I was down for 2 weeks, luckily on Tue saw heartbeat at 7w3days. Every sat is start of new week, so today i'm 8th week. Hoping can see strong heartbeat again on 13th Jan!

Dear angelxuan,
Welcome to the thread! You are one strong and positive woman! Jiayou and I hope you'd get your dragon baby too!!!

Dear bbjourney,
Happy for you that you finally gotten a response!!! Jiayou!!!

Dear Joanne03,
I'd reply your pm shortly!!! :p
Dear angelxuan..we do shared the same situation...I was preggy during April 2011...n delivered during July 2011 as my water bag leak n there wasn't much water left..suffered a lot during ohss n during pregnancy...n still have to suffered 2hours of labour pain...

Nevertheless,I failed my fet during November though I had 2 beautiful embbies tt..I had no more embbies left n had to start a fresh cycle...honestly..I dread a lot...this is my 2nd mc as I was preggy during 2008 due to no hb too during ww9... Sometime,I tell myself to give up too..perhaps it is my fate..I get preggy but it is short-lived...a terrible 1..

Even my hubby friends who are preggy as th same time as me all delivered..left me..even most of my dec 2011 forum mummies friends had all delivered but not me n I had to start everything from scratch...

I am pending for a fresh cycle but will need to embark on antagonist fresh cycle...this will nevertheless be my last try...since i spent a lot during m previous cycle as there is no subsidizes..I don't know hw my body will react to this cycle this round but I do hope I can have beautiful embbies..

Just jiayou together..
Dear angel and Wendy

U two r extraordinary strong women. I hereby wish u two success in the coming year and have your wishes come true

I1bb...everyone who gone thru ivf are extraordinary...
...you are great too..you quit yr job just to get preggy...very noble too...we shall all jiayou together..

Hope next year will be a better yr for all of us...all the bad things go n all the good things n bb dust will come....jiayou
Dear Angelxuan and wendy,
I also have the same situation. I tried my first IVF in Jun 2011 after failing 4 IUIs. Got pregnant.. but my happiness was short lived.. baby's heartbeat stopped at 11 weeks and had to do D&amp;C in Aug. After that I tried FET in Nov and it failed. Currently I am seeing TCM doctor, doing exercise and taking vitamins to prepare my body for my next FET. So don't give up. Don't lose hope. Let's Jiayou together.
Dear Sashamama, Wendy, CoolCool, i1BB - thanks for your warm welcome, responses and best wishes!

Hi Wendy &amp; CoolCool - thanks for sharing your story. Our experiences are pretty similar, I seriously understand.. Yup, let's stay positive, look forward, try our best &amp; catch more baby dust! JIA YOU!

Wendy - I'm also going to spend a great deal more for the next fresh cycle. Btw, I seem to read somewhere that antagonist protocol might be more suitable (than the typical agonist protocol) for those with high risk of OHSS, but not sure how true.. 

I should be following this thread actively next year and hope to know the other ladies better.
Happy New Year!
Cool cool..yr fet will be a successful one..you are really hardworking..I can't exercise much coz I have back prob..so I can only see tcm n getting my waist thicker..haha..hope we can get bfp soon..

Angelxuan..yes..antagonist protocol is more for ppl with more follicles like pcos..who are prone to ohss..I was on 225-250iu..but was indeed a severe ohss..so no choice coz dr do not want to take the risk...dr mention that I am lucky..some even suffer from stroke..

Let's jiayou together..
Joynfaith, thanks for updating me in the spreadsheet? I hv input my part.

Hi pierced, thank you for the encouragement. Though now other thAn my normal pms, I do not hv other symptom, I still hoping to see miracle
Hi all
May the Year of Dragon brings you dragon baby soon! I hope to have one soon.
My Two months AF don't come yet.. I worry my Jan'12 fresh cycle will delay again, so I wonder I can start on medicine again to induce? Is it safe or not for fear of spoiling my system thus worry it will fail my cycle once again.. I can't bear another heartbroken.

Any of you have the similar experience, please share.. Thanks
Hi miracle
If u r starting new cycle after ur af come, better dun take anymore medicine to affect ur hormone.. No more drugs n let it come naturally.. Tt time, i hv same headache as u, after check with few doc, they oso advise dun take anymore medicine.. Btw, u say ur af disappear 2mths, tt means ur cycle hasnt go back to normal? In tt case, maybe u shd start after ur cycle resume back to normal? Increase ur chance too.. Hurry will not help.. Better let ur body rest n goes back to normal first.. Theres a saying "欲速则不达".. None the less, still wish u the best..;)
Hi all,
I am ovulating today. First time I see a smiling face in my clear blue! I am lazy, never test yesterday but still happy. Means can try today for bb! Happy 2012 to all.
Miracle_bb, u can take medicine to reset ths mth cycle. But after that, u hv to monitor to make sure next mth cycle is bk to normal. But me, after I took medicine, I waited to see regular cycles for that 3 mths thereafter to ensure my body is bk to normal.
Dear Joanne03,
I replied your pm
Your chinese not bad wor! 欲速则不达!!! :p

Dear Usagi,
Great news!!! BD BD BD!!!! :p

Dear Miracle Baby,
Welcome! Is the coming cycle gonna be your first fresh IVF? Maybe you wanna ask your gynae? Who is your gynae?
Hi gals,
I just came back from KKH after my op yesterday.
Dr Loh said he will come back &amp; operate on me, and that was partially why I wanted the op before he leaves.

But guess what, I was told in the operating theatre that Dr Loh not coming &amp; he has asked Dr HH Tan to operate on me instead.

Upset! He could have at least informed me right, regardless the reason? No sound no sight. Imagine paying the kind of $ for the head of dept for surgery but in the end it was handed to someone else.

Sorry for grumbling .... I just couldn't make sense of this ....
Dear Dee,
Sorry to hear about the no-show. Did you email Dr Loh about it? How did the operation go? Is it a success? The costs are the same? It is understandable that you are upset. Pls take care!
Angelxuan ; I also had antagonist cycle- was given only 150 iu of puregon as I hv a v high risk of Ohss; too many many follicles. Short cycle for me is suitable. Doc days if I do long cycle it's worse as the Ohss may be out of control.
Dee, hugs! Wats most impt is the surgery is a success!! Dr Loh is v biz, he may over promise at times. Just like those of us who r following him to TMC, he said if complicated delivery n we go to KKH to deliver he can go bk to KKH n deliver for us. But then again, I know he can't go bk to kkh as &amp; when he likes one. Also, he has his appt at TMC Ivf &amp; O&amp;G to attend to. He where got the time? Do u know that when he was with KKH, his patients that chose Subsidised rates at pt of admission coz of early labour (coz pre mature bbs r v costly), he didnt deliver for them? Can't blame him, he already has so many patients n his schedule was so packed, he where got the time? Maybe is the hospital rule also coz my gf who delivered at 27 wks under dr Sadhana told me dr S just stood there n watched the c section delivery done by the ward dr &amp; she cannot touch the surgery at all.. So, u nv know if dr Loh dun wan to do for u or KKH dun allow as he shld be handing over his duties.
Hello tanny, may i ask what is antagonist? Cannot have long ptotocol?

Dee, i agreed with hazel. I think kk has rule that made dr loh cannot attend your operation. Dr loh ever cancelled his year end leave to attend our appointments, so dr like him is so responsible hence, not to operate your is really not his style ler. Please dun b upset over this issue ya, how your operation went? : )
To add on, dr Loh has abt 50 number of patients waiting to do Ivf. He is willing to do for these patients in kkh by making some arrangement to his schedule in 2012. But KKH only let him do in SGH and control the no of Ivf procedures he can do a wk. something like 1-2 procedures only. He shared that is wasting his time as he can do many more a wk &amp; cleared off these patients ASAP. So, he decided not to accept this arrangement.

Last visit, he told me one of his patients wan to do a c section on 30 dec. KKH said cannot! But when he checked with TMC side, they r willing to let him do the c section for this patient. It is also quite political in KKH. That is why a no of good n senior drs hv been moving to pte practices in the recent years. Some went bk to visit their ex-patients when they r warded but is just a visit like visiting a friend. They can't be involved at all. The ex Ivf head dr Sheila Loh is also a visiting consultant at KKIVF centre. But I hv nv seen her attending to patients at all at tps, clinic d or even Ivf centre. So, we will nv know the full story one.. But just think abt this, if KKH allows its senior drs who left to go bk KKH as &amp; when they like, it will be madness too isn't it?
Sasha, hope:
My op went alright. My tubes are fine, they removed a 2cm cyst &amp; freed my intestines which was stucked to the back of the womb.

In fact, after the op, Dr HH Tan also didn't come to update me on details of the op. Until I expressed my 'displeasure' over the 'non-appearance' of Dr Loh, the 'non-update/visit' from Dr Tan &amp; my lost fav t-shirt (the housekeeper took away my only t-shirt, probably mistaking it as the hospital maju, I gotta go home in KKH maju), then the nurse called Dr Tan who then explained to me over the phone what has been done in the OT.

I understand Dr Loh may be too busy with all his patients, and it is most likely KKH's protocol that doesn't allow him to come back. But isn't his last day in KKH 31 Dec? That why we were pushing for 30th Dec. I never doubted Dr Loh's commitment &amp; dedication. But I thought the very least he can do is to at least inform me be it via email, phone or a message right?

Plus I am not paying subsidized rates. Mine's private rate.

Maybe I'm just disappointed &amp; disillusioned with it. He's the best in surgical procedures &amp; I know he'll do a fantastic job cleaning up my insides to prepare for the next fresh cycle. There's so much hope in that. And u know u'll in safe hands &amp; he'll do his darnest best to help clear the path for us. In fact I don't care what he did in the operation. I just know whatever he does or not do, is in my best interest.

Then suddenly it's someone else doing the op. And I found out only in the OT. The concern &amp; fear is of course whether Dr Loh got inform him exactly what needs to be done. Or they just follow what they see on the OT form &amp; in our case sheet.

Anyway, my case transferred to Dr HH Tan now, not Matthew Lau. Haiz, the only comfort now is that at least Dr Tan recognized me from the scan visit &amp; the various bumping into each other.
It must been quite disconcerting to find out last minute abt such a major change.. Understandable that you're upset. Did Dr Tan allay your fears and concerns when he spoke to you on the phone?

Well, it's a new year, new start... Let us all look ahead and hope for the best in 2012!
Dear dee,
It's great your intestines are freed during the op. mine are still stuck after my op at NUH

Yes I agree that women like us with such drastic conditions will definitely hope for the best hands to work on us for higher success rates of conception. All the pains of surgery will be worthwhile if we have a higher chance of conception, I myself went thru 3 surgeries.

The last minute change n not informing you is not handled right. It might not be dr loh's fault though, did you try emailing him?

Since your tubes are fine, you can tiao your body and even try natural while you wait for your next try. What are your next plans?
Dee n sahsamama, intestines stuck at the back of the womb? I guess when yoyr gals pms come must be super painful right? Actually, i not too sure how the intestines stucks at the back of the womb, purely by imagilation, when pms our wamb expanded then must be extremely unbearable pain.....

JY wo.
Happy new year sisters!!!! Huat ar!!!!

Sashamama, yeS finally i hv some "direction".

Dee, hv a good rest after your op. take some tonic and tio your body for the next cycle.

Dr Tan couldn't answer to why Dr Loh didn't turn up. So I guess there must be more to it..... hmmmm. But he's pretty assuring over the phone. Even in the OT, he patted my hand &amp; told me not to worry.

How come yours still stuck even after your op? They couldn't free it or did it recur again after some months? Dr CK Khoo also freed my intestines which was stuck to the back of the uterus 2 years ago, but it has recurred again. Your 3 surgeries also laparoscopy?

I wanted to email &amp; ask Dr Loh, but decided against it since its over already. Let him concentrate on the more important things.
My next plans? Wait for my 2nd cycle to start on Valentine's Day. Can't try natural now cuz had taken the Lucrin injection a month ago.

Yeah, menses cramp super duper painful ... excrutiating .... I can't quite imagine it too .... dunno how it happened too .... but Dr HH Tan did say it will cause painful period and sex.

But then again, I have always thought the excruciating pain is from the adenomyosis? So it's more this intestine stuck or adenomyosis? Sasha ... any idea?

Sorry girls .. please pardon me for rumbling away on New Year Day ... just need an outlet ... but yes, like what LuvNHope say .... let's all look ahead and all get preggy in 2012!!

Yup, I will! Thanks!
