IVF/ICSI Support Group

Aiyo I wake up this early again; my bb n body now training me to be awake this early to prepare for motherhood when bb is out.. Awoke since 430am.

Sarah : hv replied u

Tickles : yes it's yuckky immunocal - I wanted to keep n continuing drinking for general health but really find it so argghh that I held onto them for a while but did not drink any pkt yet.. Only found the courage to whack it down during my ivf cycle. Why u all eat raw egg whites?? So vomitting leh. I at egg whites half boiled, fried or cooked; taste better; especially when I kiasu - I ate like 10 ew and 1 immunocal pkt daily. Am, i ate like 3 half boiled eggs. Lunch i eat somthing with 2 eggs. At night when i reach hm while wtching tv, i will fry 5 eggs to eat. I don't eat all the yolks; will throw away some of it. I also started immunocal before I start injection to build up my body and hopefully quality of my eggs! V impt leh; if wastage rate v high rate; then retrieved a lot of eggs also can be wasted! Itried immunocal on hubby and tell him good leh make u stronger; he drinks and goes yucks!! I used to mix with yakult or honey which is more drinkable then.

Wah Wah! Many people talking about my lao shi! Good good - hope everyone will hv their dreams come true! Yes, true that u need to keep yr spirits high and be positive. Too negativity energy in our body is no good wor.. I personally think should see laoshi before u embark on BD or start IVF. Cos got a series of healing to do and one of which is an important step. I dot want to say too much here since Im not expert on healing. I leave it to laoshi to explain but someone did mention before. I went healing for a full course and got my bfp. Others before me also did it and bfp.

Cherie Tan : google for Yoga Inn and Yoga Inn Facebook. Laoshi is Mdm Tan and her contacts is in her website. U can read my experience in my blog found at her Facebook. She does healing and helps us to conceive..

Hope, i m spotting now, can make appt w Dr Loh now or wait for day01? But if wait for day1, it will be during e holiday. How ah?
Hi Nurul
Actually i find the taste ok.. Not drink as it is.. Is mix with HL strawberry milk.. Very nice to drink with it after mix woah..

Hi i1bb
Hugz.. Tiao urself well n u will strike at ur next FET k.. No need go to another fresh cycle anymore..;)
Hi sashamama
Me last wk scan is at 8th wk.. Both grow abt same size..;) thk u.. Praying hard all scan i go will goes well... U will go to laoshi place till labour or??
Dear sisters, I need some advise here... I am hvg spotting today and worry that my AF will come full flow by this evening or during the long weekend. Can I still start my IVF this cycle?

I called TMC and was told to call them on my day01 of AF but I told her wat if the day01 happened during the long weekend. the nurse told me to call them on next tuesday. May I know if this will affect the IVF cyle? Please advise. Thank you.
no worries lah. When u called them next tue, if your menses full blown over the weekend, they still can give u a date to go down for scanning and so on and so for, etc. if their procedures are more or less like KKH. In my opinion lor.
Babysmurf, ok I will do that.

Goodies, does it matter which day I start IVF? I tot hv to go down for scan and start jabbing on day2 or day3 onwards?
if you are doing a fresh cycle, they will advise you a date after your current menses, a schedule will prepare for you to prepare. Definitely not during your menses you start your injection. If you are doing FET, you will go down for scanning on day 10 to track ovulation and follicles size. so doesnt matter if your menses blown on weekend. Unless you need to take blood test for FSH. Hope the above help
Thanks for your advise. This will be my first IVF. I have done all my blood tests. So there is no injection during our menses? Paiseh I v gan giong as this is my first time....
Hi gals, haven't pop in here as on Hols during 2ww. Juz did BT. BFP! Baby dust!
Now waiting for med and to decide if wana stay on in Kk or follow dr loh.
Hi Tickles
No need to be too raw.. Just semi raw oso can.. I use a tupperware where put hot water in n once the hot water run dry, the egg will be able to eat like yat kun style... Not so disguested too n the tupperware only cost few dollar.. Cheap n easy to use..;)

Hi pierced
Congrat to u!! When is ur et n what is ur bt reading? Happy for u.. N rest well..;)
Baby Journey,

Understand. No injection for your current menses. When you starts your injection, you will still have your last menses. Dont be alarmed you still need to do the V scan even with the flow on.
Babyjourney, also depends whether u r under long or short protocol. If long protocol the 1st jab is only start on day 21. Whereas if is short protocol it shld be start on d2 of menses.
Actually dr Zou also not encourage us to take the raw type of eggs coz afraid it might contain bacteria. She told me to take half boil.
yes, babyjourney, if short protocal, injection starts on day 2 of menses.. i just started today.. wonder what i shd eat while on injection? i read about egg white.. what is this immunocal? where can i buy? also, where to get brazil nuts? shd i drink chicken essence during the injection period? i am fearful coz last time my egg quality v poor
appreciate advice.. thanks!
Cock cock, Immunocal is a form of protein. Can buy from og or order direct from fung and Goh. It also selling at SGH pharmacy. For brazil nuts u can take during 2ww. chicken Essence can start to take during this stage n 2ww. Eat healthy n more vege n fish. Perhaps I also dun really know what to eat to improve eggs quality since I'm still a failure so far.
Cock cock, I always bot the brazil nuts from fairprice xtra at amk hub. Lots places selling like those selling nuts stall at bugis junction also shld hv according to the sisters mentioned here.
Babyjournry, i just get my Lucrin done this morning in TMC.
you can make appointment to see him on tuesday after the holiday, i think so. because i first meeting with Dr Loh wasn't my 1st day of menses too, it was 5th day of my menses....

aiya, sistas here, Dr Loh said i heard wrongly about the 6 months lucrin, he said should be 1st jab six weeks and then 2 jab 3 weeks, and then can start my IVF already....
Hope, I called to make appt @10am this morning but was told to call on my day01. Den when I asked more questions like if my day01 is tomorrow or sunday den how, the nurse told me she will get Dr Loh nurse to call me later. So I am still waiting for her call...

As this is my first IVF, so I m not sure mine will be short or long protocal but the last time I saw Dr Loh at KKH, his memo to KKHIVF was to put me on short protocal... I hope they will not tell me to wait for the next cycle...
Hi Joanne03,
I think I'd visit laoshi once a week or once every 2 weeks til delivery lo. You le? Tanny too? I've not tried the distant healing so far, which is a good thing I guess. But if ever I feel unwell, will request for it.

Dear pierced,
When is your scan for heartbeat?

Dear Strawberry Gal,
Your nick looks very familiar, you were with me and joanne03 in ttc 2008-2009 thread?
Babyjourney, hmmm... Not too sure whether dr loh is free tomorrow or not ler. He told me he got 5 ivf tomorrow schedule.... So he got no holiday at all. Maybe call that nurse again? ( i think Dr Loh nurse is locate in O&G center, and the office got no phone yet ler, non ever the credit card machine, only got nets machine...)
TMC is abit messing this morning, because the nurse have to run 2 offices, IVF center and O&G.... Sometime the nurse maybe forgotten about the call. So call again ya.
I just came back from Dr Zou clinic, she said raw egg white is good, but if we cannot handle it everyday (the taste n smell), may try half cook or 茶叶蛋. As i am now under the lucrin injection, she said i can start taking 2 to 4 egg whites; and before the stimulation stage can increase 10 to 20.
hi sarah, thanks so much for the info
chix essence can drink while on injection? read somewhere someone said her gynae said shd not take coz will affect hormone.. but i have friends who take... may it was during the 2ww.. i want to stay positive but getting nervous and worried...

babyjourney, let's hope that ur day 1 wont start till at least sun... i think if on day 3 still ok.. i fully understand what u feel, coz i had same fear too.. and i am hitting 40 in feb, so i cant wait if i want subsidy.. last chance
just went to the washroom and saw red flow. Called TMC clinic again and was put thru to Dr Loh's nurse, she sounds fierce but helpful at the same time (confuse rite :p)... she will checked w Dr Loh on my case and call me back later... from wat I gather from her, for those who are on short protocal can only start after their Jan2012 menses, for long protocal can start anytime.
the last time i called the nurse insist i called again only when got normal/heavy flow, not the light spotting at the start.. told her of course i will develop into full-blown menses by pm.. cant wait.. such thing is time sensitive...
btw, babyjourney, u have 2 years advantage than me... i feel so inferior when at ivf centre.. i think i am among the oldest patient there, hee... all the best to you! jia you!
Dear babysmurf,
Laoshi did mention that to me, but i didn't feel anything much though, I don't know what time was the healing done. Do you know? That was the day I went Christmas shopping myself in the afternoon, ate a burger as I shopped, got home felt really unwell (very crowded in tampines!!!), and I vomited (must be indigestion, walk and eat). Only time I have vomited the past month actually. Then went to friend's house for dinner. Nothing special happened. What about you? Felt anything?

It is really nice of her to do healing for all of us when she had that precious day off
Cockcock, ya when i called this mrng, the nurse also insist i call when i hv heavy flow... is this ur first cycle too? We Jia You together.. Aja Aja fighting!!!
Hi sashamama
Me not sure yet.. Btw, do u feel very bloated at night? Me oways got lots wind inside n keep put gas especially bloated at night time.. U? Hee.. I oso find strawberry gal name familar..;)
Hazel, sound like Upsah or something like that, i also din really get it... she is v fierce, i dare not ask her to repeat or spell her name... :p
Hey Joanne03,
Yes, I was so active in that thread I was called principal and managed all the updating of data remember? lol. So strawberry gal is definitely familiar :p

I feel difficulty in taking deep breaths and also bloatedness but I don't know how to induce burp so have to wait til I burp naturally, pretty uncomfortable.

Dear babyjourney,
Any updates from KKH yet? Hopefully you can start this cycle!
