IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dee.. no worries abt sharing your concerns. That's what this forum is for after all!

Dee, well, we nv know what KKH's rules are...yes, his Physical last day is 31 dec.. But We dunno if it allows him o perform surgeries. But he did tell me KKH refused to let him schedule a c section for his patient on 30 dec 1.5 wks ago... Dr tan has good surgerical n stitching skills too. He did c section for my gf when dr loh was away.. My friend was like u, freaked out when was told the dr is dr tan. After delivery, she went to see her old family dr to remove stitches n he told her the stitches were one of the best done he has seen before.
Thanks for sharing dee.
I have my adenomysis removed ( some cm...) in march 2010, my pms used to be super painful, effected my daily life badly, my pms pain started from 1 week before my menses, and super pain in my menses week (especial the first two days) i handly can walk!) and then the pain will continued to the next after my pms. So basically, the whole pms pain cycle for three weeks (crazy right!). My life become better after my surgery, pms only happens on first and second day....
So, if referring back to my case, adenomysis might not be the main caused of pms pain.....
Hi ladies

Those who had done ops, take this chance to tiao and prepare your body.

For those who AF already arrived, Jia you.

Wish all of us happy new year and have a dragon baby.
Dear hope,
Yes, when menses come, surely mc 2-3 days cos of unbearable pain. Cold sweat, heavy flow, nausea, sharp and extreme pains, even went to a&e before. But the intestines stuck to uterus part I think affects my bowel movement lo. All along I thought I have irritable bowel movement cos no reason will have diarrhea at times and constipation at times. Very very sian one...

The pains during menses are caused by the adenomyosis as the blood lining grows on our muscles and thus it is very very painful. The stuck to intestines part is called adhesions I think, that causes my bowel movement problems, probably some pains too

Dear Dee,
I have no idea why they didn't free it. My surgery was meant to stitch down my ovaries permanently (first cycle failed cos my expanded uterus dragged my ovaries up and not all follicles were retrieved, so NUH doc suggested stitching down to facilitate next fresh cycle).

But during the surgery, the doc said my uterus was so swollen there was no space on one side to stitch down and the other side altho there is space, he said no need to stitch down since it is not very high up. They saw the stuck uterus to the intestines during the op (not before the op) and told me that they are stuck so badly, like a glued envelope, cannot tear apart, if tear apart one organ will be jialat. The doc also noticed one tube blocked with toxins, he cleared it but said it is no longer usable cos blocked too long.

After the surgery, I was honestly upset cos the purpose in going for the surgery (which is to stitch down the ovaries) was not accomplished and I found out about the stuck organs and unusable tube. During my ER, I had 21 follicles but only 6 retrieved. BOTH ovaries were too high so 15 follicles were left in both ovaries and there was nothing I could do. Yet, during the surgery, though one can be stitched, the doc didn't.

And after the surgery when I was resting, the doc came and suggested surrogacy or adoption. I was too groggy to make sense of everything.

Anyway, it is all over now. Other than that surgery this August, my previous 2 surgeries were for my endometriosis to remove blood cysts.

Yup, just think positive now ya? Dr Tan HH is the good-looking doc that some gals were talking about right? I think I saw him the other day when waiting to see dr loh. Tall and handsome! lol. Now you say he is reassuring and caring too. So you must be in good hands
Ching, cannot do this cycle coz of some approval issue at Tmc. Will start the short protocal once my January menses reports.
Ladies, do u only put red dates and wolfberries in your drinks? I know some of you put dried longans too... Any other thing that we can put in the drink?
We can be cycle buddies then!
I will be starting my fresh with my Jan menses.
Dr Loh suggested long protocol with 225iu of gonal-f, but I am thinking of requesting for short protocol. Hopefully he will approve it.
Let's jia you together!!!
LuvNhope, me put dried longans, red dates, wolfberries, ginger slices, Abit of rock sugar n molasses sugar. My helper will cut up the dried longans n red dates. All put into a hot water flask, pour in hot water. Closed it tight. After half an hour can drink le.
Actually I tried both long n short protocol before. My response were abt the same. I produced abt 20 follicles, ~12 fertilized. I m thinking of doing the short one coz shorter time ma ... Hehe... Very desperate.
i1BB, wah, ur drink sounds delicious!

Ching, i see... yeah, then it might be more efficient for you to do short protocol. Any effect on the grading of the embryos between the two protocols for you? Just wondering...
Ching, yippie!!! Yeah one more buddy. Will u be meeting Dr Loh before ur ivf? Nurse shamseH just told me to call her on my day01.
I met Dr.Loh two weeks ago. Nurse Shamseah also said call on D1, but I prefer to see him earlier ( I never see him b4), to let him know abt my ivf history and see what is his suggestion .
Btw, I did find that nurse Shamseah is quite helpful, so not to worry when you talk to her ya!
LuvNhope, I tried both long n short protocols too. In my case, short wasn't good for me cos my harvest was worse than long
I guess every individual reacts differently. Dr Loh wanted me to try out both long n short protocols.
Ching, i1BB, i've only done one long protocol b4. Not sure how i wld react to short protocol. Hmm.. maybe i shld ask doc when i see him. But of course, if short protocol, can see the results faster! Hopefully!
Hey dropping by to say Happy New Year and a great fruitful year ahead hor! Im sure more and more good good good news coming your ways!
Whoa .... You pain for 3 weeks ,., rest 1 week, then pain start all over again. Did you go for laparoscopy? So your lucrin is for about 10 weeks instead of 6 months right?

Your NUH's doctors really .... *shake head* .... But your condition sounds really serious. Did you say this NUH op was just 4 mths ago? I can understand your frustrations to the purpose of the op. Makes the whole painful process redundant isn't it? Did Dr Loh say anything about this procedure that you went through?

Dr HH Tan? Not bad looking .... But I don't think he's tall leh ... I think I taller than him. ... Lol ... But yes, charming in his own ways when he smiles. Kekee

Glad to hear from Hazel that he has good surgical hands too ... it's quite a comfort ... Thanks Hazel .... Will be seeing him officially next week for post-op discussion.

Sometimes I add black dates & Nan zao in it. But the simple drink of red dates, wolfberries & longan is tasty enough ....
Hi dee, I under dr hh tan. He is aso very busy, I Need to wait at least 2 hours when seeing him by appointment. When I did my 2 time so-iui, he never really explan much to me n ask me proceed to ivf. Initially not very comfortable as he seem like dun talk much, but maybe aso I never ask much. But after he did the ET for me, I felt that he really quite good. Haha. Coz is less painful than the iui procedure I did. Iui procedure are done by doc on duty, only ivf will be done by your own doc.
Luvnhope, actually whether long or short protocol all decided by dr. They will judge based on all the bt done. Some ppl work well on short some work well on long. I tried both... Long protocol, bfp but mc at wk6. Short no success n the fertilized rate also low. But the numbers of follicles for both cycle is the same. For short protocol I took 8 days for stimulation whereas long protocol I took 14 days on puregon. Diff med also react differently to individually.
Dear Dee,

Yes the surgery was 4-5 months ago. Then I went to see Dr loh who put me on 10-week Lucrin. He heard about my case and said he is confident to retrieve my follicles. Moreover he offered Lucrin first to suppress my condition first to lessen the swell of the uterus. The NUH doctors just asked me to try again with no difference in treatment. Thus I decided to switch.

Hopefully you can also strike soon!!!
Cherrie, I saw dr tan a few times when dr loh was away. Hey, he can chat one if u talk to him... One time i told him that forum girls Said aspirins no good for pregnant ladies.. He explained to me n also shared his views on forum. He warmed up already n asked me if I m a catholic! I said no, but hubs is n I hv not attended the class yet. Then he said class is 1 year, hubs shld enoursge me to go! Then I asked him bk if he is a catholic since he knows the procedures so well!!

So, open up n chat with him next time! He actually quite nice to talk to...
Sashamama, my friend has ovaries that r very high up in the womb due to some reconstruction surgery she did when she was a bb. Dr loh did a laparoscopy for her to remove an ovary cyst n clean up her endo. That surgery was a v complicated one coz of reconstruction surgery she did when she was a bb. In the laparoscopy, Dr loh reconstructed her ovaries n brought them down to faciliate ER if she does do ivf. But he told her, still higher than normal n follicles may not be easily reached at ER. Well, but he did it! No issue of reaching her follicles! He is really gd!
Hi Cherrie,
I'm not surprised we all would have to wait at least 2 hours to see any of the doctors there now. And hazel is right, he seems like a nice warm guy. But u gotta open up & talk to him.

I first met him during my ivf 2nd scan visit, and he's definitely warmer than Dr Vardot. But he didn't change my med. It's only when I bumped into Dr Loh outside the room that he (Dr Loh) added menupor to my Gonal F med, which at least allowed us to retreive 2 eggs. That's why at first I'm so so about him only. But I have a good impression of him too maybe because he smiled at me several times along the walkway. Kekee

Then after this op, he didn't come visit me to update me on the op details. But after the nurse called him, he was very patient, listened to my grouses & explained to me why he did or did not do certain things in the OT eg adeno-myomectomy.

So yes, u gotta open up & talk to him. I'll be seeing him soon again, let me test out see if this theory is correct. Lol

You'll our inspiration! Hope those of us with the darn adenomyosis & stuck intestines can strike like you too!
Visited dr paul last wed.he has started me on suprefact jab, stimulation jabs will start day 5 af which i m waiting for my af to come now...
Dee, oh, nan zao and black dates... thanks!

Sarah, i think i took 2 weeks for stimulation on long protocol too. Thought it was rather long. Mind sharing why doc decided to try short protocol for you?
Luvnhope, dr loh nv tell me the reason just say this time round v try antagonist (short) that's all... N for me I always just trust whatever dr said n seldom ask. For my 1st cycle I do not hv ohss etc n everything is normal. Mayb dr also "test test" n see which 1 work better.
Good morning! Haven't log in for 1 day and there are so much to keep up! But sisters, try to sleep earlier if possible as it's better for your heart and growth hormones.

I got a "direction" from Dr Loh yesterday (1st time ever that he replied my email with 2 complete sentences! Maybe it's public holiday). He advised me to rest in Jan and do short protocol in Feb.

My last 2 attempts were long protocol. In fact he refused to let me try short for my ICSI as I responded poorly during my 1st IVF attempt (much poorer than my IUI#1 & IUI#2, hence was converted to IUI#3), and I'm most unlikely a high risk for OHSS... So, why short this time? Lotsa question marks in my mind.. Got to see him in my Jan appointment to clarify face-to-face.
Angel, for my fet too, 1st fet is medicated fet n my next fet dr tan said try natural fet so that no need use medicine. If try 1 cycle n no ovulation then only switch to medicated. I told dr that last time with med my lining only hit 8mm 2 day before transfer. If no med then will be worst rite n he say not really... So I will just follow n see.
Dee, i agree with you that sahsamama is our inspiration liao. So, pleaes sahsa, please stay come by this this forum on and on....

Sahsamama, i want to check with, during your 2ww, did dr loh request you to sleep in certain positions? He told me that he usually will encourage us ( ivf with ade) to sleep in centain positions so higher chance in the implatation.... I remembered you also told me that you have stopped dr zou's medicine during your lucrin 10 weeks right, when stimulation stage did you continue taking dr zou's medicine or you have totally stopped visiting here liao?

I am in my lucrin 10 weeks now, just want to do so many things as possible to tian my body....
Sarah, is your next one FET or fresh? Sorry abit confused..

My next attempt will be fresh. My last FET was medicated and lining also reached 8mm at CD10 then Dr Viardot (on duty) ordered to trf 2 days later.

I think 8mm is the benchmark and if have the opportunity to thicken further, chances might be better for implanation.. but usually it seems that western doctors think 8mm is ok... my TCM physician said better to hit close to 10mm..
Luvnhope, just look forward for the fet 1st.... I left with only 2 frozen embryos I also still looking forward for my fet although I dunno what will happen during thaw. Just take 1 step at a point.
Angel, my next is fet... Hope that my frozen embryos will survive the thaw. My lining last time very hard to increase during medicated fet even with increase the dosage of progynova. For Tcm they will say atleast 10 mm. But western no. That time I told the dr to let me wait for another 2 more days but she refuse.
no luck anyway.
Hi sarah and angel
Once hit 8mm, transfer is done two days later n ur lining is still growing. Usually grow at 1mm in one day so by the time u did the transfer, is just nice 10mm.. If they give green light only after u hit 10mm then after 2days, may increase to 12mm.. Too thick lining is no good too.. Mine is medicated fet n insist went for scan at day 10 as kkivf usually asks us go scan at day 14 which i feel is too late by then so i insist.. Lucky i insist as it was already at 8mm when i go scan at day 10. Imagine if i go at day 14, lining maybe 12mm oreadi n after two days then transfer will be 14mm which is too thick. I transfer after 4days due to holiday so i presume lining is at 12mm by then... So 8mm is ok to give green light for transfer after 2days..;)

Hi luvnhope
Knock ur head.. Pls hv confident with ur embbies, u havent try fet n already raise white flag, no gd k.. If u check joynfaith excel file, many bfp via fet compare to fresh cycle as i believe embroye who can survive thawing is much stronger than fresh embbies..;) n oso not so much injection stress comprare to fresh so u shd hv confident to bfp via fet since with lesser stress, right? I go back to work after 6 days rest for fet as doc zou say best to rest at least 5 days due to implantation period.. I remember i did mine et on tuesday n rest all the way till following Monday.. U wun feel so stress keep thinking abt it when at hm during ur 2nd wk too.. So pls hv some confidence in ur fet too..;)
Sarah, have faith in your frozen embryos and don't worry too much. Even though I responded fast & well to progynova, Dr Viardot also refused to let me wait a few more days.

Will pm you something to consider.
Joanne, for my case, 1st scan my lining is only 6mm at day 13. So wasn't good with the thickness at this date. N day 16 lining then hit 8mm. So my response wasn't good. So for my last fresh cycle, I try red bean soup etc n came out lining is better n is triple. But still no success.
so the failure I also dunno due to what reason. Just hope right time will come soon n will success next round.
