IVF/ICSI Support Group

Gals, dun hv to worry too much on lining thickness as long as u hit 8mm though ideal lining is 10-12mm. My first pregnancy, during last scan before ER was 14mm, I asked dr Kelly loi, the ivf consultant then if too thick lining will hinder success. Coz at ET, it shld be >14mm. She said not so for the ivf cases. Well, true enough, FYI, I bfp.

My 2nd n 3rd pregnancies, my lining was 12mm at last scan. ET was another 3-4 days after right? So, my lining will be thicker then right. I bfp again both times coz my thicker lining was not caused by endo. I will always ask dr loh how was my lining at ET, he always said lining was good. He has nv tell me too thick!

So, there is no such thing as too thick lining is no gd.. Or wat others claim so.. Some just assume they fail coz lining was too thick.. Of course if thick lining is caused by problems such as endo... Then, yes will affect success...

To be pregnant, is more thsn just lining thickness, n embyro quality. It is too complicated for human to analyses. Just Be positive & pray! U will carry your bundle of joy soon as long as u dun give up!
Hi Joanne, for me, my 1st scan was done on CD10 and it was 8mm & triple, so was ordered to trf 2 days later. I presume I might have around 10mm at day of transfer and embbies are good (both grade 4, 1 is 8-cells, 1 is compacting), but still failed.
I think TCM would prefer 10mm for last scan (i.e. 2 days before transfer), so that lining is about 10 -12/13 mm at transfer day. Your case sounds the most ideal.
Hi sarah
I see.. Hope this time ur body will respond better than last time.. To me, best n perfect lining shd be around 10mm to 12mm.. Anything more than tt or less than tt will not be too good.. Many gyneas n doc zou told me the same thing too.. Infact, i bfp with 14.5mm lining during er scan half year ago but has mc at 8wks.. After a few cases, doc Zou suspect is due to thick lining (the bt i take after mc show i am ok) as she has a few patients who has mc after transfer via thick lining too.. So to achieve a successful bfp, beside gd lining(too thick or too thin is DEFINITELY no good), embroye n womb condition is oso impt.. Wish u success in ur next try.. R u still seeing doc Ban choon chan? When is he coming back fr holiday?
Hi Joanne, I tend to agree with you that lining being too thick and too thin is not good, although there are always exceptions. I'm also seeing dr zou and is one of her few patients with thick lining (15mm at ET) that mc at 11wks. She also thinks that my mFET failed because of thin lining (8mm @ 2 days before fet).
Hi Angel
I see.. Maybe at ur next try, if ur lining is at 8mm on day 10, u request to transfer after day 3 instead of day 2? This time when i scan at day 10 on Friday is at 8mm n i transfer on Tuesday due to Monday is a holiday.. Else will transfer on Monday.. Doc zou tt time say just nice to transfer on Tuesday too... Very sad to know abt ur mc, did u do any bt too to find out the cause? Doc zou oso suspect due to thick lining? Sorry to asks, u went for scan at wk 11 n bb hb stop at wk 11? Feel real sad for u since u gonna past ur first trimester.. ;'( tell urself tt since u hv bfp before, shd hv no problem to bfp with healthy bundle of joy again as long as u dun giveup n hv optimal condition in ur womb.. Jiayou k..;)
Okie okie, i shall be more positive and have faith in the FET. Try my best!

Talking abt lining, if my lining was 11mm at scan on a Monday and ER was on that Friday, ET on the following Monday would my lining have grown too thick by the time of ET???
Now I know, tcm dr with no medical degrees gives better advices than ivf trained dr licensed under the medical board! If so, no need to see western ivf dr Leow to get pregnant.

Once an embyro implanted, n there r no bleeding thereafter, n later heart beat stop n miscarriage, cld be the lining,.. thickness fault? Wow.. There arent even any tests n scientific proof on that on website. Hm.. Then ivf drs really dunno their stuff well.. Better dun waste money seeing them...
Hi Luvnhope
Good to hv positive thots..;) dun worry or think abt the pasts anymore though many gyneas oso say too thick or too thin is no good but wht we r seeing now is thick lining or thin lining still can get bfp but whether a successful bfp is still hard to tell till carry bundle if joy in our arm, like wht angel says, there maybe exceptional case too.. So Just look forward k.. All the best to ur fet try.. Hv faith in it k..;)
Hi Joanne,

I'll be doing fresh cycle next but will try to take note if doing fet in the future. I think your timing this time is really great and lucky. Are you in 2ww?

My bb no more hb at wk 11 scan. Dr Zou suspects it's due to my thick lining but Dr Loh never say that. He said that for mc in 1st trimester, it's most likely due to chromosomal abnormalities that could be inherent in the egg/sperm or happened randomly during bb development, and it's beyond our control. It can happen to any pregnancy that is conceived naturally too, even to those that have healthy pregnancies and live babies before. I feel sad for your last mc too. No matter when it happened, it's a real loss and grief. Didn't know can do bt to find out the cause. Could you pls advise me what can bt reveal?
at my last scan before fet, my lining thickness was 11mm. i did ask dr loh if this is ok.... he said my lining was very good... sometimes, especially in ttc-ing, we really dunno what's the best and very difficult to be so calculative... sometimes it's the lining, sometimes it's which part of the uterus the embryo has implanted, sometimes it's the quality of the embryo... even embryo quality is based on appearance, we never know exactly what's happening inside the embryo so that's why some ppl can bfp and carry baby to full term with poor grade embies...
Hi angel
Hugz... Since u bfp before, will bfp again soon k..;) the bt i took last time is the chromosome bt n other antibodies bt.. If urs is first time, gynea wun asks u do any bt.. Yes, doc Loh usually will say wht u mention above.. I heard abt the importance of lining fr other gynea too as hv seen numerous gynea before come back to kkh to do ivf due to the subsidy n doc Loh's magical hand..Thk god tt me has bfp but still cant be too happy till carry bundle of joy in my arm..;)

Hi eskimo
U r right.. To bfp n carry pregnancy successfully, 天时地利人和 is very impt too...;)
Hi Angel
Thk u.. I hope my timing is great this time too.. Still praying hard everyday..;) urs will be great timing in ur next try too k..;)
Dear Dee & Hope,
Wa! Inspiration ah? 不敢当!!!I will try my best to make this a successful pregnancy and give us adeno sisters more hope at success!!!

I will definitely visit, still reading daily
As for sleeping positions, Dr Loh didn't tell me to sleep in any way le. No special advice for my case. As for Dr Zou, I stopped when I started my 10-week Lucrin, no acu no meds, but partly cos I'm lazy too. I guess TCM is ok during the Lucrin stage though I'm unsure. Need expert advice for this!

Hi Joanne,
I just saw laoshi today, she says bb has heartbeat still and moving around
My next appt I fix 20th Jan, no longer once a week.
Sashamama, yes I've but due to the change of humidity, my arms and partial legs itch once I'm back to town. The itch level will not increase if I were to sit in front of the fan or in aircon place. Can't wait to see my family doctor tomorrow. And lately gotten flu from my hubby. Hope all these be over asap.

HOPE, I use to have painful abdominal pain during heavy flow of AF. It disappear after I start yoga, thus continue yoga since I enjoy the process and has many benefits. I've seen a programme that you can do cycling in the air during the pain or put some warm towel at your abdominal to lessen the pain. Or you can inform your TCM Dr if you are seeing one, he can give you chinese herbs to prevent backflow during your AF.

Ching, during the last visit with Dr Loh, he suggested me to do long protocol for my next fresh cycle but when I asked him whether I can do short protocol and he replied its up to me if I want to. After thinking through and my TCM Dr told me it would be good to go through long protocol, I called up to change to long one in order to suppress and have even follicles growth. I think short protocol is for some people that is not suitable for long protocol. If not, usually DR will suggest long protocol. Do discuss with Dr Loh and see which method suits you well.

Gals, I would to sell a bottle of new VIGOR -ACE Multivitamin at $26 that expires on Jun 2012. Please PM your mailing address if you are interested.
Hi sasha
Thats gd to hear on wht laoshi say.. U shd feel more relax now..;) me intend go weekly till after first trimester but hv no apptment slot left for this wkend so going only next weekend.. hv reply ur pm yesterday..
Ladies, for the FET, once the AF reported, call KKIVF and they will ask to go KK for scan on D17, correct?

I've forgotten the drill & need to calculate the date... thx!!!
Joanne, u went back to work 1 wk after ET right? Do u bend down or need to carry any files etc? Do u need to climb staircase etc? Coz I'm planning how many days leave shld I take during fet. Isz ok to just take public transport during 2ww after the ET? Sorry for so many question...
Hi Sarah

Done is just before Xmas. Laoshi too early to test ask me to test today. So plan to do a beta test 5 jan at kkh.
Hi sarah
No problem.. I try to oways sit at my seat.. Asks collegue dabao lunch for me.. Need to do some sorting of items but no need carry files. If need carry files, my guy friend will help me as we r goid friend for many years so i just say heavy and he will help me.. No climbstair at all. i dun take public transport as my hb fetch me to n flo to work. Let me know if u hv more questions..;)
Hi Babyjourney, just wondering, are you also started to drink Ensure life? wow... i never thought this milk powder can be this expensive...

hello sistas, is there anyway i can get a discounted Ensure life?
Sarah - I went back to work day after ET on my last fresh. took bus to work, office walk up 2nd storey, light carrying files and moving pedestal as changed seats, went for slow walks at park, cooked light meals at home & even mopped floor
As J03 says, just take it slow & easy (i really walked v slow, and when kepoh colleagues asked i just said back pain). but the nurses do advise try not to squat too much.
Heard from sisters here that Ensure milk powder is rich in selenium, which aids implantation.

Ya, Ensure is expensive! Selling price is $32.75, right?
Ching, u also drink the Ensure milk?

Hope, drink everyday? I am taking egg whites, red date+wolfberry drink, immunocal, raspberry tea and Conceive well gold. Tao-hing liao...
Babyjourney, me too. i have to take some many difference things... my head also become very big already. morning 2 egg whites + oat milk, an hour later Dr Zou's medicine, red date, and afternoon ensure milk, and then at night drink eggwhites+oat milk and an hour later Dr zou's medicine again.... sometime dunno which to which already....
I am desperate n tired woman. Lolx. I used to b jin on also. Take Tis n tat... Now I Abit sian le. Mayb after a while more I will start to b "super desperate" again. Hehe
Hi All,

I understand that DR SF Loh has left KKH, and now he's in Thomson Medical.

And I have 11 frozen embryos in KKH, can i bring over to TMC.

Coz I did my last IVF with Dr SF Loh in 2009 and now I think I'm trying for next baby for 2013..
and I'm thinking of can bring over the embryos to TMC and will there be subsidy??
Hi All,

I understand that DR SF Loh has left KKH, and now he's in Thomson Medical.

And I have 11 frozen embryos in KKH, can i bring over to TMC.

Coz I did my last IVF with Dr SF Loh in 2009 and now I think I'm trying for next baby for 2013..
and I'm thinking of can bring over the embryos to TMC and will there be subsidy??
Juliana, TMC is private no subsidy....
i heard some of the sistas here is transferring the frozen embryos to follow Dr Loh to TMC too, there was some transfer fee involved but i cannot remember the cost....
