IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sarah, this is my second fresh cycle... no frozen embryoes from last time.. hope got better outcome this round!Good to follow dr loh, you will be in good hands.. for me, the timing doesnt permit.. i cant wait (since menses already come).. otherwise got to wait till next month when he is at TMC...

Babyjourney, dr loh's nurse name is shamseah. A bit big size malay nurse la. Actually she is a very helpful and handy nurse to Dr Loh.... She helps me this morning with my injection....

If you are in short protocol, meaning you need to wait for one more cycle? TMC close at 530pm, do you received any update from nurse shamseah yet? If not, must call again. JY wo.
I1bb, I squeeze in an appointment to see Dr Loh after my failed cycle and he helped me to book an ivf appt for May. Though I expressed my intention to follow him to TMC, he still insisted on booking the ivf appt for me in May, I case I chged my mind
Babyjourney, aiyo like that ho....i i think they are closed on saturday ler. Maybe they really busy and forgotten to call u back....as they are the running up and down for two offices which across the hall....
Hi starbabies, I think I wont have chance to c dr Loh anymore. Sigh

Btw can any sisters here advise how much for fresh cycle with dr Loh at tmc? My friend wan to check. As in cash must come out ard how much and total cost ard Hw much based on long protocol.
Hi ladies, can check with you what is the cost of healing session with Mdm tan? How do we start with her? Walkin or visit the place directly?What is the name of the healing session for us who trying to conceive?
Cherries: 1 healing session- $150. Take package: 6 sessions- $900 + either 6 distant healing or 6 yoga session. Just call Mdm Tan she will explain to u and book the first session.
Mine came this morning the moment I opened my eyes. My af flow always very little but after failed fresh will b more. But also not super alot more la. Just more than usual... I wonder mine will last how long... Zzz
Usagi, hopefully we can become cycle buddies. However, I am planning to do in April, under Dr Loh, in TMC.
If in the end, we do in KKIVF, then will be may.
Honestly, I'm feeling Abit worn out cos I really dont knw what else I can do to succeed. It's like I studied so hard for an exam and yet flunk. Worst part, flunk without knowing why flunk and what went wrong. Sigh

I can understand ur feeling. But think from the bright side, at least u bfp before... So I m sure u will bfp again! For me, I never bfp leh.... Worse than u, right? Haiz....

I met dr.loh last week. He said that for long protocol with ~ 225iu, the cost is abt 11k.
Hi karen - not sure if u remember we were sort of cycling together in March/April. I guess in some way I may know what. U mean by the mental fatigue of trying & trying and like nothing happening. Going the same circle but dunno when can exit the roundabout.

Was following your 2ww. Do Take some time to yourself before u start next cycle, actually I found a few weeks even off the forum helped cleared the mind of the Journey.

Keep happy & keep the faith, as long as we keep trying, at least got chance, but take your time. In the end, all in .God's hands.
Thanks ladies!

Joanne, my FET on 13th. Reading is 701.01.
BT was supposed to be yesterday but I didnt go till today. Wasn't expecting good news as didnt have any symptoms as usual.

Karentey, hee, ur surname same as my hb's. I went malaysia for a family trip. true, u wont think as much if u are stuck at home.

Sashamama, my scan for heartbeat is on 11th Jan. A bit worried too as I lost my previous foetus at 8 wks so just thinking positive and hope for the best this time. Are u following Dr Loh to TMC?
I'm still unsure abt whether to stick on to KK but I bk appt with Dr Tan first and see how.

Cock cock, I bought brazil nuts from Mustapha 2nd time round. Cheaper than Cold storage. 500g for $5.90 nia, and from UK.

Karentey, Jia you Jia you! I been trying for a long while too before this gd news. Hoping and praying that this time round will be stable.I'm sure u will succeed! Baby dusts!

Cherrie Tan, yup still need to go. I went today instead of yest and while i was waiting at the clinic for BT, they called me up to ask me why yest I didnt turn up. Haha..

Read that u will be starting ur ivf at TMC. Will u be on long or short protocol?

I will be starting my ivf with Dr.Loh using my Jan menses. He suggested me to go for long protocol... Wonder can I request for short protocol or not????
Ching, I nvr bfp before leh.... So I same as you lah....

Ya ron, I remember u. March April period. Valteen "graduated" Liao. U totally described my feelings. I'm quite a happy go lucky person n I thank god for this. If not, I dnt think I can continue this tedious journey at all. Faith, I will (try to) keep. Sometimes its hard to keep the faith but I'll try. I think I'm getting more n more "sad" in a way. Whenever I c preggy women ard me, I cnt help but wonder y not me... When I c babies, I cnt help but wonder y I can't have... It's saddening really. Tears will uncontrollably whelmed in my eyes at times
Haha pierced. U so zen hor. Just go for holiday and late one day for BT. It's really a good idea to go holiday during 2ww leh. May I knw if this is your first attempt? Tey this surname not very common hor. Usually ppl spell as Tay or Teh... Hehe
thanks for the info pierced, and many congrats! pls take good care ok

actually, i want to start my 2nd fresh cycle in positive mood.. and then, hands itchy and start searching and reading more past treads and then became fearful... if they have depleting and poorer quality eggs the second time, then me too! that's my main worry now... i am feeling guilty now as i have not been diligent (never take wheatgrass and EPO) and even stop my DHEA (coz of growing acnes and weight gain) although i started acu and tcm... in dilema and fearing if i have made the wrong move... hey, i shdnt be worrying and stressing myself now, only make matter worst!
wake up and think positive!!! slap slap!!
Hi pierced, congrats n thanks for the info. I hv got pms feeling, hence think my chances are low.

For those ladies with Mdm tan (laoshi), can I check on costing? I understand we can get package for 6 sessions but can we pay by installment? Coz a bit of finacial issue so need to find out more first. The session is once per week?
Hi Sashamama & Joanne
I'm not e Strawberrygal from your previous thread.. I jus started my ivf journey & failed my 1st attempt in Nov

Now gg to tiao my body before gg for my FET in Feb. But my AF not here till now, think it has gone haywire!
Hi strawberry gal,
I see, thanks for the clarification and welcome to the thread!

Hi pierced22,
I also lost my previous one at 8 weeks. my happiness is short-lived from finding out i'm preggie to losing it, just 2 weeks. That was 3 years ago for me. I think we understand each other's situation the best. My next scan with dr loh at TMC is on 13th Jan. Really hope everything goes well. Dr loh gave me MC till the end of my first trimester on 31st jan cos my womb is infected with adenomyosis and might not be able to hold the pregnancy, he is very worried (so am i!!!) hopefully we can deliver a healthy baby next year!!!
Dear Cherrie,
The costing is $900 for 6 sessions of package (6 healing sessions plus 6 distant healing or yoga lessons). If pay per per session is $150 without the free distant healing or yoga. The package instalment is only split into 2 payments. Meaning first 3 sessions $450 (pay on 1st appt) and next 3 sessions another $450. I been going once a week. Might go lesser like once in 2-3 weeks. Most go once a week. Laoshi has limited appointments too. Hope the above helps!
Karentey, understand ur feeling. I also got the same feeling as u... Whenever see pregnant women I will think this way, n I saw my colleagues pregnant 1 after 1 I feel even sad n jealous. Can't control. I even scare to face ppls especially during cny, I dare not meet up frens, relatives even mil.... Feel really paiseh n 自卑. But not everybody can understand how we feel, they will only say stay relax n will get pregnant etc.... No matter wat life still go on, we shld not just focus on this, we also must hv other mission n have to enjoy life. I remember initially during ttc, whenever I saw red every mth I will cry n cry, but now... No feeling Liao, even for Ivf, the moment I saw red I tell myself no point crying, try again.... It works. last time when I took exam I also can re take for few sitting then only pass, at that time I also feel y I study so hard still fail???? But no1 will be able to answer me. So I believe as long as we not giving up we will success one day. We are strong women, v able to face it. Jiayou...

Today is last day of yr 2011, dun think so much bad thing anymore n look forward for yr 2012, 新年新希望, we will success next yr. Wishing everyone Happy New Year 2012.
Sashamama and Pierced,
You've come a long way on this TTC journey. All the best to both of you! Be positive that you'll have your lovely dragon babies.
Hope, i just called Tmc and they r open today. Hv left a message for nurse shamseah to cal me back.

Ching, the memo that Dr Loh wrote in kkh indicate short protocal, but Dr Loh cant do short protocal at Tmc yet as he is still waiting for some approval. So Dr Loh's nurse is supposed to help me check w him which one i will do coz this is my first time. Now i m waiting for her to get back to me.
