IVF/ICSI Support Group

all i can say is... there must be a reason why kkh only consider 250 and above... if way below means the pregnancy is not viable... so eventually it's not going to work.... unless u talk abt late implantation... but even if late implantation, reading shouldn't be so low.. which means that embryo is already not alive and has already dissolved into the lining cos ur body is responding in such a way that it's no longer producing the hormones required for the pregnancy... that's why the reading is so low...

it takes time for this to sink in... i tested +ve on the hpt... but my result came out like this... so when i got the results, felt like the world just collapsed... console urself that at least implantation happened which means u can get pregnant but just that it's just not meant to be. ur embryo has put up a good fight. things will get better... u will also feel better

actually i was more concerned abt my af not coming.... cos if it comes, i can move on and rest a while and try again... if it doesn't come, then it means my system is messed up and may have to wait even longer to try another fet.
Thanks eskimobaby. Your words are so comforting. Deeply appreciated for enlightening me. Ya, at least this time round got implant. better than last time. I will just have to gambete lor..hee
dun say until enlightening leh
just sharing what i've been thru... it's always better to look forward... for pregnancy related stuff, sometimes there's no answer (only the one up there will know) so look forward rather than zhuan niu jiao jian
Eskimobaby, ai yo. Im "learning" from here ma...so any advices are a form of "enlightenment" to me. I totally know what you are trying to tell me. I will move on. Cos there's no choice but to move on. But I guess its only human nature to cling on to a weeeee bit of "hope"...even though I know how naive it is. Mind me asking, why hasnt yr AF arrive yet ah?
yeah i know, it took me a few days to get over it.

my af came 1 day after i stop the inserts... now just waiting for feb to try another fet....
i1BB....take care...rest well and try again...

oh ya..i mus rem to make appt for to sign the ivf papers..do you think any chance that i call kkivf to see if anyone cancel fresh so can slot me in...haha..maybe,jus dreaming.
Hi sisters
Need your advise, may I know how does implantation bleeding look like?
I had a ten cent brown colour spotting in my panty jus now, however when I wipe w paper there isn't any..
I quite scare now. I now 6 days post blast transfer.
i1BB, your gals have been talking about pregnly jab, may i ask what is this? i remembered my 2ww only given medicine no jab ler (SGH). is this an additional support for the 2ww?
Hi hope, Im answering you to the best of my "pte ltd" knowledge. Correct me sisters if Im wrong. Haha. Pregnly is HCG jab, it is made from urine of preggie women. This jab is to provide better support in the event a pregnancy occur. In KK, if retrieve less than 15 eggs (i tink), they will give pregnly jabs, if retrieve more, they give inserts cos they scared we will kenna OHSS.
hmmm.... why SGH never gave me HCG jab in 2ww? i retrieved only 12 eggs. they only gave me the hormones medicine for support. Strange.
i1BB,i manage to book an appointment with dr tan on the 4th jan just now.going to have a talk with him and then check with him for either a fet or a fresh cycle again.
i1BB,maybe i'm lucky ba..but the nurse i called said he's appt starts from the 4th onwards.maybe u can call again to book for earlier date?
Hi ladies, may I check what is FET? If I have frozen embryo , do u all know when will be the earliest time to do ivf again? Do I still need to injection again n wait for ovaluation?
FET is frozen embryo transfer. Either natural or medicated. Natural do nothing. only scanning to track the ovulation and the follicles size and lining. For medicated, not very sure in details and scanning is less and no need wait for natural ovulation
Cherrie, FET - frozen embryo transfer. For kkivf, fet no need q. Once dr confirm to proceed with fet then the nurse will let u know the process. U only need to call up on the 1st day of menses. No injection for fet as u already have frozen embryos. If u do natural fet, u will need to test on opk. If medicated fet then will need medication.
Been busy at work today. Now then got time to log in.

I1bb, hope u're not despairing n still looking ahead. Ur embies did better than mine liao
if ur trend of improvement continues then next round might just BFP! Ganbate!
Ladies who are breastfeeding or intend to breastfeed, while there r ladies who get preg n have a healthy baby while continuing to bf, it's safer to stop bfg first b4 ttc. Know of a real case of a lady who was bfg, din know she was preg n later found out that baby had stopped growing. Very sad. The hormones I think r conflicting when bf n when preg. That's why it's tough to do both at same time.
Yo LuvNhope, no worries. Im ok. This is season finale nia. Will have "new season" one... Akan datang. Dr Loh says my eggs quality shd b not too good got simi chromo abnormalities so no growth..... Zzz
Good to see u r still upbeat!

Aiyo, then my embryo also must b bad. Also wonder if it's the embryo problem or my womb problem.
Both hcg and progrestrone levels need to be high during pregnancy. Many of the ladies are given Progestrone supports after ET whilst some are given both hcg(pregnyl) & progestrone (crinone inserts/proluton jabs) supports.

However , It is "assumed" that ladies with lesser eggs are likely to not have conducive bodies to support the transfered embbies. The more eggs retrieved, it is highly likely that the body responds well to artificial stimulation. Therefore hcg is injected after transfer to ensure that the body "remembers" that u r "preggie".Both hcg and progestrone supports/jabs are considered An Tai jabs/meds.
Hi ladies

LMP = last mens period. So when go for for blood test for IVF. We will be ard 4 week preg. So for beta test you have to see the 4week LMP.
Thanks babysmurf.

Hi strawberry gal, Mayb u can email your doctor and enquire? How come so long menses not here yet... *scratch head* you mean after failed 1st attempt all the way till now no AF???
Hi ladies, just went to see dr Loh for a review ytd. Just to share with you that the queue for fresh cycle in KKIVF is till May 2012 aldy. So, if u r thinking of doing fresh cycle with KKIVF, need to book an appointment fast.
Babysmurf, I meeting dr tan for the first time on 18 Jan. I think I will probably talk to him first then decide n c if he can slot me in for fresh cycle ASAP or not. I shd b doing FET first ba. As for healing, one session will help meh?
I1bb: I not too sure whether 1 session will heal anot. But I did hear laoshi mentioned abt doing healing after delivery is to help clean away the dirty things in our womb.
