IVF/ICSI Support Group

Sunstillshines, R u still seeing TCM? Maybe can ask TCM to tiao your body and the cycst as well.

Rainy: We shall jia you togather. Then next month, Jan have good news.

sunstillshines-i read the internet reviews and seems conceive plus has better reviews. i just try lor

babysmurf-hope we will hv 'big ang pow' for the chinese new yr
Wow, Babysmurf, Laoshi didn't tell me abt the 10 gals that she has tt will conceive naturally in Jan. Hope we can be the lucky 10 lor. Best is every month will have 10 and everyone of us can have our turn soon.

By the way, do u talk to Laoshi in Mandarin or English? And I realised she is a Roman Catholic. As I am a Buddhist, I did ask her whether a certain religion is needed for healing to work. Good tt she said no and she doesn't impose her religion on others.
Chocolate: laoshi can speak english and mandarin. She understand mandarin better.

Rainy: Hopefully Jan we have the Big ang pow. Laoshi still calculate that if suceeded in Jan delivery will be in sept. laoshi might not be ard.
Dear J03,
Thx for the encouragement! I am at 7w3d when i saw Dr loh on tuesday and CRL is 13mm, heartbeat at 140. What about your readings from your last scan?

Dear Tickles,
Ya I think fresh is much better, so we went to buy the aerogaz double boiler when groupon had it in sale, only 29.90. Heh. Will try it today or tmr.

Gals who bfp, deliver & breastfeed,
You gals need to stop breastfeeding then can try to conceive ah?
Sahsamama, the double boiler you've mentioned. is it the one that selling at Dr Zou's clinic?

but, the double boiler is so small, how to feed the chicken breast meat in ....
Yo gals, Paisei ah... No bb dusts to throw sprinkle nor spread!!! UBFN! My reading 7 only..... I'm ok everyone. Taking this very light heartedly. Will move on to next step. Seeing dr tan on 18 jan! Gambete!!!!
Usually when we bf, our body's prolactinlevels r v high n we will not get our af but it depends on individual. I had my af while bf too. Gynea said we r v fertile after delivery so that chances of conceiving improves.
I m not with care. I took immunocal after pandawifey recommended.

Bf = breastfeeding ... Ur system gone haywire. B4 ur ivf, U r on regular cycle ? Did u went back to dr to access ur cyst ? Sometimes it could be water cyst which will go off after taking ocp ! Which clinic u intend to change to ?
good good good, meaning your womb is healthy for implantation maybe eggs need improvement or stress level need to be reduced :p ( talk like doctor like that :D)

Wow, you give me some hope leh. I am very stress not over getting pregnant. It is all about day to day activities. Taking care of my daughter, work, housechores, worst still my girl was very sick during my 2ww and i got to bring her to see Ped single handly and plus carring a stroller. So u see. Hiaz
i don't know also. i did my 1st cycle with SGH. they have no reading de. they only informed me not pregnant via phone after BT in the morning... ( atleast your gals got reading lo...)
Dear i1BB,
Yes, must gambatte ne!!! What are your next plans?

Dear HOPE,
I'm unsure what is Dr Zou selling but mine the capacity is 0.7litres and even has a yoghurt making function :p I think can fit the chicken breast la. My friend only used half a palm size kind of chicken breast.

Dear Daylesford,
Thx for the info!
Will read up more too. Loads of reading. Am thankful for the MC til 31st Jan.
Thanks. I hope my 4 embbies will be strong and BFP. Same goes to u. We jia you together

Sorry to hear that. Don't give up and try again. Yes, the fertilityblend already consist vitex, although I have vitex, I don't take together as the dosage is high so I just take fertilityblend.

I think my condition similar like you. After my c-sec, my previous gynae doing stitching somehow sew my uterus high up. Yesterday Dr Loh scan and said my uterus stick to bladder. He suggest I do hysterectomy to check the lining. I failed many times of FET & recent fresh and all cannot implant. And previous miscarriage 2 yrs after my c-sec delivery. I also suspect got to do with the high uterus. Don't mind me asking, how did u get pregnant? Is it going thru hysterectomy will help or your lao shi's healing?

Any sisters here went thru hysterectomy can share your experience? Thanks
If you are bf-ing usually will not get your af, so difficult u also wont know when you ovulate etc. Can still ttc, some people just get pregnant again without knowing. But of cos for me, no miracle happened thou I really wished it wont happened on me. Haha!

icic. no wonder.. Cos panda is from CARE de.
Hope, they never tell me the readings. It's I ask them de. Failed first fresh I gong gong I no ask them, then know from here can ask de so failed FET I asked lor. N just now nurse twinkle called me, also no tell me readings. Also I asked her then she tell me de. I quite friend with nurse twinkle alrdy cos three times also she broke the bad news to me de! Lolx

Sashamama, nxt step is c dr tan request for lapascopy to clear tube plus shun Bian "clean" inside then go for FET and also "chop" a place for 3rd fresh as well lor... Sigh

Thanks ocean. I won't give up unless no choice. Will continue trying. Thanks for the website on iherbs. It's superb!
Dear Ocean,
I got pregnant thru this 2nd fresh cycle with Dr Loh (first was at NUH then i switched over). I was given 10-week Lucrin to suppress my adenomyosis activity then went with the normal IVF procedure with puregon and ER and ET (only 2 eggs fertilised, 1 grade 3 and 1 grade 4, none frozen), then after 2ww's BT confirmed pregnant. HCG seems lower than average at first but did double. At 5 weeks plus couldn't see anything, was so worried, then at 7weeks 3 days this Tuesday, saw heartbeat, but Dr Loh v worried so give me MC til 31st Jan which is end of first trimester.

I visited laoshi after I was tested BFP through KKH BT actually. I really need a peaceful mind and some reassurance that everything is going ok and get some feedback on the growth. Laoshi told me there is heartbeat before I went for this Tuesday's scan and told me to stay positive. Which is what I'm trying to do

I don't understand how can the uterus be stitched high up though. Mine is not high up, but is so enlarged (due to adenomyosis) that the ovaries are dragged up, so couldn't retrieve all the stimulated follicles at NUH.

I am unsure what is hysterectomy, will go google. You have adenomyosis too or just high uterus?
wow.i1BB, you are very on, all well planned already. i have a very very strong feeling that we will all graduate from here. (now i talk like Laoshi) LOLx
Hi ladies, I am in 2ww after ivf in kkh. Today is my cd 9 after ET. I have feeling of since day 5, hence a bit down n like to seek your advice if my chance are low?
Can any sisters here enlighten me if hcg reading 7 really mean got implantation? I know not much point in asking but I wanna know for curiosity sake.
Haro cherrie, PMS may b due to yr prog inserts or pregnly jabs. It's either af is coming or pregnancy symptoms. Can't really read much into symptoms seriously cos early pregnancy symptoms very similar to af coming feel also.... Try to stay zen, it's difficult I knw. I cnt also. But try if u can. Stay zen
I don't have adenomyosis just high uterus. I think Im like an exceptional case as can't google my condition. Congrats on your BFP. I am following Dr Loh to TMC, I think with Dr Loh around will I feel more secure. Somehow don't trust other doctor. Hope I can BFP in his hand after CNY. thanks for your info
Hi i1bb, thank you for the advice. Ya, really is difficult. Have been feeling very down. And when I go back to kk to check on the hormone level, my reading is low. Hence, need to add more medicine. I know is not affecting the chance but just feel everything not right
Ocean, i also dun understand the meaning of "High Uterus" - does it block or make difficulties to retrieve the stimulated follicles? i have adenomyosis (similar like Salsamama) and underwent the surgery last april; FET on Sept2010 but failed again. i did my 1st cycle and FET with SGH. i am now moving on to TMC, met Dr Loh few weeks ago and he scanned my womb, he said my womb bad. so he recommended 6 months lucrin to reduce my uterus size (i have enlarge uterus due to edenomyosis too), and then we will pick up from then on....
Hi Karen I think I've read somewhere having people have bhcg and they r pregnant.... U might want to sears the Internet. Or they are different dpt ... Am not sure......

But those with low bhcg must go for injection so the embryo is stronger
Alamak but KK just told me I'm not pregnant leh. How to get the jabs to make embryo stronger wor? Argh. Ya ya no c red yet still got hope... Am I lying to myself... Sigh

Cherrie, my prog level was good but also like that. Try not to think too much. Get yourself occupied. Take yr mind away.
my reading was 7+ on BT day and according to Dr Loh, there's implantation but the embryo wasnt able to survive.... so i guess it's the quality of embryo in this case
7 is too low.... for kkh, above 250 then it's considered pregnant.... if let's say 100+, they will ask u to go back for BT to cfm.... my mense came 1 day after i stopped the inserts.
