IVF/ICSI Support Group

i1BB,its the jabs lah..i didnt have jabs i had inserts throu backside lah. most likely mine coming on tis sat or sunday latest on next tues.i tot ur BT is tml,y r u giving up nw?

Jasmine, I gave up two days ago when I test hpt n it's bfn. It's ok la. I now more relaxed le and am planning next step Lo... Hehe... My last jab was on 23 Dec. I wonder how long more it will delay my af.... Zzzz
Aiyoh, I tot Milo is okay?! Alamak, then drink what? I bought Gold Kili instant red date and longan drink (lazy to brew mah) but also getting sick of it liao.

i1BB, i still feel u have chance lah.. dun rule yourself out so quickly.
i1BB,so r u still going for BT tml?let just let go of ourselves and enjoy the new year and start the progess all over again, ming nie hui geng hao...=)
LuvNhope, Instant red dates longan tea no good de la. Not diff ma. Actually no nd brew ma. Every morning I will put dried longans red dates n wolfberries inside a small flask, pour hot water in and close the cover. 15 mins later can drink le. If u cnt cut tea or coffee, try decaf lor. Ai ya, my chance low lah cos I totally no feel nothing at all. Really not optimistic at all.

Jasmine, I will still go for the BT lah. Have to go ma. Even af comes also must go de.
My friend did that for her pregnancy, some more full breast meat I guess more healthy not much of oil. And she drinks on alternate days. So I also try lo. I love to drink soups and will try to drink some everyday. Heh.

And I cannot stop drinking Milo!!! Heh...
Sashamama, as long as u r happy and bb will b happy
I1bb, heheh, I'm deceiving myself lor.. Ask a suaku qn, do u all buy the red dates n wolf berries from shops like Eu Yan Seng? Where else can buy? I looked ard for a while b4, din really see it. Maybe I din look carefully enuf.
Tks jasmine. Zennnnnn..... Ouhmmmmm... Lolx

LuvNhope, Ai yo, gal, can buy from any Chinese medical halls de. Even supermarkets have eg. Carrefour ntuc
Hi luvnhope
Better to buy in chinese medical hall like 福华or正中平。more fresh..;)

Hi i1bb
Milo shd be ok as i hv been drinking it together with Anlene daily..

Hi sashamama
Mine due date is 1st Aug.. Yes, i know ur stress as i hv the same stress too.. Now only pray hard every scan we go, bb hb strong n grow well.. Hope laoshi can help us.. When u going for ur next scan? Take care..;)
Hi Joanne,
I'm seeing laoshi weekly, next visit n 2nd Jan. As for Dr Loh, next visit on 13th Jan. I really really hope everything goes well. I still don't feel secure at all.The previous time when I pregnant, I announced officially to family through a dinner, went shopping for preggie clothes, talk to BB everyday, speak in forums sharing preggie stuff etc, end up the happiness was so short-lived. So this time round will naturally withhold complete joy and apprehension takes over.

But am trying to be more positive. Many been saying that mummy's mood must stay positive for goodness of baby, so I must try my best. Am starting to talk to bb more and believe in success. And with my bosses being so understanding, I am really relieved.

Jiayou everyone!!!
Hi Babysmurf,
My last time condition was endometriosis (blood cysts, had 2 surgeries), then since last year worsened to adenomyosis (parts of uterus infected, not much chance for implantation on infected areas, expanded uterus, even worse menstrual pains, and for my case, uterus stuck to intestines and are inseparable now). You can google if you wanna know more
Milo contains cocoa. Any drink that contains cocoa DEFINITELY has caffeine. The caffine content in milo is written on Nestle website which can't be wrong since Milo is from Nestle. If sisters r avoiding coffee, tea and chocolate coz of caffeine, then why is Milo so special & dun hv to avoid? Drinking Milo daily is equivalent to drinking coffee/tea/chocolate daily.. So, if u drnk Milo, means u can drink all caffeine beverages.. Soft drinks also mostly contain caffeine FYI..

For me, I still take coffee daily thru out pregnancy but is only one cup a day.. Or wat dr loh said, one scoop a day, so, one cup does not mean we can put 2 scoop.
There r many types of red dates & dried longans from different origins. those sold at supermarkets usually not as gd quality as those sold in medical shops like hock wah, eys, etc which also will be more ex. All these r dried products, not fresh produce regardless where we buy from. All hv expiry of 6 mths to 1 yr at least. If so, fresh or not, is not applicable, freshness only apply to fresh produce.
Sashamama: sorry medical term too difficult to understand. Laoshi is actually trying to understand. Her sister even go online to search for her. She is wants to help us and customize her healing to our conditions.
Sashamama : went for healing just now. And have a small chat with laoshi. She is happy for you. And wanted to know your condition so she can help you during your healing.
Dear gals,

I think drinking milo in moderation is ok, I drink milo once every 2-3days. I read online that milo contains one-fifth of the caffeine present in coffee. I don't drink anything else with caffeine, never liked coffee nor tea :p. Here's some info I found on this topic if you're keen to read: http://community.babycenter.com/post/a9899365/drinking_milo_when_pregnant

Dear babysmurf,
I'd explain to laoshi when I visit her a few days later. Basically it's The lining that usually lines the uterus moves into the outer muscular walls of the uterus. Those parts where the lining moved to, are unhealthy in a sense and embryo can't implant there.

This condition causes severe menstrual cramps (I was admitted into a&e before due to the pain and the painkiller jab which supposedly last 24hrs only lasted 6) and enlarged uterus.

For my previous IVF cycle, the enlarged uterus dragged up my ovaries too high. So although I had 21 follicles stimulated, doc from NUH only managed to reach 6.

Every time I go scan will scan very long. Cos the surface of my uterus makes the scan very blur, they always have a hard time seeing my insides clearly, hard to find my ovaries, etc.

And for my case, the uterus is stuck to my intestines. So every month during menses, not only jialat cramps but diarrhea/constipation too.

The cause of this is unknown. And the only total cure is to remove the infected parts of the uterus. But this will mean sewing it back and that will risk the uterus bursting when pregnant (which happened before to others). So must wait til close factory then can really treat my condition.

Hope the above helps!
Hi Babysmurf, are you planning to go for a bhcg test at KK? How long overdue is ur menses? You r the one whom Laoshi said can conceive naturally one rite?

I went for my first visit to Laoshi on tue and I asked her whether I can conceive naturally or hv to go thru the IVF route again after failing one fresh and one FET despite no serious issues with me and hb. Before the healing, she told me I can conceive naturally n said she will try jan or feb. After the healing, I asked her again n she told me jan. Not sure wht she tries her best to let us on conceive in the first mth we see her or it's becos I kept asking her for a timeframe tt she told me jan. Hope u'll succeed this mth n be a motivation boost for me!
Morning chocolate: when laoshi do healing, she may have message for us from above. Keep your spirit high and stress free. Cos mens is irregular and I do feel different lately. Even my TCM dr asked me to monitor and test next week. Laoshi also ask me to test next week . Which is like next yr. argh have to wait again.....

Laoshi mentioned that she having abt 10 ladies next jan to be pregnant naturally.
Hi i1bb
All the best to ur bt today..;)

Yes, i agree with what sashamama say abt moderation is ok.. Since caffine in milo is so much little compare to coffee, really no need worry too much if consume.. I drink daily during my cycle but one one tablespoon milo only and rest are Anlene..;)

Hi sashamama
Lets hold hand in hand to walk this journey together till we carry our joy in our arm.. Glad to know u so long since 2ww thread..;) btw, whats ur bb crl now? At how many wk r u now?;)
babysmurf, when I went for healing this wk, laoshi told me hv to leave it to the divine n god's will. i think sometimes we cannot be too kan cheong cos may induce more 1ve energy in us. staying stress free n spirits high is gd energy
Since you still have frozen eggs, just go for FET. Why are you thinking of going for another fresh?

tanny_angelbaby (tanny99),
Ya.. Immunocal taste yucky. But during my time, CARE uses it. Even for those who are preparing for IVF also takes it. Men or women. Its said to be good for the soldiers too. So no matter how yucky, I still drink...

Its good to drink the freshly made ones. That time I heard from dunno where that the bottled ones not good so my FET I didnt drink at all. Sorry cant rem exactly le. Memory failing me...
Reading abt your condition makes me feel that women are really very brave! Every one of us, we must jia you and spread the baby dust ard! The girls in my previous batch all graduated le. Mostly with twins and even triplets. So I wanna tell everyone that we will eventually succeed and will be carrying a baby in our arms very soon! Everyone, preserve and jia you!
I have 8 embbies left. Sometimes thinking of the horrifying bleeding/spotting episodes and all the bed resting during my pregnancy freaked me out. Now with No.1, its like a wish came true. Will just see if god wants to make my dreams come true, else I will Close Factory liaos. U r trying for natural FET ? I am hesitating if I want to attempt Natural FET this time since there are no jabs involved. But my af still screwed after I deliver. Think probably becoz of bf. Hope things will regularise soon.

*Waves*, Don't give up!! God made every individual life's different. As long as u had tried ur best, u will have no regrets when u look back next time. For me, I am indeed v. lucky to strike on my 1st attmpet but I had to go through a difficult pregnancy. So a nv say die attitude and a positive mindset helps. Intending to change Dr or sticking back ?

All ladies in their 2WW,
Stay Positive & Best of luck!

Ladies who are in your stimulation phase,
Don't worry about the quantity of your eggs. Its the QUALITY that counts. I started off with 4 Eggwhites and progressively increased my intake to 10-12 Eggwhites a day. Drank Immunocal throughout the stimulation peroid. After ER, drank longan ginger drink.
Tickles, you are super strong woman ler. last night i try the raw egg whites at home. image this, 2 raw egg whites next to Dr zou's dark black green medicine..... i end up cannot gulp it! so i cook the egg whites with instant noodle...
Ya. Me too. I was like u, keep bleeding during pregnancy. The bleed is like water flowing out from down there. Can freak out lor. Thats why gotta depend on the daily oil jabs.

If you are bf-ing, then wait a while first. My menses did not come till I stop bf-ing which is like MIA for ard 7m. After u stop or cut down on bf-ing, it wil def reappear the next month.

Are u with CARE too? Cos I see the things u take quite similar to those advised by CARE.
Haha! U will get used to it. seriously when I first started off with taking the egg whites I also find it disgusting. If u scared, dun totally take raw ones. Make those similar to the Ya Kun style, Boil the water, put the water into a metal container and put the eggs in for maybe 1-2mins. Then break the eggs. At least it is not totally cooked but its also not super raw. Take it daily and increase slowly.
I didnt take the egg whites and Dr Zou's med at the same time. Too disgusting le. I tae egg whites during dinner time and Dr Zou's med before I slp. At least a few hours apart. Else too torturing to swallow all those at the same time.

You may want to try to take the egg white during the day. eg for breaksfast or tea break.

I used to take 3eggs for breaksfast and another 3 for tea break.
Rainy: Yesterday laoshi so funni. told me didn't be too stress up. Now also holiday season. She even planned for us after graduate to do massage at her place by her sister.

She also higlighted that she will be away for course in sept 2012.
Karen, I didnt miz the egg white with any drinks cos 10 is really a lot. If I still drink with other tings will be very full.

I did try last time but too troublesome to drink too many times. So I just 1 shot drink all during dinner. Also dun need to bring the eggs to office. Later people see le will start asking.
hi ladies, just checking whether anyone of u has used Conceive Plus lubricant before?
i just bought one tube recently but not sure how to insert the liquid cos is in tube form. do we insert the liquid into our vagina or at the 'entrance' of the vagina?
thks for the advice
What is "bf"? Breakfast? Cannot be Boyfriend right? Our boyfriend should be hb or dh mah???

karen, did you put the egg inside the boiling hot holick? meaning you boil the water and add in the egg?

Day, I am now struggling to regulate my af. Last af come and did not stop until 15 days later and then af went MIA. Now come again but it has been 8 days and not stop yet. And worst, I developed a cyst.

I think likely and a high possiblity I will change gynae. I dislike all the waiting! You know what I meant because we went thru the same process...
Looks like many sisters here go to Laoshi now.... I will be seeing her first time this Sat. Hope can strike naturally too or succeed in my next fet in March....

Sunstillshines, ya ya I meant breakfast. Sorry ah I lazy type. Lolx. I make boiling hot Horlick let it cool Abit then pour the ew in and then gulp it all down at one go. The Horlick sort of covered the yucky taste but sometimes got a chunk but I will just gulped it at one go... Not so bad with the Horlick. And hor, can save a meal cos I felt so full after that
